Have you shed your skin of plebian Windowsly desires and ascended to the godhood of being a GNU/Linux superuser yet, Holla Forums?
Have you shed your skin of plebian Windowsly desires and ascended to the godhood of being a GNU/Linux superuser yet...
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Leave me alone, Richard.
GPU passthroughs are still a pain.
More than half of my games don't run natively on Linux and I don't want to fiddle with WINE for 3 hours for every single game.
Wont happen, linix people are still retarded and dont understand the mainstream market.
Go eat your foot, Richard.
This. I'd buy a couple of cheap Polaris cards plus a 2nd SSD but the process needs to become a main feature in mainstream distros instead of being a hackish solution.
Can you believe this guy is Jewish? He's also a fedora Lord.
Witcher 3's DLC brought me back to Windows. I was on Mint but the support just isn't there. Hopefully the new VM solutions with full pass-through that are supposed to be coming out soon will solve all those issues.
why haven't you ascended to the Arch Linux God Race?
Yes, I am also a masochist who enjoys spending hours at a time editing .conf files just to get my most basic shit to work, thank you for asking.
I like my computer to be a useful tool instead of a hindrance.
I've use arch daily on a laptop and never done that, just werxxx
lol, your stoopid
arch just werks faggot
Now that's solid bait
Arch users: raising the level of GNU/Linux discourse since fucking never.
No I like playing video games
Yeah because you started the discourse at such a high level
there is no discourse to be had based on your retarded statement
you install arch, and it works
how difficult is that for you to understand?
let me tell you, you start with fdisk -l…
Yeah, sure. More and more games are coming to Linux and the ones I actually give a shit about that aren't work fine under WINE. That, and I've always been more of a handheld gamer anyway.
I honestly don't know if I could go back to Windows now. I'm too used to the Linux ecosystem.
And assholes wonder why Linux never catches on; Archfags especially.
Holy moly, that was autistic as hell. Saved.
Actually, it just werked for me for quite some time. But now it forgets my resolution settings on startup some of the time. I tried everything I could think of and look up online. None of it solved it.
It's so bad I actually set nvidia-settings to launch on startup just because I know half the time I'll have to jump back in there and do my resolutions again.
Because Arch stopped being KISS when they adopted systemd cancer.
Install Void Linux.
You know, Richard, when you talked me into installing GNU/Linux you assured me that there are games.
Well, where are they, Richard? Where are all the games you promised me, huh? I don't intend to play Dota 2 for the rest of my life, Richard. The mind does not live in Sauerbraten alone, Richard. I am sick and tired of consuming Sauerbraten, Richard. Do you understand me, Richard?
holy fucking shit you anime cancer faggots are retarded
it takes half an hour to install arch if your parents aren't closely related, like yours. also, there are graphical installers for Arch now. it's the current year, dipshit
How can it "just week" if the most basic thing for installing the fucking system doesn't even run right
Where do you get this shit?
Quads confirm "Year of the Linux Desktop" will never happen
i tried Void, and it was a bit buggy. not bad, but still a work in progress. also, you can install and run OpenRC on Arch or if you're not really smart like that anime posting creep, you can install Manjaro OpenRC like I did on my laptop. just werks
I kinda got used to the cli after a while, it's a lot faster than point & click if you know what you're doing, but i'll never get used to the fact that THERE ARE NO GAMES.
nigger you need an IQ of 80 to run pacman. it's the basic intelligence test. if you fail at pacman, you should run back to Mint
pacman -Syyu doesn't work?
No. And I did have an internet connection, since I checked to ping any servers, looking online told me that the conf was wrong and not pointing to the right servers or something, so from a fresh install, the main feature of setting up the OS didn't work, and I had to look up how to fix it, when it should "just week"
shiggidy diggidy
If you want another game you're free to alter the source of Sauerbraten into the game you want. Now get back to Sauerbraten
Don't bully OP, he has a point.
Out of all the boards, Holla Forums contains the most people that don't play video games, so it makes perfect sense to shill GNU/Linux here.
I think its more windows people that just don't understand linux and make assumptions about it
You're supposed to set your mirrors up when you install it dipshit
Damn son, you are on a roll
Why then during the installation process such things were never mentioned?
Too bad m8. Having problems myself as you can see from my previous post. Pacman has always been working for me, though.
Or both. I use W7 and linux. Ain't no big deal. Still trying to git gud at kdenlive. Blender is just so fucking complex to do simple things as a video editor. I'm not sure if I should invest any more time into it. Maybe I don't have enough autism.
Anyway can I get help on ? Maybe I should go to tech.
