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Webm thread: Nostalgia goggles edition
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why not something interesting for a change
Dreamcast was overrated and died for a reason. Yes I own one.
What the fuck?
fuck yeah rune
From what I've been told by people who speak that dirty language, they were arguing cause the kid with the ugly face was trying to sell something back to the guy who shot him that he stole from him in the first place.
What game is this?
Too bad that's not from a hentai, because I need more of that.
Why they all are surprised? Aren't they all girls?
You want 3 traps with huge tits and huge dicks, and a trap with a small dick and small tits?
Watch the water when the four of them get out.
Plus the Magipokas.
Oh, I see it now.
Another classic
Looks like Renegade X. A completely free fps set in the timeframe of early red alert/C&C games. Came out a couple of years ago I think but it died off due to lack of awareness that it even existed.
It probably still has active servers in the U.S and EU due to the sheer scale of possible players.
It's a shame that it ended up the way it did, it's a solid and fun game.
He stole a gun.
Deserved to be shot tbh
that shit looks cool, wtf is it?
why you have to post that stuff here? Can't you post it to >>>Holla Forums instead?
Don't be a bitch
anyone got senran PC lewds?
Neat. Instant cover.
Yea, he doesn't even check him.
But i'll check you. Nice repeating digits dude.
Does this trigger you?
This thread is pretty damn musical.
I just got off the phone with the trashman, he's on his way.
The Black Lagoon dub is actually bretty gud
I never liked this scene, because it's an attempt at realism that falls kinda flat.
People die in different ways in combat. Some people die screaming, some people die quickly and silently. It depends on the wound and where it hits and how the persons body reacts to it. Of course this is the anime where most of the combat is run and gun and jumping stuff.
Not that black lagoon is a bad anime, I just always thought that scene was kinda silly.
It's a reimplementation (until like maybe 6 months ago it was a 100% faithful remake) of C&C Renegade (which takes place some time during the dawn/first game) on the UE3 engine. The vehicle being controlled in the video is the Titan, GDI's walking medium tank from TS. You can't buy the TS vehicles, you just get them at random from crates sometimes, and they're kind of OP.
It's still alive, and they're still pushing out updates. IMO what "killed" it was their insistence on sticking to Renegade's gameplay so steadfastly. It worked out great for fans of the original like me, but FPSs have evolved in the 13 or so years it's been. Frankly I was more astonished that EA didn't kill it the moment it was released.
Black Lagoon english dub is actually better than the original japanese one. Instead of hiring career voice actor like every other anime they hired stage actor.
video games
Not only are you in the wrong thread, you're also a faggot.
I hope that was an empty shell and not a dud because that would have been a very stupid thing to do.
Hello fellow anime experts, I need someone to identify which chinese cartoon this webm is from.
Just found it from my old webm collection from 2 years ago.
Open it in VLC, the show name is in the meta data.
Boku no Dead End Job
is this like Russian Death Grips?
they actually explored it in an episode right in season one- mojo guilts the professor over it so the professor'll give him the same powers the girls had, until the professor remembers mojo was actually a shithead who'd destroy everything and he kicked him out of the house for it
What is this from?
I know right?
I hate when you faggots post shit like this without any kind of context.
My people.
that poor kid..
Is that matt hardy
What the hell happened to him
When are they going to fix it so I can save the webms as the original file name?
wow, i can't believe i actually sat through the whole thing. This webm is very informative.
Is that Sabaton I'm hearing? Nice.
is the game populated
10/10 The Room of wrestling segments
he fucked his shit up
now that he is broken
he does cringey things along the way
Akazukin Cha Cha
Gee I wonder why.
Here's an old one from an August-September long ago.
Do you have a webm of the TNA knockouts MY VAG HURTS match?
France, late 2018?
build a wall
Wow this actually looks good, did they fix all the stupid shit they did in abomination or is the game still shit?
What exactly looks good? The graphics? That's not saying much.
The fact that I'm seeing him actually killing people instead of running to doors or saving little girls and all the other stupid shit you do in abomination that has nothing to do with killing people.
yea you're no longer on a railroad of running to doors and saving little girls. It's pretty good but ai hasn't made much progress and the "opportunities" are on a trigger where you if you walk near it you'll hear a conversation between two people about it. if they got rid of the triggers and made the conversations happen on their own it'd be perfect.
