Is France already left to the kebabs? Will Trump have to nuke Europe too?
Is France already left to the kebabs? Will Trump have to nuke Europe too?
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Also holy shit someone in the comments just pointed something great out
Fugg =DD
I am a descendant of these people.
Someone, anyone, kill me please.
I gotchu fam.
5555 Faggot Boulevard, Bullshit County, Wyoming.
Come end it all.
any ideas how the lebal should look like?
Fuck man I live there too.
France is rocketing forward to a new level of nanny state Britain and Germany can only dream of.
Absolutely disgusting. Yurop is infamous for what you can get away with showing on primetime TV and somehow """sexist"" video games are beyond the pale. Politics at its finest.
The question is this: can they become Sweden 2.0?
That's an odd way of saying Syria
They got a long way to go since UK, Canada, SoKor and Germany are closing in to Sweden's lead in ruining their countries!
No big surprise here
Bro, France is the original Sweden
How can they do this when French comics and cartoons are super sexy?
Where the fuck do these cunts come from? I swear it's like the Warp just shows up in comment fields sometimes.
Bullshit County really is beautiful in the summer, isn't it?
It's the providence of France in New Syria, so I understand your confusion. It's where the mudslime invaders are keeping the conquered people until they need someone to rape or behead on TV.
I'd do it, but you'd just surrender before I could pull the trigger, and there's no honor in killing a defeated frenchman, even the brits knew that.
So…women are just as bad as niggers and kikes.
DooD SJW's aren't real people, they are Ayylmao's from outerspace.
Come on people it's 2016, you don't need to be syrian to be a syrian war victim!
Algeria would be a better title.
Still, the hole in my soul has become huge.
Are they making "progress"?
u fokin wot?
France was actually based in the past, from what I understand.
At least before the revolution(s).
Nothing quite beats Bullshit County.
Never stopped you limey fucks before. :^)
Considering the amount of rape and murder victims the "refugees" are leaving in their wake, I'd say that's pretty accurate.
America will stand as a bastion of light within all this far leftism.
Don't lie to yourself, frogger, France has been cancelled since half a century ago
Most rapefugees are not even syrian, the real refugees are in Lebanon in that 2.something million reserve camp
You can buy fake syrian passports in Libya and take a boat, some reporters did to prove most rapefugees are actually somalian and poor fuck farmers from all arab countries
They are going total sharia soon, games will be banned in a few decades. Games are Harman because the imam says so, inshala.
No no, I'm very aware of the recent history of France.
The 60s pozzed almost all of the west.
I'm talking about before that.
Damn straight fam
The strongest army in the world? with its disciplined soldier genes being erradicated in both WWI and WWII?
Long gone m8, only the weak and the gay survived
You do know France was around long before then, right?
It happen everyday, most people stopped giving a fuck. Do the same.
I don't even live in France so why should i care? lmao there's no use on getting angry over this lads.
Ah, ignorance. It must be bliss.
Wait, even before that?
You mean the Roman fuccbois?
The homosexual royalties?
The homosexual royalty invasion to Albion which the brits had to fix with incest?
Or you mean the economical/military revolution of Bonaparte that lead France to almost being a cool empire until rampant degeneracy and corruption hit it big time?
Or the industrial era that quickly kicked all of that and made them moderately respectable until WWI?
All good stories to cheer about if the country wasn't pozzed to hell and back
Sweden is softly cucked but they are a joke compared to France, the latter is not even worth joking anymore
…Jesus H Fucking Christ, kill me.
Not without the Pope's say so, that Freemason fuck.
country by country, freedom is slipping away. if they don't receive backlash or criticism for this then it will only inspire other countries to do the same.
>its not my problem!
What a bunch of pussies
It was rejected read the article.
>implying anybody reads anything besides headlines
It's still pretty insane such an idea was even suggested.
Not crazier than "Rule of Rose is a game where you rape little girls for that SWEET HIGH SCORE, let's ban it" they had going on several years ago
Hon hon hon hon
Do not defile Jannu with your baseless accusations.