I didn't imply that at all you humorless retard
Linux peasants are like fags gaming on macbooks or notebooks
We Master Race like to pretend they dont exist because its to shamefull
sorry to hear that man, wish I could help you, but I run an AMD card with Catalyst, never had any issues with it.
which begs the following question: how come all of my friends on loonix say shit like AMD HAS NO DRIVERS but then go on to bitch about their Nvidia cards?
Becuase AMD has no windows drivers that work, but nvidia does
Holy fucking shit I hate package bullshit.
they say the same about gnu
Sorry I don't know how to help you with that you might have better luck on tech
I'm not even sure it's the GPU drivers. I don't think it is at this point. I should go to tech. This shit has been troubling me too long.
Anyone wish gog and steam would add command line options for their clients? Listing, Installing, updating and uninstalling games from command line would be amazeballs.
I've never thought of this before but that would be awesome doubt it'll happen though
I am deeply disappointed that Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus doesn't seem to work via WINE.
You don't know what you are talking about.
Thas rite! We we wuz Master Race n shit! Dem Linux hoes be tryna covert a history.
Tried to install a game on GNU/Linux once and gave up using Wine to run the Windows executable instead. At least there's always that option available.
Then again installing a NES emulator earlier today was as simple as 'sudo apt-get install gfceu'. No going to their website(or some other third party host), no manually downloading it, running the installer that wants to install a searchbar or Chrome.
Once you're used to package managers there's no going back to the old way on Windows. Everything gets updated seamlessly at the same time.
I had only the source, so I had to compile it.
Which necessitated tracking down a trail of miscellaneous packages so that the compiler would actually make the damn thing.
No need to restart or wait, which is nice.
I like natively running video games too much, so no, still happy with my pirated Windows 7 Ultimate
Package managers really are a much better way of handling installing software
People don't seem to understand that you don't have to use linux exclusively you can always dual boot for games and once you take the time to get over that learning curve you'll realize how much better linux actually is
Not until Vulkan
Ah ok I see what you mean. But then it's not so much "package bullshit", it's the project that's too dumb to list their requirements. Any good project would say You need libx-dev, liby-dev, libz-dev in its Readme or something. You did read the Readme right?
They're called build dependencies, you retarded newfag.
Happy with shitty gifs too, I see.
Dual booting Windows 7/8 and Linux is the superior option.
>tfw most of Holla Forums is too retarded to know how to partition
Yeah, I did. It literally said to just get "make."
Yeah Linux has that now.
I just got Independent HDDs since I wanted to encrypt my Linux install and it seemed like to much of a headache.
It'd just make their libraries act like repos as long as you login via command line which you can do with plenty of things already like youtube and crunchyroll.
I don't have too much space in my HD for a partition.
Clear some of that hentai out, son.
And your fraps folder.
Wait, it doesn't? Fuck.
Same. Independent SSDs for linux and windows each. Shared HDD for storage.
This is my exact setup.
Buy another HDD then, unless you're 15.
Not everybody has a webum on-hand
When I use a computer I want to be able to use things.
Linux is for autists who like complexity for the sake of it.
That's either some good bait or you're dumb as all fuck
I've had to use awful terminal workarounds for the past month because a libgtk update fucked up Steam. Tell me that shit just werks.
Archfag intelligence on display once again,
Linuxfags are like that kid that got his first computer and fiddles with explorer all day like he is some l33t hacker
This isn't always a feature I want. Sometimes a person needs to use an older version of something for whatever reason. Additionally, the repositories are very often not kept up to date with the latest versions of software that a manual download can correct easily. Canonical is still on MAME 0.147 or so for fuck's sake.
So linux the perfect OS for Holla Forums?
It's running on bare metal bypassing the host machine, that's the entire point of hardware supported virtualization. For all intents and purposes it's running native. The OS can't tell the difference. The application being run can't tell the difference. The performance is only a
no games
If you want newer software, pick a better distro or compile it yourself. Hell, for something like MAME I'd be surprised if there wasn't a third-party repo just for packaging each new release for *buntu.
Linux has more games than any other platform though
no because linux is garbage
If it wasn't for DirectX I would've switched over years ago.
Good Lord, no wonder linux has shit marketing approach.
Good Lord, no wonder linux has shit maKkrkekting approach.
I've seen this exact post followed by so many times in my life I think I'm going to kill myself
In mine the Germans never existed.
CentOS, virtual W7 and Kubu. Best setup ever.
What would that even change?
I understand, Schlomo. Delousing is always unpleasant, isn't it?
we already had this gay-ass thread last week
unfortunately that story isn't always the same if a loonix distro has an outdated as fuck version of a program (Shorewall, every single game on a distro's package base), or if its even on there at all (OBS Studio, GDevelop)
that aside, package installers are still much, much better than grabbing some shitty third-party .msi or other executable file
case in point: the entire audio and graphical stack, because what everybody needs to do is manage their X.Org configs and ancient ALSA drivers
I use linux professionally and it's great for certain things.
