Alien: Ridley Scott Says ‘The Beast Has Almost Run Out’

Holy shit it's over.

Now that the dust has settled
Kino tier
Alien Covenant

Shit tier
Alien Resurrection

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god i hope so. endless sequels are cancer.

Alien > Aliens > Alien 3 > AvP > Alien Covenant > Prometheus > AvP Reqiuem > Alien Resurrection

they just need to give us an actually decent alien vs predator vs engineer movie

Alien 3: Assembly Cut > Alien > Alien: Resurrection > Aliens > other meh in the franchise


No why can't they just do some crazy giger shit like this

no they need to come up with something different.

I see you too are among the initiated.

Agreed 100%.

ftfy if you think AR should be that high.

You have to have a baseline appreciation for other Jean-Pierre Jeunet films to fully appreciate Resurrection.

The Wicker Man vs Alien

These news stories are filled with baseless speculation. Also Covenant made twice its money back and was well received by critics, so that's a lie as well. Fox is going to let him make another film. If they weren't, they would have said so by now.

I just pretend the series ended after the first Alien vs. Predator.

It says he's gonna do one more but he's acting like that will be it or something and he dont want xeno

Cant believe I saw that shit in theaters some how as a normie

Literally nothing can be worse than AvP Requiem. It hasn't a single redeeming quality in and of itself or outside of itself.

It really is better than Aliens. Androidfu is enough to put it there alone but it's really pretty good overall.


Where would you like to see the next Alien film head? Perhaps back to the more high-budget universe that you—

I’d like to see it stop. A horror movie’s a fragile thing, and once you’ve gotten past the original, it isn’t scary anymore. So you do a bunch of sequels to a horror movie, all they do is drain any remaining impact out of the original. All of the sequels to for instance Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers, same thing; they over-expose the ideas, and when you look at the original, it’s not as effective as it would have been if you had just left it alone.
But money makes the world go round and Hill and Giler saw that as the best way to make more money without having to do any work. So as producers with an in at Fox, they just continue to shove those things through.

So as far as you’re concerned the Alien franchise is pretty much played out now?

It was played out after the first one, as far as I’m concerned. Cameron, in the first one, did about the only thing you could do, which was that he changed to a different genre, from a horror movie to an action film. But once he had done that, there really was nothing left to do. And they just keep squeezing the thing till it’s an empty bag. But as long as it keeps bringing in money to them, they’ll keep doing it.
— The Den of Geek interview: Dan O'Bannon | Den of Geek:

O'Bannon had a beef with the producers of the Alien movies for 30 years. He was steaming mad at them before the first movie even came out and almost boycotted it. I'd take anything he said about the prospect of more movies with a grain of salt.

Script is retarded and had the bullet bouncing around Bugs Bunny gimmick. That was far worse than anything in any other Alien movie I'm aware but, I skipped AvP and its sequel.

Guess he was wrong about everything then. Better disregard him completely and go watch all them new Alien films!

I think he's right as so far as horror goes. Prometheus and Alien 3 showed it could go beyond that though, even if the horror part was still an aspect.

Requiem was impossibly bad, even worse than Resurrection

maybe use that alien you teased at the end of prometheus for 10 seconds, ridley you fucking senile old idiot

Promethus 3 might actually good.

There's a comic about that.

Yeah, if he can resist the studio's meddling. If they get their way it will be a remake of Aliens but with more quips and 80s pop music.

No, the Alien has't run out of steam, Ridley has. There were a lot of good Alien comics made since the release of Alien, Ridley is just fucking shit at making movies nowadays.


They won't stop. Just like shitty endless remakes/reboots.

Because they shit all over Giger's horrific view of the fucking Universe.
The reason for the original's success was the deeply disturbing imagery. That shit was pure nightmare stuff.

Instead of staying in that occult Universe where some shit just can't be explained or understood they went straight space ships and robots.
They should of just gone the route of H.P. Lovecraft and accepted the lawsuits from people leaving the theater with permanent psychological trauma.


Hmmm, really made me think.

damn I hate Ridley Scott now

Tends to happen when you've been a pop culture icon for the last thirty years.

That's a mere obstacle, with many solutions. Just throw in behavior dynamics that contradict the understanding of the Xenomorph and hide the identity of the culprit.

