Vatican to hold Islamic prayers for the first time in history

Saw this on Sam Hyde's twitter, don't know how to archive links, not a newfag, I just don't normally make threads.

Other urls found in this thread:


Other links:

Reminder that kikes had fully subverted the catholic church with the passage of Vatican II and that catholicism had been biblical heresy since before the Reformation.

It was inevitable really. Hopefully some good comes out of this and it helps reduce the ignorance fueled tension between Christianity and Islam.

I warned you about Papists bro, I warned you.

My mom kicked me out of her house last year when I pointed to the calendar she got from Chuch with the """pope""" on it and I said how he was a Communist. She got very angry.

I wonder how she'd feel about this. I'm not going to bother dropping redpills on her, I'm 27 now and she's getting up there. I just want her to feel happy.

If you're a Christian your T(olerance) levels must be off the charts.


Why does no religion want to defend itself anymore?

Aids Pope strikes again.

Islam and Judaism have no problems defending themselves. Hell, even the fucking monk Hindu's realize tolerance has its limits and muslims are shit-tier people.

It's Christianity and Europeans that is weak. The latter defines the former. If it wasn't for our hand in Christianity that religion would cease to exist as you're seeing.

Budhists generally don't take shit from muslims, neither did the Japanese Shintos who tried everything in their power to resist christian conversion when Europeans visited their country.

religious muslim here, this is actuel autistic i understand where he is coming from but the vatican is a holy site for catholic christianity, this would be almost the same as holding a mass in Mecca

Gas the papists, protestant reform now.

No wonder we're in decline. Are you sure you're not a spic?

The beginning of the end for organized religion?
…2017 - about fucking time.

Don't think that's not on the Jews' list too, Achmed.

Kill yourself, mudslime




Cut the bullshit Holla Forums… christianity is nothing more than spiritual cuckoldry.

Hang your self you moronic degenerates.

So will there be a orgy bach bazi

nah fam, this be a board peace, but seriously it is realy fucking stupid, holy sites should only be allowed to the people practising the same faith

The world would be a better place if both Mecca and the Vatican were razed to the fucking ground at this point.

I'm starting to see why ISIS targets religious and cultural symbols. Maybe it's time to go ISIS on both sides and bring a little chaos to the world.


Cathocucks would be better off converting to paganism.

Look, Jews – Here's the only religious argument we should be having here: Long ago, Christianity – Jew-worshipping slave cult though it was – had the energy to slay shits and keep Europe white. Today, it's pic related. and still factually incorrect :^

Fuck you both

t.Atheist fedora fucker who wants to keep winning, not infighting

The sedevacantists are right about everything.

Do you think you are welcome here? Fuck off to leddit

Uhh no. I've already been moved out for a few years and I was visiting and she was getting sick of me yacking about how this pope is full of shit just told me to leave. No real bad blood or anything.

Can't say I sympathize with where you're coming from. I torture my parents with redpills at every second possible because they're disgusting selfish boomers. Any commercial, comment on rafe mixing… any odd show they watch that showcases degeneracy… lookup and show jewish writers/directors… shit like this is just icing on the cake because they are spiritually vapid christians who are completely fucking retarded and delusional about non-whites.

Why show mercy?

i might not be, but as long as the mods allow me to post i am still here and i will speak, if you want a anti-free speech board go to 4chan or reddit

Good to hear. From your post, it seemed like she tipped you off the couch you were sleeping on.

So. . . have you made her a white grandmother yet? And if not, why not?

The infants guide to spiritual discussion.
"Everyone not christian is degenerate!"

Believe me, I'm working on it. I feel even more obligated to give my parents grandchildren considering my brother is a literal faggot and moved to Boston to teach at the university there. I cannot fucking stand him, but that's another story.

Why don't you go to reddit and take reddit with you?

Googling this turns up similarly worded articles from 2014. Why is this being published now by this organization?


Don't let your credibility be undermined by passing along incorrect facts/dates.

quality post my friend and quality bait at that

Thanks, I try.

Seriously, why the fuck be a Muslim? Such a shit thing to be.

No one here will ever take anything that a dirty shit for brains mudslime has to say seriously. Do you honestly expect any "tolerance" here?

if you want a serious awnser:because i believe in the teachings and morals

if you want the Holla Forums awnser: free gibsmedats and white wyminz

The Church was dead for years before 2014 but this was the one of the last nails the pile of shit that is the Church… the very last one would be to have an openly jewish degenerate as the pope.

What race are you? If not Semitic, why are you a Muslim and not something else?

Abrahamic sand religions. Not even once.

Do you know there's a loophole in your sacred texts that allows you to do whatever the fuck you want your entire life, then suicide bomb a bunch of innocent civilians who don't share your faith, and then still go to heaven?
Do you really believe in that shit?

Hopefully, Mecca will open it's doors to non-Muslims and allow consumption of pork and alcohol on its premises as well.

i'm greek and mainly because i believe in the teachings that Islam gives and the push for a greater good

suicide is a immidiet ticket to hell, yyou are only allowed to lie to save your own live, if your life is under threat because you are muslim leave immidietly, acording to the Sunnah




The push for a greater good is the total extermination of all Semitic peoples and faiths.

I'll immediately inform Golden Dawn of your traitor ass any time if I ever find you, yeniceri scum.
t. Greek

Your ancestors will not look you in the eyes in the next life.

ISIS is just CIA nigger cattle, working for the jew world order. Ultimately they want just one world religion, just like they want only one race, and no traces of history or culture. Whatever they say is what is, that's their goal.

