I know Rotom is older as a character but feels like they're ripping off Yokai Watch with this.
I didn't think of it this way
But still.
Also whats with the stupid chicken hat
Do Pokemon games have rivals any more or is it just battle buddies?
I mean, if digimon had the exact same gameplay as Cyber Sleuths but with different Digimon, I'd pay for that.
Same with Monster Rancher.
It doesn't matter if the gameplay is different as long as there are new pokemon or whatever
More like BROfessor
I think they are supposed to be like ZOIDS
Pokemon is kind of just there now since Youkai Watch is hilariously popular in Japan, 3 is coming out next month and it will kill sales for every other game for a good 3 months. At best they're trying to copy what's successful
Yeah! This is something they've never done before!
Nigga studies pokemon moves by taking direct hits!
It's just battle buddies, unfortunately. They can't write a character like Blue or Silver anymore.
I wish I could get into Yokai Watch. It was just too boring for me to get into.
I mean yeah in Japan, but unlike Yokai Watch Pokemon has been an international success and since the GTS in gen 4 they've been focusing on that wider audience.
That's what happens when they decide to let the game autoplay for you
pretty much
The sad thing is that they weren't even well written or deep, they were just better than "Oh haha looks like you beat me again buddy okay bye have a nice day!"
Bravo gamefreak.
I'd chill w/'em
2 is better since it fixes most of the problems one and adds trading and online had, 3 is a overhaul adding positions and adding a lot of stuff
Yokai Watch lacks the personal elements Pokemon has always had, plus the games are far more simple and easy. It might be more popular now, but it wouldn't be the first time something was before promptly crashing and burning because there was nowhere else to take the series.
Makes sense, can't see a New Moon.
I really didn't dig the designs either
Rotomdex r34 when
We know nothing of her yet, chill.
Also Blue a shit.
Why is she so angry?
f l a t
Dude weed lmao
Either bad guy or champ
According to her profile on the main site she doesn't like Pokemon being used for battle.
The pokedex is going to spout memes, be impossible to shutup, state the obvious and constantly remind you how to do shit you've done a thousand times.
It looks like you're in a Pokemon battle, Need some help?
So she's gonna have a lot of art of her fucking pokemon like N did. Gotcha
Hilda has a crap ton of that made of her for some reason, more then any other female trainer.
Have you seen her shorts?
It also says she eats books… Hmmmmm
I've seen her without her shorts
What is Giratina.
Giratina was Ghost Dragon.
Also not only Giratina we have Hoopa
Cry some more babby
Well i appear to have caught a case of the retard.
But in my defense the diamond and pearl legendaries were pretty unmemorable.
Fucking kill yourself. You know Hawaiins hate black people
i bet you would shit on jet set radio too you vidya poser.
They hate everyone, they are the welsh of the americas.
Go be triggered back on Holla Forums.
fucking projecting much?
You're trying way too hard to fit in, user.
And you're shilling pokemon. Guess it's okay because it's nintendo though, right?
Pokemon is shit, I just found the nigger funny
Their Asians/South Pacific islanders now fuck off back to r/politics faggot.
Definitely has the "main antagonist" feeling to her. Could make for some good plot, presuming GF remembers how to write
>>>Holla Forums
But Giratina-chan a cute
Do you know what moving the goalposts mean?
What pisses me off the most is that the guy doesn't look like a professor. He looks like he's straight out of Jet Set Radio. He literally looks like a street nigger
Kukui doesn't even look like a black man, in real life or in the games.
Do you think they'll let us customize our pokemon too?
Braixen in bikini when?
D&P/B&W was the low point in design. Instead of widely varying pokemon they had running design theming so everything looked artificial like it was made of interlocking but seperate parts like chibi mecha. The designs just were not that memorable for me.
Love or hate them things like sylveon and phantump fit in with the original design style for the pocket monsters than this awkward period did.
