Mudshit children assimilating into western culture
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Generation Z and alpha are getting red pilled and are gonna be the ones having fun genociding them, and it isn't fair.
I see what you did there.
White countries for everyone I guess.
waste of dubs
I can't wait for this retarded "assimilation" meme ends. I don't fucking WANT them to assimilate. I don't WANT them here at all.
Australia is a nation of 20 million, 20 million is by no means enough to fill Australia's habitable areas.
Consider for a minute having a time machine and traveling back to about 40,000 years ago in an effort to save the Neanderthal from the brink of extinction by returning a group to the modern world of today.
The social problems, the spiritual problems, their belief in the supernatural would be equally as great as what these poor, unfortunate, destitute, deranged shitskin children have to deal with everyday.
Can we not open our hearts?
We're gonna be their commanders dummy.
This is the new normal in The Netherlands, 4 more years of this cancer.
Also that image was propped to appear that way to create maximum sympathy for the mass propaganda campaign that they threw us to death with for 2 weeks.
Are we sure they were Syrian and not something else? I thought we weren't actually taking in Syrian refugees?
depends on whether we're in drought or not user
If a drought happens again like the one last decade we wont have enough water to even water the crops
Not to mention last time we lost hundreds of farms which all dried up
I actually saw this story posted yesterday in the forums at Empornium and all the comments were cucked out saying it must be fake (specifically the part about how they allegedly pushed her into a corner). The same teacher said that they also threatened to behead her, too, and so she quit.
And yet our government set a population target of fifty million. They have absolutely no regard for the safety or prosperity of the Australian people.
Education Department hired a new principal whom used to work as an education manager for education unit inside Reiby Juvenile Justice.
Not to mention is was the government that changed how much that dam was allowed to contain so that it overflowed and flooded
Pretty sure it was Gillard who personally ordered it
Its like they have no concept of Australia's wet and dry seasons or the el nino effect
By bumping.
Eh, wake me up when they start bullying jews at synagogues and banks.
Why don't we simply deport those fuckers? 1 strike and you're out, literally.
if only we could actually solve these such simple problems
i've been hearing this in the news, along with leb gang shootings, muslim terrorist plots foiled, businesses and islamic school funds funneled to terrorist organizations, etc
i'm not surprised at their behaviour, and nor should anyone who lives there and knows what leb schools are like
i'm just glad my suburb successfully rejects mosque plans
Reminder not to fall for just anit-Muslim rhetoric. The Jews are trying to stoke nationalist thought by having it be against Muslims only. They want to gear us towards a war in the Middle East, while still harbouring Jews, Asians, Mestizos and blacks.
I just want them out of my country
At no point did i want to go to theirs
I can think of one good reason.
What about Alice springs cunt?
Funny how much we agree on except the islam shit.
Why wait for one strike?
Good. If we as the older generation can clear the path for them then we've done our duty.
Stopped watching there.
why is tasmania labeled as new zealand?
it's a joke you cunt where the fuck even is new zealand
Top fucking kek m8 throw another shrimp on the Barbie you bogan cunt.
Us and Australia are getting the actual syrians, big ass ocean lets us take our sweet time making sure we get to suck the primo Syrian cock. You jelly Sweden, even in this you are cucked.
Fuck off sandnigger. Nothing stops us from opposing both you AND the jews.
Why the fuck should everywhere be filled, Goy farmer?
The statement that Australia is full isn't in reference to its area, but rather its demographic saturation; there must be a certain proportion of Whites to subhumans in order to maintain a functioning society, and that threshold has been reached. Hence, at this time, we are not looking to accept any more. Thank you.
What a beautiful culture. I hope all nonislamic teachers are delightfully beheaded. You know, for progress and stuff. Diversity is strength.
Does it really in the New Testament? Because everyone knows the old one is just kike shit.
How is Europe on pushing back the Jews? I know they have laws about anti-semitism but what's the word on the streets?
It makes me nervous that I'm seeming people like Nigel Farage trying to say his opponents are anti-semetic to try and gain sympathy.
You know what makes me sad ? I thought about what that term really means…. what does it really mean for an immigrant to 'assimilate' into western culture ?
