Trump signs bill authorizing NASA funding, Mars exploration
We will built a new white civilization and make the ayy lmaos pay for it!
The bill also sets goals for constant development of the Orion capsule and the SLS, and cuts NASA's research into "climate change" as well. All around great.
I can't wait for the first colony drop.
My favorite part of this is that the I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!! crowd is going to be hamsterwheeling and doubletalking trying to explain why "drumpff" is actually terrible for scientific endeavors.
How do you think they will try to spin this to turn this into a negative thing? Minorities and the Earth are suffering while Trump is playing on Mars!! Tranny and nigger astronauts for inclusion!
Remember when they tried to play the victim card with the 20 million starving in Africa, and the guy helping Trump fix the budget didn't give a fuck and confirmed we were cutting foreign aid?
What do you mean how will they spin it, you know the answer. Doesn't even matter if gibs are several times the funding of the space program.
If there happened to be an ancient race of subterranean Martians, do you think mankind would be able to defeat them?
That and he cut funding cor climate change research. They'll screech to no end about it.
Oh my God.
Why must you remind me of that?
Why not?
is that from a movie or something?
The fact that the left has been saying this since space endeavors became a thing boils my blood.
I still have uncontrollable smug when I see Trump sitting in that office.
How are we going to prevent what's happening on Earth to happen on Mars?
Noice. Planetary race war when?
His sharkteeth are really creeping me out.
we need to save mars from the space jews. after we save earth from the earth jews.
We're shooting for the stars Dahnald
Didn't someone prove that poverty relief efforts got more money than the space program?
I gaurantee there's twitter salt over this right now but I'm too gay to ever go on twitter.
Snap/ebt alone was $75 billion last year.
But what are we going to do when left starts to say that we need to take in ayy lmaos into our society to be more inclusive, and call us xenuphobes if we refuse?
Can we stay here and send the non-whites to the sun?
I like the way you think user.
They'll probably find a way.
Don;t worry. Any race advanced enough for interstellar travel will hate niggers and communists.
Autist MC a cute.
Yes xeno scum, we're coming for you. Your skulls will adorn the prows of our battlecruisers.
We'd fuck them
At that stage they may annihilate us all simply because we didn't torch them yet.
We need a lunar colony first. After all, the Moon is the largest man-made object in the solar system.
If they haven't had space flight and are stuck underground, yes yes we would. I'm more excited about the prospect of us seeding life all over the fucking place, just for kicks. No oxygen? We've got a pocket of non-oxygen breathing microbial life in the ice caps so we can just chuck that shit there. Titan? Nanomachines, son. Europa? If there is breathable oxygen we can just chuck a fuck ton of deep sea marine life and special genetically modified organisms to balance out everything that's missing without the sun.
Gentlemen, we will be the progenitors of the universe.
i've quickly skimmed through the bill
Is this what Winning feels like?
I will actually go back to school if it's required to explore space. Last resort if I can't be a space marine.
that middle picture
Sorry but your test results came back revealing over 2% goyim DNA. As such you are unable to operate or board space-bound craft.
I think you're confused user.
I just don't get the fucking appeal
THIS is what they got to replace the wog that hates white people?
posted this to social media and expect flat earthers and climate change people to pounce vigoursly.
Execute checkem 66
Does that mean we're going to Mars?
Trump confirmed awesome step-dad who can do no right in the eyes of his new stepchild.
"Hey kiddo, I'm gonna make space great again. You kids still like space, right?"
Purge The Jedi! Force War Now!
You know how much food stamps could be distributed to marginalized people with this amount of monies wasted on rockets and science shit?
You know how much I don't care?
Ask yourself, why does Trump want to explore space if we have "no technology".
Perhaps they lied to you about the technology that is actually available.
Perhaps the masons just want a lot of money.
Perhaps we need to make mars as a fort for the upcomming intergalactic war of 2040.
Perhaps many things we don't know.
Trust Bannon.
That's her secret user;
she's always hungry
Whoa, I didn't even WANT doubles. Gott mit uns.
Exactly. Imagine the idea of these kike faggots REEEing because they have to pretend to love science while at the same time autistically screeching at Trump, despite being the first president in decades to ramp up the space program.
Is that Carmack talking to Carmack?
what the fuck is wrong with the USA?
Hey let's go to the moon!
