Trailer Park Boys

Good? Cringy? Both?

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Good for the first season then rapidly goes off the rails descending into eacky hijinx and hilarious situational comedy.

It's shit.

Bad and cringe

Literally Reddit

This is the calling card of the redditor. that and emmahate.

Good but turns to shit. It's been ages since I watched it so I can't remember exactly when it turns to shit but it definitely did.


Good, but you can't watch it if you're quitting booze/smokes.

Second season after they're bought by Netflix is the point of no return.

Funny show

Show died a few deaths already but it really kicked the bucket and went full Fremdschämen when fucking snoop retard kept showing up, at least they kept him out of the last season for the most part.

Lahey held this fucking show together, its dead now for sure, that man was an amazing actor, RIP in P

Its one of those shows that I think is worth a watch but do NOT fucking binge watch it you will get burnt out quick. There are some good fucking episodes though, probably my favorite one is the christmas ep, for me TPB makes one main point throughout its life, and it does this quite consciously i think:

A show like this could not exist in the USofA because of how mentally ill everyone there is, you could make it but it would have a much darker tone, everybody would be smoking meth not weed, gunfights wouldnt be A-team style where nobody hits anything, people would be dying of diabetes, Ricky and Julian would just get their ass locked up and the key thrown away, and instead of playing hockey they would probably have to join the aryan brotherhood or something

Ricky hints at this in numerous episodes that involve the border, murica is fucked and the burgers are fucking crazy

Fuck, I didn't know.

It was stickied for days. No big loss if you ask me. One less jew is one less jew.

He wasn't jewish you fucking imbecile.

yeah, i'm glad that jew is dead tbh

little more room in the oven, am I right?

First two seasons are close to kino, after that it's still a decent joint. Stop watching once netflix takes the reigns unless you want gay dicks and gross-out "humor".

stop using nigger terms, fucking kike loving wigger

Fuck off you sped.

After it turns to shit it has some good moments. And they finally stopped making "julian is a stupid greedy bastard in ep1-10, but in ep11 he has hearth of gold".
But yeah, a lot of cringe and bullshit.

he worked with his hands

he is no jew

I hate how this show is dubbed a "stoner comedy". It's more of an alcoholic comedy. As an alcoholic, I enjoy this show. I hate people who smoke weed.

Same. Lahey is the real star.

I only began watching it a three weeks ago and binged hard and finished up season seven last week. I really like it but it falls off after season three; I still like the rest though. I'm leery about watching past season seven though since I know that there was a huge gap in the show and I know that fucking Snoop Dogg is supposed to be in it now or something. I feel like they had it wrapped up nicely after its original run.

Watch like 2-3 episodes at start of season. If its bad than move to next season. If season starts going down, than skip the season. I cant remember exact details, but its general advice. If season starts as shit, it stays as shit. Starting seasons were better because it was not so outlandish as latter seasons and flanderisation only started. I think last season was somewhat better because they toned it down a bit.
Original mockumentary about petty criminals trying to get by were much better series premise than whatever we have now. How do you describe it?

Also dont even try their side projects. They are beyond retarded. Swearing is funny, lets make everyone swear a lot! Drugs are funny, lets make everyone take magical drugs instead of real ones! Retards are funny. Lets make everyone retarded! And that is the only jokes we have for this show. Ironically enough trailers(or whatever its called) for their shit project are few minute shorts and they seem like better jokes than everything in actual show.

They are not even real stoners, they use magical non existent drugs instead.

I dont think a lot of characters were shown drunk besides Lahey. Or may be they were, but since actors cant really act outside narrow range it was missed completely. Come to think about it, I dont think anyone acted drunk at all, only crazy and/or retarded.

But I think the biggest problem these shows face is replacement of jokes(or funny situations) with completely outlandish bullshit. Anecdote is a regular sutuation with something unexpected in it. And these shows tend to have pure bullshit characters in pure bullshit situations and this supposedly passed as the only joke they need. Jesus crist, there are several tpb episodes based on this with the only joke is "ricky so illiterate he dont know anything and it goes for a minute or two"