Simple: Video games are still seen as toys for children
More proof that Germany's calling the Ottoman Empire's execution of Armenians a genocide is the wrong move on Germany's part. Let's hope the flood continues to fuck up France and goes into Germany.
Turkey did nothing wrong.
Kill me, Pete.
RIP Wakfu
the smug duck and wakfuck will live on our hearts forever…
Please elaborate.
Mon Dieu
Germany recently passed a bill/law calling what the Ottoman Empire's mass execution of Armenians in 1915 a "genocide." Turkey citizens protested. Armenians are a bunch of criminals. Especially the dumb fags wearing Adidas tracksuits, wearing a shitload of fucking smelly cologne, and a ton of gold chains. Those fucking gangster wannabes.
Right now there is a massive flood in Paris. Part of the water is in Belgium and Germany. So let's hope the flood continues to fuck up France and hopefully gets into Germany.
B-But goy Hitler gassed 6 billion of the Chosen!
Fuck the fucking turks. They did plenty of fucking genocides and are fucking assholes. I hope they never ever get into the EU and that any deal the EU tried to make will now be cancelled. Rather another 100.000 refugees than the fucking turks in the EU.
remember teaniggers your government wanted to ban porn
face setting protest
I agree Satan fuck them teaniggers.
The appropriate term is "Island Jews".
Didn't Hitler censored a lot of shit though?
fam come on now
God I hate the aesthetic of the outfits these fucks are wearing
The Sex Pistols are long gone, you can stop dyeing your hair and wearing leather.
Friendly reminder that the Nazis had book burnings, which included authors like James Joyce, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Jack London, H. G. Wells, Ernest Hemmingway, and (funnily enough) Aldous Huxley.
No, user. You are the faggot.
I say both sides are wrong, but the leftists are the ones that get away with it
I like Hitler as much as anyone else but be real, none of the shit you enjoy would be allowed under Hitler's rule.
I would be genuinely interested in seeing what Germany would be like today if he had won. If, say, the regime softened up a bit after the war, or if it would still be full fash.
I think it should heavily looked down upon not censored tbh fam.
and nothing of value was lost
Well considering I'm always right everything that I dislike should be banned.
Like Holla Forums for example
Jesus this guy is on fucking fire
Turks fucking suck, but they're still better than Armenians.
c'mon user, lets just summon the meteor and let it all die…
Create a culture where degenerate thoughts are looked down upon, but don't ban them unless they're a direct threat to society. Meanwhile, swiftly and decisively punish degenerate behavior.
I am totally ok with what I don't like being banned.
Simply ebin, user.
So you want anime to be banned?
But who cares? What they did was a fucking genocide. And the germans should call it a fucking genocide because thats what it is. The turks should fuck off and go genocide some more, but they should not fucking join the EU. Some pretty shitty countries have managed to join the EU because we wanted to keep them away from Russia, but please god let us not let the fucking turks in just because we can't ship the refugees to the US, who are the cause of all this shit anyway.
Anime is degenerate, degenerate :^)
Where's Jeanne D' Arc when you need her now, France? Have you lost your will to defend your country?
When did he say banned?
Oh boy here we go.
They'd be shooting themselves in the foot
Anime itself? No- see "degenerate thoughts". Being an autiste who faps to his waifu rather than finding a woman? Sure.
Indeed it is.
is it okay to have semi-degenerate waifus?
Hitler would have gassed you.
Cartoons arent dsngerous. Sjws and commies are.
And this is why I am voting for England to leave the EU. Fuck this and the fucking cunts it road in on
None of this, thank you.
England is fucked enough, we don't need anymore cancer seeping in from Europe for this shit
It's never okay to be a degenerate, even if just a half.
So you have to admit that you're a degenerate and you'll fuck mostly whatever thing if it doesn't includes shit like watersports and scat and you'll live in peace.
Prove how they are a threat, Anita.
