I haven't seen a thread on this yet, and it's concerning to me that no one has picked up on this yet. There've been THREE attempts to break into the White House within the past week, and they all vary in different types.

That last one is weird as fuck too, he didn't even try to sneak it in. He just told the checkpoint officials he had a bomb, like he was testing what they'd do. I don't know about anyone else, but this looks to me like somebody is testing weak points, and response times for some kind of attack.

Other urls found in this thread:

We're all aware of it, check the sticky on Eric and Lara. The kikes have been threatening Trump's family for a while now.

you can bet it's (((them))) making these calls to create a false consensus that the majority of the public hate Trump when the opposite is the case.

There are 2 possibilities, both are sobering.

1) Conspiracy
2) Sheer and utter incompetence

Neither make me sleep well at night.

olympus has fallen

They've been planning such before he got elected. Look at the fucking leaks. Trump pissed off the elite, the establishment, a million corporations who want keep slave labour with H1B and immigration, international banksters, chinks, American kikes, mentally ill lefties, and that's not even half of it.

Don't forget the guy the press said snuck by secret service at Mar a Lago last week. He didn't actually sneak past them but the press sure wanted people to think it's possible.

another eye-opening aspect here is that they have people willing to go to prison for a long time for their cause.
i think they're inching their weaponized cultists closer and closer to suicide attacks.


Stop it user. I'm on no fap

What concerns me is that each of these "attempts" test different parts of security. If you were a (((mastermind))) running this op, now you would know:
1) White House checkpoints work well
2) Mar-a-Lago checkpoints less so
3) SS is not totally incompetent/lazy/corrupt and will at least respond to open threats
4) Once the perimeter is breached, you may operate at will. It apparently takes longer to spot an intruder in the President's living room than to get an ambulance to the suburbs.

From this, I learn that:
1) Penetrating White House security requires stealth, either a cool customer at the checkpoints or a ninja over the fence
2) Mar-a-Lago may be an option for getting to the President, since that area seems less well controlled
3) Trump Tower is possibly an option, given that (((my side))) now has the fucking floor plans
4) Once my operative gains entry, he (or she!) is free to roam the halls

Therefore, a plan starts to shape up:
1) Approach White House as a legitimate visitor, perhaps as a tourist or other guest
2) "Accidentally" separate from the group after security checkpoint
3) Acquire weapon – can be anything; the CIA manual is fond of lamps and their cords, though there are probably sharp knives in the WH kitchen. The idea is to not have to carry anything across the checkpoint that could compromise the mission.
4) Strike down the single greatest threat to the globalist (((world order))) in a generation

Whoever is choreographing this shit may also be gauging public reactions. How does the media cover these intrusions? How does the public react? What is the worst likely reaction, what is the best, what is the most likely?

To defeat this threat, I suggest switching security details almost at random. Trump should use chaos to disrupt the best laid plans of his would-be killers. Alternate between SS and private security on a whim, and then switch back on five minutes' notice. Move checkpoints in and out to screw up surveillance. Stagger patrol times and routes to frustrate attempts to time them. Post plainclothes security in the White House whose brief is to look for "lost tourist" types. Keep one trusted guard no more than six feet away at all times, even – especially – in "safe zones." When in public, dive into the crowd and try not to stand apart from the people who will happily tackle the assassin (see: George Wallace). Rip the fingernails out of the captured agents to find out who they work for so Trump will know who needs to accidentally suicide by jumping off a bridge.

We can help too, fam. Remember that (((they))) do this shit to get their way. We can spread the meme that if anything happens to our God Emperor, there won't be a party HQ, media facility, or synagogue left standing in North America. Drive it home over and over that Donald Trump is saving the lives of elitist establishment types. Without the changes he promises, we have no recourse but genocide, starting with the globalist kikes, moving to the zionist kikes, and settling on the nogs and spics, whose first jobs as slaves will be to dig the trenches for burying media and finance overlords. Try real hard to get it across that we're not fucking around, and that this time the "lone nutcase" narrative isn't going to work. As far as I'm concerned, if the 70-year-old President wakes up one morning and slips on a bar of soap, it was George Soros who put it there.