All abrahamic religions are Jewish and retarded. If you are white and follow a Jewish religion, you will be killed on the day of the rope. Period.


your ancestor might have been a jew/african who might be looking down upon your self-hating

Daily reminder that had the Persians beat the greeks we would be living in a kike free utopia. The western infatuation with these boy-raping queers is one of the oddest things I've ever come across here. Unfortunately Nietzsche failed to shift western (semitic) morality to eastern (aryan) morality, which is why we still see things like TRSniggers act like fags and shill for israel.

captcha: ctr Hex

Top kek, sandnigger-kin.



not out of kangzland, i mean you might have one when your gread gread gread gread grandmother had a hunger for sum BBC

Truly pathetic. Drown in pig blood

Seriously fuck off and never post again.

I'll throw in a reminder that the top 10 biggest cocks in the world are literally all attached to European males and that BBC is a kike myth as much as it's a kike network.

The historical monolithic deterrent from Islamic invasion in Europe has allowed the enemy to prance around in its most central of locations. The pope has fallen, reanimation of the catholic faith is needed.

i don't that is what i love about this board, the abilety to voice your opinion no matter how weird it is

Is it only the end of days just now, given that this actually happened almost 3 years ago, in June 2014? If so, why the delay?

Someone in greece kill this traitor

Overpriced pork and alcohol bought using a high interest credit card.

I will accept the 2014 date for the end of days

Now that I think of it, the Greco-Persian wars have a lot in common with something like WW2, where a technologically superior and morally righteous foe was destroyed from without by hordes of greek barbarians and from within by internal Jewish corruption. Had the greeks fallen, all the aryan civilized world would have belonged to the fascist, proto-natsoc Persians. It would have been a paradise on earth.

and you call SJW mentally ill

when do we get to have berlusca as pope?

Christianity: Judaism for white people


you'll fucking wish there were crusaders around to kill you off when the jews get a hold of your children's minds.

Blow your brains out, dune coon.

kill yourself


only thing jews will do with niggers and muslims is make them cattle, same as the whites

They just don't make shills like they used to.

The history of western civilization is just repeated (failed) attempts to reassert Aryan worldview over Judaic worldview. Unfortunately, the Jewish cancer of Jesus-Judaism won out and now threatens to destroy all traces of anything Aryan left.

the eternal christcuck strikes again. himmler was right.


hmmm where have i heard this kind of thinking before?

pick one and only one you disgusting SAVAGE

get off of Holla Forums and don't come back until you learn why being a male virgin is a good thing until you have kids AND stop being islamic

Probably somewhere in the Qu'ran, right next to where it says to kill all non-believers. Now get the fuck out, sandnigger.


you seem very interested in dicks and done your outlier research,the fact still remains you whitebois have tiny dicks though on an average though.

Even a mild autist like me has scored about 8 white punani it's just too easy with your girls and damn half of them smelled like wet dogs.ROFLMAO

you seem very interested in dicks and done your outlier research,the fact still remains you whitebois have tiny dicks though on an average though.

Even a mild autist like me has scored about 8 white punani it's just too easy with your girls and damn half of them smelled like wet dogs.ROFLMAO

it teaches family values and integrity and standing up for ones self

Pissing off your ignorant parents is nigger-tier bullshit. They are who they are and you owe them something for raising you.

Get out in the world and do things to change it.

Christcucks on suicide watch, one side is famous for being pro-zionist and pro-Israel evangelical good goys and the other (catholics) is a Soros-tier super progressive cucks leaded by another progressive cuck.

How can christcucks defend themselves ?



also i was admittedly wrong about the pedophile part, maybe
it allows it, though im not sure if it blatantly encourages it

it is encouraged to have children and marry at a good fertile age, meaning when a child becomes woman she is available for suiters some become female at 12 some at 19 depends on the person, but mostly between 14-20

they cant, (((jesus))) said to turn the other cheek. topkek


America was a mistake.

Kill yourself sandnigger

Italian catholic here, we are fed up with this cuck. Word is spreading, that Soros\Obama had Ratzinger replaced through blackmail. It would have been our own colored revolution.

We need leaks to prove it. And Trump's help.


well whatever i guess i wont get you out of lalaland that easily
by the way that angel that spoke to mohammed was and is a fallen angel


There should be a "temporary" ban on all religion threads. It's not as if anyone's going to be converted by anonymous shitposts anyway.

is this all you got?

Your religion is garbage anyway, faggot. I am actually glad Francis is clearly showing the nature of messianic Judaism (aka christianity) and finally killing the religion.

Thus ends Catholicism.
Not with a sword, but a heretical cuckolding.

this. these semitic saturn cults need to be destroyed. the cucks need to wake up or fuck off.

Goto drudge
and submit this as news




See on their clothes the depiction of white Mediterranean Male, I give it a decade until that's a black man.

I bet you're one of those Albonigger expats living in Bern who's parents lived in Greece and got kicked out of Greece for fucking goats and disturbing your neighbors

Islam is a religion without any European influence or inspiration.

Where'd all these Jews with their subhuman gore fetish come from?

what are you trying to achieve with posting gore?

nah fam, born in trabzon went to netherlands got educated in IT went back and living comfy live

Even worse than an Albonigger

Protestantism is jewish subversion and Paganism is a joke, so the only substitute for Catholicism would be Orthodoxy.

That's the only option on the table. Rest are for fedoras and cucks. There's a reason if it was you protestants who were brainwashed by the jews first.



yes we know. We can still use it. You don't understand how mass crows work yet do you?

That's the cuckiest thing ever.

Agnostic Deism is where is at it.

Still a roach whether you speak a funny dialect of Greek or not


original european paganism died with charlemagne and the lithuanian crusades, current european paganism is just atheist roleplaying that they have a religion

Catholic church is fucked. I'm not even sure what I'm going to do but this is total, absolute bullshit.

The Catholic Church does not follow God; it follows Diversity. Jesus came to tesitify to the truth, but they make false prayers in the name of niceness.