If Hitler had actually gassed anyone, I'd probably be on the list, yes.
Would you rather have someone give you the decency of killing you outright and be upfront and honest about it, or have a bunch of liars take away your freedom of choice and freedom to enjoy whatever you like and take away your individuality in the name of some twisted ideological agenda and lie about it?
I rather take the Turks over the Armenians, especially since the Armenian gene pool produced Anita.
This dudes fucking BTFO'ing the whole comment section
These SJW's ARE the ones confusing the virtual world and the real world
Shut up kike
That has more to do with Nips being low-T worker drones. Anime is a symptom, not a primary cause.
Sure user.
the end times have come lads. It's here.
He was never going to reproduce anyway.
Lol real women a shit
fuck off, OP
What about the french revolution?
Japan is overpopulated and self-correcting for that fact. And most chinks are still peasants, the comparison doesn't hold.
Sure, chose the turks over armenians, who cares? The point is, we shouldn't have to like either. The turks did a genocide, the germans should call it a genocide. The turks do a fuckton of things wrong and it the right thing to call them out for that. It doesn't mean you have to support the other guys.
Its not either this or that side, its entirely possible for both sides to be fucking cancer. And as a european, the turks are going to be causing me a lot more problems than the armenians in the short run, so I rather we do not act as if they are our friends at all.
I want a T-shirt with that label so I can wear it.
Or the 100 year war
Yeah, it's not an epidemic or anything.
Didn't they try this like two months ago and it got rejected?
When did police get involved fam?
a few more for good measure and the retard he is arguing with
I hope he comes back
But ubermensch, don't you want to make more Aryan kids for fatherland? Don't you want to make more cannon fodder for glorious war?
More like thought propagandists. Teaching the proles to hate kikey shit would be a thousand times more effective than wasting the secret police's time with it.
Good meme.
Every tard wants everyone disagreeing with them banned so they don't get proven wrong.
So by that logic, Israel is more of a threat because they have a higher stake in porn and the media
Even the jap government considers it an epidemic.
Fuck off, you retarded moralfaggot.
Anime makes you attracted to drawings.
My waifu is only semi-furshit and is vidya so the two cancel out.
Therefor there is no degeneracy here and I am pure.
I will mentally delude myself like this from here on in.
I see nothing wrong with this.
That's hot
[Citation Needed]
Weirdly Quebec is probably the only province where a nationalist party is kind popular, depending on whether you want to call the Bloc Québécois nationalist.
I can't believe Canada is in the running for Sweden 2: Niggaboos. Fuck Trudeau, both of them
Kill me, Pete.
And you just cemented yourself further as one, you obnoxious hypocritical faggot.
Nice strawman
Do you even comprehend the shit you're spewing, retard?
got a sister? letmefuckherthenikillyou
Spotted the Holla Forums agent
drawn pornography. I also appreciate the works of Alexandros of Antioch. Does this make me attracted to marble statues?
Is this thread being raided? It's always this same stupid shit, likely suspects want to slide a thread, so they pretend to have a fight over stupid shit back and forth until everything else is buried.
I can't wait until a full blown separation of cucked societies.
do you jerk it to them?
I wouldn't be surprised if that was a fetish by now
i hope so
I'm not here to shitpost. That other faggot who sounds like they're from cuck/pol/ crusading against porn seems to be otherwise.
why not? if its arousing jerk away
you should get off Holla Forums if you dont want more video games created
I dont want any more aaa games to be created
I've jerked off to the Marquis de Sade's work once but couldn't to 50 shades, does this mean I'm sexually attracted to the renaissance?
Those aren't games, those are glorified investments.
Pretty funny how drawn porn strikes a nerve among kikes. They're so afraid of their precious 3DPD getting tarnished by 2D, no wonder you have people like the UN trying to classify them as pizza
I was going to say what user over here said
Christ, is this the month of the eurocuckening or something? That's the third thing they've announced that they're trying to push in the last few days.