Some kind of fucked up xeno world thats decked out in giger aesthetics and makes all humans there want to just engage in giant orgies surrounded by the most gory shit imaginable

Orgies aren't scary, just disgusting. We're discussing a horror movie here.

I movie where you see the characters become insane in body and mind. Like zulawski type shit

There was nothing occult about Alien. It was always hard scifi. They just used Giger for other worldly visuals and designs. Alien does not exist in Giger's penis vagina rape nightmare scape world.

I see. That would be one hell of an Alien movie.

what did they mean by this?

The Alien loses it's entire spook factor after the first film.
There's nowhere left to go after you've shown it in terms of horror, so the sequel with an action plot was enough.

Anything after Aliens was a mistake.

There's more…of the horror, or maybe actually tell a compelling story that can carry two or three films I DONT KNOW.
There are options.

If they did something like "woah weyland utani created this!!!" for the first film, then "woah it's actually a predator that kills entire civillisations and WU just tried to weaponise it, and that's the huge queen!" then finishing a trilogy with "woah these aliens created the xenomorphs to control the entire galaxy! and they're xenomorphs but scarier and sentient".

Now that's how it should have gone, escalating the fear every installment, concluding with a happy ending + foreboding of a worse threat.

Except for Prometheus and Covenant which were kino.

Was predator even on paper when aliens was made?

Doubt it. Predator came out in, what, 1987? Alien came out in '79. They might have been conceived closer together, but it was the studios that wanted to merge the two franchises, as they were selling like hotcakes.

A lot of retarded fanboys were howling for these movies before they were made, although that might have just been clever pre-emptive marketing to make it appear grass roots (they probably did the same thing for Freddy vs. Jason). There were comics and games and shit well before the movies came out. They also put a xeno skull in the trophy room in Predator 2.

Prometheus's depiction of the Engineer was 100% retarded. Not to mention how retarded everyone else was in that film.

It was great. Stop getting mad at a great film.

Who could have come up with predator before the guys who came up with predator? The concept of the hunter creature.

The idea of Aliens vs. Predator existed like several years before the movies. It may have been Dark Horse Comics throwing them together that gave them the terrible idea for the movies. Resurrection also has some really retarded stuff lifted from Dark Horse Comics, which proves just how lazy Whedon is.

oh, I was talking about pre predator movie existing at all, like while Aliens was still being filmed.

Hmmm, really made me think.

Prometheus has a pretty solid plot to be honest. Opinion has changed about this movie like the Star Wars prequels, you're behind the curve on this one.

What's funny is Alien Covenant is one of the less than 10 good/decent/not shit movies ive seen this year

is it a horror movie?

Prometheus was trashed on release because it wasn't an honest to goodness Alien prequel like it was shilled to be.
As a standalone sci-fi movie with build-up to the original film, it did well.

Covenant was better than Prometheus, as was well received on release because people got what they were expecting.

I'd like to see that list tbh.

No, it had a solid premise. Its plot was 100% retarded.

Great plot executed very well. Pure kino.


Hmmm, perfectly executed perfection.

He was hostile because he was there to kill humans, you fucking retard who can't pay attention.

Engineers had already met humans, so he likely recognised them, and attacked them as he figured they were as weak as he last saw them (he has no idea he's been in hypersleep forever) and was surprised that they were on his ship.

Are you event trying to debate this?

Lol, better attack them while I'm unarmed.

Shut up.

The ship was there to bomb earth and kill its population, another user never watched the movie and is probably going off of knee-jerk YouTube eceleb reviews from 5 years ago.

They weren't going to kill humans, were they? I thought they were just a military ship testing black goo and it escaped, causing them to go into cryo.

As bad as Prometheus was, the Engineer bit was obvious. Weyland was an abomination in the Engineer's eyes, and Weyland was humanity's best, then there was some serious heresy going on.

TL;DR: /fitpolka/ awakens to Holla Forums, COMMENCE REEEE

But I did watch the flick, and hated the wasted potential of the Engineer.

Hmmm, really made me think.

he's saying the monsterism peekaboo i scare you bullshit is dead. Yeah, no shit, that's why Prometheus was better
Scott should have said fuck the retarded normie herd, but now, he cucked himself and tried to half ass another merely monster movie. Cuck, fucking niggers.