Thats a trap in a skirt faggot.
fucking this
I can already hear all my fucking normy friends screaming about how cute it is while completely ignoring the implications it has on gameplay and the story
its going to be this worthless piece of shit all fucking over again
at best it'll be an annoying cunt that shouts tutorials and "funny" lines that you may be able to turn off once you get a decent way through
at worst I can see this piece of shit turning into some kind of golden tanooki suit style safety net for retards that black out and being the main exposition icebreaker
Delphox is better, you NFE loving faggot
You need to leave
Holy shit, are they all the same person?
and worst of all
he'll be translated by NOA
NoA doesn't handle Pokemon, retard, TCPi, does, and has handled it since day 1
>implying manz was ever done by Nigger Stalin aka reggie
I'm sorry for your loss.
No he won't. Translation is handled by the Pokemon Company themselves, and the Japanese language optional will be there anyway.
I hate NoA and Treehouse but stop being a retard and actually look this shit up for once before you post.
You wish. At least NoA would write in a dumb meme that might make you smile for 5 seconds.
Pokemon Company just goes full kid friendly with retard dialogue
I remain convinced that the X&Y male Veteran and male Ranger models are meant to be father and son. Matt however is swole beyond compare and in his own distinct category of gorilla-man.
well fuck my bad
there hasn't been a main series title in forever, I forget.
I actually live in Australia but I have a American 3ds.
Dude, ORAS came out November 2014.
god it gets even worse.
Well it isn't like TCPi is any better since they censor as much and meme as much
The over 9000 psychic, "My Pokemon is fight", swimmers and beauties having sprite changes between Japan and International releases, Registeel's Nazi salute being changed.
does anyone remember the small little meme lines pokemon has every now and again?
one of the newer ones used the whole "my body is ready" and over 9000 thing, but I also remember one of the DS games having one of the trainers say "a winner is you"
they aren't great, but they're used so sparingly that it doesn't go into cringe territory
Sun and Moon has me worried
As I said you could always play the game in japanese even on an American game and those last few examples haven't occurred lately
As I recall the games were translated by a goon who would put memes in over time getting more and more intrusive with it. After Platinum he was fired for it so HGSS and the Gen V games seem to be the most meme-free.
He's right though. Remember the trannie Black Belt/"""Beauty"""?
I'm pretty sure gen 4 had a couple hidden away. They haven't been afraid to pull internal memes back though like the shorts kid in gen 6.
lived in america for 3 years and got my 3dsxl while I was there before we moved back, now I'm a poor uni student. It's funny though cause its cheaper to buy US eshop cards online and dw the game then to buy it new here
That's still present in the japanese version. It's actually more apparent that it's a tranny with the 'thanks to modern science' line.
stop complaining about "blacks" in pakyman
just wait till we get trannies and gays
Man you are so fucking wrong. Nob wasn't fired, and there were memes and references in both HGSS and Gen V. The Poketransporter Lab in Gen V has a professor drop a Dr. Who reference.
That's not the same as a meme.
The TV show is a meme, though
fucking normalfags.
Oh and B2W2 had the crossdresser on the ferris wheel, iirc
well. at least it was a generic NPC you'll fight maybe once and forget about. like i did
He's not Dr. Who he's just saying french words.
Pic related
He only did it for a job though
Yeah and it wasn't shoehorned by the localization staff, hell it was toned down by them to make it seem like she was just a black belt in karate.
Nob wasn't fired, though, he left himself, iirc
further proving the point that the devs localizing pokemon arent doing such a bad job.
and we're lucky treehouse will never touch the franchise
yes pokemon, feed my lust for darkskin girls and boys
Come on man, I'm not a fan of trannies, but that's a SJW mindset right there.
You're a man with good taste
well i never said it was okay. just that this is least case scenerio. they couldve tried to bring attention to this dialogue and shoved it down our throats, but they didnt.
we live in the alternate reality were we can only choose little censorship or too much censorship. welcome to current year
And for good reason.
I wish, read the article.
woops wrong thread
the reply part still counts
no you're not
Can you believe it took an entire two and a half hours for a lewd to be posted of her? Poke-fans are losing their edge.
wow it looks like complete trash and on top of that, theyre showing it before E3. i guess that really does mean the only thing they have for E3 is Zelda and Amiibos.
someone just put Nintendo out of their misery already
its gamefreak, shitstain.
though i do agree nintendo should be put down
Pokemon Sage has some dark-skinned characters IIRC.
