Well Holla Forumsoyim, was he right?
Ted made a surprisingly large impression on me.
For your nuanced critique:
Original Jew York Times article.
Well Holla Forumsoyim, was he right?
Ted made a surprisingly large impression on me.
For your nuanced critique:
Original Jew York Times article.
Uncle Ted was /ourguy/ some Holla Forums fags try to claim he's theirs but they're just delusional.
Hilarious, considering that his opening passage is a critique of leftism as a symptom of the modern world.
I kinda feel bad for the guy, I managed to mostly get a hang of the crazy. If only he'd held out for a while, a lot more people might have been exposed to his message in a positive light,
He was a self avowed communist.
Nice sage dipshit.
He's right. While saving our race and starting a new civilzation are vastly important, unless things change and we discover the existence of the human spirit all life will be rendered meanigless by technology.
kill yourself
go back to twitter
he literally write in his journal of a desire to kill a communist
No…..are you retarded?
I'm literally retarded, posted in wrong tab.
Fuck it, Holla Forums is fine for the subject.
Since you are obviously full of shit and not going to back up your claim i will leave you with a quote from Ted himself:
My ambition is to kill a scientist, big businessman, government official or the like. I would also like to kill a Communist.
R-Rach? W-What's going on?
I've been going around trying to meme "Uncle Ted did nothing wrong" and "Uncle Ted is the final redpill".
Fundamentally, however, it's not entirely true. Civilization and the industrial future could progress in any numerous ways. The problem with Ted is that like most anarchist types, his criticism of the modern world stands up relatively well but the solutions he offers are almost child-like in their simplicity and delusion.
Any society which abandoned technology would immediately be overwhelmed and destroyed by a society which maintains its technological advantage.
The technological menace IS an important redpill, but Ted's ideas about an ideal future are utter bluepilled garbage.
I have my criticism of Ted too but ultimately i'll say his heart was in the right place. MKUltra can be a bitch.
What I was quoting
I'm quite tired and mildly drunk.
I have similar opinions. I think that ~40 years later we can look back and critique the fine points of his views, but at the time, Jesus Christ it must have been terrifying looking down the barrel of industrial civilization like that.
Considering what the CIA did to him, I don't think anyone has the right to look down on him. I'm interested in trying to start up a discussion around his actual theories and predictions though.
I feel like Holla Forums should widen its view a bit to include those subjects which clearly had some effect on many of us.
Teddy K.
Fight Club
51. The breakdown of traditional values to some extent implies the breakdown of the bonds that hold together traditional small-scale social groups. The disintegration of small-scale social groups is also promoted by the fact that modern conditions often require or tempt individuals to move to new locations, separating themselves from their communities. Beyond that, a technological society HAS TO weaken family ties and local communities if it is to function efficiently. In modern society an individual's loyalty must be first to the system and only secondarily to a small-scale community, because if the internal loyalties of small-scale communities were stronger than loyalty to the system, such communities would pursue their own advantage at the expense of the system.
None of the manifestos are complete on the internet. There's a company that publishes Industrial Society and Its Future which is the real, complete manifesto.
This is the most complete version I have found online, but this is still not the document in its entirety.
The one by Jolly Roger Press is the only complete copy - find that one.
People who haven't read fight club will shit on you because they think the book and movie are the same
Here's a hint: book is like movie with less POZ
Is the New York Times version not complete? weren't they the original publishers?
I write to him. He should have never bombed anything. His book would have been epic…. but I bet he would have never been able to find a publisher at the time.
I find this is actually a fairly common theme with math/science geniuses. They seem to understand what is wrong with the world from a certain angle… and they can articulate their criticism very well. But their solutions are not designed for humanity…. their solutions are for a humanity of people that are just like them. I think there is a disconnect where once you have an IQ past a certain point (and Ted was a certified genius), you can no longer comprehend the stupidity of your fellow humans.
Yeah that movie was lame. It was nice to see once because it gave me a mental image of the characters and style, but without the internal dialogue, so much is lost.
Holy fucking shit user.
case in point Mexicans and Blacks. Even Asians remain true to their family and communities at the expense of the system.
They only published a summary, it wasn't originally in list format.
I will always admire his incredibly meticulous handwriting.
tbh I'm jealous because mine's chickenscratch
I've occasionally gotten glimpses of reality from the viewpoint of the normie during periods of intense drunkenness or mild hallucinogen use, and all I remember is that I'll never be able to connect with that.
I've got Schizoid Personality, which probably isn't far from Ted's mentality, but I've managed to keep a lid on it. A few close calls, but I haven't killed anyone yet.