Okay let's defund NASA focus on something else
Okay let's go to Mars instead
No, just nu-male youtube science poseurs.
You forgot to add that the (((white males))) leading the "environmental movement" are largely of a certain background. Yes indeed, it's a Jews surreptitiously playing both sides episode again.
I think the Mars hype is a good idea to inspire new generations of young h'whites to set their eyes upon the stars like they have in ages past. That's one step in the right direction even if Mars is just a gay as fuck rock with nothing worthwhile to discover there (it most likely isn't).
That being said, WE REALLY need to get out shit together as a country and start dominating ocean exploration. The amount of money spent on it is a joke. There should be a fucking race between the superpowers of the world to map and explore the entire ocean floor, but nah, 5% is good enough.
It's time to
Oh man. There it is.
Soon everything inside the galaxy will be ours.
You reminded me that there is still a lot to discover and do on this planet, much of it being below sea level. We need underwater colonies, but they can't be too far below sea level because the darkness would cause people to go insane.
>someone inseminated that John Michael Higgens lookalike…perhaps willingly.
That's it. Too much Holla Forums for one day.
Thanks for dropping the average IQ by a percentile.
Doctor Shekelberg did using the seed of a fucking ignorant gentile.
Why did Obama spend eight years importing freeloaders when he could have housed and fed every american cheaper?
But didn't the magical negro solved all of this country's problems?
The white man will retake our home world Mars, so we can finally end this god forsaken war with the curly haired mongrels.
Wew laddie
Where's this fucking wall already?
a wall doesn't necessarily have to be made of brick, concrete, or any other solid material.
Same people bitching about Space Exploration are the same sub-human garbage bringing in third worlders that are replacing our jobs, including theirs, eventually, and creating the suffering and poverty in the first place.
How about we work on a space elevator first to drop the trash of our society out into space.
I've got a replacement after-school program for you. It's called "SPEND SOME GOD DAMN TIME WITH YOUR OWN CHILD".
Well it doesn't matter if it's a wall of flaming turds, ghetto weaves or halftime superbowl beer farts.
My point is, we still don't have a wall.
It is pretty easy to make areas impossible to walk through alive
Liberals are so fucking predictable. They will spend billions on criminal spics and refugee rapists, but when someone on the right wants to go to space they all of a sudden remember the poor pitiable poor.
Thankfully it's well documented and they've firmly secured their place on the rope based on past deeds alone.
Space exploration is nice and all, but I think exploring the rest of this planet first should be priority.
Because seep sea is still limited space and limited resources. Deep space is unlimited space and nigh unlimited resources.
Fuck you. We are retaking Mars and making use of the vast minerals within our asteroid belt.
I will make seafloor colonies real.
I don't like large bodies of deep water, so fuck the ocean.
And fuck the Hideauze too.
Well I guess it's a little bit more than the 18 billion Obama would allocate. This is good.
Fuck them.
They're intellectual hypocrites that do nothing but virtue-signal endlessly.
dubs to kill yourself
They already are, extremely hard
>we should stick to unmanned exploration until the technology is thoroughly tested a democrat president is in office
It's pathetic, really.
Space Exploration has exponentially more massive possibility to help people than throwing rice at them. Also it's such a stupidly small percentage of the budget. I'm sure there's plenty of reasons to criticize NASA the specific agency, but these stupid liberals don't even know any of that shit.
Witnessed. Praised Kek.
This is the biggest reason I despise niggers by far. Not their behaviour - animals will be animals - but them robbing us of our manifest destiny.
christ those people are some of the worst types of normies
No dubs should go unchecked
Cleansing academy of cultural marxists is near. Atleast the popular science crowd can be cleanse over this.
You forgot to include the part where she says "white people like me" or "us whites".
You're right, of course. Man, that's disgusting.
Quit posting that degenerate shit.
Says you.
I did the maths for a manned trip to a planet/system that might be habitable.
It was something like a 40000 year trip with current technology.
That said, we were drunk. But god that is bleak.
Then don't use current technology.
I also think underwater colonies might be the next venture if the pollution of third world countries and fukushima isn't so bad that desal is nonviable now.
That said, I still drink desal water and lately I haven't been feeling so good.
That's easier said than done.
We're running out of time for innovation - see
I already think we're doomed.