However, I would never consider it as a home desktop operating system for my gaming pc because it's simply not meant to be one, regardless of how much the linux shills would like you to believe otherwise.
I did, until I somehow denied myself root privileges. Now, no matter what I do, I can't reinstate my root access.
My nigga.
you could just ask your parents or get a job
OBS is a joke on Linux anyway, use Castawesome.
This shit cost me 200 bucks over like 10 months.
25 dollar NAS
50/60 dollar drives by scouring ebay
Christ, how many Doom WADs do you need?
Just one more
I did it ten years ago.
A couple thousand games on Steam right now. Not nearly as much as Windows, but enough good stuff to keep you busy for a very long time.
I'm apprehensive. Last time I checked, only 1/10th of my games are available on Linux..
There's also Wine.
yeah but then you have to deal with even more shit on top
I'm using Mint XFCE Edition. It's comfy, lightweight and pretty.
I might switch to Lubuntu once they adopt LXQt, or Bungie-Remix if the DE matures a bit.
In mine Social media never happened
not on your life faggot.
because everybody loves fucking around with configs and/or using a third-party program over your third-party program for an emulator ““compatibility layer““
Directx is going to be bust soon and wine already has good support for it.
It's actually full of movies / backups / the occasional vm img.
Runs freenas and for how old & cheap it is, runs like a fucking champ.
It's easier than you may think.
Not yet Stallman, I just need a little bit more time
You can always dual-boot.
I understand that I can. But that would require another hard drive methinks.
It looks like you could use another hard drive either way.
Keep an eye out for specials, I got a 3TB WD Blue for 100$ as backup HDD.
You might as well not use Lubuntu then. LXQt defeats the entire purpose of LXDE which is supposed to be low resource use.
and that doesn't count that at least 90% of games will run just fine in WINE
do you have nothing but a SSD? Everybody knows the proper way to go (excluding fancy setups) is 1 SSD around ~120 GB with 1 HDD around 1 TB.
I mean, I guess Openbox pipe menus are pretty ballin at least. Too bad neither LXDE nor Lubuntu seem to want to pre-package some nice ones.
I just don't see the point as of now. The only things I use my PC for is vidya, very basic shit for programming(I'm still learning it as a hobby dammit) and browsing the internet. I don't see why I should install Linux just to emulate Windows for vidya and not much else?
Maybe later when video games are more at home with Loonix or when I find myself needing Linux in muh hobby(if that'll ever happen) but not now.
And why even bother dual booting?
The low memory and cpu requirements for certain distros are nice, particularly netbooks and laptops, but unless your game runs natively you'll have higher cpu and ram requirements due to the fact that you need to run wine to play windows games.
Ease of use and maintenance, security, customization
Using the terminal is fun and intuitive once you get use to it. I also like i3 wm, its much more efficient to use
I will switch when i can be as lazy as i am with windows
I will switch when i can play at least 75% of the games i like effortlessly with superior performance and 0 bugs
I will switch when i can run all my media editing programs which are incredibly superior to their linux counterparts
Pajeet can track all i do, surveillance is a fact of life, you think that the goverment stops spying you when you use linux? good one.
Linux focus is not the end user experience, but to be the ultimate OS to rule them all and that is also it's curse.
Shitty OP. Let people choose what they want
Are you on a rolling release distro? If so, you should know shit just doesn't werk at times, as these things will get past testing without notice. Next time, keep your older packages on hand to do an easy downgrade.
GPU passthroughs is a half-measure, what were you expecting. Only advantage is that you don't have to reboot. Disadvantages are lost CPU power (especially single core performance) and the fact the GPU is stubbed out so the host can't use it, reacquiring two adapters.
I succeeded in getting a GTX 670 to do it. I had no control of its fans, and got recently sick of it. Gonna move to a new amd card doing native Linux only since its going to have Mesa support. The directx 9 support Mesa gives will be a bonus.
This. Only thing windows users are guaranteed to understand is interface. Rubbing that Linux and its userland is only for this niche is in bad taste. Linux and its userland has solutions for windows users like mint and ubuntu. The only thing windows users associates with terminals is errors and bluescreens.
Let faggots discover their ideal distro for once.
You choose a distro that places an emphasis on IKEA-like 'do it yourself' and RTFM. Did you know what you were stepping into?
Too bad its not the library you want. I'm happy with the selection.
The problem is that we have idiots (in Linux userland camp) who ascend up mount stupid and tell everyone about their journey, scaring off curious users. Archfags and Gentoofags (Guilty) have a well
deserving stereotype for this.
I just don't see the point to be honest. I'm too lazy to restart my PC or whatever it is that brings up the OS boot menu every time I want to browse instead of play video games.
