Not exactly looking to debate but

I took an interest in politics recently and have moved pretty far to the right. I'd like to be more center honestly, or at least be close enough to it to consider more of the different arguments and perspectives.

sticking to Holla Forums here as well some of the sites I frequent seems to just reinforce ideas rather than let me question them.

I have a few specific topics I wanted to get Holla Forums views on, but general left leaning arguments and information is appreciated and helpful as well

personal views are welcome. I don't expect anyone to speak for the whole board or the whole political view for that matter. I just want to take in more and a wider variety of views and ideas than I have been recently.

1) regardless of whether climate change is real or manmade or whatever we need a new energy source, does the left have a better shot at achieving this?

cutting down on coal and oil before addressing the issue seems dumb I don't want a wood stove for heat or for cars to be anymore burdensome and useless than they already are

solar and wind seem too low output to be practical why isn't anyone arguing for more hydro power or utilizing nuclear

2) I'm gay (I legitimately hate that this is related to politics) which side should I back to get this to stop being a political issue?

I don't feel any particular need to tell anyone who I have sex with besides the partner in question I feel no need to be "in the closet" or to "come out"

the LGBTQABCXYZ or whatever community is mostly just an annoyance to me and I don't care about the Westboro lot so long as they don't kill anyone

why is sex and marriage even a political issue in the first place? it's seems to be coming from the left as far as I can tell, is this not the case?

3) college is a shitshow even if it was better priced would giving institutions even more money from different sources actually make things better?

are there left leaning views on education outside of how much it costs? most of the other ones I can think of seem SJW like or generally father left than this place is as far as I know…

paying for, and spending a lot of time on college is a pain in general, but it'd be less so if I felt like I was learning anything useful or if it was more clear what a degree would do for me in regard to employment.

4) decent jobs are hard to come by, and housing of any kind is ridiculously costly is either political side going to have any fast acting positive effects on the economic situation?

I've gone job hunting but found mostly horrible sales type work and I can't find a reasonable apartment anywhere

the economy in general is important but I'm more interested in policy that will have a noticeable effect on things as quickly as possible broadly speaking I've heard arguments on raising and lowering taxes in regard to the wealthy but both seem to advertise somewhat far off effects on things

Other urls found in this thread:

read hegel

Your questions seem to worry about policy and don't go deeper on the hows and the whys of the matter. You're like a liberal coming out of the shell.

Stick to Holla Forums and learn to doubt.

Also read Marx

if you mean Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel I prefer the philosophies of Nietzsche and Kierkegaard personally

I might look some of his work later but in general I was hoping for something more current

this is more or less true I suppose. I heard a lot about politics but I was pretty apolitical in general up until quite recently.

I've taken an interest now, but I don't imagine I've gotten very deep into politics at all in so little time. Yet that seems like even more of a reason to consider more views now.

in regard to Marx I did read the communist manifesto is there anything else by him you'd recommend looking at?

when I think of politics and "politically incorrect" I think of policy and the current social and political climate. I feel this assumption is correct but feel free to say otherwise if I'm wrong

philosophy is obviously related of course, but isn't it still a separate thing from politics?

Holla Forums is into a lot of phylosophers but have you even read those names you dropped?

Read this
The Manifesto is a polemicist text and Das Kapital is too esoteric for you

Holla Forums doesn't care much for current policy since all of it is bourgeois policy.
Once you understand historical materialism you will see how small partisan politcs are not just ideologically but meterially.

I feel alot of assumptions being made about me all at once…

I'm not too interested in philosophy in general but I was personally curious and interested in Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, as well as Asimov specifically I've read some of their stuff but wouldn't pretend I'm any sort of expert on their work

thanks for the link

at the start I was under the impression that this was a board for politics, but am picking up on a focus on philosophy and history and their relation to politics. Which does seems interesting but rather broad.

OP you seem confused. Holla Forums is a forum for people who want to shoot cops, launch the worker's bomb, and hide out in our bunkers. We don't care about your petty beliefs.

yes very much so apparently. I am certainly confused.

It seems to me that the only way to combat climate change is a collective effort seperated from the profit motive. A liberal might think proper democratic reforms would suffice, but
this is impossible under capitalism. Government and business are too hopelessly entwined.

This shouldn't be a political issue, but it is being appropiated as such (like feminism with Hillary Clinton) to garner votes. Either as an "I'm against it" or "I'm for it" stance.
This is commonly referred to here as identity politics.

Schools typically only teach you what you need to serve your function within the established society. Schools as they exist are bourgeois and should be abolished.

Well, coming to a communist board, we're universally against the idea of "jobs" as it implies you've been hired by, and thus serve, a capitalist.

Also this

for a sort of fun introduction to communism.