It means they abandon their own (albeit trash) culture and replace it with this bland, jewish, materialistic soul-sucking garbage. Western culture no longer exists, our society is like a fucking zombie. It died generations ago, yet it still shambles on, always needing new people to consume so that it can continue to exist.
Know thy enemy, user.
Why, tor-user?
Or should I say torah-user?
Dont be such a fucking mongoloid. I visited Germany for a few weeks several years back and one of the German girls joked that every building in the town was 500 years old, and I explained to her the only very few things are 500 years old and still standing in America. I can only imagine what she feels now that mudshits are there. Honestly I'd imagine that it'd make people privately look into history of their own people more.
But will it end on its own or will you be forced to act to prevent it, user.?
It's true.
But have we built anything as beautiful as one of those Cathedrals lately ? Maybe a few.
In a modernized world, its hard for an architectural wonder to bloom. Everything has to be abstract and obscure, its sometimes forced to have a building thats unnaturally shaped, but it has no culture or depth. A New renaissance has to happen that adopts reality as being the chief component for works of art. This liberal bullshit modern art is the most ridiculous shit that's ever been conceived.
We may never build anything close to the Cathedrals, but we can form our own architecture that reflects nationalism and self-pride.
It is entirably possible with honed vision and determination, we just need to break the mental yoke of this worthless modernity.
I always thought of 'modern art' as the product of jews, who can't into art and aren't satisfied with just pretending that it's art: others have to pretend as well.
It's up to the individual to create, no group effort ever made anything great.
See: musicial "super groups"
One man needs control, dictatorship is the vessel for creativity, others are a means to an end.
Holy shit, this guy is a good candidate for Cuck of the Decade. Pic related, it's him.
100% certain he has ancestors that were in a besieged city that started bargaining with the enemy from on top of the walls and ended up 'islam-converts'.
not a single abo or muslim or indian or nigger from sudan
So that is why the education department hired a former juvenile jail education manager to work in Punchbowl school.
It's fine, as long as we get to have eurobeat music videos of it
It can be done, if you pay for it.
The best way to get kebab to self-remove is to pollute their women. Share muslima porn, try to chat up muslimas on kikebook if you have it or twaater, make them into degenerates so they are afraid to leave them while they go to their mosque.
you're correct. See George Lincoln Rockwell on this subject.
Well the name isn't Jewish but the face doesn't lie.
These Arabs are fucking idiots. Europe has opened the doors, they can finally complete the invasion they've been working on for 1400 years with 85% of the European public's blessing, and all they need to do is go in there, get a job, and start pumping out kids and Islam would defeat Christianity. Easy.
But instead they rock in there and immediately start pissing off the moderates and alienating themselves, terrorist attacks every now and then, and just generally drawing attention to themselves and showing how poorly they fit into the society. It's like they're TRYING to tell us to stop the immigration.
Why are they doing this, they are doing the one thing that could potentially save European peoples from complete assimilation within a century or two.
Sub 90 IQ is a hell of a thing user
It's in their nature.
They come from a society of deception and mistrust, where if your wife is let outside and is raped, it is your fault for being naive enough to think it wouldn't happen. There is a belief in their societies that the law does not apply if you are not caught. For them to do what you say; get a job and have children, they would have to integrate and trust society, which they are incapable of doing, and by the time they do, they will already start sliding away from being a Sunni.
Some Imams do preach peaceful integration, and lots of Muslims do make the effort to assimilate and not cause any problems. It's a god-send there are so many bad apples, as otherwise this would be a really convincing Trojan Horse that no amount of weaponised memes could stop.
As it is they're doing all our work for us, and at this rate public opinion will actually shift at some point. Fuck only knows what happens then.
what part of full dont you understand m8, ill fuckin hang ya
Despite being closely related to Jews they don't have the genetically inheritable trait of Subterfuge, they just take by kill, pillage and rape
To be fair Griffith acts like a Jew
Because we're not Switzerland.
12,000 a year cunt. The gov seems to think we'll avoid any problems with them because they're able to 'pick the best of the lot' but they don't bother acknowledging that it's the second and third generations of muzzies that cause the most trouble.
Aus shouldn't be taking any with the cost of housing and the fact that they're going to be reliant on the taxpayer for the entirety of their lives.