At this rate, actual misogyny will get completely swept under the rug, if it hasn't already.
What the fuck ever happened to simple common sense? It drives me crazy.
Those are games retard, thats like saying transformers isnt a movie just because it makes money.
Transformers isn't a movie. It's a disgrace to the art form.
How can it be a disgrace to the art form if it isn't part of the art form?
We need to completely normalize wanting to fucking teenagers, drawn or not.
Pedophilia only refers explicitly to prepubescents, which having gone through puberty makes anything but. Anything more is just asshurt moralfaggotry.
I surrender!!
That's exactly how they came to power in the first place.
Something about this seems really fucking wrong.
Isn't France lewd as fuck?
Who cares its still a movie
My actual game with love and care and passion and thought put into it will never be given an equal chance because of my political beliefs
Literally oppression
just fuck my shit up.
Kill me, Pete.
Shill me your game, faggot.
Also Hatred succeeded by being the next Postal. You could make that next game and make loadsamonay off people rebelling.
The traditionally French brand of lewdness is in culture clash with the 'body-positive' ideology, I think. This is a symptom of that.
There was another pic like this with another cat, anyone have it?
You Holla Forumsacks are a fucking stupid lot. I won't red pill you about it, because The Matrix is a stupid fucking movie with two too many sequels, but I will educate you on the matter. Except I won't because seriously, does Woodstock, the Vietnam War protests and hippies not ring a fucking bell to you?
Reminder that Trudeau is a white Obongo. That faggot is a pretty face that's supplying the fucking Camel Jockies in Saudi Arabia with weapons.
I don't think the faggots these threads attract even like videogames.
I wouldn't give two shits about labeling games with some kind of soggy knee warning, in fact it'd just make me feel better when I'd buy them knowing I'm helping some SJW have a shitfit
but using that as a way to keep it from getting any attention or advertising is fucking despicable
I don't know how cucked france is right now, but are they okay with R rated movies and shit?
I swear its like Australia 2 over there by the sounds of it
How? You get the choice to kill everyone, even Emily. Dishonored 2 looks more like an approved game by being able to play Emily. So as long as you allow players to decide whether or not to kill women, and not in say a cutscene, its ok? Still a retarded law.
The 1986 one is.
Kill me, Pete
I'd be more concerned about a haram label if I was "French".
Things will get better, right anons? I mean not just video games, but life in general.
I mean it can't get any worse, can it? Shit I've been living in a third world country and I want to pull it out of a gutter, even if it's just in one field and I've been living my entire life just to start doing that. It can only get better from here on out, right?
Isn't it just a label to find good games?
Just go get yourself lost in the catacombs. Return your genes to their proper place.
Vidya wouldn't even be allowed to begin with since a Jew invented Video Games and thus falls under Jewish science.
If I had to guess besides that literature and film would be the most unbearably squeaky clean nonthreatening non-challenging shit ever made and created to appeal to everybody which means catering to the lowest common denominator.
Hey, they're making a label that makes it easy to find the actual good games.
Considering all the shit that comes from france, this is a good thing.
"hmm? vat is zis?"
it's skyrim he doesn't have fun
but then again, the french were still led by the insane that one time.
I don't think much has changed since the Joan of Arc days. And like Joan, the insane get burned at the stake.
As an Italian I'm laughing even more
Were a French dev, and don't you fucking dare talk about the last scion of Looking Glass like that.
Also, will E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy get any good goy brownie points recognised?
Kill me, Pete
I'm curious as to why BGaE is even being mentioned considering it came out over a decade ago and is really only PC download (as well as the PS3/360 HD version).
Ubisoft is the largest 3rd party dev after EA. And Ubisoft headquarters are in France.
Now could there be a thread that connects between Anita to Ubisoft to Axelle Lemaire
Kill me, Pete.
It's full furshit, don't lie to yourself. Head on over to /furry/ and have fun.
Between (((a coalition of think-tanks))) to Ubisoft, you mean.