A heresy had crept in that you can worship God however you want, or not worship him if you desire. If that is the case, why listen to this cocksucker anymore?


Do you really think nobody in Japan worships Amaterasu? That nobody in India really worships Shiva? Then why is it MUH LARP to worship Odin and Freya? If you need a sophisticated and intricate theology to go along with our ancestral gods and goddesses, why not just bolt it to Mahayana Buddhism like the Japanese have done with Shinto? It's a solid East Aryan religion with a cosmology far more accommodating of weird religious experiences than Christianity will ever be, since everything remotely out of the ordinary is interpreted by Christians as MUH SATIN! This insistence there's no way to be a white pagan without being a faker gets on my nerves.

Remove the Black Pope and there's plenty of redpilled bishops to steer the ship back on the right path. Hell, the real Pope Benedict XVI is still alive to do it himself.

Remember: Francis replaced a living Pope, something unheard of. This is not a normal papacy: it was a coup.


not surprising, but it still makes me rage
fuck the false pope and his heretical bullshit
and fuck modern Catholicism

It is by no accident the early Muslims represent who they pray to as a bull, the Kings of Greece no longer sacrifice the bulls which come out of sea and so endanger the safety.

you mean the (((satanic))) pedophile who was forced to step down since his own brother got busted for being in charge of a (((satanic))) catholic pedo ring?

european paganism was tied with tribalism most if not all pagan societs, save for the romans and greeks had tribal governments and because they were never truly civilized they did nto reform their faith, while japan and india had written structures same as buddhism and a culture bound to the faith

Unpopular opinion here:

I don't have a problem with Muslims inherently. I can respect their religious dedication to their god.

However, every single one of them need to be banished from White countrys and need to stay in their part of the world where God placed there, and stop meddling in our affairs.

You worship a literal Semitic moon demon you fucking idiot, I guarantee you know nothing of the hadiths let alone the whole concept of sun/moon idolatry and saturnic zealotry that led to your pathetic sand cult. Go throw yourself off the nearest building like your "religion" dictates you faggot

This fucking commie cuck Pope.

Their 'religious dedication' is at best, a medieval version of scientology run by an illiterate pedophile con man. At worst, it is outright satanic. In either case, it is fueled by chauvinism and a desire to conquer. It can't live and let live. It exists to rape and murder decent Humans.

i know about the claims from ancient arabic religiouns, the moon symbols was not and is still not officially the symbol of islam, it became a symbol when a friend of the prophet after he passed away (bpuh) saw the moon during ramadan and forming a sickel and tought it was a good idea to use it as a symbol, and hadiths very with legitimacy problems, that is where the base of the Quran comes in to dictate the choise, to use hadiths to guide you for things that are not described in the Quran

We've officially reached a level of cuckoldry that should not be possible.

Once again, I sincerely doubt you know nothing about the dichotomy between sun and moon worship. What do you know of Saturn cults, because you're in one.

Iran is actually killing kikes as we speak. Hezbollah kicked Israel's ass in the 2006 July War. I don't want them in my country, but Shiites seem to be pretty OK in their own little corner of the world.

Also the prophet was a pedophilic monster, defend that you cancerous faggot

Fuck off midf ALL SEMITES WILL HANG. How much does it burn you to know kikes are just you with a different religion?

Pontifex Maximus Francis, the not-Pope occupying the office, nothing he does represents Christianity.

Soon to be good riddance, Francis. Hope you meet your maker.


aight mane, Islam had alot of trouble staying alive thansk to thsoe moon/sun worshippers but they were dealt with after the caliphate won

lol I don't think you're talking to whom you think you're talking do. I don't adhere to any Semitic religion. I'm just not stupid enough to try to pick a fight with the entire damn planet at once, especially when Iran is actually killing jews right now. Who do we eliminate first - the Vietnamese or the Persians? Hate, but hate smart.

But by all means continue posting your fap fuel and slide threads that actually matter, chaim.

say it with me:

Aisha was 6 you ignorant fool


its not about hate, its about love, love for the aryan race. humanity will no longer be enslaved by (((saturn))). kali yuga will end.

And in addendum, you know nothing of your ideology, because that is in fact what it is, outside of the pop accepted "theology". Saturn cults are directly tied to your sandbagged bullshit, and unless you're trolling it's outrageous that a Greek knows nothing of apollonian and saturnalian worship

What does your father say?

Yeah that's what they said in Germany too, and ZOG overran them with golems.

Half the age and you'd be right, taqiyya faggot.
Although he did wait until she was 10 to fuck her.

The dark gods of Abraham are a blight on the Aryan races.

nope, in wich way are they tied? the oart where it says that if you do not believe in the true god you are condemned to hell?

ITT shills shilling for another desert cult and this time it's the MIDF

married her when she was around 10-13 consumated the marriage when she was 16

That forehead box is called the Tefillin. Just FYI.

What's with the epidemic of people completely cucking themselves? There seems to be a mad rush to commit suicide everywhere.

(((they))) didnt overrun antarctica.

Keep digging that hole, goat fucker.

Actually kill yourself literal cuck.
You're no Greek

Why aren't Catholics flipping their shit over this? If they wanted to practice islam, they wouldn't be fucking Catholics…

So you follow a cult which you have no historical understanding of. You're a fucking fool, and your blood does not smile upon you. Crack a book before you blindly follow a demonic cult

Frankly, /islam/ is pretty cucked these days.

Because it's not ex cathedra, so it's not a permanent thing. He had a meeting with Shimon Peres (Israel) and Mahmoud Abbas (Palestine) and permitted the Muslims to pray when it was time for them to pray.

Greece was sadly ass-raped by the Ottoman empire a long time ago. Did you know Achilles was blond? Blond greeks were far more prevalent in ancient Greece.