I guess looking through the linux supported games on steam it might work since all I play are indie games but first I gotta check if the games I play, would like to play and would like to replay are on loonix.
Here's a stupid question, is there something like Foobar2k for linux? I'm way too attached to that thing now.
No offense user but how's this supposed to get anyone to switch to linux?
Unfortunately there is not, and this has always been one of my biggest frustrations with GNU/Linux. The closest thing I've see to Foobar2000 is Deadbeef, but it really doesn't have the same depth of features sadly.
You all have fun with whatever it is you guys are doing.
The closest thing one could arguably point would be "DeaDBeeF"
no thanks
So wait, here's another stupid question.
If I've got a toaster, and I mean a literal prebuilt toaster from 2001 that's VERY slow and everything that's opened on it takes up like 50% of the little resources it has , that's only used for browsing, would installing a very light linux distro potentially make it fast for solely browsing purposes?
My father's using that PC and I kind of want to make him happy with a faster PC.
Yeah, gentoo is a better choice overall for really shit hardware, because there are compile options to optimize for low memory systems, and certain flags for given processors that improve performance when compiling.
The only real issue I have with games on it, is when opengl is required, the hardware just can't handle it, sdl seems to work at least.
Emulators too, I forgot how much fun I had with gameboy games.
Netbooks are shit for just about everything else though.
Windows 4 lyf fam
You'll get a modest improvement. Browsers have become really fucking bloated over the years by slapping on feature after feature, so mileage varies based on which browser you go with.
Midori/opera are probably as lightweight as you can get while retaining important features, JS is shit but sites have it ingrained in a lot of shit that fucks up layouts without it.
Still, something like lubuntu or tinycore could suffice for just browsing the internet.
somebody remind me why the overwhelming majority of WMfags are all literal tasteless weaboos with no sense of practical design?
You could try booting from a USB key, so you can try out linux on his machine without installing and see if it makes it faster.
You can try as many distros as you want too, I recommend Lubuntu
I know the filename says "not my setup", but you wouldn't happen to know what file manager that is would you? It looks fantastic.
If people want games, I'll assume that they mean the triple-A bethesdone-tier shit.
There are publishers and simply won't publish, and at this time, and Linux won't make them happy. I mean, we have the Metro games, XCOM:EU, Civ 5, Witcher 2 (I still don't think it counts, because it might be still wine-wrapped) and some others that get late ports. 99.8% of indies do seem to port to everything they can, which is a good thing, but you know, few grains of gold drowned by a river of shit. Xenonaunts, Underrail, FTL first comes to mind.
And then, you get fan ports, this is the biggest number: Doom, quake, morrowind, X-com:ufo defense, Planescape: Torment, Diablo, OpenRCT2 and countless others.
Oh, and dwarffortress.
i think it's some zsh + ls magic or something
ranger fm
Follow this to get it to display images
I really, really want to but I work with a number of word and excel documents in Windows and I don't know if they'd be compatible with Linux.
I make my money off these docs. I foolishly upgraded to Windows 10 and I fucking hate it. So many processes running all the time, slowing down my PC and telling me that I "don't have permission" when I try to cancel them.
Like, is it my fucking computer or not? Don't tell me I don't have fucking permission to end processes on my own goddamn computer fuck off. Even if it would crash my computer, that's my fucking concern. Don't ever tell me I don't have permission to end processes on my own fucking computer.
Still, all my money comes from various windows documents and such and I don't know if they would still work in Linux. If I could still alter and publish them.
Would they?
Aw shit, thanks.
I even more hate trying to change my settings.
Some of them straight up say "if this is off for too long, we'll turn it back on. It's good for your PC". What a crock of total bullshit.
Others don't let me change them at all. Although I've gone in the registry to disable most of the Win10 "services" some I can't. For example, the minimum setting for the Win10 reporting service is "basic". Not off, but basic. Fuck that. I don't even have the ability to turn it off,
About once a day the windows 10 "User service and Telemetry Service" starts up and doesn't allow me to shut it down. Fuck everything about that. I don't need any goddamn telemetry.
For an office suite, Libreoffice isn't a bad choice. If you are on your windows box, download libreoffice, and open your Office documents and see if they as good. Libreoffice should have no trouble opening office documents.
If you like, you can switch to linux and have libreoffice ready, or almost ready to go.
I'm a big tower defense fan, so as long as there are plenty of those on linux, which there seems to be the case, I'm okay with that.
I'm also pretty impressed by the amount of games I've wanted to play that are on Linux. Dustforce, Outland, Wastelands 2, Deadcore, the none firaxis XCOM games, Trine and xenonauts, and a bunch more. It's just a huge shame that there isn't support for Orcs Must Die or Smite
Do you have STALKER though?
Libreoffice can export to office formats.