The kikes had better hope Trump has good cholesterol numbers. He'd better live.

Makes sense, since Chaos has been on his side since the start.


Chaos wins in the end. Make an ally of it, and you have a powerful friend. Sometimes it's worth it to just smack the hornets' nest to see what happens. Trump may have done that by blurting out the wiretapping claim. It's all anybody can talk about just now, and nobody who counts seems able to think of anything else, giving Trump the advantage.

In a way it's brilliant. He's completely ensnared the left with the Wiretapping, and the travel ban. Meanwhile, he's able to do whatever he wants and they won't notice.

Jesus, like four hours ago in another thread, I was talking about how back when he got elected, I had been expecting an attempt on his life at the latest in April, and that I found it weird nothing had happened yet.

Sorry about memeing this.

It may also extend his life. Believe it or not, even the Jews aren't hot for assassinations – bad for business. If they can roll the gears of (((the system))) over a rogue element like Trump, they are more than happy to do that. If nothing else, it means fewer embarrassing questions later on.

So, kikes like Diane Feinstein God, it even hurts to type her name think they can shame Trump or otherwise drive him from office. That sooner or later, even Drumpfytards like us will see that our president is a buffoon. Except that never happens and we just love him more for how he triggers them.

As long as the yids are going through channels to attack Trump on TV, in print, or at the ballot box, he's probably safe. The assassination plans start circulating when it dawns on the hebes and their pet goyim that none of their tricks will ever work. In fact, we're giving Trump a second term. And a third, if he wants it.

When a threat like Trump can't be ignored or silenced, when he can't be bought or intimidated, when he can't be removed or destroyed. . . that's when the knives come out and something drastic happens. Ask the Gracchi or Caesar.

The Deep State doesn't have a lot of options if you think about it. The lone gunman thing has been done so much that no one would believe it. And even in JFK's day they almost botched it until Jack Ruby stepped in.

They could try inflicting Trump with an illness since that hasn't been done yet, or IMO they aren't even going to go after Trump, they're going to try and send a message by going for his family.

If Trump is the leader we need him to be, this would only harden his resolve.


will it be the Hashshashin that targets Trump next? What if Operation "Old Man of the Mountain" is already in play? Then what?

How is that even possible I thought they'd have ground sensors or even just a sentry. Who is not doing their job? And why does it seem these attacks are to threaten and scare?

They can't kill Trump if they want a hope of destroying the white race. It'd be huge rallying cry amongest the normies, I hope they know that or this race war is going to be over pretty quick. Even Trump if got a minor injury that would still send shockwaves through the normies minds.

The kikes are ready to kill another ruling family. First the House of Romanov, next the House of Trump. I hope Don knows who to watch out for.

my mom watches the kikebox and mentioned that there are only reruns scheduled for primetime on the major networks over the rest of this week.

If you know the hit is on why schedule new programming to air that week? You'll just be competing against cable news or interrupting it with bulletins.

Why do you guys think trump is dodging the white house so much? he's a sitting duck there and he knows it.

Wew, lad.

This is short but worth listening to. This guy used to be a SS agent. The basic bullet points:
And the big kicker

What do we know about the people involved in these latest break ins? Are they related in any way?

Please tell me they all have pages on IMDB…

What's the TV schedule around May5? I figure them to make a poisoning attempt then under assumption Trump will go for a mexfood photo op.

"Its as if he was testing weak points and response times for some kind of attack"

That is exactly what he was doing. Those three were sent in as probes to figure out what kind of response they would have from the security there so the bad guys can plan against the security methods.

The left is actually an asset for (((them))) here. You've got an endless supply crackheads, catladies, trannies, schizophrenics all willing to die for communism, and with the media behind them, you run the risk of some kind of cult popping up around them even if they fail.

The kikes don't have to send their best, just one lunatic feminist with a pair of scissors in the right place would do it.


