The necessity of forming a white ISIS

No, I'm not talking about converting to Islam. I'm talking about forming a organisation much like ISIS, with propaganda, mobilisation and funding modeled after ISIS. ISIS brings in soldiers from all over the world into areas of conflict with only a small portion of their soldiers being local to the area conflict is taking place, they fund their organisation through conflict which makes their organisation self sustaining as long as conflict keeps going and they spread propaganda that glorifies conflict that recruits people to join their organisation.

We face the same circumstances that ISIS does. We have no state control and our numbers are dispersed all over the white world and not concentrated in the same place. We are totally outside the systems that control our countries and kept outside of them. Just like ISIS. So what does ISIS do? They move into areas of conflict where the system has broken down and draw in soldiers from all over the world then they make themselves one of the dominate factions in that conflict and take over the conflict.

We can do the same thing. The coming race war in South Africa will be the ideal place for us to launch. There are tens of millions of us worldwide and if we can bring a portion of those numbers into conflict we can become a strategic entity in geopolitics. From conflict we can gain resources and recognition and those resources can be used to expand. After our soldiers finish their tours of duty they can take what they learned from warfare back to their home countries. We will be able to strike anywhere worldwide so long as the system in those places has broken down enough for us to gain entry. As long as the side we're entering on the conflict has control of one road from a neighbouring country, a port or an airport we will be able to gain entry. Or the system in that country has broken down to such an extent that it no longer has control of infrastructure that would allow others entry into the country.

There's no way to stop us from entering conflict. Our countries will prohibit travel but we can country hop to easily evade it. Take a flight to a neighbouring country and enter by air or road or hop multiple countries.

We should call ourselves Crusaders


This is as retarded as the formation of ISIS was in the first place. Why the fuck would we give up being a formless assailant to form an easily assault-able organization.

We want a Stand-Alone Complex, not a group.

FBI, you're not going to get the thousand lone wolves to form up into a pack for you to hunt, sorry.


The FBI wouldn't operate in a war torn South Africa. Are you stupid?

Sure thing, I'll go blow up few gubmint building just for you FBI-kun

Except ISraelIS is funded by western countries, either directly like with Obama or covertly like cheap oil sales or the US forces leaving millions of dollars of equipment in ISIS-held territory. We don't have that kind of funding, also we'd be shoah'd in an instant while Obama defended ISIS. But yeah we could do propaganda. Guys like GEX are few and far in between.

guess you dont beleave the cia created isisā€¦.

ISIS is an intelligence/militant asset created, trained, and funded/armed by Israel, the CIA, and other state-actors. We don't have that kind of backing. If you want to take inspiration from an islamic group, we should be more like Hezbollah, but even they have state-backing.

If you're not an Afrikaner and don't know the conditions on the ground there is no "us". I get the desire to fight, but a bunch of internet autists from Burgerstan aren't going to be the core of a South African white militia. When someone who knows the place and already has a local group calls for international help, then Holla Forumsacks can think about answering.
This is another misunderstanding you have. You are not ISIS. ISIS exists and its fighters are allowed to travel back and forth between the conflict zone and countries in the west because the (((international community))) allows it. A pro-white group will not have that luxury. If your government finds out you have gone to fight in a pro-white militia you will not be allowed to return.

It is truly infuriating what (((they))) get away with. Still waiting on a tangible benefit from having voted for Trump to materializeā€¦


IS is as successful as it is (which isn't much) because it has (((backers))). The strategy of gathering a group around a leader and seizing territory would lead to very fast defeat under normal circumstances. IS survives because they're a tool with a hidden base of support.

you have exactly zero chance of achieving south african levels of societal collapse by simply forming a group.

Are we going to get big $$$ from hillary for doing so? Like ISIS, I mean.


Hello FBI

More like a white Hezbollah, but I get where you're coming from.

You aren't fooling anyone shlomo.

Hezbollah is based since they kill kikes, they should receive more of our support.

Tell your superiors you suck at your job, you suck at reasonable thinking, you've been demoralize by critical thinking, and you can't deal with these weirdos on Holla Forums anymore. I'm sure they've give you a nice job listening to old Arab lady's phone calls to their grandson.

Get ready for the RIDF shill chimp out. Remember RIDF convinced everyone to support a literal commie shitskin

Their organization is a good model for us to study, too. They combine media, paramilitary, political party, and social services. This is how we would need to be if we are to ever have our organizations amount to anything.

The problem, of course, is that Hezbollah has support of Lebanon, whereas white groups face state persecution.