Alternatively, you can get office working through wine, or just virtualize windows inside linux like what mac has been doing for years as a means of "compatibility".
For tower defence, look at Revenge of the Titans.
For Orcs must Die, its got a gold rating on winedb. There is a program called playonlinux that can simplify the process of getting it installed.
As for Stalker, there is no native port as well, but its series got gold ratings as well. The GOG versions of the Stalkers should be easy to install.
To extrapolate on the "playonlinux" thing, it's a helper application for wine that creates instances for individual applications, dubbed "wine bottles" so that settings for one application don't conflict with another that requires different settings.
I'll check that out guys, thanks. I've got an old netbook I'll trying installing some basic Linux suite onto and see how it goes. I'm most lyafraid of losing my files and shit.
post specs, i still vividly remember how horrible my netbook was
Partition if you don't want to lose files.
The process will essentially be:
which is a common option in ubuntu now, it will smart partition the drive to keep windows and install linux to the available free space, or
(many people have neglected this)
Alternatively, you can run linux off any removable media, like a flash drive.
I ll give you a real advice
If you have not used linux before, backup your files, you will fuck up, and you will fuck up hard, no amount of people telling you how easy it is will make you recover those lost files
The more important function of PlayOnLinux is managing multiple versions of WINE, because unfortunately sometimes those idiots break compatibility with a game in a certain version and never go back to fix it.
I don't remember but they're not great, but decent. I dropped it once and now the screen is tinted green and it always makes a high pitches whining noise.
I'll keep that in mind. I already have an encrypted partition. I'd probably just copy my important files to a jump drive and ditch the rest. Everything else is mostly reaction images and other bullshit.
as well as backups, it's generally a good idea to have a liveDVD version of something like Boot-Disk-Repair (en.wikipedia.org
that disk has saved so many fucking hours of my life from formatting / deleting everything, i wish i could donate to the devs somehow
Thanks user. I'll backup to a jumpdrive or some CD or some shit. I don't have many important files, but what I do is goddamn important.
is there a way to get packages to install in specific locations? I feel like a retard letting it go on auto pilot and no clue where shit is on installs.
why does this nigga's face look like a potato
It has nothing to do with linux users and all with the mainstream market being retarded.
As long my system doesn't support GPU Passthrough I'm not even going to bother with Linux.
I need to basically upgrade everything but my fucking GPU to support that shit (since I have a 2500k and the k-series Sandy Bridge CPUs don't support it, and I'm pretty sure my motherboard doesn't support it either).
dual boot nigga
Void stopped my distro hopping.
I use the stuff that is best for the job.
Thus windows on desktop, linux on literally everything else with a 20+ Mhz CPU.
Which job?
In the case of windows, running games and visual studio.
In the case of everything else, not using 1+GB for the OS itself.
Learn the basics of your system structure then, your package manager places everything where they should be for you. There's no \Program Files\ directory like on Windows, a simple program might require several different shared libraries as dependencies to run. Remember that Unix was designed for computer systems that had many different users and it still follows this paradigm.
So even if you install say Krita in a specific directory it'll grab almost half a gig worth of KDE dependencies and other libraries to put in there. That's an extreme example commonly used to show why you don't want to chose where it's installed, most of the time the dependencies aren't that big.
i'm too much of a casual pussy to take the plunge and install linux on my main rig, but i really want to try it out so i'm waiting for a big sale at my local department store where they clear out all their laptops pretty much at cost to turn that into my open source freedom machine
i've pretty much decided on mint because i've heard it's one of the easier ones to learn on. good plan?
It's a good plan but you can try it out without a different computer actually, this can either be done in a virtual machine or by setting up a "dual boot" so you can boot into multiple operating systems that you choose from each time you start the computer. Both are much more simple than they might initially sound, though keep in mind the first one will have poor performance as far as graphics processing is concerned unless you take a series of complicated and hardware dependent steps to enable "GPU passthrough", but if you ever want to do that it would be in reverse with linux being your main operating system, and windows being the virtual OS.
Mint comes with reasonable defaults but the only thing average desktop user needs to learn is how to use the package manager. If you mean learn2linux as in messing with configs and system itself then there's virtually no difference between distros.
(sick doppels mein kameraden)
i've considered dual-boot but i use this machine for working from home so i should probably play it safe
in a dedicated linux machine, though, the GPU passthrough wouldn't really be an issue, right?
i've been told Mint is most similar to a windows OS visually without sacrificing functionality, that's the only reason i've "decided" on it
Just run it in Virtualbox. You can start figuring out how shit works without spending a dime on additional hardware or fucking around with partitioning your hard disk.