Trying way too hard to fit in
no i know the gifs are meh, it's about the dark skin
Trying waaay too hard
Don't stop posting you faggot
enjoy your pokedex pokemon, car keys pokemon, and Vans™ Early Access™ shoes pokemon, pokefag!
its hard finding good pokemon brown boy art that isn't bara
The Nipponese trailer shows more of it. Sadly does seem to have objective flags (as if Pokemon wasn't linear enough in gen 3 onward)
Interestingly it has a Alola dex and a "メレメレ" ("Meremere" or "Melemele") dex option from the start. It's not the national dex (that's "ぜんこく") so no idea what it is.
1 caught 3 seen says they're doing two "rivals" again.
I was talking about that garbage first picture
Pokemon was always linear, faggot
Jesus fuck that was fast.
Melemele may be the name of the first island with the remaining spaces filling in for the others while Alola is the whole dex.
Really cringing thinking of how they'll communicate this in the English version.
Not gen 1 and gen 2 in mid-game.
That would make sense, especially with the other blank spaces.
oh, that was the first thing i found on gelbooru with all the dark grills together, so i posted it
Prepare the memes
If you get triggered by pictures of girls you should just say so
Considering that Mele Mele means Yellow in Hawaiin and Kukui's logo on his hat there's a good chance the other islands are Omah Omah (green), Uli Uli(blue), and Ula Ula (red)
Pic related
Good try, though.
How about you stop using fucking gelbooru, you no taste faggot?
You forgot to throw sony being jews in there, that always upsets him
I think you hit it on the nose, especially since RBGY were the Gen 1 games and it is the 20th anniversary and Gen 7 will let you import Pokemon from the Gen 1 VC games through Pokebank. Plus makes sense they'd start on Yellow Island, since they need to show off Pikachu as much as possible.
the only way they can salvage this shit is if he goes full rocket power
but something tells me he's just going to be a memester
Yes. Boorus are shit.
I bet nigga is keeping weed plantation in laboratory basement.
They're convenient and anything that's better demands a registration and/or has its UI entirely in moon speak.
You think you keep top country laboratory in some small city with 3 buildings for no reason?
They're convenient if you like wading through garbage to find quality or eating garbage.
Get some taste, faggot.
I'm not hearing any suggestions for alternatives (especially any that don't have the problems I listed)
that's fucking new and weird. I like it.
the other 2 seen could be the professor battling a wild Pokemon as an introduction
that fucking waterdog thing
Saving directly from artist's sites, dumbass.
All we have to go on so far is this. Seems like he talks like Wakka. So maybe there's a little hope there.
Who the fuck has their own dedicated site you retarded kike? It's all uploaded straight to Twitter or Pixiv.
Yozora and Satin Minions do, but those are the only two I can think of.
Can someone redo the "looks like youre getting blow the fuck up" one but with rotom?
I don't want niggers in my pokemon games.
Either nintendo will localize him and make him white or i wont buy it.
He looks brown to me.
K. Guess we'll have fun while you abloobloo over nothing.
That's what I'm saying, save shit from there, dumbass.
Do you think RotomOS is a FOSS OS?
I'm serious, we have to show Nintendo we wont stand for their antiwhite agendas.
I'm going on Twitter to tell them that right now.
What does everyone think about the mega bracelet-thing?
Any burst fags
Just wait til you find out all along your rival was a pokemon
Reburst didn't use a bracelet and not all of the burst hearts were shaped like that.
All I want from a pokemon game is for it to not hold the player's hand. Just give me a region to explore and then let me go and explore it without telling me where to go or interrupting me every 5 minutes with your annoying friend characters and boring pointless plot. Also make Kris the protagonist
Why is Gamefreak so reluctant to do this?
Bracelets are hot on girls, that's my only opinion.
You're being pedantic over nothing. At least also include Patreon for people like ShindoL.
thank you
The "a winner is you" line is from the Gen 2 games, both GSC and HGSS, from an NPC that speaks in broken English for some reason. Keep in mind, one of the translators is actually a goon.