A possibility might be to stage the group out of the country. It seems like a weird idea, nationalists forming outside of their nation, but it might be the only good option for us given the federal infiltration we would see domestically.

Sounds like you enjoy making up bullshit. Take your meds.


don't forget isis only succeeded when jews and allies supported them

typical tricks

National Action (or what's left of them) seem to be working on this idea and doing paramilitary-tier training camps either under some new identity or just without calling themselves a group.

Likewise Generation Identitaire seem to be moving in this direction, but far more legalistic and careful about getting accused of being a right-wing paramilitary group in training. That said the media is still trying to shill them as some kind of closet terror group in waiting of late.


To be fair, they contract this shit out, so he's probably some min wage Booz Allen temp sitting in a gopher den.

Nigga wat

Your thread reads like a bad honeypot attempting to get Holla Forumsacks arrested or killed.


A lot of you seem to not understand. This kind of organisation wouldn't be able to operate domestically in a first world country. We'd get rounded up on terrorism charges. All operations have to be carried out in areas of conflict where law and order has been broken down.

For example, when race war breaks out in South Africa we get permission from the white South African government or military to enter the conflict and use their infrastructure and then declare a call to arms. We have people pour into white controlled SA via country hopping. Since we would be military units in a conflict zone the CIA or FBI would not be able to touch us. It's not like they could waltz in and arrest a battalion of armed military units.

It would operate much like a private military contracting firm.


Not even gonna read. I bet any money you're one of those retarded r9k faggots who sympathizes with Mossad run ISIS because they believe in "their" cause. Fuck off nigger. CF tier.

It might be possible to do it somewhere in South America.

If you're terrified of the CIA or FBI getting you in a fucking combat zone you are completely paralyses by fear. They would be the least of your worries. I'm literally talking about places with there is little to no rule of law.

Found the contraband

They've had small specialized units in every conflict since Vietnam. Even conflicts that the U.S. wasn't a combatant in.

Do you think the CIA just arrests people or something?

Everyone going would know there is a possibility of being killed.

Oh in that case they really are nothing to worry about, they've never even won a war.

They would however claim a group of twenty starved farmers are literal nazis and trying to kill the defenceless dindus and then send in the proper army to assist their fellow niggers. Don't think for a minute that the white genocide isn't going to continue to be praised to heaven and back by the media.

Don't think for a minute that if you roll up in a ball and beg for mercy that you'll be spared. Doing nothing only incites them to kill you more.

ISIS has the same organizational structure as the CIA , because it was created by CIA niggers and their Mossad handlers.

Basically you have to crypto-jew at the top, some real jews and CIA niggers under him forming the command structure then what resembles a collection of synagogues under them who each do their own thing but answer to a central core of senior rabbis. Then these synagogues basically have a collection of Muslims who think they're at a Mosque.

So if we were to replicate this in Holla Forums we could probably have James Comey at the top, some FBI agents with their CIA nigger handlers under him and then the various synagogues with little signs on top that say 'natsoc division' 'esoteric mystic division' 'kek division' '/k/ommando division' ect

I'm not saying don't help them, I'm just pointing out you're not looking at a small squad of trannies being flown in from Langley, but rather a largescale conventional war against an entire western army.

That would need to be accounted for, and realistically speaking makes SA a poor target since there's really no way out of there once the airways have been shut down. You would be better served building up somewhere with land connection to a majority country. One of the reasons the mudslimes do this so well is that they can count on the locals to cover for them, and need only drop their rifle to blend in.

This already exists but i dont see why u want to be labeled as a terrorist organization and one based on isis as well who are incredibly unorganized if it wassnt for the third party funding they would of never lasted a few months

If that happens. It happens and there is a good possibility of it. If we don't resist we'll be wiped off the face of the earth. If we do resist we have a chance of winning.

Our choices are to either die or fight and possibly live or die. If we don't fight we are guaranteed to die. If we do fight there is a chance.

Bulgaria is looking like a more and more appealing place. Not only is the core of this already in place, it's on the front lines of the islamic invasion, and near enough to the rest of europe that we don't need to be wiped out to a man every time we lose a battle. When you look at the things happening in the ukraine, and what could potentially happen in serbia should the eu disappear and with it the money used to prop up the puppet government there there could be some big things in store for the region.

There are nation states that operate independently from US geopolitical strategy. It's out of the question that we receive state sponsorship.

Not out of the question, I mean

Holy shit CIA could you be any more obvious?