Oh lordy, it's pure cringe. How can one jerk off to this, i'm dying of laughter.
This is the dealbreaker for me.
can turn it all off
Damn it user you're making me want to play this.
its halfway out. paris is alright, italy is perfect. new level that just came out marrakesh is kind of in between in quality.
while the map of marrekesh is good I think the variety of kills in italy spoiled me a bit and the school is way to easy to break into the security of the consulate is fucking mentla though but nothing touches the goddamn fort knox lab in italy
only real fuckin annoying thing for me is listening to those beautiful accents*
*same 3 recycled American voice actors
I wish they would stop fucking doing this, is it because they hate big numbers or are they just out of subtitles to give to the game?
Welcome to every game in the past ten years.
Because nostalgia fags eat up reboots like no one else right now. If it was even remotely good in any way people will buy it because it was an established title.
I have lots of nostalgia and most of these reboots look like fucking shit.
I've heard that one before. Post a webm of a clean interface where things don't say "press E to open" etc. Then I'll believe you.
And even then I'll probably still not buy it because that fucking strict DRM and scripted events that you mentioned.
seriously, you can turn off the the whole HUD and every prompt
compared to gran turismo this looks like something on the snes..
a dev explained this by the insanely low budget they had to work with on the new hitman as square didn't think a return to the roots game would sell at all
same reason for the low variety in guns they could only afford a single assault rifle model
It's not that I don't believe you… it's just I've been told that before and it turned out to still have bullshit in it. You seem like you enjoy making webms. Just turn it all off and show us. I'm wondering why you haven't done it for yourself already. It'd make for a cleaner presentation in your webms… and the game wouldn't behave like you're a retard with the memory of a goldfish.
cause i have the memory of a goldfish and ive been playing titty ninjas. i made those when i first got the game. im lazy as fug
can /wooo/ answer this
wtf is that creature is that supposed to be matt hardy
Nah you don't. At worst you're just used to the prompts. PLay without em' for a bit and you git gud like you used to.
Good stuff. Too bad no gog version.
Fair enough. I don't trust that it has the capability of a clean HUD, then.
There is nothing wrong with good button prompts.
Taking that shit away for a more "organic" UI is why we went from the masterpiece that was Chaos Theory into the broken consolebabby fuckfest of Double Agent.
I agree that there shouldn't be an over obsession with cinematic screens. But the fact is we're losing important or genuiniely helpful HUD elements to show basic controls of the game and never ending reminders of the mission. That shit is for consolebabby normalfags.
So, do you want more UI elements, or elss UI elements? Are you advocating for a more streamlined UI with less useless feature, or no UI at all? You're a little all over the place.
Less, obviously. Like in Alien Isolation. It tells you how to open the door every single time. In many games it tells you the most basic buttons every time, too. The 'action' button/key. Usually E in most games.
Why do they need to say this every time? We have context-sensitive actions now. Most games don't need a whole lot of the keyboard to function. It's usually one key for a shit load of actions that change based on what you're doing, what weapon you're holding, how fast you're moving etc etc. This is a good thing (most of the time). And yet we still get the tutorial prompt.
UI is user interface. That would be your item menu etc. There's huge problems with these too, but beyond the scope of the original point I was trying to make. I just don't want to see immersion breaking floating buttons and reminders appearing up all over games. It's casual garbage.
Have them at the start if you wish as introducing the controls or as part of a tutorial. But they should fade away over time, only coming back when the user asks the game to either by options, easy mode, a tutorial you can select etc.
The HUD should be as clean as possible. Only make things appear if they're absolutely mandatory. The suspicioin meter in old hitman games was needed because there wasn't as many ways to show the player how comrpomised they were. The A.I was simple and technology wasn't as advanced as it is now… and there was nobody else really making games like that either so they didn't have too many ideas to build off of from anyone else.
Not that I like the nuHitman suspicion system. They should've just added more motion capture, facial detail etc so you can really read how people are reacting to your presence with body language and expressions. THAT is ambitious and a good use of technology. Instead we get a "fwwhiiiip" sound and an arrow. Not immersive.