There are lots of potentially habitable worlds nearby. And by the time we can into interstellar travel, we'll be really good at surviving in the void anyway, with planets serving as resources, safe havens for large underground habitats and potentially terraformable new homes. But you don't get anywhere without living in spinning stations and on icy, dead rocks.
So we really are turning into a caste system.
That's ok for all you purity fags, but I hope I'm an anomaly in my demographic.
C'mon user, it's not so bleak as that, technology wise.
We're on the cusp of a revolution in physics the likes of which has never been seen before.
We don't need a revolution in physics. FTL travel is unlikely to ever be discovered, but we don't need FTL travel. Just lots of energy and work.
That is to say "barely livable"
It probably won't be pragmatic to move there and live. We'd have to rely on a miracle or some form of sleeper ship to a distant more habitable planet.
Then there's the issue of actually getting there.
Then there's the issue of putting people in stasis or possibly relying on this
Then there's the problem of whether we can rely on robots enough for this.
All of this has to be done in a minimum of 1 to 5 years. I don't think this planet and it's "hive" can last much longer before it reverts to a new dark age or worse a "fallout -esque" scenario.
Finally another man of patrician tastes. Kudos.
Actually we need a revolution in physics.
I think people need to highlight it's esoteric philosophical roots more. That way people will observe the world immediately in front of them and catch "big ideas".
But I can already see where that would lead to - hysteria.
I'm a "wolf in sheep's clothing" so to speak.
I hate that Holla Forums is right sometimes.
Well, we don't choose our genes. Maybe we could specify it as being the same as "indoctrination against will" until we find a way to eliminate the bad genes?
Why does the moon "ring like a bell" when impacted with objects at high velocity?
In order to build starships you need to work in space, lots of resources and energy - you need to colonize the solar system. Any new star system you find is unlikely to host a planet suitable for human habitation right away. And terraforming, once again, requires the ability to live and work in space. But this is no argument against it. You can't conquer the stars if you can't live in the void. Places like the system of Saturn offer a place where billions could live in luxury, so long as they're willing to work for it a bit.
We don't need a revolution in physics, just a lot of engineering work. Plausible propulsion designs that could do it are a dime a dozen. The problem is actually building any of them. Consider that we could have lifted millions of tons to Mars before we even did the moon landing if only project Orion wasn't scrapped.
Frankly all people need gene modification.
And the current generations will likely be discarded for these future generations. We also need a new method of teaching people. We need them to know the hive, understand the hive, work within the framework of that hive. They need to be connected to information. They need to know the libraries of information we already have (if possible).
But there is no other way I can see. Unless Jesus appears.
I agree. I'm white, I have that viking blood in me, but hot damn I'd love for my kids to have blue eyes and a stronger jawline than what I got.
tl;dr shockwaves travel through dry solid materials more efficiently than they do through things like soil, water, moist rock, or molten rock.
I can get behind this.
Why do we necessarily need a planet?
It sounds like we're better off making something like "halo" or the death star (kek imagine the reaction from the left for "Trump's new deathstar plans")
Then we send ships from that base to mine for minerals and chemicals.
We also need to maintain a population that is fully self aware. Almost like troops on a spaceship.
There's definitely issues with gravity, radiation, energy supplies, etc.
Odd.. because I do have blue eyes.
I fucking envy you. My mother made the insane mistake of marrying a half spaniard, so even though I inherited most of my mother's side, his side affected my eyes, giving me these weird greenish brownish eyes. I hate them.
The Gattica movie predicted this future
So apparently not a single penny goes into any social program anymore. This is a better bill than I thought.
The only old people that should be getting money are the people that are using their retirement fund and disabled veterans.
Gattaca certainly was accurate.
The pictures ought to be a clue that I agree. The thing about planets is, most of them are no habitable (at least in the near term). They are, however, incredibly common and also where most of the matter we can conveniently access is located (unless you fancy diving into burning stars). Humanity in space will probably be mostly spread out in various man-made habitats with a slowly growing number of terraformed worlds where suitable planets exist. And there is nothing wrong with that - anyone with a heated house in winter is already highly dependant on technology to survive, it just seems mundane since we're already living it and understand it. Space habitats will be the same to our great grandchildren.
for you
thanks famalan
They plea to religion next.
You know, the same religion they rejected in order to fulfill their liberal fantasies in the first place.
That's when it will finally click. While I bet many will actually fall for it.