Could salt be mined by slapping this on things SJWs like? if there even is such a thing.
Kill me, Pete.
Fucking French.
That's commies for you
Is that Mike Stoklasa?
Its the man who is foreverially tiedup to the mortal coil.
The EU is crumbling. Germany is going through financial trouble and they're the entire EU economy, more or less. Britain is thinking of leaving, Germany is dealing with a lot of growing civil dissent, France can't get its shit together long enough to stop getting murdered in the streets,and without them the rest will just fuck off.
So they're making a lot of last ditch efforts to suppress people talking about how shit things have gotten for them, either via censorship or distraction.
First Germany, now France, it seems dark times are coming.
The only thing SJW like is bitching and acting like spoiled 8 year olds.
Well don't they know that it'll only increase sales for those games because a lot of normalfags think Sexism is as much as a joke as we think/know it is
So… yes?
That's because for all their posturing, you can't change genetics or human nature with fucking labels. Men and women both love tight asses and big titties.
But will my Code Lyoko be safe?
I see now why the british want to self censor, yeesh
They are approaching Germany-tier, except with sexism instead of violence
make it a movie trailer
Kill me pete
Can Stan Bush be my waifu?
Could it become a memetic symbol like the parental advisory label?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with British porn whatsoever :^)
sure, if the SJWs aren't the ones who are in power to decide what's sexist or not
Censor, propagandize, terrify and assume direct control.
And Trump says he is just the messenger. He's not even the final boss of America!
>Reminder that some of the most cucked countries in Europe have female Defence Ministers
I'm so glad I live on the other side of the planet from that shit.
we gon need some RWDS up in this bitch
anarchists/nat coms can join too, if they wanna kill globalists
remember, it is completely ok to play games where you murder others for fun, but you better not have anything with social commentary that paints some women as prostitutes like GTA, even though prostitution is a real thing
especially in France
Some of the most cringy, annoying, unlikable characters wrapped up in a nonsensical, badly written story.
A true role-model.
Nice ID.
I hope things get better soon, 2007 is going to be 10 years ago soon.
I don't understand.
Neither do I.
Being a prostitute isn't illegal but using their services is.
I think it was to stop punishing sex workers, and more so the people that propagate their existence.
But why would anyone be a prostitute if paying them for sex is illegal?
Why would anyone use drugs if they are illegal?
The cops can't stop everyone, and there's always the asian/Slav sex slaves that don't really get a choice.
I apologize greatly, this is too confusing for me apparently.
I think he means it in the sense that why even allow people to be prostitutes if their actions are considered to be illegal.
It's like if the government said that being a cocaine dealer is legal, but you can't deal cocaine.
They allow it because the law is "less harmful to women"
Fuck men though, the pathetic nerds deserve to be arrested and raped in jail by Bubba and Tyrone
Exactly this!
You're looking at Europeans and expecting logic.
This is the same country that thinks letting more people in will somehow make security concerns vanish.
How does this manifest?
Don't you also mean getting more immigrants will make the economy better?
But they'll do the jobs nobody else wants to do!
We need more kebab shops and Jihadists in our economy!
Generally speaking, France has always been really shit. The aristocracy shat on the poor people and they starved while the king and his servants ate cupcakes all day. Then the revolutions started and for a bit France was alright. And then the cuckery began again and the nation is being shat on once more by the government.
I thought that the cupcake story was a lie and that the French revolution was pretty much a chimpout that fucked Europes shit up and who's echoes are still felt to this day.
It's just Paris.
Nuke Paris and all our problems will go away.
Just nuke all the European capitals and we'll be great again.
How come that the biggest the city, the more retarded the people ?
It's real. Just like Maria Antoinette murdering almost her entire family. France has actually been a pretty terrible country to live in for a long while.
Marseille aka Africa's Port isn't Paris
Lyon aka Jihad City isn't Paris
Bordeux aka Cuck City isn't Paris
All the south coast aka North of Africa isn't Paris
kill me pete
Jean-Marie pls go
You got a solution for that though, I hate the cult of personality that comes with this shit but does anything else allow for the cleaning of degeneracy?
