Was he really a bully to Doug?

Or was Doug too autistic to see his attemps at male bonding?

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Hey Holla Forums

He was just a jerk, not an antagonist or supposed to be hated

Thanks for the help.

I think he actually chickened out on a fight when Doug actually called him out on it. I may be mistaken, but either way no I don't think Roger was true Bully.

He was just an asshole who wanted to have sex with Doug.

Dear Journal… Hey… It's been a while, hasn't it? It's been ten years now since graduation. Got a job as a successful freelance artist if you can believe it. Me, Skeeter and Porkchop (who is inexplicably alive and healthy) are still buds and work together for a major comic book publisher here in New York where we now live, although they keep asking us if we can make our characters "more inclusive" (not sure what that means). Judy’s performing off Broadway, Mom and Dad retired, Ol' Mr. Dink keeps sending us videos of his latest purchases… and then there’s Patti… It’s my ten-year reunion, and I didn’t go. I was at home working like crazy, and I got a phone call while there… and it’s Patti. Patti Mayonnaise. And my heart’s beating fast. Forgotten feelings I had long since locked away suddenly start overflowing in my chest despite my better judgement telling me I should ignore them. I'm briefly taken out of my daze as she casually continues, ‘I was at the reunion! You weren’t!’ and I was like, ‘Yeah…sorry…I had to work.’ And she goes, ‘I found out you live in New York. Guess what—I do, too!’ And she told me where she lives. We lived across Central Park from each other. She was right here, with me, this whole time. I couldn't believe it. And she says, ‘Why don’t you come over for dinner?’

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, this was all too good to be true. I’m like, what do I wear? What will she look like!? All that’s happening as I’m walking across Central Park to her apartment, just wondering and just hoping, all those things. All those regrets, could we actually make up for lost time? Was this my chance to make up for my mistakes?

I get to the door, and you get buzzed up in New York, and so I walk up to the apartment and I hear the lock turn—it’s getting ready to happen—and she opens the door… and she’s there… she's… perfect. Just perfect. She just looks spectacular, even more beautiful than I remembered, more graceful and sweet than any memory I had, and she’s so happy, and her arms fly up and we hug, and I’m just [frightened guttural gasping noises]. She backs up and she goes ‘Look, Doug! Boobs! I got my boobs!’ [Laughs.] It sounds like I’m making this up, right? And I’m like, ‘Yeah… yeah, uh huh!’ ‘Yeah, they always used to call me Flatty Patti, but look!’ And she was just funny and fun and innocent, it was just like old times… Doug and Patti together again, ten years later, right? All that was missing was the old gang making silly remarks while Mr. Bones tells us to get back to class. But it was still perfect, like a true second chance. A return to those good old days…

This all sounds so wonderful, right Journal? I could hardly believe it myself, it was all just too perfect… until… she wheels and goes, ‘Oh, Doug, I want you to meet my husband.’

And there it was… the words that utterly destroyed every fiber of my being, rendered me completely broken, all I could do was barely form a nod of false approval. I was becoming dizzy, angry, depressed… so many things, but then that's when I heard it… that voice… that horrible voice… that voice that will haunt me for all of eternity in hell…


And I don’t even remember the rest of the evening… [throws journal into fire]

Where did everything go so wrong?



Well, if it isn't my old pal Funee! Ha ha ha ha!


Hey Douglas! Try my tonguing cream! Simulates the feeling of a real tongue on your cock and ass! It was very expensive…



Why did Doug have such great grills?


He just did.


You shits best stop fucking around with those grills.

Hey Holla Forums

Purple is the color of rape.

I read on the fan wiki that Roger could be as old as 14 while everyone else is 11. Makes him seem a whole lot more pathetic now.

Roger was actually doug's estranged half-brother. He was trying to act as a father figure (phil funnie is a total soyboy) to doug and toughen him up to prevent doug from ending up like himself.

Yeah he was. The final episode of Doug (not that Disney bullshit) revealed that he had been held back by 3 years and was poor as dirt with a mother who was never around and an estranged deadbeat dad. He was a pretty big loser.



Jessica Jones' backstory is the sexiest thing ever to come out of Marvel.

Hey Holla Forums

Hey Holla Forums

Hey Holla Forums

(Check em.)

Hey all me.
t. Holla Forums


Hey Holla Forums

Remember to report this faggot for spam whenever you see him.

Is there more?


Sort of

Doug deserved the bullying.

If anyone has time to waste there's a tumblr page called Doug Funnie's Journal that has summaries for all episodes of it, its pretty funny.

I thought most everyone on Holla Forums had seen that by now, it was posted fucking everywhere for a good while.

Did anyone found any of the Disney Doug episodes?

Perhaps, but it's always a treat to see.

Its mostly just OP samefagging his own thread every time it hits page 4. It makes him feel wanted in some form from his daily pathetic life. Just report and ignore.

Webm or hooktube nigger.

Literally my biggest fetish.

fucking christ thats good

This is it, this is what is missing from current year cartoons, autistic inspiration.

And that, my fellow Anons, is a true blue Dough ending!


Funny note, Doug was heavily based on the creator's life, because aren't all cartoons, but I actually remember a few behind the scenes for Doug. The creator said Doug won't end up with Patti since the girl he based her on, he didn't end up with her. If there ever was an epilogue to Doug it probably would be with "Doug" getting an animation studio. Although I'm sure if you where to write one for where he would be right here and now though, it would probably be extremely depressing due to that studio closing down years ago because of no work.

He was the homosex.

Of course a Jew would say this.

OP stop talking to yourself.

You are now the homosex too.