1st one: sneak attack and laying down to see how long it takes to discover him as he lays still
2nd one: direct assault, possibly probe for a diversion
3rd one: obvious diversion probe and assessment on how long the cops are busy to sneak the first one through

It'd be nice if there were any reports about Mar-a-Lago.
The good thing about this is that we certainly know that they're desperate.

usually I agree but if these are tests to probe defenses like they seem then we want as little info leaving as possible to make the tests inconclusive.

You can guarantee your dubs that Trump knows all too well and all full well. You don't become a successful business man like him without already having to put down kike riddled rival businesses and other shit trying to target him and his family with threats.

That's just the whitehouse security.
>They won't be prepared for Trump's "*Teleports behind you, deports you*" personal security team.

So, besides sending threats to the kikes about this sort of shit, how can we improve security at Mar-a-Lago? Any thing a run of the mill Trump supporter can do?

Apparently one of the fence-jumpers wasn't there to kill Trump. He thought he was in danger of being MKUltra'd or something and wanted to hand-deliver a manifesto to Trump. You can read the thing here:

He mentions MKUltra and Pizzagate, among other things.

No one takes into account that it could just be a security test by the administration itself.

A person testing security weaknesses for ill intent wouldn't do something that fucking stupid.

If anything if I was Trump I would be tightening up security more than my sphincter after eating Taco Bell.


Good video. The Secret Service seems to be a bunch of incompetents tbh.

Not even once.
those shitskin fuckers think everything needs 3lbs of cumin.

I grew up without access to many spices, we put cumin in tons of stuff. Doesn't bother me. They have to go back, old world spices don't.

The Secret Service can start unfucking themselves by open carrying rifles. Even faggot reporters aren't scared of them. Imagine how triggered the (((press corp))) will be when Trump is surrounded by AR15s.

You think there aren't? Mar isn't exactly downtown D.C.
This only gets reported becouse reporters have the White House on surveillance 24/7. Mar is probably even easier to infiltrate.

But it could be this: . Trump is know for his media manipulation.

Capped for posterity.

That's the fucking spirit. If they kill him, every media talking head and celebrity dies overnight

If they are going to try something they won't do it in the most secure place. Remember JFK.

So where do we start when the time comes?

Exactly. Think Andrew Breitbart's (((heart attack))) along with his autopsy guy dying few days later.

We talk a great deal about how people would react if Trump was impeached, but if I was on the other side, I wouldn't impeach Trump, I'd have him killed. And set it up so that either a Syrian or Iranian national is the fall guy, thereby diverting the great anger that should be leveled against the establishment instead towards the enemies of Israel. Americans are unlikely to think rationally after such an event and it would be a simple task to pull their reins towards an assault against the Arabs. This would serve to diffuse the simmering white nationalism that would explode into a revolution should a release valve not be provided, and simultaneously destroy at least one of the two remaining states that stand in the way of Greater Israel. A master stroke, if they can accomplish it.

Look at what happened in Austria. When elections are invalidated, the populace perceives that a higher authority has punished the winner. And they won't side again with the guilty.

I think you can guarentee this is probably cia influenced.

That's an interesting view (no really) but do you honestly think the "re-vote" was fair?
I don't. Once a liar, always a liar. Once a vote rigger, always a vote rigger.

Also, checked.

Hofer got cucked with the oldest trick in the book. Trump is not immune by jewish tricks either, so he better do something.

Which trick was that?


but to return a tainted jewish soul to its home in oblivion…

Third world user here. That shit doesn't work. People usually talk faster if just by getting captured, one of their family members die, and if they don't tell you what you want, more of them die.


I love the way you think. 100% agreed.

Criminally unchecked post.

This is probably exactly what they're thinking. Civic nationalism is their biggest tool right now as it numbs the redpill effect and also keeps people in line with Marxist ideals (multicult, miscegenation etc.). They are allowing plenty of anti-Muslim talk, but no anti-Jew, anti-black or any other type of talk. Of course they still do the usual Islamophobic screeching and MUH RACIST boogeyman, but they want a very angry Europe/European group to strike back against Arabs.

