What is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism?
it's trash
Cold War LARPing.
This, but that comes for all forms of MLism.
Hah, black people, amirite guys?
OP is that you in the video?
absolutely based
If you post one more meme like that I will find you and make you into shashlik
10 gorrillion
Being a warlord doesn't mean he's an anarchist
Moderation is a virtue.
Why are you Stalinist again?
it doesnt mean too leftist. It means being too optimistic
I literally cant
look at all these arguments
leftypol has in extremely irrational fear of maoism however they never justify it other than saying "muh gorrilion billion zillion deaths".
everyone in the left knows how relevant it really is but a lot like to pretend it isnt relevant by saying "it was made ages ago" and ignoring its universal elements of modernization and its obvious presence in real left wing politics (india is the biggest)
Sorry m8, watched the video with an open mind and really can't understand the appeal. The guy is just obsessed with nationalism and exhibits hilarious ultra sectarianism ("the REVISIONIST workers world party are ENEMIES of the proletariat"). Also his claim that class reductionism means "socialism for white men only" is pretty retarded.
Most of us live in the first world. First world Maoists tend to be bizarre autistic clowns that take the worst elements of the left (identity politics and 20th century larping) to the extreme.
I don't think anyone here bashes the based Maoist guerrillas in India, Peru, Nepal etc. Anyone who does is probably a liberal or a purist.
none of those countries are socialist
I'm not quite sure where you're getting that
An exaggeration maybe, but wouldn't you agree that ignoring race and gender based oppression is wrong?
that's not what ultra-leftist means
This is correct^ Ultra-leftism is ignoring the reality of a situation in favor of ideology.
It's the political ideology of destroying your own country and flooding it with disgusting subhumans because you want the world to be as shitty as you are.
It's very quaint user.
thank you
It's justified because Maoism is literally not Marxist, but rather a "left" nationalist movement.
The alliance with the national bourgeoisie and other elements was a temporary alliance (a union of opposites, so to speak), which was necessary to win the war against the Japanese and free China from imperialist domination and feudalism _before_ socialist construction. This was a specific application to Chinese society at the time, and wouldn't be necessary in an already capitalist society. This temporary alliance (as all alliances between opposites must be) was ended by the time of the GPCR.
"In our country, the contradiction between the working class and the national bourgeoisie belongs to the category of contradictions among the people. By and large, the class struggle between the two is a class struggle within the ranks of the people, because the Chinese national bourgeoisie has a dual character. In the period of the bourgeois-democratic revolution, it had both a revolutionary and a conciliationist side to it's character. In the period of the socialist revolution, exploitation of the working class for profit constitutes one side of the character of the national bourgeoisie, while its support of the Constitution and willingness to accept socialist transformation constitute the other. The national bourgeoisie differ from the imperialists, the landlords, and the bureaucrat-capitalists. The contradiction between the national bourgeoisie and the working class is one between exploiter and exploited, and is by nature antagonistic. But in the concrete conditions of China, this antagonistic class contradiction can, if properly handled, be transformed into a non-antagonistic one and be resolved by peaceful methods. However, it will change into a contradiction between ourselves and the enemy if we do not handle it properly and do not follow the policy of uniting with, criticizing and educating the national bourgeoisie or if the national bourgeoisie does not accept this policy of ours." - Mao
The truth of this statement can be demonstrated by how capitalism was, for a time, eradicated in China (before the capitalist restoration of Deng, of course).