You got some reading to do.

People were expecting a shitty Alien sequel and got it, I don't see how that's a good thing.

I have the downs.


Or, he got cocky assuming that they were still primitives and decides to manmode them, which actually works until he's brought down by his own technology that the humans didn't even mean to use,


I'm sorry Ridley, they just don't understand your vision.

They were capable of creating entire species on their own, and had seen other races before. We don't know how scary metal suits are on their evolutionary tree.

The alien wasn't the source of the horror. The horror came from the unexpected, and for a while the alien provided the unexpected directly. Now it's like any other killer. You can't milk it for free scares, but as with a slasher movie or a ghost story you can still use it in quality horror by writing a scary story.

But that has to involve the unexpected, and as long as the series relies on the alien itself for scares that can't happen. The fear has to come from more traditional sources: likeable characters, the situations they are placed in, and the suspense that builds when they're forced to make terrible decisions, or when we witness them making terrible mistakes.

One thing I'm sure of is the next scary Alien movie won't have anything to do with robots. If there's one trope I'm absolutely positive has run its course, it's insane robots that want to destroy humanity and rule the universe.

Alien milked both the Xenomorph and the Android-goes-rogue story too much, honestly.

Advanced Suits might not be a big deal, but there's a synthetic android standing right there, the humies are holding weapons that the Engineer has no idea how they function or what damage they can do, and the fact that there are humans there at all implies advanced transportation, meaning other humans might be right around the corner. But instead of waiting 5 minutes to see if there's any human armies hiding, or get his own gat, he just gronks them with his bear hands.


If you don't care about the plot, that's fine. Just don't reprimand those that do.

you're cancerous


The Alien series stopped being a horror series with Aliens. They should have just stuck to making action movies with Aliens in it and colonial marines trying to survive. Aliens 3 sucked, because no one wanted to see a bald Ripley and two of the best characters from Aliens get killed right off the bat. Ressurection felt like fan fiction and Prometheus didn't have anything to do with tge series up until the ending. It really should have just been its own thing and elephant jockies are still best jockies. Covenant played too much with the idiot box, which is an issue Prometheus had as well. There are so many little details that could have been added to make things flow better, such as an accident in space forcing the colonist to switch to the david world in covenant. The movies lacked so much tension, that they were tiresome to get through for large chunks of their runtime.

Which one had Bill Paxton in it?

Plot is for books, tbh

Fincher had to remove the residue reddit to make a good film. Aliens was shit, worst film in the series.

Back up your claim.



Alien was a good horror movie and Aliens was a good action movie. Aliens 3 and beyond were shit with Prometheus being its own thing for the most part.

You're a fucking autist and your argument is retarded. If you want to watch real life, go put a chair on street corner and watch people. I'm sure you do that anyways.

Stop being stupid.


Why did they go to the trouble of making that if they weren't even going to show the body on film? Did they film it and then the higher ups told them they couldn't use it? If so, where is this footage?


Maybe he could make something decent out of an alien movie instead of bitching about designs, that he couldn't top for the past 38 years of being a subpar piece of shit.
How exactly did he think rebirth was good ? How did he think prometheus was good ?

But PROMETHEUS was the most exciting thing that I ever watched. We will never have a sequel BECAUSE OF REDDIT
Also really disappointed that Scott doesn't write his own scripts. He sounds to me like a fucking beta cuck that will accept everything.
Who is really the master on his fucking film set? Not him obviously.

Basically he got the George Lucas treatment during PM from fanfags.

I normally can't into Holla Forums and would love to know how this became a thing. Obviously some movies are better off being pure spectacle, but when did this ever work in a science fiction movie with a serious tone? What is this about?

They pretty much kicked Fincher around like the new kid at school. The reason we have no director's cut of 3 is he refuses to have anything to do with it. They should fire him and let Walter Hill recut it. The movie deserves a long cut with moocows but also the monster baby, and the baby needs redone.

Ridley Scott does pretty much whatever the hell he wants. Read about his productions sometime. Also the guy detaches himself from projects on an almost monthly basis, so I really don't think anyone is telling him what to do. And when you consider that the worst movie he's made in 20 years is mediocre, and it's because we were a little bored and didn't care about some of the characters, I think maybe you can cut him a break. Covenant is a well made and fairly original movie. It's just really boring.

