–> The Range Blaster (Necro long blaster according to GT) has the set of Burst Bombs/Killer Wail. Okay let’s ignore what I said this is somewhat interesting for TC. However, I feel like the custom range’s set would probably be better for splat zones and rainmaker. Then again the burst bombs could make this weapon do a lot of work, as we’ve seen with the Bamboozler Mk.III and the Slosher to a lesser extent.
–> The two chargers (”spline” charger & scoped “spline” charger, thanks GT) have Splash Wall/Echolocator. …Okay I’m having trouble thinking of a worse set for this. Splash walls aren’t doing anything for a weapon that has troubles in direct fire fights. (damage up abuse aside) and the Echolocator is something the E-liter 3K already does with more range and a far more useful sub.
–> The N-Zap (N-Zap 83′, don’t even need to translate) has Point Sensors/Kraken. I swear we already have this weapon, and it’s called the Neo Sploosh-o-Matic. I really don’t see what this has over the other two N-Zaps to be honest, or the Neo Sploosh. Accuracy I guess?
–> CoroCoro Splat Roller (It’s been known for a while now but I’m giving my two cents on this) This quirky-looking roller has a set of Splash walls/Inkzooka. That’s an… uh… interesting loadout. I have a feeling that splash wall won’t be very good on a roller with mid/poor range, so I have trouble seeing this as anything more than a niche weapon. Especially when it has to compete with the carbon roller, which is almost always a fight you don’t want to get into.
I’ll update this later with the other four weapons (The H-3 Nozzlenose, the Heavy Splatling, the Sploosh-O-Matic, and the Aerospray) once they have their loadouts revealed. (which might not be for a few more days, given how the weapons in vol. 1 were leaked.)
Okay decided to take a gander at the patch translations, here’s what I could get out of it:
–> Refurbished mini-splatling and the normal luna blaster now have light special depletion. Glad to see the refurbished now has the same depletion rate as the normal splattershot. Don’t know why luna got it though, it’s still prefectly legit in TC.
–> Zink Mini Splatling now has Heavy special depletion. …FINALLY. These things are stupidly effective and I’m really glad these are moving into heavy so I don’t have to deal with as many bubbles as they are able to put out currently.
–> Rapid blasters & Pro Rapid Blasters now walk faster when firing. uh… yay? I think the pros are now more accurate when you are jumping as well, which is something to celebrate if you are a rare user of those.
–> Something about the aerospray bullet spread when jumping? GT messed up a lot on this one.
–> I THINK all 4 nozzlenoses do more damage to the rainmaker shield? It was some really long word that GT freaked out over so I’m assuming it’s the rainmaker shield.
–>Sloshing machines now walk faster when firing as well. As I said with the rapid blasters, uh… yay?
–>Something that GT translated as, and I quote, “If you pretend attack in a row, was in the ink is painted a candle.“ …Apparently this is something with the inkbrushes but good luck trying to translate what exactly it is. Something with multiple swings?
–> Ink mines I think have a shorter “fuse” before they explode? GT was in full drunk mode at this point but that sounds like a change they desperately need.
–> Apparently when you stealth jump you can’t actually “attack” until you fully land. … Whelp RIP all of my tower control strats. Then again considering what people do with stealth jump on TC… necessary casualty for the greater good.
–> Seems like the CoroCoro hat & hoodie are the only new pieces of clothing being added, sadly.
–> YET ANOTHER attempt to fix the tree glitch on Arowana Mall. I swear it’s starting to become the “herobrine removed” of splatoon updates. :p
–>Bluefin depo, Camp triggerfish, and Piranha Pit have all had some bugfixes but I’m not sure what exactly they are about.
Source: SplatoonJP twitter and google translate