Sadly, given all the turkish blood infusion, it wouldn't surprise me if some unfortunate mongrels were attracted to the brutal simplicity of islam.

I suppose someone should also point out that this first happened in 2014, so the 2017 article is incorrect in stating that it's "the first time".

Wait, no, the 2017 article is exactly the same as the 2014 articles. This is 3 year old news.


What the fuck is going on here?

brain no work no more all is dumb

I come from a long line of Catholics, but it's been cucked for decades.
I went to Presbetyrian church this morning and listened to the pastor call out the jew and denounce circumcision. Feels good.

B-but what happened to "muh based Christianity"? I thought it was the most red pulled, and pure European belief system that totally isn't Jewish….

Fucking Jesuits and Freemasons, man. Swiss Guard palace coup when


Because they're long dead religions that are obviously not true?

This story is apparently from 2014.


Its orge

well mary is the same moon demon so it makes sense tbh

And they wonder why people call them christcucks here.

At least it's confirmed they are heretics now too. There's simply no excuse anymore.

Oh and this thread seems to have turned into a mudslime vs kike thing. Don't worry, Ahmed and Chaim. You're both equally repulsive subhumans.

I just…there's nothing I can really comment aside from this.

I don't get it. I just don't fucking get it.

Christianity obviously isn't true either and that never stopped anyone. With pagan religion, it's less about establishing the existence of Odin as an historical fact, and more about worshiping the archetype whom Odin represents. Worship of the pagan gods is worship of nature and humanity, while all the Semitic religions are about hatred for nature; hatred for humanity; and the destruction of everything beautiful because the monomaniacal jew god must come before all.

Furthermore, who's to say with all certainty that Ammit-chan doesn't real? Mahayana cosmology is extremely compatible with things like egregores and non-corporeal sentience. For that matter you are nothing but a myth. You as a singular, independent being, rather than the millions and millions of cells, bacteria, et al that compose you, is as much a fairy tale as Odin is.

Too bad all her predictions sound pretty fucking retarded like the return of Communism (lel) and the Caliphate bringing peace and prosperity (my sides).

The only accurate sounding thing was a predictable muslim war, which if anyone born in the 20th century who wasn't historically blind could have guaranteed.

Now this is bait I can reply to.

I'm just hoping for a schism at this point

I believe you mean created

his mom's husband probably has very little to say about his wife's son

There have already been a few


Sounds like my parents. I don't bother torturing them though, since it's really just a waste of time and energy, and ultimately it's like torturing a retard. Bad for the soul. I just let them stew in their ignorance and smug it up when they whine about Trump.

So the Pope really is King Cuck, huh? I gotta visit pol less, it can be fucking infuriating sometimes.

Yes and all of that stuff is nice but we have to face reality. I'm not a Christian either but the majority of Whites are. It's just not feasible to suddenly turn the centuries old Christian Europe back into a Pagan one. And Christianity is not in fact this meme "jewish desert cult" that it keeps being made out to be. It has very good and admirable qualities that can be useful. Christianity did a perfectly fine job keeping Europe White for hundreds of years. The ideas of being fruitful and multiplying, caring for your neighbor (race) and discipline against vice can be very useful and positive ideals. The problem is that through jewish subversion Christianity has become castrated into a religion of "nice" where you're not supposed to stand up for yourself, your people or your God. True Christianity has righteous anger not this passive bullshit that kikes shove down our throats from day one. What I'm saying is instead of trying to reinvent the wheel when we have enough problems is retarded when we have a perfectly fine system already in place that just needs to have the dead, jewish branches trimmed.

p.s. Ammit-chan a cute

ok i'm done

You uh… you do know Graham Chapman was a fag, right?

its still a Kabbalah-istic religion that uses the tefillin

Watch Francis get a fatal headshot yet (((miraculously))) recover, setting off everyone even more into completing the ultimate semitic meme of the Antichrist and Endtime prophecy.

Absolute garbage. If you can't even redpill your own familly or at the very least make a good attempt and gradually make progress you're doing it wrong you double nigger.

I'm starting to adopt a Heinleinian view on religion, as in: The one religion that can crush and wipe out any other is the True Faith. If Christianity, for all its great morals and values and wisdom cannot perform this, then it is no True Faith. Just like the countless religions before where the Priest-class abused people's lack of knowledge to become the most powerful and richest.

If Christianity is able to overcome its incredible weaknesses and internal and external Jewish subversion implying it doesn't then revert/evolve to something akin to old the European faiths then all is good.


Would you still believe this if the moslem hordes overran Europe?


Next you're going to say he wasn't King Arthur.


Holy shit, commie pope is gonna end catholicism. Fuck. When is he going to be replaced?

Romanism build the west, retard. Christianity poisoned the west.

This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a kek.


I see you, that interpretation of the Venusian serpent smells like misdirection though. Mary isn't deified to the same extent for the majority of Christian sects, the islamic shit is much more malevolent in its worship

Sure thing, shlomo

How does it feel to slowly turn into the enemy, making up words to justify your narrative? The roman empire crumbled under its own decadence, they were no better than modern Sweden.

Well, the trouble is that Europe's being held down by ZOG so Islam can do so but if Christianity fails the ultimate test now then it's clearly not the True Faith, meaning we need to seek out a religion, or at least give us the PERMISSION TO RESIST.

The strange problem we're under today is that even if the full 100% of people are RWDS ultra-Aryans, everyone is waiting for Hitler, frankly. More than that, we're waiting for Hitler to rally them while carrying weapons and rushing first into battle scoring first blood.