Honestly, for 95% of users, this is probably the best way to use Linux. You get the superior Linux desktop and system, and just move it out of the way when you want to play games. I know that's not good for "the cause" or whatever Linux users are always pushing, but it's a much better fit for the needs of the average Holla Forums user than uprooting their entire PC. And it's far, far easier than trying to do the inverse and setting up a GPU passthrough Windows VM for gaming.
The downside is that it never forces you to git gud when you run into a problem. You're more likely to either give up or wipe the VM and start over, which are both the wrong responses.
GNU/Linux is shit.
Windows is worse but don't kid yourself.
Slackware is the only good distro left but most people on Holla Forums are too fucking casual to know how to use a real computing environment.
But windows is the system you want quarantined, not linux.
It's also unsound to have to resource hogging one as basis.
This is the sad truth.
There's not a single good just like there's not a single good web browser anymore.
The BSDs are pretty good.
And by that I mean everything that isn't video games, and Holla Forums is the WORST place to shill something like that. It's bad enough that people ACTUALLY shit GNU/Linux here on a board about VIDEO GAMES.
I mean if you want to talk about /lv/ shit then make a thread but don't bitch at everyone else that doesn't jump into your GANOO+Circlejerk.
The user interface on all major distros are very similar to Windows and don't require much time to get used to. Good on you for playing it safe, there's nothing worse than trying to fix Windows while under a tight deadline.
To try it out it should be fine, in fullscreen it feels like the same thing. A better option would be running a live installation that makes no changes to the hard drive. That way you know for sure if all your hardware is supported. But be careful when playing around with boot options, UEFI has turned this into a nightmare by design to keep you stuck on Windows forever.
Nice meme faggot.
He confused "the best browser available" with "actually good".
Why even have a browser installed? The internet has been dead for the past decade
Seamonkey is the best browser available and it's still a pile of horseshit.
8ch.net and Startpage for information.
No wonder.
Since there are a lot of GNU/Linux beginners here it's worth pointing out one big thing in this screenshot that is a very useful tip.
The /home directory isn't on the same drive as the rest of the OS. That's a very good practice when installing and most graphical installers will ask you if you want to specify a drive for /home. It's probably also being mirrored so if one drive fails he doesn't lose anything.
Basic stuff like what? Blender VSE is pretty different than other non-linear editors, but I don't think doing the same shit you could do in Kdenlive is all that complex.
Do you mean REQUIRING two adapters? I don't know if the IGP counts as an adapter since that term hasn't been used in years in any circle I frequent, but since you can just pass that through I don't see what the issue is.
In a world where no one knows how to multithread, who gives a shit if your windows gets two cores and your linux gets two.
Don't do this. I use a 7870 on wine. It's a nightmare. Wine does not fucking play well with either mesa or catalyst.
Sorry, I meant atidri/xf86-video-ati, not mesa.
how did you get the image preview in ranger?
in case you or anyone else didn't know the story behind that painting.
I've got an old imac laying around I want to put darwin on and run a small file server. For someone who used ubuntu poorly for 6 months one time is this doable?
Since the open source gaming thread died, I'll put the list of games here: paste.teknik.io
Most should be available for GNU/Linux
Try some of the games on the list. I like Xonotic better than Sauerbraten personally. Singleplayer wise for FPSes, theres Quake and Doom. Lots of custom maps available for both, and lots of custom mods for Doom.
Every game has bugs, even on Windows
On some odd setups, there is superior performance for graphics like with some integrated graphics or some older GPUs that have really good driver support.
For things like filesystems, boot times, and so on there is superior performance. Windows really only has better drivers and a larger software library (for end users anyway), its quite horrible otherwise.
What superior media editing programs?
On GNU/Linux theres:
Blender or kdenlive for video editing
GIMP or Krita for raster graphics editing
aseprite for sprites/pixel art
Audacity, LMMS, Milkytracker, Qtractor, and Ardour. for audio stuff.
Inkscape for vector graphics editing.
Blender for 3D modeling stuff and some other shit.
Do you happen to know how good Blender's video editor is? I tried opening Blender once and had no idea what the fuck to do. I just wanted the video editor so I could make Youtube Poop.
That depends on how old it is. If it's PPC it'll still run an older version of Darwin but there's little support and few up to date programs available, the world of *nix on PPC is an obscure one few are involved with. You might even have to deal with EFI, a text only BIOS like system.
If it's intel x86 you're in luck.
I do most of my video editing with ffmpeg in the terminal. I'm serious, when I find a portion of a video that could be a good webm I just cut it out and encode. -ss for start selection and -t for time duration. I might have made at least a hundred webms for several boards here. I didn't make the one I posted earlier though.
The story is one of the reasons why it is my wallpaper.
