Nothing happened... but it could have!
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Someone should tell her it doesn't work that way.
What a pig!
Such a vicious cycle… remember just weeks ago…
>She further said she was subject to racial abuse from Anthony Edwards, Noah Wyle, and Julianna Margulies for her Mexican heritage.
Sounds like he just wanted to go over the scene with her tbh. The gun was probably a prop.
Don't you know the only reason men show a gun is to rape? Jee.
all the retards who went along with this shit just because a few joos got zapped will regret it later
Maybe it wasn't that kind of gun. 😉
Bullshit if Steven Seagal wanted to rape some bitch do you think that rape would ever not happen? This is Steven Ducking Seagal we are talking about.
Nope this is just another used roastie fishing for victim shekels and publicity.
Steven Seagal is king of the weebs
I doubt it. It's just a diversion from real issues like everything that gets mainstream coverage these days. It's a limited hangout that will have no tangible effects apart from a few shabbos goy celebs being punished and the plebs thinking "we rly made a difference guys". What do you think is going to happen?
Why would I regret anything? Non-jews who go along with their game deserve everything they get.
More people waking up to it actually happening at all.
People (((they))) rely on to be asleep. Every way you look, a jew is getting fisted in the ass by the long arm of the law.
You also have false accusation shit like this from shitlib hollywood catladys by any other name making the left in general look ridiculous. Seems like the jew-left is full of scandalous rapey dirty fucks.
Yeah this will go nowhere.
Everybody who was ever on that Good Wife shit said she's a completely insufferable cunt.
hes apparently a well known creep
By who's standards? Tumblr thinks asking for a girl's phone number is being a creep.
He wanted to rape John Leguizamo once
Like giving off rapey vibes and probably at the least willing to physically assault if not verbally
What an oxymoron, Frank