Again, that lack of permission..that headless, leaderless problem, which at the same time has been used as a weapon against us with (((people))) proclaiming themselves leaders.

priceless. i guess the pedopope was just a pedo then, i guess all the pedo priests are just pedos and not connected to anything saturnic or anything. you sure showed me.

shes just (((rebranded))) semiramis, same saturn/moon cult. its not even subtle its basically just a copy paste.


hehe hehehe soon… hehehe very soon
If this isn't a shitpost and you really are a muslim a

You are on my territory. And if you are not shitposting my suggestion is you leave this place before you get purged from here along with the rest of your devilish kind. You will get like 2-3 years extra of life.

drop the latter or you've forfeited the former you piece of shit

Try harder.

She was 6 and 9 when she fucked her.

Your taqiyya is poor, sandnog.


Are you that new to think that Holla Forums is the average boomer you use to taqiyya, mehmet, or are you just baiting?

Actually he's right, Hitler himself held the same opinion. Islam is inherently more resilient and powerful than any other modern religion. If it wasn't inherently foreign and traditionally oriental it would fit right into the Nordic spirit.


You're an idiot. The Catholic Church merely adopted Roman law and then Judaized it. Anything you believe to be good about Christianity was Roman. Everything bad about it is inherent to the religion itself (that religion being messianic Judaism). You are a kike, you follow a Jewish religion, you worship the Jewish Messiah, and you will be killed on the day of the rope.

Maybe but "Romanism" was apparently historically beneficial for Europe.

Yes, and Judaism was bad for it. That is the point. If you follow rabbi Jesus and the messianic Jewish religion, you are a traitor, pure and simple.

Stop arguing with Rach.

Kill yourself, apologist. I'm sick of these shills on Holla Forums who call (codedly) for literal Judaism for whites (while, ironically, calling Christianity just that) and who unironically say that Islam would be okay if it wasn't made up mostly of nonwhites.

Go fuck yourselves. Islam and Judaism are antithetical to the European spirit. Europeans do not mix politics into their religions.

Surely you can figure out that nonwhites preserving their race and culture puts whites in a worse situation and is therefore to be looked down upon, right?

Is this a new way of derailing a thread? I never want Holla Forums to be a hugbox of any kind.


You should really read Hitler's works before you come here from cuckchan.

We seriously need an antipope

Pagan? Maybe, but no modern "European pagan" can pretend they are anything except a new religion loosely inspired but forgotten fragments of more ancient religions, instead of the continuous inheritors they pretend to be. Any pagan on Holla Forums has about as much similarity to the ancient pagans of Europe as he does to modern Hindus.

Islam is a political doctrine that needs to be expunged as readily as leftism. Muslims are nonwhites by and large and therefore need to go anyway.

I want faggots who can't form their own opinions to leave. Next you'll be telling me about "based half-Jews" and be posting the image of "nonwhite NatSocs."

Again: kill yourself.

exceot Christianity pre-dates judiasm
remember user in the original greek version 'jew' and 'judah' were seperated and the choosen people of God was the tribe of Judah from the caucus mountains (caucasians)
race mixing and genetic engineering is aimed at corrupting the bloodline and preventing the second coming

This pope may be the false prophet


Christianity does predate Judaism though. Did you even bother to do research beyond what the (((TV))) kvetches at you? Pro-tip: Jews do not have three-thousand years of history; that's a shitty meme to pretend they aren't a mongrel people that has been repeatedly razed to the ground and forced into exile because of their Jewing.

No it doesn't.

Great argument, you fucking kike. Thanks for admitting we're right.

Lurk moar, newfag. Do you seriously think that the Jews have been the Jews since history began? The Romans destroyed the religion of the Judeans in AD 70 and banished them to exile. They ceased existing meaningfully as a religion. Then their descendants put the kvetchings of their rabbis into one big holy book to worship, called it the Talmud, and came back to Europe to Jew people again.

Judaism is less than two thousand years old.

What argument is needed? He's factually wrong. The torah, the foundational text of judaism, predates christianity. There's no argument to be had, you either acknowledge historical fact or you are wrong. If you didn't have a semitic hand so far up your ass, you wouldn't have to practice jew-tier apologetics to shill for your obviously false religion.


You're retarded. The religion founded by the Torah ceased existing almost two thousand years ago. It isn't here. No one practices it. No one even has a meaningful historical record of it. Modern day Jews have as much relation to it as Protestants have to Mithraic mystery cults.

I don't care about the jewy religion founded by the jewy torah or the jewy jew jesus or jewy christianity which followed. It's semites all the way down. Genesis - written by a yid in yidrunes.


I know, right ?! It's current year, praise dawkins !

The west died in 1917. Nothing to salvage, have to form small communities and create a whole new civilzation now.

>bu-bu-bu-bu-but in my totally invented definition of jew, which is used by 8 people on the planet to justify their belief in the god of abraham, infamous jew, jesus wasn't really a jew and anyway we christians are the real jews and we're the real unbroken line of jewry back to kikes Adam and Eve!
Seriously, neck yourself, christcuck.

No one gave a shit about them before the english got a hard on for them.

You said Christianity was younger than Judaism. You were wrong. Accept it, and blow out what few brains you have, retard.

Ahahaha son JEWS and the TRIBE OF JUDEA are not the same but modern bible (((translations))) more or less use the terms interchangeably, except the tribe of JUDEA is just that and the kikes are of the TRIBE OF JUDAH

This is still absurd bullshit. jews existed long before CE 0, and as it jewed back then so it jeweth today.

You christcucks actually argue exactly like jews with your fanciful redefinitions of words to suit your needs of the moment. Heil Ammit!

They act that way because their religions is dying and they are threatened by the fact it will be replaced. Christianity will never rise again.

Doesn't surprise me at all that you're also a self-proclaimed 'atheist', you fucking retard.

No thanks.