Somewhat off topic, but why do I never seen any gen 5 starters in competitive pokemon? tourney rules, not smogen.
Also I might not be up to date since I haven't played since x/y so I don't know who's hot right now.
No access to HA's for too long i guess
and they're ass
I am pretty sure that line is from a NES game.
lol fair enough
It's a children's game user. Have you met modern children? Have you ever watched them do anything? They have less of an attention span than we had when we were kids.
You should be happy the game isn't blaring Skinner Box noises at you all the time.
Hawaiian nigger
get some better bait faggot
I'm going with the simplest answer and assume those are the new bracelets for Mega Evolution. They'll probably add more Mega Evolutions with the new generation, after all.
Hidden abilities. Lurk more shitcunt
Hidden Ability.
Please quit forcing this shit meme.
Nah, they show the three starters as the 3 seen after that.
also what is up with the ash ninja deal
how does it work is it a mega without a stone god dam tell me cause it is so god dam stupid
Emboar isn't good in doubles and has nothing really defining it like the other FireFighters.
Samurott is the same way, it's kinda a niche Water type.
Serperior, due to Contrary Leaf Storm, is the most used but it isn't that bulky and
It's obvious isn't it? Ash used his ability to transform into super saiyen blue.
Makes sense. I was going to ask the same thing about gen 4 but I vaguely remember running into a fire monkey every now and then (very rarely, but i do remember it).
what the fuck is this garbage? theyre getting rid of pokeballs now too? nintendo just cant seem to do anything right.
Looks like a weird mega to me.
It's possible it's a mega without the stone given that's how Rayquaza works; the Greninja will probably just have to learn a specific move only taught by a tutor.
Or it could be something else. Whatever. It's the Anime, it might not even affect the game.
I noticed you can see a bit of the female player character's bra. Lewd.
That would make a lot of sense.
Gen 4 is even worse for anything not Infernape. Torterra is just a mix of too many common types that deal super effective damage to it and it has nothing worthwhile to attack or support with, even in doubles. Empoleon had some traction back in Gen 4 but due to the power creep it's practically gone now. Plus its special attacking stat is its highest, but it has no good Steel type special moves to take advantage of, aside from Flash Cannon, and it's sorta slow so most people who wanted to use it slapped a Choice Scarf on it, but that's just a waste for what little you get from Empoleon.
Infernape is practical to use in both singles and doubles. Doubles especially due to having Fake Out. It's HA is Iron Fist meaning every punching attack gets 1.2x power, so a Fire Punch/Close Combat/Fake Out/Protect set in doubles carries a lot of power. It's also fast. But it's seen less use recently due to Talonflame existing with its priority Brave Birds.
oh can't wait for the murciazation censorship happening to that.
seriously its Hawaii and they will throw fucking clothing on the characters and basically give them heat strokes, censorship> personal health
Okay, you’re too retarded to be allowed to post here.
Go to the eye doctor, get glasses, and then kill yourself, because you’re baiting anyway.
He's actually incredibly retarded since he says not to use a booru and then says to use pixiv, which is roughly the same concept, except pixiv takes western artists now. Most boorus don't accept western of any kind even if it's well done.
Yep, that’s where he should go.
This just in: deviantart is a booru
I don’t care about IDs.
I have already established you are mentally defective. Spewing may mays only proves it more, not less. Go to reddit, like you said to.
Are you just retarded? Why would that happen?
Even less so, Deviantart doesn't allow porn and it's filled with a mixed bag of good and bad art. Waste of dubs.
You're trying way too hard, user
Okay now you're just proving you have no fucking clue what a booru is if you actually think boorus are exclusively for porn.
Just stop. You lost.
Can't wait for all the brown girls since its a Hawaii setting
You're a real buzzkill.
You're retarded.
I don’t want misinterpretations of niggers, is all.
Just stop. You lost.
You're really retarded.
Just stop. You lost.
And filtered
It’s so easy.
Kill yourself.
back in the day, everyone used to have a site
The rotom pokedex is cute.
