Is he next?

Is he next?

Other urls found in this thread:

All the manly ones don't seem to be getting any accusations.


Alec Baldwin is a cuck ffs.

No need to be pushy when you basically drown in pussy.

Why would a model need to molest anyone?

Its an open secret that he fucks kids and the like.


clint is literally the orignial cunnybro

What movie, who wrote, who directed?
bet it's a bunch of kikes.

#pizzagate confirmed.

The Beguiled

also him kissing her wasn't in the script, he just did it.

Yeah, right.

it's true, the whole kiss scene was improv by clint.

Well I'm obviously gonna need to see some proofs because there's no hint of pedophilia in any of the movies he has written and directed himself. There'd be something there if he actually improv'd the scene. Maybe it wasn't in the script, but that doesn't mean some kike didn't direct him to do it or add it in later.

the carrot man is next

You can't just call Clint Eastwood a pedo and not expect to provide some evidence. Maybe some two bit crypto who sometimes gets goyish action roles but not Clint Eastwood. You gotta produce.

Hellooooo Mcfly?!?!



clint is a crypto kike