I thought Hillarys Code name was "electric eel"

Nice trips, but I am seeing on social media lately, more people are feeling brave enough to use words like "nigger" and "jew" in an ironic state. In my opinion, that's the foot in the door right there.

Hell is for ever!

I like this

I'm a superstitious man, and if some unlucky accident should befall Trump - if he is to be shot in the head by an arab, or be found hung dead in the oval office… or if he should be struck by a bolt of lightning - then I'm going to blame some of the people in the deep state and then I do not forgive. But with said, I pledge - on the souls of my grandchildren - that I will not be the one to break the peace that we have made today.

she is not worthy of Kruppe's name

Im not saying its one way or the other but one of DEVGRU's main missions is the probing of security measures. What ever is going on security is 100% being probed, is it /ourguys/ looking for areas that need improvements or (((them))) looking for weaknesses to infiltrate doing the probing?

You might be on to something tbh
Deepstate has compromised many locations which may be why he has starting doing more rallies again, kek knows the safest place for him is surrounded by his own private security, people who adore him and a quickly chosen random spot.

What is it about this month that has been particularly unlucky? I've had too many problems so far to count!

Surely they're not THAT stupid, right? Surely they wouldn't put him in "fuck it PURGE ALL" mode for the lulz… right?

Hello, SS agents taking selfies with his sleeping grandson, a laptop with the security details of Trump Tower gets 'stolen'- the mossad isn't being very subtle with their warnings.

Now that's what I call autism. Easy son, you might hurt yourself larping that hard.

1) White House checkpoints work well

So you would risk exposing your master plan to confirm that? No, too high risk.

Assumed. No data. Getting on the grounds and accomplishing your goal are two very different things.

If they weren't, this place would already be Somalia.

Someones never done anything close to what he's talking about. Seen a lot of Jew movies though am sure.

From your post I learned your uncle touched you on the knee as a child.

More of the same stupid shit.

There's nothing say these three events are related other than the voices in your head.

Yep, I knew you had no idea what you were talking about. He can't do that by law.

Hey why doesn't he just hide in the closet like you?

We do that everyday and that's what they want. Because then they can shoot us in the streets onsight and those of us who survive, will go into camps.

You're just dumb. The Secret Service are good stuff. If you think some tard hoping a fence is close to do anything to the President you're beyond naive.

The big concern is leaks. Traitors and rats are everywhere. Some SJW from twitter, not a concern to anyone but you.

But do they remember?

the fence isn't there to protect trump from them. it's to protect them from him

How do these work? I've heard of shotshell mines but I don't know how you'd fish with them.

Looks comfy. If I was a raptor I'd definitely want to be in there away from the walking snacks with the electric spears.


Y'know maybe if you put them in some sort of spear with a hollow tip, you could spear something and shoot it at the same time. But on second thought I think they're just hollow bobbers for gun enthusiast fishermen. Not as cool.

There's nothing unusual about it.

I blame daylight savings time.

Why don't they all just commit suicide if they hate humanity so much. So much effort to make the earth a hell.

Poor Donald Trump shielder of neo-con globalist kikes in his secret war against the neo-con globalist kikes???

First his close friend and business associate Rockefeller and now this, oy vey!

Checked and blessed. Praise KEK!


Why is no one checking this post????

Ive been noticing a lot of nonchecking going on lately…wtf are you faggots doing??

Checked user. Based post of truth.

Deepest lore

Those trips of truth.

Excellent prediction user. I would agree its exactly what is going on.

i've noticed it too.

Dubs or protection!


Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer.

You know, I can't help but wonder, if we're aware of this, The President is definitely aware.


is right you know.

As per usual, comments slow down, someone posts a fact about Trump being a business associate of uber-globalist kike Rockefeller then sudden rash of pointless posts to bury it.

jewish hasbara shills are as predictable as they are destined for the flaming pits of Hades

welcome to the-week-after-spring-break, nerd. everybody who watches tv is currently ploughed under with homework.

Ples no get my hopes up.