That moon legendary thing though.
What the fuck.
They should have been Fire/Electric and Dark/Fairy. My favorite Pokémon is psychic, but that doesn’t fucking mean every single goddamn legendary has to be.
its allegedly a bat
this, a sun pokemon should not be steel.
it reminds me of cackletta a bit
It looks like a Kirby final boss.
It's not a sun Pokemon
Anyone here wishes that rape clown is real?
at least it still resists solar beam :^)
Actually, it could also be something out of Klonoa.
But it seems so ill-fitting as a pokemon.
Holy shit, you actually are too autistic to be allowed to post here
i like all of these supposed evos, actually. if it turns out to be real, i pick the clown
going by purely official information though, im taking the owl
Eh. None of the designs are that great. John Wayne Gacy is a stand out, only because of how silly he looks. I'd reroll and hope for different designs given the chance.
I'd actually be okay if they went full pic related. It'd still be memeshit but if they go cringe-mode on purpose then that'll be okay.
If they just make him a regular memer then fuck it.
Stop posting your fake mons, user. You're not fooling anyone.
Prove it false.
Consider that it's steel type to contain the sun. Hence devour. The big bad team will use it to devour and contain the sun, then use the power the pokemon gets to do evil things.
Thinking about it, perhaps they'll let you take it and the shorts off to reveal a bikini. It is Hawaii afterall
Burden of proof user.
I can tell this is your first new Pokemon game, user. Are you sure you're old enough to be posting here?
Maybe the evil team just hate the sun
i do
Stars fuse heavy metals in their core. it's scientifically accurate.
Don't worry user, I'm sure they'll have a full-body alternate costume.
A burka
metal im ok with, why psychic
NPC are fine, but they'll never let you play as a little girl in a bikini
Because FUCK YOU
I really don't get it either.
C'mon, guys, let us keep dreaming a little while longer. They did give us Hilda in the past, and daisy dukes are pretty close to a bikini.
Go away, goon.
No, stars don't do that because fusion past iron isn't possible, you faggot.
That's not a bikini
Considering Porygon has DRM, I would think RotomOS is proprietary.
If the placement is based on height, it looks like Litten is going to go bipedal. Popplio's second stage is probably balancing on something, either that or its third stage is so wide they needed to move it just to fit it properly.
Yes, that was the joke.
Thanks for telling us.
No, it’s a streetwalker getup.
Thanks for ignoring what he said and inventing bullshit to make yourself look smarter. Of course, you just look like a retard.
That's not what I said at all, faggot. Iron can't be fused into anything heavier because it becomes an endothermic reaction, it requires more energy than it produces. Heavier than iron elements are created in novae and supernovae events.
FINALLY. This is the kind of autism I love to see. Get cracking on your bullshit theories.
Meanwhile real Holla Forumsacks see it instantly and just laugh at how pathetic intl is (and how sad the rest of the boards are to fall for them)
I prefer brown swimmer.
At least i'm going to be the only person in the world that is going to have faggy moon pokemons.
Also, Rowlet's third stage seems so tall that I wonder if the theory that it might become a Stilt Owl is correct.
No, this is best swimmer
hopefully they give us red hair this time
tomboyish shorthaired girls make me diamond
Personally this one is my favorite, those ones are good too tho
Hi diamond, I'm dad
Good. Fairy a shit.
Poison is the only type to yet have its own legendary
It's not like TPCI is any better with their memes and having actual goons on the team
Blame Europe, they did the same thing to PM:
TTYD. They also took away our gambling.
It would support the idea that all grass starters are based on prehistoric animals.
quit dadposting
Part alien maybe?
it seems to be the go to "cosmic" type, see: cosmic power, lunatone, solrock, metagross, deoxys, beheeyem, cresselia and probably others im forgetting
Psychic is basically the stand-in for "Cosmic" type.
Or at least animals that have not changed since prehistoric times.
But yeah, Rowlet might break the rule. Litten might break the zodiac rule if it's not a tiger when it evos.