Don't confuse spics with Spaniards. There are plenty of brown and green eyed whites, saying anything else is just more D&C.
We have a lot of kinks to cover though.
As I mentioned with our irradiated polluted oceans, how can we guarantee the safety of the supplies we need, the habitat we require?
Not confusing spics with Spaniards. His family was originally from Spain, and then they came to the states.
Are you a shill? You sound like a shill. I could assume you're retarded, but I'll just save myself the trouble and assume you're a shill
By that you mean how godless libfags will try making arguments such as "that's not very christian of you! jesus was a refugee!" etc?
That shit makes my fucking blood boil.
I hate to be "that guy", but we're still in Obama's economy. Trump's first economic year won't begin until October 1st.
I think he's worried it's not going as planned.
It needs to go as planned as soon as possible.
Funny how they never quote the old testament.
What is the point of Mars exploration?
Shouldn't we focus on asteriod mining, space station building and space manufacturing?
You're the man, user
People live during the polar night just fine, you pussy.
There are problems, but filtering for radioactive and polluted water isn't one of them - mostly because earth is not going to be the source of water for any space colony. There are far more easily accessible sources in far shallower gravity wells. In fact, besides the initial phase, very little material will need to be lifted from earth. Mostly complex organics to kickstart hydroponic, funghal or bacterial ecospheres, fissile materials and some complex stuff like superconductors, complicated electronics etc. But with additive manufacturing the latter will quickly be available in situ.
Nothing wrong with Spaniards. Be proud of your heritage.
They don't quote jack shit whatsoever. The high church protestant cuckolds are the ones that do that, and they're another massive problem in and of themselves. No, the fedora libcucks just have this second-hand flanderized version of jesus in their mind. They think Jesus is just The Dude telling everyone "hey maaan, let's all get along! intersectional peace and respect, 420 blaze it!"
Even the new testament isn't cuckold bullshit. They just ignore everything that doesn't fit the world view. For example, they'll chide ", “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone" but they purposefully leave out the next line, which is NOW GO AND SIN NO MORE
I suppose they do have a decent history of conquering subhumans. Just after seeing people talk about pure aryans, it almost gets to me because I'll never be pure aryan, and I wish I was.
The other big issue with deep sea atmosphere is that the people living/working there have to adapt to a helium rich atmosphere. Oxygen becomes super deadly that far down. It makes for some serious adjustments, The Navy has never allowed a DeepSAT for more than 3 days at a time.
Also, you're kinda stuck there. You can't just bob up back to the surface and say howdy. Your body has to be re-acclimated or you'll die a pretty horrible death.
Also, no fried chicken. So, there's that.
ment for
So no niggers? Count me in.
Pretty much, yep. Can't fry things in a deepsat environment. There is a plus, though. Lots of women. The Navy figured out that women handled deepsat environments better than men, so you can count on there being plenty of highly skilled women around.
Yeah sure, shill. Good to know my jewdar is working.
Obama is in office for 8 years:
Trump is in office for 2 months:
Filtered, reported, faggot
You are either a shill trying to derail a thread with D&C, a newfag or a troll. So stop. On this board, the European nations and the Anglo diaspora are all considered white. Slavs, Latins, Germans, Finns - all white.
Figured as much. It is quite amusing, but the concept is sound. Ice mining in the rings of Saturn, the moons of the gas giants and the asteroid belt is going to be a massive industry. Given how common water ice is in our solar system, it's probably similar in others as well - so much of humanity will by necessity have to live where said ice is available, in artificial habitats. I don't see how that is any different from wearing clothes to make up for our lack of fur an using knives to make up for our lack of claws.
fukken saved
sage for doublepost
I'm not trying to derail anything, fuck off. I'm just trying to learn once and for all so I never have to ask again. If you have a problem with a curious mind, that's shit you need to work on.
We've had 8 years of Obama's economy you fucking faggot
I think we're getting distracted from topic but I will say this.
There is no more fearsome wrath than the wrath of god.
And I remember reading some zoroastrian point of view about god. God being the fire. The energy that produces the very fabric of the universe and allows us to live in our current forms.
So I read "wrath of god" as the wrath of the universe itself.
Also that machine looks like a good idea. I think the idea would be to produce a micro environment that resembles the systems on earth.
Trees, water, air, light, animals.
