Ever heard the lie "it's not the dog it's the owner?" Mostly in cases where pitbulls or pitbull mixes have mauled or killed someone?
It is the dog. Genetics are real, we all know this here, and they effect the outcome of offspring to a great extent. Do nigs only nog because of 'dey environment?' Fuck no, they have genes that makes them the way they are. Of course it is the same with dogs! If you're a White Nationalist & understand the difference in the races, it's silly to also entertain the idea that pitbulls are good boys who dindu nuffin wrong. Pitbulls all need the fucking rope.
Holy shit take this shit back to cuckchan. Mods pls ban anyone who bumps this shit.
Brandon Johnson
If you don't have a German Shepherd you don't deserve to live to be quite honest family
Landon Anderson
Brody Parker
cuckchan scum.
Carson Morris
Golden retrievers would like to have a word with you
Wyatt Perry
What the fuck are you doing OP?
Lincoln Miller
Besides being a faggot of course
Charles Perez
Did I trigger you with my facts? Do you have a logical response or just autisitc screaming?
Dylan Rivera
I really don't want to contribute to this thread but I just had to check these. Kek has spoken. Golden Retrievers are the official dogs of Right Wing Death Squads.
Carson Sullivan
Fuck German Shepherds they bite more frequently than pitbulls.
Chase Ward
There is a difference between a bite and mauling or death. Golden retrievers may bite (any dog can bite), but never anything like what pitbulls do. Rip a child's face off or kill it.
Ryder White
To me pitbulls really are the niggers of the dog species. Sure, you can train them to "behave" and "assimilate" at a young age but eventually due to their natural biological instincts they'll latch out and act aggressive in a situation that doesn't call for it and perhaps attack an innocent bystander or you. For as the ol' saying goes "you can take the monkey out of the jungle. but you can't take the jungle out of the monkey."
Logan Martin
while I'm sure everyone here already agree's that pitbulls are shit dogs that lefties defend unashamedly just like niggers. I have to chime in and say how much I agree with OP. I have worked with dogs for years and would much rather be bitten by a german shepherd or a mastiff than a pitbull. Working with MANY pits, I have also learned that I would NEVER trust one….not even with elf. Something people forget is that Pitbulls are TERRIERS. Terriers are aggressive. Ask anyone who owns one and the owners will hapily agree. Unless its a pitbull…….In my experience shpherds are more likely to quickly one time fear puncture where as pits will go in for the kill….it is the kill that they want in the end not someone to leave them the fuck alone.
Alexander Ward
Pit bulls were literally bred to kill bears and bulls, calling them the niggers of dogs… I don't think that's fair. There are parallels, sure - clueless whites bringing niggers into our countries and pit bulls into their homes - but niggers don't exist for a purpose, pit bulls were created specifically to kill.
Austin Lewis
Pitbulls do disproportionately attack humans. However, not being a dipshit is going to be the correct play to make regarding dogs, and animals in general. No fucking animal should be near your child that isn't something benign, like certain reptiles and amphibians. Adopting a dog is going to be a fucking mistake when there's other factors that aren't adult humans. Cats, children, pets, sometimes even strangers, maybe even a tall man, maybe even a woman, could make a rescued dog think it's in danger. You don't know their situation, don't risk it, especially with dogs that can easily maul someone, meaning, every dog. An angry dachshund is probably too short to kill you, doesn't mean it won't fuck up your baby. ANY dog can fuck up a small child.
The point here is, get a fucking brain. I have two pitbull mutts, great dogs, but I wouldn't trust them around a child, just as I wouldn't trust my dachshund around a child, just as I wouldn't trust a nigger around my child. I can only predict so much, if they're going to chimp out it will be against me, in an environment where I can control them. If I adopted a dog, older than a few months, I wouldn't even trust them with my own dogs, unattended. I don't think these idiots realize what they're getting themselves into, which is why babies are being mauled, owners are being bit, and pitbulls are dumpstering people.
I don't know what attracts idiots to pitbulls. If you aren't going to do your due diligence, get a fucking basset hound or a pug or something.
Ian Fisher
I'm not sure why you're posting this here, I don't think anyone who knows about human genetic predilections is going to think dogs are any different. This topic is at best a way to bring up the conversation of genetic differences in temperament, or a fucking shill slide thread by a faggot. In hopes of the former have some stuff on human genetic differences.
Christopher Williams
Anybody who doesn't believe in dog eugenics isn't a true National Socialist.
Carter Gomez
checked! it's no surprise that the predominant nog dog would happen to act like a nigger
Ryan Rogers
The (((media))) will call any dog remotely resembling a pitbull that attacks someone a pitbull, its just a buzzword they love to use to get clicks. "Half starved mutt with bulldog features bites someone" isn't as catchy.
Any dog expert will tell you that pitbulls are extremely good family dogs and are very protective of their families. They will die fighting a grizzly bear to protect their owner.
I was raised around multiple pitbulls my entire life, so was my sister. Nobody ever got hurt. The pitbulls that attack people are raised by niggers, and spics that fight them, abuse them and/or use them to guard their drugs.
When the dog loses a fight, niggers will often starve them as well because they don't want to buy a losing dog food. This is when a pitbull becomes dangerous, but any dog or wild animal becomes more dangerous when it is desperate for food, and abused.
If pitbulls didn't exist, niggers and spics would use German shepherds, or any other aggressive powerful breed of dog to guard their drugs.
Also keep in mind the pitbull is not a "nigger" breed of dog, it is a breed created by white people, and was one of the most beloved breeds in America back in the 40s and 50s. It wasn't until pitbulls became popular with niggers and spics that they got their negative reputation.
It's always the people who know nothing about dogs, and have never owned a pitbull that spread the myth of them being an evil breed.
This is a shit thread. saged and reported.
Adam Price
Pitbulls are fine, nigger, learn how to train and control your dog or stick with cats, better yet kill yourself since you're a nigger and niggers think animal abuse is funny.