I'm sorry mister, i didn't know you had a PhD in political sciences, maybe a hick like me really doesn't know what he's talking about /s

Holla Forums isn't fond of Nietzsche and Kierkegaard anyway.

You still have to understand that the politics we have today aren't simple issues that people worries about but the expression of many historical and social causes and elements

Lets get this straight, are you a copkiller or a bootlicker?

Action Philosophers issue on Marx is awesome but the scan you posted is shit

thank you for responding to the post as it was stated despite my inherent misunderstanding I appreciate it

it's been made clear that I'm out of place here even more so than I had originally thought

I'll try to read up more on communism and socialism before returning I suppose

You still can lurk and learn our memeful ways

Also OP if you're gay you're in good luck, there are a lot of twinks on this board. Check some of them out:

If you read the wikipedia on communism you'll likely be more well-read on communism than most on this board.
You seem like a cool dude OP. Would want as comrade/10. Lurk around a bit.

Excellent primer on what socialism is and isn't OP:

Don't listen to anyone who tells you to start with some dense economics tome.

I genuinely appreciate your openness OP. I like to think that I'm good at both being a diplomat and playing devil's advocate, so I'll do my best to help you out.
We actually have the technology and the science to achieve a carbon neutral society, the problem is that businesses which make huge profits from industries that would collapse in a carbon neutral society lobby to prevent this from happening.
I actually fully agree with you here. I'm completely straight, but I've never in my life understood homophobia. I 100% don't give a flying fuck what you are into. The fact that secular countries still debate same sex marriage baffles me - this isn't a political thing, you might as well make your haircut into a political issue. Different leftists will have different views - some are like myself, some have more social liberal views and others are homophobic. It doesn't really make a difference what your view is when it comes to the left.
Basically, communists believe in a moneyless society where you receive what you need and give what you can. Currently, the amount of money required to get an education is incredibly disproportionate to the outcome in terms of employment. This is a broken system. While free education should be a thing - i.e in a moneyless system - it is completely untenable in the current system.
I'm Australian and I don't mind our system. The government pays for your university fees and once you reach a certain income (something like 50k a year) you begin to pay it back as a percentage of your pay. I'm no expert on the U.S system but I doubt this would work there.
One reason I despise "left" liberals is that they obsess over social issues when things like this are basically the most important questions that need to be asked. Basically, as economic policy has become more oriented to the free market since the 1980s, this has become am inevitable consequence. Some people like to blame foreigners or whatever "other" that they can in order to ignore the reality of the matter. Basically, putting profits before society will lead to a lack of employment opportunities and a high cost of living.
You seem pretty switched on OP, I think you should definitely lurk here and you might be surprised.

This reminds me of a thread were some guy came to promote his organization, talked with anons for a while and for the whole thread tought that Holla Forums was liberals, once he knew we were commies he left. It was hilarious.

What did OP expect when he came here?

came back to thank you it's just a start but this video told me a lot more than most of the people here did

I appreciate it friend

I find in general it's good to try to gather other peoples views on issues because if I examine my ideas based on my own thoughts and feelings I doubt I'll get anywhere

I might lurk a bit

mostly just discussion and exposure to views and ideas I wouldn't normally encounter

also I thought the board was about /lefty pol/itics and left leaning ideas that weren't politically correct…

sorry to be so ridiculous

You can, but you have to lurk a lot. May i remind you that on imageboards, 99% posts are shitposts or just shit, and only a few posts are pearls in an ocean of piss? Don't expect Holla Forums to be any different. You can be linked to good material sometimes tho.
On this topic, there is >>>freedu for a LOT of potentially good material.

Damn, i'm a retard. >>>/freedu/

Regarding question one: there is a very interesting phenomen that makes leftist decision making a very powerful thing to achive necessary but hard things. In many cases most people would generally agree on a need to save this planet, eat less meat, cut down on electricity ect. But due to the individualized society we live in, where these things are considered to be individual issues everyone needs to tackle himself, nothing happens. And in the end economic pressure can excert itself fully on the individual who will relent and do what is best for his own money balance.

But as soon as you have a collective democratic decision making process rooted in the community these moral questions are pushed to the forefront, no longer are you alone in making these hard decisions, you make them collectivly and with your peers agreement which creates an atmosphere of commitment and you no longer have to fear individual disatvantages because of your own moral behavior as you are in it together. And going against such decision will ofc happen but due to the democratic nature of the decision making it will be socially not very acceptable.

In short collective decision making makes moral behavior easier. In comparison to forcing everyone to make the world a bit better by consuming ethically while being directly exposed to the economic pressure and the disatvantages of being moral in a unmoral world.

Jesus fucking Christ the amount of idiocy in that comments section. The video directly above it lays out what the fuck socialism actually is and there's still an endless wave of imbeciles calling Scandinavia and Canada socialist.