Then all you would need to do is maintain the structure that encloses it.
The issue I see as being the biggest is radiation.
Then I remember how the gravity pull on IO by jupiter stimulates the core and creates a magnetic field and I thought "maybe some of these moons are the same elsewhere". That might be enough to cacoon the structure in a magnetic field. In fact just finding a moon close to a planet with a field may be enough.
Ganymede comes to mind. It has it's own field and also has water.
One issue with ganymede is gravity though.
been watching the Expanse, by any chance?
This is probably the most attractive thing about surface colonies. Stellar and GCR radiation, being mostly massive particles, is most easily stopped by dense layers of matter - aka atom nuclei. They produce electromagnetic radiation, but this is most easily stopped by dense electron clouds - so heavy metals like lead or, ironically, Uranium work great. This means while you need a several meter thick outer layer of something like water or hydrogen in an orbiting habitat, and an inner layer of metal shielding, on planetary, moon or asteroid surfaces you can just shovel a couple of meters of the local regolith on top of your habitat and be done with it. Or dig tunnels.
Drones like that are going to be the workhorses of future humanity's life support.
remove space squids soon fellow comerades
Yes and then they get several months of nothing but sunlight. Eternal darkness is maddening just like living in the concrete jungle is. Stop being a machismo fag.
Gib gibs, dem po nigez is a hungri!!!
The weak are culled, the horizons expanded beyond our grasp so that we might reach.
Did they die?
forgot to post some pretty pictures to go with my post
What if there are "squids" that already react with us that we can't see with our current sense of perception?
Think "demons".
One other issue I see is the construction of such a project while in space.
In that case people live in the concrete jungles just fine. I'm just saying it is something that you can get used to.
I need to watch this animu. It reminds me of Space Battleship Yamato.
What happened to the mEMe drive that was circulating around the internet? did they shoot that into space yet?
You can't get used to it for long, which is why things tend to collapse. Always happens.
How many marijuanas have you injected today?
The answer is not to listen.
Do what is best, by your own decision.
When society is mostly stable, fund progress like mad.
Palpatine did nothing wrong.
Nothing that daunting about construction in space, besides initial capital investment. This paper should be required reading on Holla Forums, I think:
That was one of the only good anime I've seen in the last 5+ years.
I already figured it out.
Muh gibs fo' dems minorities
Muh gibs fo' dems climate change organizayshins
For example?
I don't know of any studies confirming your words, and considering how people can live in the harshest environments, I think they would definetly get used to it just fine. People live in polar circle, space and submarines and they tend to be fine. Prolonged experinces would only mean that they would need some suplements, live Vitamin D, to counter the lack of sun, from the medical perspective that's pretty much it.
A space faring civilization will not tolerate intergalactic cucks. We will adopt an "exterminate on contact" policy or face enslavement or extinction ourselves.
I was referring to the old one, but the remake is fantastic. I need to watch the movie.
Sheev did literally nothing wrong. The Republic was a bloated and ineffective piece of shit, and Sheev was right to restructure it as an empire. Hell, Sheev even downsized the central government and gave direct control of systems to the regional governors. He was a major advocate for states' rights and was far more toward the libertarian side of the spectrum than those corrupt globalist Galactic Republic shitters.
They only ever attacked those who rebelled against the government. Blowing up Alderaan was literally no different than nuking Japan.
The Imperials always did things by the book, as they respected the rule of law. It's subtle, but you'll note that Vader never just went around killing and oppressing people for no reason. For example, let's take a look at Lando and Bespin in ESB. Note that Vader points out how Lando's operation is illegal, and that he's actually being fairly merciful.
Look instead at the precedent set by the Galactic Republic. The republic was so poorly structured that they didn't even have a goddamn standing army, and when they needed one, they had to use brainwashed slave clones. That's right, senpai. The "benevolent democratic republic" used SLAVE LABOR to fight its wars for it.
On the other hand, people actually voluntarily enlisted with the Empire's military. Hell, even Luke wanted to enroll in the Imperial Academy, along with all his friends. So apparently the Empire really isn't that bad when you're just a regular galactic citizen. It's only "bad" according to the propaganda give to people by the Jedi and by the Rebels. And there are clear conflicts of interest. The Jedi are just butthurt that the Sith won in their little religious power struggle. The rebellion is headed by a bunch of butthurt globalist senators who are mad that their power was diminished when power was given to regional governors instead. They're just mad that the PEOPLE of the Galactic Empire chose Sheev over them.