Cowards aren't good for anything. You should kill yourselves.

I don't even want to know what of life you're currently in. It's probably depressing and of low value. Sorry, user.

where do I type my social security number?


For agent57, this is just satire

You're so terrified of the FBI or CIA that you're unwilling to talk about hypotheticals That's cowardice to an extreme degree.

Mate, do you think our (((governments))) would give a shit if we had permission of the rebel government?
We'd be thrown in prison if we'd ever be stupid enough to try to come back.

Yes. I'm a coward. I'm just here to shitpost. That's better than nothing.

I still dont understand why we should become something we hate and something inherently non white

Where the fuck have you been for the past 3 years? ISIS got most of their funding by selling captured oil to the Turks/Israelis, not by being soldiers of fortune.

This is a board about politics.
This is not a board of extremist terrorists.
OP can fuck off.

For all you faggots calling for what OP is calling for - you are asshats.

If your identity is compromised then you won't be able to come back at least while that government is in power. It's not the end of the world. You could also die too.

It's actually nothing. Being "redpilled" means nothing. It gets you nowhere. Over 90% of whites in SA are aware of the problem of blacks. Yet they relented to black demands. Do you know why they did this? Fear and being unwilling to stand for their lives. Every white in the world could be "redpilled" and it means nothing if they're not willing to do anything.

If conflict is inherently nonwhite then just embrace pacificism and wait to die.

Not much of a threat in the modern world though, is it? Assuming nothing changes, why bother living on? To see the last of our women get muh dicked to death by negroes?

Death in the fight for a better world sounds a lot better than watching the current world develop, at least to me.

Not being able to see my fatherland again, now that's much more of a threat. I'd at least like to get buried in European soil rather than getting my bones gnawed by feral chimps.

The only person who can decide to do such a thing is the person who has the funding to provide the material support required. If you aren't that person, you are going to be prey for the Feds who will pretend to be a financier. At the same time, recruiting is truly difficult due to the attempts of the Feds to infiltrate groups. Even mob-style "kill to prove your loyalty" won't work when you are dealing with people who are on the hook to have their lives ruined by the cartel cabal.

I think a similar sort of organization should exist though. Not in order to fight in war zones, but to unleash an assault on the cultural edifice of the modern world. Individual efforts to impact culture are by definition meaningless due to that individuality. There must be a complete fruition of a counter-society within the fake world which has been created. The ideal of the restoration of our race must be shown as a spectacle, something which the propagandist media machine cannot resist observing. I suppose here the problem is that seemingly everyone who comes forward to attempt such a thing turns out to be a subhuman or a subversive agent. This loops back around to the point that the only person who can form such an entity is the person willing to put forth the funding and expose himself to the full contempt of the world. Then, anyone who is ready to drop the mask of anonymity applies to become a member of the Black Knights.

It's kind of pointless for us to talk about it unless one of the daytrade princes wants to put his money where his mouth is.

Can't happen in Europe without funding, and if we would actually form such a group we'd have actual competent militaries cracking down on us. Since western elite troops are trained much better than those in middle east.

If you would form such a group the only real option you'd have is to crash countries their entire structure. Electrical grid, nuclear facilities and such. What you can do is a quick takeover of 1-2 nuclear facilities and use that to negotiate, but that's about it. And then the only other option is destabilizing that stuff, but that would mostly harm our own people.

I get what you're trying to say but it's just impossible. It's much better that people supoporting our cause take over countries because they can apply pressure and potentially violence much better than people like us as an outside group could do.



I feel like we deserve to go extinct with this level of cowardice and apathy some of our people show. You're comfortable numb.

This is true as well.

Though an effective military organizational structure would obviously all look similar to each other.

Yes I already said that this is not what we should focus efforts on. Efforts should be put into organizing and rallying under people who could lead and they could apply pressure into countries through the political system instead of a violent chimpout (such as taking over a nuclear reactor).

Did you even read the next sentence?

I'm not talking about invading sovereign countries. I'm talking about entering a conflict with the permission of one faction in that conflict.

https ://


Let me know when you got a direct line of funding, supply and training from a foreign government's covert operations organization and then we'll talk.

There was a Haliburton ad on the radio today. Shit is definitely afoot.


send the niggers from liberia to fight the niggers in south africa

"The necessity of forming a white ISIS"
That is retarded.
We are already FAR superior, and we haven't even started trying properly yet.
Giving shape to the shapeless would be a mistake.
We are like an invisible lone wolf army.
Better that it stays that way.