Kill me Pete. Please.
I don't need a cop to tell me you're a faggot
Basically this. Prostitutes are tolerated, but their clients will get in trouble if caught. It does make kind of sense since for most women, it's a last resort, whereas clients could spend their money otherwise.
Lately however, they're trying to guilt trip clients through ad campaign, basically treating them as psychopath. I really fail to see the point here, considering the main issue would rather be the human trafficking with eastern countries, but hey, what do I know. It's not like legalising prostitution with strict government control for health and safety would basically solve the problem.
Of course not, you mysoginist! it would only make the pimps slave women legally! That's what ugly old women who wouldn't be ever fucked told to television!
I don't see how really, but I guess women can't enjoy sex or being paid for sex.
Holla Forums posters in that other thread must be loving this.
I don't know, I found a 3d artist on facebook being attacked over his 3d render of a Lineage 2 dark elf because the outfit was too revealing and she had her breasts too exposed.
It was a fucking cloth blue wolf armor for fuck's sake and it wasn't even his own original design, yet there were 2 white males in the comments bitching about oversexualization of women in videogames.
Why not let the fucking guy model whatever the fuck he wants and criticize proportions and fidelity to the original concept instead?
What the fuck?
Being a whore is legal but paying her is illegal. It's so girls dont get in with the wrong crowd. Tho due to it being illegal to pay them they often work for criminals for some "cred", otherwise people worry shes a cop pretending.
Its their way of protecting women while fucking over men.
i hope they do it
Gamergate will be sparked back to life
Just nuke all the cities with more than 500k inhabitants.
The countryside is redpilled as fuck
When an Exterminatus is called upon something, it all has to go. Strong or weak, guilty or innocent, it doesn't matter. All must go.
You're on your own now…… Either bring back the gallows and the guillotine or face the future where your freedom is a thing of the past, France.
I guess you've got a point
The race war is coming, I can feel it in the air.
I'm just waiting to see how far the madness can go, nothing matters anymore.
Kill me, Pete
Kill me, Pete
Of fucking course it's the fucking left again. Living in Europe myself and seeing these leftist cunts destroying entire nations is pure hell, too bad I'm still stuck here for at least the next ten years.
I was about to correct you but then I realized that Exterminatus is exactly what the USA and the Soviets together has done to Germany and by extension, much of Europe.
The socialist government is only socialist in name.
The last good socialist reforms date back to 1944.
Nah, Germany has just been taken over by the Genestealer.
People familiar with 40k will now that the Genestealers are a perfect allegory for the jews.
All leftist politics are completely fucking insane. Its the kind of shit you hear kids say and then you try to apply a childish ideology to real life and everything gets fucked up
Why would Holla Forums think that the French Revolution, a fight that was all about driving the Left's interests was based?
And I assume you will define the degenerative traits based on your fee-fees, right?
Anyone who thought otherwise has been snatched up, suppressed or otherwise blackmailed by your NSA, CIA and their connections to Interpol and the like.
To lend a phrase of the damned SJWs, it's an actual case of victim-blaming. The victim of US Imperialism and of being under it's boot.
Jean Stealers in the case of France, though.
All that is "leftist policies" are those that drive the working class's rights and benefits. That's the fucking literal meaning of the word, nothing else.
You mean the ones the workers did and then leftists took all the honor for it for no reason? Why do you think that its always leftists destroying all job opportunities? Why do you think its always the right wing trying to bring back production to the west and stop outsourcing?
The political left has done nothing for the working class except for trying to destroy it.
All the good warhammer games are french, save European Immigration Simulator 2015 which is from the Swedish frontlines. (youtube.com
(Mordheim, Blood Bowl, Battlefleet Gothic) a fair chunk of the STR too.