Would be nice, but they think they're saving humanity as "progressives."

One user tried using the eagle nebula for Pepe's hand. Maybe that could be incorporated in the future. The twin jet nebula also looks like Spurdo/Gondola's mouth :DDDD

I mean it would make sense, given how he lets the Left get away with shit all the time, only to then have ammunition to further push his points.

Not gonna let those digits on that post go unchecked!

Dubs of truth.

I suppose I'll just have to check myself then!
Consider this self checked

Hitler dubs confirm.



severely underchecked hitler dubs

Hitler dubdubs.

There is supposed to be a 'list' floating around out there somewhere of number one journo likes who get offed first should DOTR ever come.
Hypothetically speaking, if someone were deranged enough to take any of the list and DOTR game plan seriously, it would be in their best interests to mark people on the list within a 100 mile radius, then make a game plan for how to accidentally suicide them.


Remember that one oracle that predicted Obongo would be the last US president? This is the only way I could see Trump going full-on authoritarian mode: globalist kikes start assassinating his family members. Nothing is more important to Trump than his family. These audacious kikes can slander and defame him all day long, and he won't blink an eye, but say if they were to kill Barron? Fuck, it's terrifying to imagine what Trump would do in response.
This is how Trump becomes God Emperor of mankind. There must be a sacrifice to unleash Trump's final form.

hey rabbi whatcha doin

That's not what I said. I'm saying killing his family is what will send Trump over the edge into dictator mode. Not saying I necessarily want any of Trump's family to die.

Quit it man, can't you see Trump is still mourning the loss of his close friend and business associate Rockefeller.

Lay off his family and friends

ikr! Wtf is going on?? Why are there so many under checked digits as of late??

Are kikes trying to stop our meme magic?

Yeah, we know about kike rituals, but it's more likely that they'll spaz out and force some of their shabbogoys to try some kind of coup.

Stobbit. This is stale.

We've been inundated with newfags from 4chan and reddit.

It's like you enjoy being demoralized.

Ha, it's actually not porn.

It's fap material, don't be such a shit.

The kikes are planning a false flag airline attack, with the guilty parties traveling on Syrian or Iranian passports. Hence the electronics travel ban on flights from the M.E.

It's a scene from a normal anime that has no nudity and you're the one calling it fap material.

How absolutely degenerate.

Still better than Jewish productions.

That's like saying a trap is better than a tranny. Neither are okay.

Wouldn't necessarily reach the public if there was an attempt.

got mit uns


They're not all full of degeneracy. There are actually some really good animes out there, Steins;Gate for example. There are no other entertainment alternatives besides cruising this Bhutanese basket weaving forum, and I find some of the more comfy animes to be very relaxing. I wasn't born into the anime, I merely adopted it because Jewywood, the electric Jew and niggerball make me sick.

youre on track but not 100%. the ban is because a suitcase nuke was stolen in iraq. allegedly its being taken to crimea area to be used in a false flag to escalate nato/russia.

There's always books, user. And going outside. And practicing a hobby, like drawing or carpentry. It's not just a binary choice between the electric jew and anime.

I appreciate your post and your dubs. I go outside, and I used to read a lot of space opera/sci-fi novels and obsess over collecting and reading kike-redpill books. Sometimes I just have to put on headphones to drown out the sounds of normalfags around me, and anime doesn't get boring like other things.

Get a good doggo.

Why would the kikes false flag as muzzies? Circumstances are different than 9/11. If they did that now, it'd only make Trump good for warning everyone about it.

So it was just a reaction for you. I was essentially born into the since early childhood in the 80s, watching Robotech and essentially any VHS I could get my hands on. They've gotten a lot worse thanks to modern "fans" who are a lot like you: escaping to anime as a result of a sick society. Fine, fair enough, but what are you and others going to do with it? So far, these days, it's (for the most part) about whether or not it makes your dick tingle. Essentially, sexually frustrated utilitarians have flooded it with their need to sexualize something that has no free will of its own and so can't directly fight back. It was a medium that was packed with inspiration and still is to an extent but anything "good" is bombarded by muh dick faggotry, essentially stunting its potential growth by perverting it and making it grow all crooked. Worse yet, because it is gaining popularity, Japanese studios are starting to consider western markets more than they used to (certainly more than 15+ years ago), and western markets are essentially what you ran away from: Hollywoodism. You can't escape the degeneracy, you need to fight it.