Gattica showed it as bad, while most here probably see it as good.
I see it as bad, since people could be discriminated against even when they are superior, by just assuming their genes are perfect predictors of performance.
Empires always fall to barbarians because they rot from within.
Gotcha. I haven't seen any movie/sequel either.
Open cycle nuclear thermal are the most efficient of the nuclear thermal rocket designs, but they release all the decay products out with the propellant and thus are environmentally untenable.
Nah how about we just shoot them there on a space trebuchet.
That should read 'fission' products, not decay products, I'm tired…
Apparently season 2 of the anime remake is in production as well.
I hope they don't fuck it up and turn it into fapbait.
Oh it will be fapbait user. Fapbait for fans of space.
Are we talking about barbarians or survival in space, you kinda lost me here.
If anything survival in the darkness of space would only strenghten out spirit.
The darkness I was talking about was deep underwater. It's totally black. Space at least has stars and if we're talking colonies on moons then you got a large planet reflecting the light of sun in view.
Well, what matter does a bunch of small flickering lights make, might as well never look out the window, in both cases light is going to be artifical anyway so the difference is insignificant. And by the way there is no real need to go that deep where there is completely no sun anyway, there is a lot of space in the ocean.
If you don't want to live in muh underwater paradise nobody is forcing you.
haha based space travel
Since the most persistent and easiest to gather type of energy in space is solar*, and even void habitats need a constant trickle of material due to various losses, there aren't going to be any habitats in the dark. No human is likely to ever live so far that the sun is just another star. Even places like Uranus, Neptune and the (inner) Kuiper belt receive enough light to have a day and a night.
*Solar is still shit as a means of generating power on earth's surface due to the atmosphere, weather and day/night cycle.
bumping because accidental sage
get fucked kike, pic related
Not the moon.. you can't go to the moon just yet, you need permission, as well as going to Ares. Permission was granted in 2001 for the mission to Ares.
Nuclear fission, and in the future maybe fusion, will solve energy problem in the outer reaches.
I admit that interstellar space will probably be passing-through only, but the kuiper belt has usable volatiles, and so one only needs a steady supply of U-233 or whatever fission fuel one runs on. If fussion becomes workable, then the volatiles (water ice, with higher deuterium fraction than on earth) will be our fuel as well.
Do you think there's anyone listening?
Quiet, they'll hear you.
Because you attention-whoring, glory-hounding control freaks ruin everything and make it all about yourselves! Now fuck off and let the right- err, white man fix the world.
If we build any serious starship, we'll overtake those probes within a year.
the stars on our flag will represent actual solar systems, make no fucking mistake.
Make Mars Great Again.
>we literally meme the imperium into existence by memeing Trump into presidency
Holy shit, can we take a moment to acknowledge that Bach is
Bach is great, and so are those dubs. But if you want ayys to appreciate him too, better boost him up with proper rockets
Its actually easier to survive on Mars than the Moon.
On the moon, you're missing almost everything needed to sustain life. On Mars, you are just missing nitrogen.
That is one unholy meme, user.
HOLY FUCK you Americans need to do something about this. Why would anyone allow this shit?
Put them to work growing their own food, by a minimum effort you will have cut the cost by at least 3/4th. That's 77 billion dollars, it might require a or 2 billion to hire government workers to enforce it.
Build government housing so you remove the rent sharks and enforce drastic police within it. The hoodrats will be controlled and the niggers who have potential can escape the stringent rules to a more free society. Pay them to stop breeding rather then subsidizing it.
Give power back to the teachers, beat these niglets if they act up. Suspend their asses if they act up and put them in a problematic children class separated from those with potential. You don't play around with niglets, you enforce behavior!
Leftist truly fucked the US to the point where this will come to a stalemate.
See the paper provided in
pls no
Get ready for the space jam bitch USA USA USA
Tbh I have a hatred of stars, Jews will do that to you. I'd just switch it for a black sun (in white) or a white swastika.
0% Interest Rates are good though.
Maybe someone is listening.
Yes, but you do know how fiscal years work in the US, right? The current fiscal year ends on September 30, 2017. It began on October 1, 2016. Obama was still President and it's his economy. That's just how it works, kiddo.