An Australia comprising of 50 million people will end up being maybe 50-60% white at best. I'd rather be a small homogenous nation than a large multiethnic shithole.
I like when they try the angle of "it's not immigrants doing this, they were born here, so there is no problem" as if it isn't actually even worse
When they play that card it just goes to show that it doesn't matter if they were born here or not, muslims are gonna muslim and will never fit in in Australia.
I would actually like to see how much it costs the taxpayer to have a muslim population here - they take up vast amounts of welfare, and I know the cost to upgrade Australia's anti-terror force (after the Lindt incident) was one billion dollars. I'd even settle to know how many raids have been done on muslim households and the cost for each one - since Lindt there's been at least a dozen that we know about.
Did you know the numbers we use today where created by arabs, or "shitskins", as I like to call them? That's right fellow Aryan warriors, dubs would be impossible without Islam. Think about it.
Hello fellow white person, lucky you posted an animu otherwise I would have called you a shill.
I have been saying this for a long time, the influx of /a/ is actually mostly created by kikes trying to fit in.
Nice try MIDF but nope. Arab numbers are what Iran uses and they look NOTHING like 0123456789.
As for who invented the decimal system, already covered
I'm not sure you'll actually find that many proponents of assimilation on Holla Forums, it's just a stupid alt-lite thing. The fact that they don't assimilate is just a good thing to show as a reason why they shouldn't be in our countries.
This is why it is imperative that we keep relentlessly rustling muslim jimmies
We need more muslim chimpouts to force the normies to demand kebab removal en masse
The forums there are literally cancer, with the kind of people who post there I'm not surprised the top spots are always fucking cuckold shit and niggers.
can confirm this shit goes on. One day my child comes home and asks me about the hamas army, and if it's the strongest army in the world. I told him it's a bunch of shitskin terrorists. Apparently there was this shitskin in his class who was trying to radicalize kids and boast about armies such as the hamas army, Isis and such, which as a 2nd grader he had to get from his parents. Its sick that these people are let into our country with such beliefs(amerifag). This goes on fairly often too, and is never reported on either.
Hamas doesn't have an "army." Hamas is the ruling government in Gaza, and so despised even by other Sunnis they take gibs from Iran. If there's one Sunni group I don't mind, it's Hamas. They keep to themselves and fight the Jew, though usually not very effectively.
See Dr. Pierce "The martyrdom of waifa idris."
You'd think you fucks were smarter: "oh he's not destroying the country he's only stupid", you're being real fucking smart there m8.
50 million means 30 million more votes from subhumans that bred thanks to welfare.
You are no longer considered to be the Australian people, abos and chinks are.
I agree, Australia should import more rapefugees to make up for the dwindling birthrates that weren't totally caused by those fucking taxes.
Of course the 60 something teacher doesn't understand why the brown kids are attacking her, she never had any children of her own and has no regard over her own safety or for that matter of any of actual Australian children.
Welfare or magic land won't remove thousands of years worth of inbreeding.
Tell a rabbi the mudshit is being anti-semitic and is talking stabbing your "Jewish" kid.
It's all kike shit. The only difference is that White people following kike shit are still White, thus better behaved. It's still not advisable to follow kike shit, in any case.
That feeling when I know people who work with kids in school and they tell me stories of a couple boys who talk about how all British soldiers are pigs and how they'll all be killed but even though it gets reported no one informs social services and nothing has changed.
Because all their political and religious leaders are telling them to do it. Because that's how those political and religious leaders hope to gain control over Europe. They're not giving Europe their people, they're doing the opposite by claiming them as still their own. Just look at what Erdogan is trying to pull.
I think we fit more of the wise but halfcrazy hermit that guides the hero with fragmented wisdom and riddles archetype.
I have to laugh every time I see that dead kid
it's like that pic with the eu asking what slimes want and getting only "death to the infidels" as an answer.
FFS, they are TELLING US!
My dad used to take me down to the rope swing at the lake in the summer, taught me to swim too. Good times fam
the dead know one thing. it's better to be alive. I have to laugh every-time I see that little floater. lol
The Austealian government will not fix this important non white problem as long as the lemmings keep voting them in.