This. Trump has taken their gameplan right out of their hands.

Because hillary lost and we need to be at war with Syria or Iran. Or Syria AND Iran.


Yes, Trump knew what they were planning so he is outplaying them, but they are persistent. Like roaches. I'm just saying expect a FF that will be pointing at those two states because that has been The Plan all along.

Like I said, circumstances are different than 9/11. Tricking us with a terror attack isn't going to work right after the last one fucked up so spectacularly.

Trump, and every conservative in europe and america, has been railing against unhindered muzzie immigration into our countries.


Because they have low iq, no jobs, no future, loose assholes and vaginas from fisting, stds, no kids, etc We are willing to fight for a future without violent niggers and jewish thieves. The left stands no chance of winning unless Russia sends tens of millions to die again for the wrong cause.

卍 卍

卍 卍 卍

卍 卍 卍

卍 卍 卍

卍 卍 卍

卍 卍 卍

卍 卍 卍

卍 卍

All the'Soviets' moved to Israel and the U.S. after the 1991 Jew Coup failed.

this is nice, I like it.

only copy paste right?

💦 💦💦💦
💦 💦
💦 💦
💦💦💦 💦

I think we might even get a good bearing on the kinds of people and the resources they have available to them based on the tactics they are employing to gain this information.

1) These individuals don't seem to have any coherent plan, like they're operating on a programmed impulse
2) They must assume the individuals cannot compromise their masters otherwise they wouldn't risk giving this many over to the enemy for interrogation
3) Modus operandi meant to maintain plausible deniability

I see what you mean. The shows are at their best without the perverted stuff, or at least if it's kept in check. I'm wondering, what do you think of something like Urara Meirochou or Gabriel Dropout? With those it's possible to not (over)sexualize the girls and just enjoy the story and their friendships and hijinks. Am I degenerate if I find them refreshing after seeing genuinely weird stuff?

Hitler will return.

Don't forget the Secret Service laptop with Trump Tower floor plans stolen from agent's car in New York


user, if you had the proper autism you'd notice that the girl on top has a gun planted between the other girl's breasts and is threatening to fire every shot into her face, with the blast radius also scorching the thin layer of skin on her breasts.

Please give me a source on that anime. Google is not giving me anything at all.

The left also deciding to mutilate themselves as well as choosing not to have any offspring also means the era of the crazy hipster liberal controlling women ends. The newer generations are winding up being more conservative, and the way to rebel now is to be entirely on the conservative side. As these libs grow old, they will be left to their insanity with no future, no future generations to carry on their twisted ideals. THEIR "MEMES" DIE WITH THEM.

My Mental Choices Are Completely Interfering With My School Romantic Comedy / Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru

I wouldn't recommend it wholeheartedly, especially if you think people turn into untermensch if they watch some anime degeneracy.

D-frag are Handa-kun are the best comedy animes I've seen, and the dubs are very good for both. They also have limited gender bending, which seems to be fucking everywhere and I've yet to find anything comparable. Gabriel Dropout is good, though.

Go away, shill. Don't need your bullshit here. Also I do love how your Kikepedia page actually shows how rare these events actually are. And Trump has had 3 of them!

In a very, very short period of time. I hope his body doubles are well compensated.

Actually both men and women can be made to talk quickly if you know what you are doing. Sleep deprivation and such are for when you control the situation as long as you wish and have soft hearted operatives or facing off against a heavily trained operative, in theory. One of the best ways to both break mental conditioning/concentration is to use electricity, even a few batteries applied in the right place randomly can insure you are unable to focus or keep track of questions. If you are going for a deep press and are at risk of the target passing out from shock or pain you apply electrodes to their testicles and ovaries directly. Nature works with you on that and ensure they cannot slip into bliss. Cutting the target is often one of the worst ways to bring out information since your body naturally produces various chemicals that assist in reducing the effects of such pain. Instead look into various natural chemical compounds which you can place on the ends of needles and lightly prick in an area. Less is more btw. Spread the pricks around one every few minutes so they cannot mentally deaden on area of their body by focusing on other areas of pain.