But it's not that boring, and I think it would have worked out better if they hadn't dumped all their good material and characters into the first act. It also doesn't help that they used the most fucked up scene in the history of the franchise to kick off a teaser trailer. Embed related.

It's mostly facetious, but there is something to it. Movies are one part script, one part audiovisual craft. You can have a movie that looks like total shit, but is saved by a good script, and you can also have the opposite.

Apart from Giger's sick and twisted vision it's literally just another recycled ripoff.
Same shit since the 1950's, and why all the sequels are shit. No creativity, just copying stuff that's already been done.
Giger's stuff has deep subconscious meaning, and is the only thing that made the movie not be trash.

Giger's stuff could be classified as sci-fi anyway so I don't know where that guy's going with that.

I feel the only way to bring something new to the table would be going the escalation route: an organism which is even more viscous and hostile than the xenomorphs are. An organism which uses aliens for its procreation and has complete disregard if not even disgust for human life.

This is not Giger-esque. The art style is more reminiscent of Hieronymus Bosch. You seem to think of Scorn. But even that is not Giger-esque but resembles the work of a dude whose name I cannot think of right now.

giger's stuff is literally robots fucking each other.

It's like a combo of Giger and Beksinski.

Someone can dig up those interviews where the retarded fuck talked about how many film and story in his pocket about this shit?

Whoa, who? sounds familiar but post one of his works for reference.

literally dogshit, and one of the reasons why Aliens is dogshit fuck Newt glad the bitch died

Google image search is right there, lad.

You right thats the kind of shit I want tho

Thats what I want

Dr. I think somethings wrong, patient is showing a significant increase in edgyness in the past 12hrs. what do?


fucking reddit cancer made Ridley scott deviate from his original plot for Covenant.

Prometheus and Covenant were both very good films.

the next sequel is supposed to tie it all together, so expect xenos at some point in the film.

AvP is kino you plebs. It's the only one that nails an adventure/exploration plot and horror, and despite being a prequel manages to not shit all over previous installments like the last few flicks.


Why did they think americans would be okay with seeing the nude corpse of a little girl they grew to love in a previous movie?

That's absolutely absurd.

Also I really wonder if they sculpted the you-know-what. That image wherever it comes from, is "conveniently" cropped.

The xenomorph will live on forever in porn.

I liked it. I wish it they had included more Antarctic scenes though.

I thought Alien Covenant did a decent job with this

hes done

Nope, he's making another Alien prequel.

You better not be fucking with me this time. This is the sequel Covenant should have been, only this time without relatable protagonists to discover the homeworld of the gods.

Aliens>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rest >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eating a shit sandwich >>> Prometheus

With the right director and script this could be Kino. And I don't mean "a good film" I mean something Andrei Tarkovsky level. It would be an intesting look at the concept of intelligent design, with a cold in dealing creator. "You created my creators, and I have killed many of you". I would like some philosophical debates with engineers. It could be some Lovecraft level existentialism if done right.

Post his name when you remember it, please.

Yes, you are.

looooool butthurt


I wish the director's cut of Aliens had included Newt getting her behind tanned, as her mom threatened at the beginning.

Is that like spic or arab version of B L A C K E D?



No, it means the bottom is spanked to a shade of pink or red; as was threatened in the movie.


Hurr durr if 2+2=4 then how can space feel myserious? Checkmate lovecraft lmao

Reminder that the xenomorph in Alien & Aliens was a Nigerian.

In space no one can hear you get scammed.

Alien just used the designs. It was never supposed go Giger's nightmare orgy world, you autist.

In space, no one can hear you get BLACKED.

Only so many times you can try to milk a dying franchise before fans catch on. That's why Rick & Morty became so popular, it was something fresh and original.



or spanked, in Newt's case…

The sexual themes are actually the subtext but because of our nature the sex stands out and over encompasses the rest of the picture.

now post her touching dead newt's naked body from alien 3, that will make you feel better

Yeah the beast has run out when you keep dropping your own plot points, you senile old hack

No it's b movie garbage tier compared to even Prometheus and alien covenant, which are starting to look not bad at all