Thanks for the info, I'll definitely check it out.
The handwriting analysts of old definitely were onto something, just like how phrenology USED to be pseudoscience. I think that with a big enough computer and massive lifetime samples we cold get a handwriting analysis system.
These TK threads are always deleted so get this while the getting is good. Holla Forums doesn't allow PDF files so I posted it here.
Well goys his book's in the mail.
See y'all tomorrow morning.
Let me guess, coonphy thinks Teddy's some FBIposting bullshit?
Has anyone reexamined TZ's targets to see what if anything they have in common? The (((msm))) pushed the anti-tech narrative but in light of the past few years that just seems silly. Taking another look at the recipients through Vault 7 lenses might be insightful. Might be a good project this week if I get bored.
It's the kind of literature that's coherent enough to be saved and discussed. That in itself has value. Ted ain't afraid to do things, either. Some people say that x should happen but they've never done an extreme behavior in their life. So right off the bat I respect the man for 1) writing out his reasoning coherently and 2) not just sitting by idly.
Courts think I'm fried in the head for past extreme behaviors that amounted to nothing of value in the long run. So while I'm no hands on activist (because maybe I should live life before frying myself for good) I can't help but wonder how many people who say this or that is their enemy would suddenly get cold feet at the idea of getting caught up in as something as petty as smashing out windows to send a chill where one is needed. Gas so and so, day of the rope. All that shit. If the idea of risking your neck over simple PROPERTY DAMAGE scares you - you're never going to hang anyone, of all things.
People are waiting on trump but assume the worst case scenario, where he fizzles out and does nothing. Have you even done something SMALL? What's your honest to god limit? Does anyone actually contimplate this? This is why I'm posting in a Ted thread. Ted went and did. I never did a Ted but I can at least say I've done. Albeit pointless and a waste of a clean record. So I hold out now because of selfish life reasons but the aldrenalin shakes aren't an alien concept. Do aldrenalin shakes scare you off, pol? No need to respond, this isn't a datamining thread. Just look yourself in the mirror and be honest as to what it would take to make you nope right out of a situation. Because if stealing a candy bar makes you scare, don't kek at stupid threads about dead refugees or this or that.
Go go Ted manifesto!
Does this have the best copy of Industrial Society and its Future?
I made a homemade copy of the book a while ago, and I am wondering what parts could be omitted/different.>>9536560
Yes, that would be the best version.
I think it would be Ironic to post in this chinese radionic board while holding true the statments of anarcho-primitivism.
I like tech, I just hate the jews and lemmings that run it, what am I missing here guys?
202. It would be hopeless for revolutionaries to try to attack the system without using SOME modern technology. If nothing else they must use the communications media to spread their message. But they should use modern technology for only ONE purpose: to attack the technological system.
Industrialized society ultimately leads to complete, total, and unregulated mind-control.
Some thing I read about I.Q Barriers, at every 30 points communication becomes hindered, a 90 point deviation between two beings would mean a complete break down in abstract communication.
If it makes any one feel better a low number of friends is an indication of high i.q
Very interesting read, GATE Related.
An insurgency shaped by their animosity towards tech.Where is the line drawn?The right amount ot technology so to:
1-not to be seduced/corrupted by it.
2-not to go back to the stone age.
My first reply was meant to you.
polite sage
what would happen if a city lost power and internet for a month?
Nog city: megadeath
Boise, Idaho: a few old people would die but mostly people would talk to eachother more.
Also, apparently I'm Jeb Bush
Since I had to get behind seven proxies to post, might as well bump the thread.
A lot of the most hardcore anti-communists were former communists themselves who woke up and realize the horrors of their ways. Read Witness by Whittaker Chambers. Guy knows first hand and thought McCarthy badly executed exposing commies and thought it was child's play for what needed to be done.
You deserved a longer ban, to be honest.
Technology is just more advanced tools. tools in themselves are not evil or oppressive, its who controls the tools and what their purpose is.
Is a flint knife opressive? It is if its held to your throat, but its a great help if cutting up your venison for dinner.
So we have all this communication and surveillance technology today, and its not the problem in itself it how its being used and who is controlling it.
Technology is not the problem its murderous insane Jews like Kaczynski that are the problem.
Who do you think is at the other end of all of the cameras? Who do you think is printing all the fake money to bribe all of the politicians.
Remember Ted didn't act alone, other people's finger prints were found on the bombs, and into every bomb was scratched FC (freedom club).
Ted was smart enough to realize the bankers were in control but did nothing to stop them.
Technology just enables the evil to enslave men, don't kill the technology, kill the evil.