Fucking amazing
What does the newspaper say killed him when he gets run over by the car?
What the fuck, how is this guy not dead?
Alright, which user is going to try this shit out?
Jin-roh or something like that
source on song?
google and shazam give me nothing
use the farce fLuke
no sandniggers nor niggers nor rapefugees… so it's not France
oh god, it's the guy living in shit and trying to hold a cooking channel while spouting retarded shit about global warming.
This shit gives me nightmares.
congrats on posting that reddit meme.
Fish moving away may not be something new, but not every game has it. cs:go for example, a recent game in which the fish doesn't give a shit about you.
^This, only AAA vidya has that.
Not even all the aaa games have it. Game devs are lazy recently.
Shut up niglet
Man: When I slept with somebody else I tell her
Woman:But it's there But it's there But ada day buda da da da da You did What good nigger gonna say to ye when you finally get the balls to admit it when you say you gonna wind up two lasses its clear (beep) of a receiving she's fucked(beeped) I tell honestly and you know what? What's the point? And you're gonna ha oh ha when you're not knee carry me la bubbling and green you're gonna come bubbling on your knees and you're on about-
(cross talk is unintelligible)
Man: How? As mean as all as sonny that. I don't want to talk to ye
Woman:scum bag scum bag
Got any more of these?
only made that one, I don't really watch his youtube videos.
I like this promotion. I would definitely drive out of my way to see a show.
It's acted, sorry
t. Brazilian
Is that some FSR?
good for testing screen tearing
Some lewd nostalgia.
Nigger lover
Is this better?
what show is this?
pooppoopfart is the guys name on youtube. sadly he stopped uploading with no reason given.
I wonder why nobody hires Sabaton to make vidya OSTs.
Would be rad.
man, fuck the music, I wanna see more high quality bombing footage
Compared to Gran Turismo it looks like something fun
What the fuck did I just watch?
Jesus, Japan. Calm it down! Your "normal" shit is already wacky as fuck, but this is just putting a cherry on top.
I gotta ask man do you know who is the musician?
Oh yeah, artist is RADWIMPS はいぱーべんちれいしょん
Thanks, much appreciated
Game is not complete but it has potential to be the best in the series.
They were ground breaking for their time, especially Hatsu Inu
Why is "Erika" connected so much to to national socialism? It's literally a song about a soldier who compares his girlfriend to a flower in the mountains.
There isn't too much of it. Civilians back home don't like to see how you bomb other civilians back to the stone age.
The footage was mostly used as hit confirmation and training material.
get out normalfag
Bombings are boring.
Or if you mean the anime, its from the Monogatari series
He'll be back soon. Check his twitter.
Just made! This might need a better name.
It was a bit silly, I thought it was kinda cute seeing Revy play with the kids though.
it's german.
and everybody knows that anything german is literally the embodiment of hitler and evil nazism
Holy hot damn that is really, really well dubbed
That webm is from before the first exodus. I wanted the sauce in part because I might make a new webm if I end up caring enough.
Does any one have that one webm where it's this anime and this guy is cutting this girl's leggings or something like that off of her then when he's about to cut off her underwear it censors what would be her ass with a man playing a recorder I think, then a "Doki" mp4 pops up, and finally it cuts to a a different video about a man with downs syndrome who's a teacher's aide talking about getting his groove on.
Was it this?
No that's not it sadly.
For reference here's a picture of the guy with downs and the music that plays (i think) when he grooves is embed related from 0:00 to 2:35.
Sorry I forgot you can't post an image and embed my bad.
We need to build a wall.
Source on the song?
There's someone in america eating this right now.
you have to go back
This makes me want to watch Brave again.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
X-Naut Fortress Theme
Anyone know the song in this?
Here you go user
What's the source on the hentai?
Tay will return…
anime is called "Working!!"
and cunt, right click google img search on the webm thumbnail would've worked youknow
Fur fag
Thank you it was kiling l me because it sounded familiar.
My God thank you so much man it has been annoying me that I didn't save it.
It's the second pat labor movie I think.
Lum isn't Japanese