I really don't know how to feel about these "leaks"; as time goes on I grow fonder of them, but I can't grow past the gut conviction that they're too divorced from the base form designs to be the real final product. The mid-stage leaks are the absolute most convincing proposed designs ever, and the end-stages clash even with them.
Also: Why do they all have such tiny legs? I mean Goddamn!
But let's save the starter discussion until irrefutable officially released confirmation on evolutions is available. In the meantime let's talk about a more fundamental decision.
Solgaleo or Lunala: Which version mascot is less fucktarded Holla Forums?
It's a cat, that's close enough. :^)
How is this a pangolin
Solgaleo because it doesn't have any 4x weaknesses.
Lunala has 4x weakness against Ghost and Dark
Lunala wins out.
Im lewd
It's an armoured mammal.
About as much as Typhlosion counts as a mouse.
I mean Badgers and Wolverines aren't even close to rodenta.
for fucks sake user
How does Typhlosion fit into the zodiac?
The round, non-segmented shell makes it much more reminiscent of a glyptodon.
The foot-step reader or whatever had several catagories IIRC.
It wouldn't be impossible to divide it up into those/similar catagories, then you just write dialogue for the catagories. Which would be like 5 or 6 at the most X when they talk (mid health, low health, coming out, glad it got a crit, needs status cured) X the 5 stages of hate/like.
So thats what its for, makes a little bit more sense now, seemed kinda extraneous and stupid before, actually it still is but at least we have an explanation for it instead of "LOOK ROTOM, IN A POKEDEX!"
It starts as a "fire mouse", but yeah I agree it falls apart.
They did this in Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon.
Just have a few species-specific dialogue, some type specifics, and friendship-based ones that any Pokemon can say. Then have generic status-based sayings. Maybe make a few legendaries unique and boom. Mix that with the pokemon following of HG/SS and you've got that covered.
Gardevoir is the best Devoir
Isn't Cyndaquil classified as the "Fire Mouse Pokemon"?
now I'm sad
They could have the rotomdex get annoyed if you get other rotoms.
Aren't you a dirty birdie?
I thought it sounded like Clear Body but I was too lazy to check. I might get Lunala just because it's a unique ability and it's Batellite.
But Pokemon XY and ORAS had post-elite four content.
Uh, it's just a clone of Multiscale
It's literally just Multiscale. Might be a more powerful version I guess, but
Not on the scale of Emerald or BW. It's only a bit longer than DPPt, not to mention GSC has the entirety of the first game as a post E4 area.
Except all those changed areas to save on cart size, faggot.
What the fuck? Wow, I've been a casual for a lot longer than I thought, this is the first time I've ever heard about the ability.
This is why HG/SS is still the objectively best Pokemon entry in recent memory
Sorta regret selling my copy now
off topic but what are the best DS flashcarts to use with a hacked 3ds
Where, nigger?
It had as much post game content as red/blue + a battle tower. EI: Fuck all compared to everything else in the series.
Hell ORAS didn't even have the BEST form of Post-Game content that the gen it was from invented: Battle Frontier
like what the fuck
The Battle Frontier was shit, user.
>doesn't know that humans are pokemon too
This your first pokemon game, user?
If they did that, NoA would remove all the fun ones again
I like how they removed that one but Jynx's noticable tit jiggle stayed in the Hal/Genius Sonority games until fucking Battle Revolution.
I'm so sorry
Dammit, now I'm more sorry that I fucked up posting the second version.
Can we have ONE fucking Pokemon thread on Holla Forums without furfags shitting it up?
> Now Kagaskhan- a pouch rearing animal- falls forward while it's baby pushes back in vain.
user, you already know the answer fully well.
Also we're past the bump limit, who gives a shit.
Fixed that for you.
Fuck off and kill yourself.
Then I might be excite.
Please, we're all adults here.
The opposite, actually. Entry hazards reduce it below full health, popping the bubble provided by its ability. Entry hazards make multiscale and this new ability useless.
Literally all i'm hyped for is the obligatory anime adaptation of Alola region. AND I'M STOKED FOR THE ROTOM SHENANIGANS
Game freak handles their translations in-house as far as I know. No Treehouse to fuck it up like Fates.