You don't even know what jews are you dumbfuck.

Thanks for admitting you're wrong.
1. No jew believes in the Torah.
2. The Talmud does not predate Christianity.

Video is proof. Commit suicide.
Correct; you are objectively wrong. There is no questioning the timeline.
Reported for intl. Thank you for admitting you have absolutely no intention of posting fact.

Thank you for admitting you are wrong.

The kikes you know today are what's left of the Edomites, who got forsaken by God because they refused to stop race-mixing.

Falsehood. Try harder.
Reported for intl. Thank you for admitting you have no argument.

You really can't help yourself, can you?

Reminder to all that this topic is actively shilled at all times.

She was proven wrong ages ago when europe didnt die in nuclear hellfire by now and oboma was not the last president. She was also a total commie cuck that said the whole world will be communist

Your ignorance is blinding

The same can be said for christianity. Its egalitarian philosiphy is false and as a spiritual path it is pointless.

I-I-I-It's not real judaism! Only me and my 8 friends who desperately need to justify worshiping the god of abraham despite pretending to hate the jews knows what a jew really is! Abraham and Ismael OK not Moishe and Shlomo!

Fucking kill yourself. It'll get you to jew heaven faster.

jews don't have to believe in the torah, they're still fucking jews.


It's not my fault your religion is so obviously false that you have to shill for it 24/7 because the moment anyone starts thinking about it critically the more obvious it is that the great flood didn't really cover every last mountaintop and humans didn't all descend from two kikes.

Fucking hell. I'd get it if you were an Iraqi or something, but you are literally a traitor. You betrayed your own culture, you disgrace your ancestors, you are cancer upon Europe. How can you call yourself Greek, when it was muslims that brought down one of the greatest greek empires and occupied Greece for centuries? Why are you even on this board? You are a text book example of what Holla Forums hates. You are an invader of Europe.

The fact that you can't appreciate historical nuance isn't making you look less like a retard. I hope you know that. I've never said anything about Christianity and its relation to Jews except to say that it is older than the religion known as Judaism. You're just too much of a retard itching to sperg out about how Jewish you think Christianity is that you can't even wait for someone else to mention it and have to start constructing strawmen in the hope that other low-IQ posters will take the bait and allow you to rant.

"Jews" are modern. They are the descendants of the Judeans, who themselves are descendants of the Hebrews and Israelites, all with huge amounts of intermixing with sandniggers, Europoids, Europeans, and other in-between. I don't expect you to know that because you're so braindead Jews have transcended reality to haunt every facet of history for you.

Now go back to cuckchan before someone here forces you to think or learn. I know you're allergic, after all.

Falsehood. Christianity believes in egalitarianism within its own doctrine. It explicitly recognizes that peoples are not the same.
Nice goalposts. Do you move them around often?
Thank you for admitting that you have no argument and that you were blown the fuck out.
Said the intl shill.

Yeah, how about those based jews who descended from Abraham amirite? Nothing like the perfidious yids we see today.

How can you be this dumb? Your religion is a lie, dude. The sooner you acknowledge that the sooner you can start hating the jews properly.

Romans made up the majority of your religious practice. Before roman ethics christian were primitive barbarians

Zero evidence.

*tips fedora*


Is it physically impossible for you to reply to things I actually said? You post has as much relevance to mine as a baby's soiled diaper has to Principa Mathematica.

Wow you sure showed me. Jews predate christianity and your religion is egalitarian and sematic at its core. It could never align with a white nationalist state.

Name me one European religion that was political.

I'm certainly not an atheist. I just don't believe in the god of abraham. Or rather, I believe it exists, just that it's a semitic demon with a penchant for jewry.

Follow your Jewish god and crucify yourself christcuck


So yes, you're mentally defective and have zero comprehension of what Christianity is.

Paganism was extremely political, and Christcuckoldry was originally as well. Separation of governance and religion is very recent.

Reported for intl.


How does this work, judeo-christcuck?


the saturnic pedocult from babylon/sumer that kikes have been worshiping and subverting/converting people to for all of recorded history, christcuckdom merely being one of its guises.

Just…just please God, kill me now or give me a battlefield to die on because I can not take anymore of this insanity.

If you know so little about your own religion that you dont even know what bits were added by romans and later germans you should probably read up on your own customs rights and holidays.
Look up sol invictus, look up the history of the cross, christmas, easter and any other western holiday. Your religion was made great by taking bits a pieces from not shit cultures.

Except the whole US system is based on Christianity
"all men having been created equal"

Any civilzation that takes it religion seriously cannot seperate church and state. To do so is a sign of decline.

What word did I not understand, christcuck? I think maybe you misunderstood, since you have a low IQ (christcucks have the lowest mean IQ btw, even lower than muslims).

obvious shill is obvious

You fine folks ought to check out >>>/cucktianity/

How is this not a good thing?

How about sticking to the actual topic? No one gives a shit about holidays.

Thanks, intl.

You ought to fellate a gun, intl.


Which paganism? Greco-Roman? Because it wasn't. Nordic? It wasn't political either. Slavic? Celtic? None of those were in any way meaningfully political. They didn't set out laws, rules, codes, or anything of the sort. Ancient Paganism was among the least political religions to ever exist, to the point that it borders on not being a religion at all.

Christianity before the present day has never been terribly political either. There are no laws or political doctrines in the Bible. You're just pulling stuff out of your ass on this one.

I'd go so far as to say that being apolitical is a defining characteristic of religions practiced en masse by Europeans.

Something tells me (((you))) aren't trying to have legitimate discussion, but then "muh Christcuck" shills never are.

Anons might take opposition to Christianity more seriously if you didn't go out of your way to look like dribbling retards. Do they just not teach you this stuff at the JIDF?

