An instance of Infinity Next called Nextchan has been set up by various anons after 16chan (Josh's instance of Infinity Next) was shut down. Josh is not involved in administrating this website, and the site's global rules are minimal. The imageboard software used on the website is open source, and due to its license, the AGPLv3, a public instance must release its source code. Deduplication works in Infinity Next without changing filenames, so the filenames are normal. The file size limit is currently 32MB and new file types such as OGG, MP3, WAV, and EPUB can be uploaded with covers. There is also an overboard catalog with an autorefresh feature called overwatch. The software is in active development and there will inevitably be some bugs, report them in /next/. Come check it out at
The official Nextchan IRC channel can be found on Rizon: #nextchan at
There is also an official GNU Social Nextchan account:
The gitgud source code repository can be found here:
The symbol for it looks like a bad attempt to conceal a swastika.
The logo is a WIP pretty much, pic related is the old logo. You can try making a better one if you want.
yet another splinter *chan that will die in three weeks when the ADHD autists (you, OP, mainly) can't keep the circlejerk going
Then do it faggot
great thread
Nextchan Holla Forums B.O. here, u mad bro?
I seriously hope you goyim don't do this.
hehehe capitalist wite boi
why do we need another leftypol board? Aren't there already a shit-ton of them on other chans?
yes I know librechan isn't that but it's still spam
>posts per hour day: 0
great site, heterosexual OP.
developers are working hard to find innovative new features to prevent spam.
is that why they just banned me for posting something that triggered them? Or why I need cookies enabled to argue my case?
Holla Forums - rare Palmer Luckey frog meemees
Holla Forums has one post shilling SJW cuckoldry
/n/ - dead
/r9k/ - dead of terminal pocket overheating
pic related not there at all
great site
That was from the /test/ board. I think you meant the front page, the overboard is a catalog that shows threads right now. The front page just pulls recent posts from any board right now.
Any board owner can feature their board. That was one board anyway, there are 5 other featured boards there.
Try looking at Holla Forums, /t/, Holla Forums, Holla Forums, or some other board with a good amount of posts, and try making a post. Every website like this starts out slow.
Where were you banned?
Maybe it will, but you know what would really spread lefty ideology? Making your mark wherever possible. As far as I can tell, nextchan (just at a glance) doesn't have a huge userbase. People viewed leftypol there (as I did) and went 'uh, nothing there… just some blah'; well, that can change. You could post here, and there. No loss, for everyone. Getting too tied into one site, one platform, that you have zero control over, leads to stagnation and censorship.
Brennan is no longer in complete control of Holla Forums. That shit changed, and I'm not sure how or exactly when, but this is no longer the original Holla Forums that that pushed off.
One of the initial goals of Holla Forums was being completely independent of say, cloud caching based in the US.
No longer the case, as far as I can tell.
Supporting and backing alternatives at this point is not a bad idea, even if only half-heartedly.
I recall back (2 years ago?) that there was this massive debate about how it would be hosted in the .ph and .jp servers to avoid the control of the US government, and yet everything I'm seeing now is cached in the same cloud networking and control that they were trying to escape. (this might just be my isp, at which point ignore it, but there you go)
As far as I can tell, Brennan is no longer in complete control of this site. For whatever reason. It's good to have alternatives, and not be a deer in the headlight like 4chan was.
Brennan has no control of Holla Forums surely
But we already have bunkerchan tbh.
You mean that sarcastically as in vs Holla Or what? I don't get your point, explain please.
Brennan used to have control over this site, and one of the core values was 100% free speech, and a drive towards getting it out of the jurisdiction of the US (paraphrasing a bit, there)
No, not sarcastically. He really doesn't have much if any control.
Reminder that Joshua is a stalker and a wannabe murder
Josh is not involved with Nextchan.
Well, he used to. I kind of miss that.
The mood of 8ch has definitely changed, after whatever it was that happened.
2bfamnest I wouldn't mind going on a board run by a blacknat as long as you're not one of those obnoxious black separatists or the type that blames gringos for everything and hates them.
I'm pretty sure they've got .ogg too.
The problem isn't who moderates it, it's under which legal jurisdiction it falls under… if you don't have a plan to escape the cloudcaching of pretty much all of the US web right now, you're going to be vulnerable, injectable and completely dominated by forces outside your control.
But you're a trip fag, so I don't expect much from you in understanding of just how massively controlled most all of the sites on the accepted cloud caching and 'ddos defense networks' your going to, are.
So whatever.
We're living in the nightmare of AOL, spread pretty much across every social media platform and forum that is allowed to show up on google.
But if you don't get on the US cloud networks, you'll get DDOS'd immediately by 🍀🍀🍀you know who🍀🍀🍀
I'm sure if it ever comes up, any authority figures who would normally assume the worst of me will accept this explanation without question, especially if they are bloaty old fucks who don't understand how technology works like 90% of them are.
Your reading comprehension sucks, I said Holla Forums is full of shit-tier astroturf frogposting.
Let's have a look. Oh look more autistic frogposting about everybody disagreeing being a shill. Two get threads. useful information about technology, computers or freeware. masturbating to Tux. Wow great board.
Wow two desktop threads, truly the height of technological discussion. Wow a logo thread, that sure does help me get my computer to run better. Wow a banner thread, really useful shit there. Browser thread arguing over Chromium and Firefox, clearly the people in it know what the fuck they're talking about. What a great board with a lot of relevant, intellectually-stimulating content. Also nice to see that the site already is doing the People's Judean Front/Popular People's Front of Judea thing, I'm sure that means good things for both boards. Just like all the gamergate spinoff boards.
looks dead and honestly I don't care. I'm not here to talk about vidya, I pretty much gave up on that after the faggots running 8/v/ started giving info to the Feds and Johan put finished games behind 200 dolaridoos worth of DLC.
Would if I could find one. Too bad the counters are all broken.
And who are you?
why leave
your front page just shit the bed again Josh
Let's have a look. Oh look more autistic frogposting about everybody disagreeing being a shill. Two get threads. useful information about technology, computers or freeware. masturbating to Tux. Wow great board.
Wow two desktop threads, truly the height of technological discussion. Wow a logo thread, that sure does help me get my computer to run better. Wow a banner thread, really useful shit there. Browser thread arguing over Chromium and Firefox, clearly the people in it know what the fuck they're talking about. What a great board with a lot of relevant, intellectually-stimulating content. Also nice to see that the site already is doing the People's Judean Front/Popular People's Front of Judea thing, I'm sure that means good things for both boards. Just like all the gamergate spinoff boards
How is any of this different from our website?
8/tech/ actually has had useful threads and still occasionally does, despite the polyp infestation. Nextchan Holla Forums and /t/ look more like /g/ from either full or mangosteenchan.
Your mom
Could the Holla Forums mod who was in the #nextchan IRC channel come back? I just had an idea for a board name.
Its only been up for two weeks, what did you expect? Right now its up to the users to make more and better content, either you do it or you don't.
The site staff aren't tech illiterate. I can't really speak for the board owners or volunteers though.
You said it in this post and I didn't know it was yours.
I noticed, someone will probably try to fix it. I think it still puts the boards with the most active users on top though, and the total posts counter still seems to work. Things are being fixed and improved by the developers, complain about it in /next/ and it might be the next thing to be fixed.