Killing family members can be effective for shock value early on. But is not as effective as you expect for most targets. Remember dead is painless and easy, humans have adapted to deal with death of loved ones for thousands of years. Some people are sociopaths and don't really care about their family, others will become enraged or collapse into a mental shell. None of those are conductive to information extraction. Instead focus on the target watching their family be brutalized, or have the target forced to brutalize one of them themselves in order to avoid other punishments. Constantly reiterate how the target doesn't care about their families and are making the choice to cause such pain on their loved ones so they can serve their paymasters. If facing off against a psychopath or sociopath you have the family members initiate the pain / emotional attacks themselves, focus heavily on mocking and laughter at the target and degradation of worth or how pathetic they are. Humans are not equipped to compartmentalize such issues.

Also, keep in mind you cannot let them survive the ordeal. The 'threat' of such happening to another is fine after the fact when their bodies are found. Never let the target or anyone rounded up with them out to reveal critical information about you or your operation. Even the nature of your questions can reveal much more about you than you may have gained from them. Survivors do not integrate or mix with others well after such ordeals and thus will not 'spread the fear' if that is what you are going for. And by letting them live you are not actually taking pity on them if you have some empathy for their plight, if you feel that way you likely really don't need to be doing anything like this anyway since you also are effected by such actions against others.

Also before you go this route. Reference my picture. Very few people actually know anything of note more often than not. And right now a VAST amount of critical information is already made available by the very system that would be looking to destroy you. Accessing their systems is going to return far more information and abilities than anything you can take out of the people you target for information extraction. The system has to keep using such systems as well to maintain its combat multiplier effect as well as centralization of control. Sometimes the threat of the above actions can be much more effective to gaining access to problematic systems.

The fuckers are about to try some shit.

This is what they are running on for the 2018 elections. Elect them and they will impeach Trump. I can already see it blowing up in their faces. They will motivate Trump supporters to come out and vote against them.

If our president dies.
We must uphold our blood oath to God


The whole "were not Trump" meme failed them this last election. Why do they think it will work this time?

Fuck no. I watched the first episode of that when it was airing and dropped it like the hot garbage it is. Thanks for telling me anyways, I couldn't make it out with that cherrypicked image. Handa-kun was good, but hardly what I would call the "best comedy." If you want some gut-busting shit, go watch Detroit Metal City or normalfag-approved Cromartie.

Gabriel Dropout is garbage, by the way. Even if Satania is really cute.

That and Working! are two of the funniest animes I've ever seen. The one where Jesus and Bhudda are roommates is 10/10 though.


Spoonfeed me some recent sportcrap better if mango

Ping pong, Shakunetsu no Takyuu Musume (highly recommended), Yowamushi Pedal, Yuri on Ice, Battery, Keijo!!!!!!!!!. I'm not the hugest fan of sports anime, and especially since you specified "recent" it makes it harder.

It's not recent at all, but you should watch One Outs. That's some certified anime kino that damn near nobody has even heard of. And of course you can't do wrong with classics like Ashita no Joe, Hajime no Ippo, etc etc.

absolutely fucking based user. top work there.

This guy shows up on fox and I like what he has to say-However, what fucking race is this man? He looks like mongolian+white+native american+black

Thanks mate, I saw Ping Pong and I liked it a lot and One Outs looks interesting.

Perhaps we could spin it our way? Reichstag Fire Decree of 1933?

White House "Act of Defense" of 2017.

The sequel to 1933 is 2017.

git gud fgt

Anything happens to him and every kike in a 50 mile radius of me is dead. My name is George Zimmerman and I fucking guarantee it.