All this shilling just in time for a (1) to show up and shill their dead board they've been trying to get off the ground for months. Total coincidence.

Well, they ARE masters of it.

M-m-m-m-m-muh based YHWH killing the white firstborn infants in Egypt!

The kikes burn in Hell right along with any white who kept their ancestral devotion to their ancient gods and goddesses and ancestors spirits. Right?

Not shilling. It's a fact that Christianity is a religion for low IQ niggers, and that Christians have even lower IQs than muslims. Sad!

Said the admitted intl shill.

the poor christcuck is having a mental breakdown. read himmlers speech to the SS about homosexuals, he tears the (((christcucks))) apart thoroughly, even saying they were proto-bolsheviks. if you worship the goy-lite version of kike saturnism that is christcuckoldry, you are a subhuman.



There's a difference between religion as in "What you practice" and religion as in "The organized body of practitioners" though. In regards to the first variety, in Europeans this has nearly always been separate from the state. State-enforced beliefs are effectively totally alien to Europeans, to the point that it would be more accurate to say that the state arises from beliefs instead of beliefs arising from the state (as is the case in essentially all other civilizations). Worth noting, though, that it is necessary to have a broad consensus on fundamental morals (e.g. such as not committing racial suicide) in order to have a functioning civilization, which has a fair amount of overlap with the first category.

In regards to the second case you may be right about it necessarily being welded to the state to have a functioning civilization. Not totally sure.

Lol yeah it was. Ever heard of Socrates, nigger?

And Christianity is a branch of messianic Judaism. This is a fact.

Again, total bullshit. Read a book.

Can't be a branch when it ended the practice. Hebrews don't exist anymore. They either became Christians or jews (talmudists).


Absolute lowest of energy. Did you just come from shilling a middle school? Who would fall for this?

Thanks for asserting something that no one questioned.

So what's the point with this j-jews don't exist any more, goy. Your eyes are deceiving you bullshit? If there never were any good jews, then the jew who wrote Genesis wasn't a good jew. Genesis existed long before jesus was born.

you cannibalize on effigies of tammuz every sunday in church, you dont have a soul because you have been enslaved to jewish demons. i'd pity you, except you seem like a massive faggot so i guess you got what you deserve.

Socrates was a fucking Greco-Roman prophet now? What kind of retardation am I reading?

It is a fact that Judaism refers to the religion practiced by the Jews; a religion that emerged after AD 70. It is a fact that Christianity came before AD 70. It is a fact that the religion of the Judeans (to which you presumably refer to, erroneously, by the term "Judaism") is basically historically unknown because it has essentially no surviving records and has no name besides "the religion of the Judeans." You are, therefore, being a retard by trying to label Christianity as "Messianic Judaism." If you want to attack Christianity you could at least put effort into it instead of posting whatever popped into your head during your fuming sessions.

Kill yourself, nonwhite. I don't care if you pretend to be white in a hellhole that does this, but in all the great European civilizations this has never been the case.

I explicitly said that jews exist. Learn how to read, you cocksucking faggot.

Not surprising a christcuck would know nothing about basic statistics.


If Hebrews were Jews who became Christians then those Christians are by definition "not good" because they're Jews.

And for that matter, what about the OT? It's started by the god of the Jews and then Jews take turns narrating their history. If there are no good Jews and the OT is the foundation of Christianity then Christianity should be discarded.

So are you retarded or just willfully ignorant?

Holy fuck. Christians really are the intellectual equivalent of niggers.

Not surprised a shill didn't bother to read his own image.


lol try harder


In what European civilization have beliefs been mandated by the state?

They haven't. These kinds of conversations always follow the same pattern. The anti-Christian posts will dry up very abruptly as the shills go to bed and suddenly normal conversation will resume.

Nigger, fucking please. The only thing they've succeeded in doing is getting kike moderators installed so that they can continue to FAIL to shill anti-Christian diatribe.

Holla Forums is a place for truth. It is not a place to coddle your semitic affections.

I can read fine. It's just that your worldview is incoherent and frankly niggerish.


Socrates was executed for not acknowledging the gods you dumb nigger.

himmler was right.



Tell me more about the based jew who wrote genesis.

any bets on how long it will be before an "extreme" muslim bombs the vatican, giving "moderate" muslims victim status and allowing them into more places?


Here we see on display the Trojan horse within christcuckoldry which allowed the Jewish parasite to take control of our civilization.

Not an argument, unless you're claiming that ethnic Jews don't real.

Rome, for one. Early Christians threw autistic shitfits for hundreds of years over being forced to kowtow to the Imperial Cult.


Yeah it does have good qualities. All of those good qualities come from paganism, obviously not from the sand people.

Beliefs did not have to be mandated by "the state" because The Church was often the center of power.

Your memes are weak, christian. If you exposed yourself to the Tao te Ching, the Nag Hammadi scriptures, or, well, just about any other religion, you'd be able to see how full of shit you are and how desperate you are to play off your religious philosemitism as literally anything else.

Can't expect christfags to know anything about the history of their own religion.

That's not political. Are you a retard? Political is Islam saying that thieves need to get their hands cut off and that Muslims need to be ruled in a specific manner. It's not a bunch of the practitioners killing an outsider they didn't like.

The fact is that Greco-Roman paganism did not have laws, rules, or codes that would make it a political doctrine. But I guess you'll say that if members of the chess club kill a checkers player for not playing chess that makes the chess club political, right?


So in other words beliefs being mandated by the state is not a European thing, which is exactly what I said.

It's ironic that you used Yuri to make your shitpost

Then please explain to me exactly how Jews suddenly stopped producing Jewish children after converting to Christianity.

