I fixed Africa guys

I fixed Africa guys

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You can't fix what isn't broken

the only not shit borders are East Africa
dat sweet ethiopia and somalia union

sometimes we have to work with what we're left with

Nah, you're just a lazy shit.


you fix it then.

Broken how? Maybe they just enjoy living the way they do. Not even meming.

I fixed the world.



Burgerstan must go, for the good of the world

It's for the best.

Well yeah, the reason there's so much war in Africa is because of the old colonial borders. That shit needs to be balkanized.


How undialectical

Fascist nonsense. Diversity is strength. This fact is indisputable

nationalism is weakness


I considered giving a critique of this for a split second but I gave up after seeing GrossGermaniums


I agree. However, the colonial borders don't even make sense. They put together groups of people who don't even speak the same language or have anything to do with each other. It works in some places like South Africa, which is why I kept that intact. But elsewhere it just leads to confusion and war.

You're joking, right? More differences = More conflict

It's just common fucking sense. Even studies support this

Harvard professor of political science Robert D. Putnam conducted a nearly decade long study how multiculturalism affects social trust.[134] He surveyed 26,200 people in 40 American communities, finding that when the data were adjusted for class, income and other factors, the more racially diverse a community is, the greater the loss of trust. People in diverse communities "don’t trust the local mayor, they don’t trust the local paper, they don’t trust other people and they don’t trust institutions," writes Putnam.[135] In the presence of such ethnic diversity, Putnam maintains that
Even Harvard knows this is all a pile of feel good shit like religion and like religion it relies on persecuting those who dont agree to keep itself mainstream thought.
Full disclosure: After the study was released Putnam was intimidated and harassed because he was accused of helping racists with this study. He later came out and gave a very vague statement saying diversity "had problems but was worth it in the long run" to keep these morons appeased.
This statement gives no indication of the long run is and in fact is not quantified by anything.




Diversity experiments in Germany end in disaster


It just goes on and on.


By the way, to hell with Bantu Africans. They should all be dead. The worst most genocidal and criminal creatures in Africa.

Here you go phamalam


South Sudan is Catholic and just recently left Sudan over reilgion and you put them in Egypt.

No Afrikaans homeland?


Basically what I did was take this pic from Deviantart and expanded on it


My family's from there, user. I can tell you they ain't no slavs up there.


This whole map is absolute shit, fam. borders are stupid in the first place but you found a way to make them worse


Hail Sankara! I'm sure he would love a united West Africa

hug me my big-foreheaded brother

As someone with African friends, this is just fucking awful OP

No memeing, I really thought China and African countries have mutually beneficial partnerships. Is that not the case?

So? There's ten million Christians in Egypt. They can handle a few more.

I fixed North America guys

Nice doublethink

Why aren't Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, and Costa Rica added to Mexico.

Map didn't have them on it

can you not

t. mex


Interesting to say the least

underrated post

kill yourself

Yee haw! The rooster crows, but the hen delivers the goods.


This is how you fix (everything).


Unity is strenght, not diversity.
Diversity is breeding ground for conflict.

This is interesting because there are other place incredibly diverse where people are quite chill about it. What makes it work or fail, i wonder…

Please don't put me under control of those fucking deplorable spics.

Like Columbus and shit right?

what's the white area? ancap territory?

It's shaped like Stirner's head. Or am I imagining it?

fixed the world


Not bad.

holy fuck these borders are so bad



what happened to uk/ire

It's right there, though.

Nah, South Africa just somehow seems to strangely work.

Northern Greece is Albanian clay. Greek Macedonia is Macedonian clay. All of thrace is Bulgarian clay. Albania, Macedonia, and Bulgaria are all Yugoslav clay.

Well yeah, Greece and Turkey must always share a land border. It's just a rule.

Germany wouldn't have lost most of that land if the communist revolution had succeeded, tbh.

It's based on actual tribes. I fail to see how that's worse than the colonial borders.

South Louisiana must be protected as a bastion of the French language. And South Florida is radically different from the rest of what is considered the South.

Unified Korea isn't the DPRK. That's not even the DPRK flag.

Just because Nazis like it doesn't mean it's a Nazi flag. It existed far before the Nazis did and is still used by Netherlands/Flanders unionists, which is exactly what I did.

They got Flanders. What else would realistically be part of a Greater Netherlands?

Yes, under a republic rather than a monarchy.

They wouldn't need to split if the Republicans had won the Civil War.

The Revolution takes all of Ireland and then spreads to Great Britain, resulting a United Republic of Great Britain and Ireland.

Southern africa, suriname, maybe new york.

What's the flag though, it's like diagonal stripes

China takes their resources and helps them build infrastructure, which sounds good, but the Africans are getting ripped off.

What about all those little meme ethnicities though

why they fuck do they gringos get baja? not cool,

also gib yucatan back

It fixed shit.

The Tuaregs are still torn apart by borders.

I run projects in Botswana.

If not for the AIDS, they would be a modern country, not different from Southern Europe.

This map contradicts itself in the Caribbean.

Fucking commies get the fuck out of my Southern Africa.

Jesus fuck why do you fuckers even want to fucking ruin the place. Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Lesotho.

When you make a man's country unrecognizable in a generation no ties will keep him from leaving. (e.g. mass flight from Commie South Africa to Namibia, the closest nation with similar national identity/history). Man will always love his nations.