I am starting to believe, more and more...

I am starting to believe, more and more, that masturbation is the best thing you can do to feel powerful in today's society.

Although this sounds fucking weird, let me explain.

Third wave feminists are trying to take your rights away to be a man. What is the most manly thing you can do? Squirt your seed.

They are trying to take away your manhood? Show your physical manhood a good time.

It acts in defiance of all they stand for. So, #JerkForTrump2017



Something tells me you don't belong here.

Pls lurk 10 years before making another thread.

Nah. Obsession with sex is a female trait, unfortunately for everyone who is addicted. At best masturbation is no better than smoking opium or heroin.

inb4 how u know? A dude I knew back in high school has a group who does this, they need to be purged with rope including the race traitor women with fire

feeling powerful
isn't being powerful
Go lift some weights and run some laps instead.

/nofap/ is literally Jews telling you not to have manly erections.

OP said nothing about porn, you degenerate faggot.

Fuck you for trying to defend his weakness, he is stating that you should stay home and touch yourself, not go out into the public and show your presence. Why do you think we've lost public places to the shitskins?

I used to be interested in the supposed benefits from no fap til I started hearing it might be a stealth feminist plot to make men hate their sex drive.

What the fuck is with this influx of cuckchan tier threads lately?

forgot to sage

there has been memes in cuckchan about the darkest reaches being the master race.
Kewl kids coming our way.

Bad advice and porn are the only things the jew gives away for free.

It wasn't like that when I was in high school though that was back when women still knew how to curtsey.

A fun game to be had with the modern women is to ask her if she knows how to curtsey, of course she doesn't know how but will try in front of you while you can degrade her on this lack of past knowledge.

[citation needed]

Men should not know how to curtsy, you flaming faggot. You should not know if a woman is doing it wrong unless you were taught how to do it right.

Also, women haven't used the curtsy since the 1920s and you are not that fucking old.

This has to be a slide/shill thread. I almost tried to argue against it but it's so ridiculous that it's not even worth it. Sage in all fields.

Only beta faggots jerk off everyday. Go outside and fucking lift

>when you forget to sage


mass sliding

somehow this thread still up

Jesus. Even the bait threads aren't what they once wore. sad.

Well darn, we should just hand the world over to the Arabic, Mexican, and African world since they are champs at this.

Fuck off.


Stop masturbating and start fucking your wife, if you don't have a wife and have no discipline (which is real manliness) then find a white girl and make love to her and if you can't even do that then start gaining more self control or go kill yourself. Problem solved faggots.