Also, I tried openmw again and now that they switched their render engine to openscenegraph it runs much better using free radeonsi drivers. The shadows are missing for now but probably will be back in one of the coming versions. They've got texture shader support now too.
user, what do you think of Funtoo? I've considered going past the point of no return and installing Gentoo, but is Funtoo better? I currently run Arch but I installed it with the Architect installer, and since that installer seems dead I'd like to try something else.
Been running GNU/Linux+Windows 8.1 since Win8.1 came out.
Never again.
It's basically Gentoo that uses git to pull sources. It's not bad but at the end of the day it's more or less the same shit as Gentoo.
I did daul boot actually. Ignore the part where I said I reinstalled Windows.
The NLE in Blender is fairly capable in terms of what you CAN do with it; It's just a matter of learning how.
I'd start with this series of tutorials, they are pretty easy to follow and cover all the basics.
What kind of moon setup are you running for the USB to not even work?
What's the VirtualDub equivalent on Linux?
I had been planning on running out the windows 7 lifespan and then switching ti linux, but now that I can't install security updates I plan on making the switch sooner than later. I will probably dual boot something simple like ubuntu until I am comfortable enough using it to completely axe my windows partition. I was worried about games but most of the time I only play DCSS anyway so it doesn't matter.
It's a modern motherboard from 2013, it was practically 2 months old.
My setup is just fine, it's just that Mint is a giant sack of shit.
2013? So the Mint you were using was based on Ubuntu 12.04… You may want to try a distro that was released AFTER your motherboard and see how it works.
You could have ran a live setup to see if everything worked instead of wasting your time installing the wrong version. The drivers were definitely not up to date if the motherboard was only 2 months old at the time and you were using the standard Mint distro.
Had you used Linux Mint Debian Edition it probably would have all the missing drivers included as it was using Debian Testing back then. You have no one but yourself to blame for such incompetence.
You're retarded. The Mint version was up to date fuck yourself.
you tried it in 2013?
Why don't you bitch at Asus or MSI or whatever ebin gamurr brand you bought your shitty mobo from instead?
You version of Mint was based on a disro from 2012.
The thing is there 3 different versions of Mint available but you chose the wrong one. LMDE has all the newest bells and whistles and supports the latest hardware, LMDE 2 is more stable and then last on the testing list for the general public with an ancient kernel and very old packages for it is Linux Mint.
You picked the one that wouldn't work properly. If you bought a brand new motherboard and tried running Linux Mint 17.3 on it today it still wouldn't work properly. They'd tell you to use LMDE for better hardware compatibility.
Not vidya. Check em.
More than all the current consoles combined, actually.
no repetition, disgraceful.
vidya play machine is vidya
I see the archfags are out in force again today.
Love you too
doesn't run most of my shit and passthrough on a laptop would be impractical.
when linux becomes practical for me i'll use it as main. i do have it on my old laptop as a media center (Linux Mint 17.2 MATE) that starts kodi as soon as it boots. makes for a good media center type thing on our main TV.
I'll never get this argument.
Not being root by default ( hello windows) makes you not fuck everything up if you dont know what you're doing.
is not something you would do because laptops have shit GPUs
There are people who have used windows since 95, and still don't know how to use keyboard shortcuts.
There are people who used windows xp for 12 years, and despite all the times they needed it reinstalled still never learned to stop clicking on every god damn website ad that installed malware and toolbars.
Nobody who uses arch should ever recommend arch to anybody else.
sincerely, an arch user
on a 980M? it's a good laptop gpu.
>every toolbar and PC booster this side of the milky way installed
>bit titties facebook
He is a supreme wizard of all things handyman but a lost cause with computers.
Should I sit him down and have the talk?
I've run into this scenario so many times.
The one guy I fixed a laptop for was sick of the shit windows was making him deal with, so I put ubuntu on a partition so he could try it out. He literally only plays solitaire and watches youtube videos whenever he uses it, or so I thought.
Any time something stopped working, that maybe took a few seconds to fix, I'd have to drive over and like re-enable his printer, I would check firefox and it would be littered with toolbars. Then he finally managed to corrupt firefox to the point where you literally could not use the browser for anything, and I restored firefox and disabled addon installation after giving it ublock, httpseverywhere, and theme restorer, and noticed he had been googling cameltoe with various appended terms to the search.
I dropped a hint that I could see his history before I left the one day, and haven't had any calls to fix it since.
It's just so incredible that they never stop to think "maybe it's all these porn sites I visit that give me viruses".
Pick one.
Well, not just you the user, but any also background process using your credentials. Some incompetent dev writes a desktop widget that erroneously overwrites files, and you log into the desktop as root? There goes your installation.
My sister has a MacBook "because it can't break". Fair enough, it did " break" much later than any of her windows laptops.
I'm not an Apple expert in any case so all I did was backup all her pictures, documents and folders she told me to keep and make the thing restore itself as if it just came out of the factory. Then removed the Safari browser out of her sight and installed Firefox with uBlock Origin and all that jazz.
easy everytime
only 900 bucks back in 06
Try Calculate Linux.