And what's is Rubio thinking?
nigga das raycis
I assume the same
Did anybody notice Ted Cruz resting 3 of his fat fingers on Trump's desk?
What was he doing Holla Forums ?
He's taking in what he cannot own
X4 better be gud and not a total failure like rebirth
This is just yet another step in Cruz's plan.
He's going to gain all the extraterrestrial delegates of the space colonies to win the nomination
Is it any good? Got it in a bundle ages ago and never installed it
yea it's a great game, only modern space game that's any good besides space engine. it's mostly about trading and economics - though you can play a combat focused style but I've never tried.
If you're ready to "invest" a lot of time it's worth it but don't expect anything incredible from the campaign/story missions. The best part is having total freedom. You can go full pirate or become a small trader and eventually build up a huge industrial empire with your own fleets. The game doesn't force you to focus on something specific so you can do it all if you want. The interface can be annoying at first but you'll get used to it.
There's plenty of mods/scripts available on the official forum but try the original game first. Once you have some experience you can try XRM - X3 Rebalance Mod (it adds a lot of ships, map sectors and more).
My favorite space game is Space Engineers. There is no POZ forced into it, you just build and mine shit in space.
That doesn't at all sound suspicious
Shouldn't of sold our people Boomer
Sydney is not Australia
You mean the jew problem? We simply disallow jews from leaving earth.
Yes, a fuckton of it. the Martian atmosphere is 6mbar.
you sound retarded even if you're not a shill
Let me be honest, I don't think humanity can survive (even in space) as long as a single Jew, Arab or Nigger remains.
Space isn't fucking real, the crypto-kike Nazis at NASA are liars, hoaxers and masonic pedophile-cannibal-murders.
Mars is a light in the sky beneath the dome NOT a terrestrial world you can visit. Just go oven yourself if you want to argue this annon.
Hello, Rato.
Oh shit Satan what are you doing.
niggers already fucked up the first new world, we can do our own work for fuck's sake it's not worth it if you're going to send them anywhere send them into the sun
Martian soil has no organic materials necessary for plants to grow. We need to ship niggers to Mars as fertilizer.
It'd be the first time they ever contributed anything to civilization.
I want a qt3.14 alien gf though. Why do you have to be such a buzzkill?
noice quads.
very confusing blogpost.
You literally can't see that pic and not fucking hate niggers.
Holy shit, that's badass. Fuck niggers and sieg heil the NS legacy in NASA!
I don't like the first one. In reality, our people didn't "choose" this Jew shit. It was pushed on us the whole time.
Hi Sinead. I hope you die of cancer, you meth whore. Also,
It's only a $400,000,000 increase.
I guess they can get an extra mission out of that, the their programs tend to be in the $200-$500 million range.
The significance isn't so much the increase, it's much more the explicit objective of Mars.
well that explains andromeda…
I've seen people upset about the focus being pushed away from other things, but NASA can't be this aimless with a budget of nearly $20,000,000,000. During the Apollo days they didn't focus on much else other than the Moon
Looks like I'm finally going home boys!
We don't go into space, have never been on the Moon and there is a firmament above the plane we live on. NASA is a Jesuit tax payer money black hole and you fools suck their dick as they steal billions to render CGI cartoons for you to look at. Wake up, you faggots! The earth is flat.
Oh man I can't wait for NASA to splurge on some more CGI and theater.
Why should I trust someone who can't even use the space bar on their keyboard correctly?
Is it because you don't believe in space?
we're going to space moishe, say it with me now.
Shouldn't we try to get to the Moon and or at least learn how to explore beyond the Van Allen belts first before any theoretical pipe dreams about landing on Mars?
No that doesn't make any sense.
There was no known barrier preventing navigation beyond the Canaries and Azores and we already have been to these places, your half-assed response is beyond illogical.
We need to learn how to escape the Van Allen radiation first before setting our horizons on even further ranges and less likely destinations.
You cannot go from A to C until you have mastered getting beyond B.
Can't your bosses find someone else with at least a modicum of wit or wisdom>?
Did yall see how beautifully fashy Trump's last weekly address was?
Beat me to it, he fucking knows how bad we want to go back to space.
I've already watched it like 5 times. Its too fucking good.
Trump will make anime real and he starts with decent series. Good.
I don't belive the world is flat. I know so. Fite me fgts.