Don't censor liberalism. Teach it in an unbiased manner. Let people come to their own conclusion that these people are crazy. Otherwise you'll end up making some gross underground hipster liberal culture.
**Oh god please just let Deathwing Come out before europe gets consumed by immigrants.
We had several geniuses such as Michel Ancel or Éric Chahi.
Traditionally, leftists are workers, you fucking moron. SJWs are not literal "leftists". If you want to talk about actual evils of modern day leftism you should look into how union corruption manifests.
Because they don't. The "Right wing" is all about promoting globalism at any cost and importing immigrants to flood the low-payment job market with retards that don't care to protect their interests.
Again with the false history.
Yes they are literal leftists. Specifically communists. Read the Communist Manifesto you will learn all about patriarchy and male privilege etc. there.
Leftism has always been irrevocably evil.
That's communism again you fucking idiot. Try reading actual literature about politics for once.
How the fuck is it false history when the word itself was formed around the French revolution to identify those that drive the interests of the working class?
I also know my own country's history. Lot of the leftists were low-payment workers who joined unions to protect their own interests against the top of the pyramid.
Also, Marx isn't the owner of leftism. Stop using him as a strawman.
I'm going to the gym
How fucking stupid can one get?
So you mean specifically french workers and french revolution. Which was one of the biggest mistakes in human history (instituting democracy AKA my ignorant opinion is just as good as your knowledge) which was created by what you say was just leftists and nothing else. Good thing that its next on my list to read in depth as I'm sure that just like every other thing in history it was created by both sides to destroy something corrupt and intolerable and then destroyed by leftists.
Also: Overton window.
So you are saying that the revolution became leftist only at the moment it became corrupt? You sure you aren't bending reality to suit your biases?
I'm retarded, is this supposed to be Shadwen? Had to google it now.
Fuck you
Can't be. Shadwen is a finnish game.
Sounds like a quality seal to me. Do not buy without.
No no no no!
Ze word is "wee wee" which as we all know, iz an Penis.
Sacrebleu! Ze most common of ze franch words is SEXIS! Mon dieu!!
Dont forget how phallic the eiffel tower is.
there should be an anti-fire brigade to burn everything to the ground.
Given the fact the mature label is used pretty much as a marketing tool, this one will just raise sales.
top kek commie fucks always do this as a way to sidetrack/strawman a discussion. Either address the post in question or admit you're too fucking stupid to do competent discourse.
Jelly as fuck
You seem to have missed the reference there leatherhead
Oh I was never much into those gay wrestling videos
Not saying this is in any way good, but you can tell whoever wrote this article wasn't European.
Nobody cares about PEGI ratings here. It's there, some parents (well, almost none) look at it, but nobody cares. It was not long ago that CoD (18+ according to European standards, but 18+ is more or less like the USA's M and it's the highest rating you can get here) was advertised all day, and basically, you can pay a visit to any big vidya stores while being a 10 yo kiddie without ID and still buy the game without nobody stopping you.
European ratings mean jack shit. For fuck's sake, Kingdom Hearts 1 was labeled a HORROR GAME by the PEGI, so it seems they don't even care.
Its an acquired taste
Underrated post of the year
kill me, Pete.
That's because they want more young people to pay for the old people's pensions.
Why are all Burgers so proud and obnoxious? Is it the education system, to they teach you to be annoying fucks? This is why Europe is always like "fuck off America we don't need your help" when you guys try to be polite with them.
That fucking SJW in the comments is all over the place. Holy shit they went over the deep end.
US education system is wannabe european and floods us with guilt propaganda throughout childhood.
I thought they threw it away last time this came up.
Well if it goes through, we in the US would finally be able to get casinos in our games again from everyone deciding to not bother with Europe.
Cucktron when?
Now that I think about it, I'm surprised France hasn't done this sooner with their history.
The little things affected are always the best part.
That giant foreheaded mess is still running?
Say welcome to the EUSSR, USSR, USASSR, CHINKSSR, ect. I hope you like your new globalist overlords.