RMS is truly the god of autism.
He's really just an android running some riced out slackware. He'll never die.
make an script that setups and configures a pci passthrough with minimal effort for *buntu systems
for faster encoding you just -c:v copy and -c:a copy
especially if you use youtube-dl to rip only webm video and ogg audio
But user, GNU plus systemd has nogaems
What about this shit?
Good plan. Regular Ubuntu has the shitty Unity desktop, so install one of the variants like Ubuntu MATE: ubuntu-mate.org
For encoding? ffmpeg. It's a command line tool, but it's pretty simple.
At least they stop spying on your operating system. Better have them record what you do on the sites/services you're stupid enough to use than your entire fucking computer.
Nah, for visual editing. Walking through frames with a GUI to decide where to cut and visualizing other operations is just something you can't do as well with command line.
Also there is literally no reason to use MATE when Xfce does everything it can do and a shitton more while having nearly the same resource footprint. MATE is a meme DE, tbh fam
GNU is love
GNU is life
Actually was trying to install Mint to replace Ubuntu today:
Now I'm here trying to install Ubuntu onto the usb again, and try my luck with it's "flavors"
And the ironic thing is, is that the old computer has Linux Mint, xfce edition
I switched to Ubuntu in 2007 when it became clear that Vista was a shitty resource hog. I didn't know anything about computers, and I sure as fuck didn't know about Linux, but I figured there had to be something else, something better, and Ubuntu was the first thing I found.
I'm glad I did that. I ended up fucking around with it for a long time, trying to learn how shit worked. I even wiped my partition table once. But it was a good learning experience, and now I only wish I'd done it sooner.
These days I mostly use Debian stable. Most of the games that I play tend to be fairly old anyway, so even the Windows-only ones usually work decently with WINE.
It's just Linux, unless your distro refers to itself as GNU+Linux.
Debian calls itself GNU/Linux.
Do you call Windows XP, "NT v5.1"? Or OSX "Darwin"?
>>>Holla Forums
I have. I haven't touched windows in years.
I want newfags to leave.
Nice double dubs, fam.
So who do you guys main in Super Tux Kart?
El Capitan masterrace
No one who has any idea what they are doing fucking calls it GNU Linux. GNU failed, Linux succeeded. They are two separate entities. Stop trying to take credit for Linus's success, Richard.
Wilber, but nobody at the moment since those assholes switched the engine to OpenGL v3 and and I can't even run the damn game anymore despite playing with it on all high settings previously.
Is that why the GNU Public License is still the most widely used license, and the GNU core utils are the most widely used software in all Linux distros?
Shitux has no games
Windows 7 masterrace
If I wanted nogaems I'd buy a PS4.
You can't be Free on the Sony® PlayStation 4™, though.
I run windows 10
Dick Stall-them,man is a pretentious doublethinking communist.
I will never understand why neckbeards worship this autistic kike.
Because he's right.
I had to write a program just to rotate the backgrounds on the root window (xorg api b/c I use i3 as a wm) and manually configure i3 to run a command that sets the correct resolution on load. I love Arch but getting some of the most basic shit to run is ridiculous.
Though I will say that if you just want to use a cli via the virtual consoles it isn't that much of a hassle to get hooked up. Arch's reputation for difficult installs is a symptom of the fact that there is an over-abundance of people who don't know how to do one of the following:
-Use Pacman
-Use fdisk
-Use mount
-Configure efi booting
-or set their system locale properly (basically, you're retarded).
I've installed it on a 7 year old laptop; a 5 year old laptop; a massive tower with multiple drives, obscure pcie peripherals, and an assortment of SATA3 devices; and a rinky dink ass gen 1 raspberry pi. Never had a problem on any of these systems so long as I refreshed myself with the manpages/wiki and didn't do anything outright stupid.
Systemd isn't KISS but it isn't hard to understand either. I realize there are several philosophically predicated controversies regarding the matter but I never really gave enough of a shit to learn a new distro. Maybe I just don't have enough autism.
If you have enough autism to fuck around with EFI, then you are definitely capable of using friendlier distros.
His ideology completely killed any momentum Linux had as a mainstream desktop operating system. It doesn't matter if you're right if being right makes you irrelevant.
Oh what I'd give for the BSD lawsuits to have never been.
muh essential freedoms
The free software movement is older than Linux, and it certainly didn't "kill Linux's momentum."
I started using Linux in 2010 but switched over entirely once Windows 10 came out. Only games I can't run and want to are EYE and Space Engineers. Everything else either runs fine or isn't on PC.
I've got nothing against people who want to run Windows though. It's much better for vidya at the moment.