What are some good resources we can use when in debate with right wingers?

What are some good resources we can use when in debate with right wingers?

I'm thinking of something like various indices like an index of free market capitalist claims, index of worker's rights per country etc.

I know there's a free market index. Any help comrades?

Other urls found in this thread:

cercec.fr/materiaux/doc_membres/Gabor RITTERSPORN/Victims of the Gulag.pdf

KEK I love spurdo

Anyways, sorry OP no one bothers to research and/or keep databases of such stuff.

Why would you ever do this? They aren't worth the time and respect of being debated, the only language they really understand is violence and force.

You don't really want to convince your oppo ent but te fence sitters.

Because I was once an Ancap and it took lots of debate to convert me. I think most Ancaps are just Mutualists/Individualist Anarchists that don't know it yet but need to understand what the state and capitalism truly are.

Shameless self bump…c'mon guys imagine if we had a database of all the little goodies and tidbits of info that attack right wing ideas!

they don't understand theory, put their theory to a test

like tell them you will start a restaurant and add drug to your meat, so people come back, or howthe legal system would be completly inexistant

ask them how their ideology differs from feudalism aswell

Who needs theory when you can just kick the fascist's teeth in and redistribute the money from their wallet while they are out cold?


This site unlearningeconomics.wordpress.com has a lot of articles that refute neo-classical economic models.

Take this critique of Friedmans "positive economics" approach that rejects empirical evidence that might contradict assumptions made - only the prediction matters.


Arguing with fascist isn't worth it. I know one Nazi, who's completely harmless has no grasp on theory and who's entire worldview is dependent on emotional investment in attract concepts. Libertarians on the other hand are worth debating, as their idealist approach to economics is attractive to people on the fence since it has a facade of coherency.


This is what I had in mind. Thank you comrade, much solidarity schnookums.

is that you muke?

We need to make memes,
We're actually really funny but they just don't get our comedy.

Look at David Cross, and Louis CK they think it's funny to make fun of them because they're racist fucking nazis but think about it they just havent understood humor.

Ill start off with a meme I call Jeff the Holla Forumsack
Let's meme~!

No problem!
Also this blog holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.ca/ does a lot of research on the Holocaust and is helpful to throw around when trying to combat Holocaust denial - thought I don't think the left should focus on that.

None, because they do not want to be reasoned with. All dissenting evidence to them is automatically Leftist Lies.

I find mose people on this board save for a few, are just as stubborn as Libertarians regarding economics.

That couldn't be possible even if they tried.

Well not because they're wrong - but because they don't know any better. For example: trying to explain prices in terms of the LTV(or, the "transformation problem). When a libertarian is smart enough to bring this up, it is more often than not, inadequately answered. But the LTV is not attempting to explain prices - it's attempting to explain how the total value in an economy(generated by necessary labour time) is allocated between the labourers and the capitalist. So this is why critics refer to it as tautological, or unfalsifiable. Which makes sense until you realize TRPF is the clear criterion Marx gave to observe if the law of value is operating. This is largely what Andrew Kliman discusses in his books.

So for all the leftcoms out there: to determine if the law of value was operating in the USSR you shouldn't be looking at the metaphysical relation between the Nomenklatura and the workers, you should look at the rate of profit and Andrew Kliman's observations on the falling rate of profit in the Soviet Union after the initial period of growth is why he considers it to be state capitalist .

Neat stuff user

Kys lol

Anyone have sources to refute muh 1000 trillion?

Bumpity bump bump bump. This thread has some serious potential.

If I may suggest Anons post questions about typical libertarian/ancap claims and other anons help debunk them.

I'll start who's got info on major technological advancements that people claim were created by capitalism ie the iphone internet etc and their respective refutations.


This thread has some serious potential don't let it die comrades!

If I may suggest Anons post questions about typical libertarian/ancap claims and other anons help debunk them.

I only have this, i do not have the primary material

Using unsourced jpegs make us as bad as Holla Forums. I think I found the original: cercec.fr/materiaux/doc_membres/Gabor RITTERSPORN/Victims of the Gulag.pdf

I'm a cheezeball for saying this and not claiming to be good at it but… Try not to be a total condescending prick. Even if they are. Humanizing them might help them to consider your opinion. Being humiliated and ridiculed puts people in full defense mode. The whole discussion and its merits becomes irrelevant when that happens because now they will look for any excuse to oppose and hate you to sooth their ego.
Cliche example is pol and SJW. They're both shadowboxing reflections. Its too bad, too and kind of ironic I guess. They're both raging against the same systems under different names, and their porky puppet masters must be laughing and loving it by constantly throwing more fuel on the fire. Poor suckers

Thank you.

This. I think a good maxim would be: "Don't make them feel like fools. Especially if they are."

That's actually a really good one comrade. I am going to use that one. Thank you.

I guess the left is citing the effectiveness of worker co-ops or something.