Also the Norse Eddas





The blood on Abrahamism's hands does not fall on Babylon/Sumer's head. Abrahamism came basically out of nowhere - A fabrication of the (((Israelites))) that was the collection of the beliefs of the Mesopotamians and the schools of magic of Egypt corrupted and subverted by the Eternal Jew and then sewn loosely together to make a religion for their tribal desert demon YHWH.

Watch this video to learn about the (((God))) of Abraham:

Evid3nc3: A History of God

If they were not mandated by the state, as
points out they often were, they were still mandated on threat of death by The Church. Of course generally speaking throughout European history people who did not follow the same religion as the leaders were persecuted (tortured, murdered).

You're doing me a favor here, christcuck. Do you really think everyone else is as delusional as you? Tell me about the based jew Noah. He really built an ark with two of every animal right? That's not some semitic fairy tale; that really happened, right?

When the FUCK are some bishops going to start doing middle ages court-intrigue to get rid of this fucking TRAITOR pope and install one of the Nazi Cardinals as Pope? We need a real leader in these dark times.


Time to go back to reddit lad

You got nothing, christcuck. Nothing but your love for jews.




Are you completely unfamiliar with the Imperial Cult or what? The Roman state mandated sacrificing to either ancestral or state gods and that caused centuries of [autistic screeching] for early Christians.

Nice dismissal attempt, but I'm still waiting: is Judaism a religion only and its practitioners cease being Jewish upon conversion or is "Jewish" an ethnicity as well as a belief system? If the latter, then by what mechanism did these ethnic Jews stop being ethnic Jews upon conversion to Christianity?


Don't lose faith. Ditch the church!!!

You love jews because you literally worship the god of the jews. This isn't rocket science. Even a 108 IQ pleb like you should be able to get a handle on it. It's like watching a chimp grapple with a wet bar of soap.

everyone wants to be fucking "historic", even a pope.


And here you have a faggot fedora that thinks you magically drop in IQ if you're a Christian, implying every religion other than is full of smart people or that whites don't represent the mean intelligence.

Is this 2008? You've got to be a shill.



This is like asking why Europeans don't defend themselves anymore. It's a combination of two things: easy, decadent lifestyle and Jewish subversion.



I need to point out that authorship does not invalidate a work, just the same as a source does not discredit an idea. Are you doing to stop washing your hands because Jews are mandated by their holy book to do so?

All authorship by Jews (or, perhaps, proto-Jews) means is that the work might be more open to subversion (as all works are) than others.

Also, Christianity is very specifically founded on the New Testament, not the Old, so even if your logic followed (it doesn't) it still wouldn't lead to your preferred conclusion.

Again, does the chess club become political if it kills people for not liking chess?

I will concede that degrees of religious separation have varied though.

That's not mandating. Rome saying "No Christians" isn't the same as Rome saying "You need to believe that war solves everything because Mars said so" nor is it the same as a Greco-Roman religious text (if there were such things, which there weren't) saying "There must be an Emperor." The last two are political, the first is not.

That is not mandating morals though, which is what I'm getting at. A religion that demands the state mandate the morals of the religion is a political one (Islam is the best example here), a religion that leaves morals outside (or above) the state is an apolitical religion. Greco-Roman paganism was the latter, not the former.

Everyone ITT needs to watch this vid detailing the origins of YHWH (Embed doesn't work for me right now)

Evid3nc3: A History of God

You do realize (((they))) are trying to get you to shitpost hard enough in order to dogpile reports on you and get you banned, right?

The moderators are paid shills. We've proven this. Do you think I give a fuck about intl when it just takes a single image post to discredit their entire efforts in every single thread?

Also, dude, you HAVE to know why continuing to zero effort reply is the best way to go…

what about all of the other (((saturn))) cults? like the ones in carthage/greece/rome? were all of them just kike subversions? i think so.

Dubs say yes. Beware Saturn.

Yeah, nah, that's not gonna work cunt. You said Can't be a branch when it ended the practice. Hebrews don't exist anymore. They either became Christians or jews (talmudists) and I'm taking you you to task on clarifying whether or not Judaism is only a religion and Jews do not and have never existed as an ethnicity or race or whether ethnic Jews ceased being ethnic Jews upon conversion to Christianity. You haven't even attempted to address this question, just dismiss me with insults prefaced by meme arrows.

Except white religion should revolve around the white race, not around what the kikes do or don't like. They're going to be gone soon anyway. How do you cucks stay this fucking dense? Literally begging a jew to save you from the jew wrath of a jew god.

It was already explicitly addressed. No one cares about you, intl.

You're 8% of the thread

go read the sticky


I'd give a shit about the sticky if the BO wasn't a fucking kike shill and his lackeys were actually white (and Christian). They're not.

Do you worship the god of the jews? y/n

Beware Saturn, Holla Forums. Beware Saturn.

The "it just takes a single image post to discredit their entire efforts" isn't working, just filter them.

Beware kikes and the people who would lead us away from them.

You may as well be a yid yourself.

It worked beautifully. They collapsed into a mess of shitposting as soon as the intl proof was out. Read the thread, user. Hiding is what leftists do.

Set is one of the faces of Saturn - Egypt hated him too. Kek will support us against the Black Cube.

Reported for intl.

Political religions are shit and so are you. You are literally calling for Judaism for white people. Oy vey, let's make Judaism but whites are the chosen people instead, my fellow Pollacks!

European religions should stay out of politics and deal only with private and personal morality; the morality of community and brotherhood, not the false morality of stateship and politics. You are literally trying to be more Jewish by doing that. You might as well just create the Mormonism of Islam if you want that shit.

The whole Ogdoad will support us against the Black Cube.

Isn't that basically Nation of Islam? Where niggers were magical interdimensional kangs until the white man stole their tech and somehow the ideas behind it, too?

i particularly enjoy the squirming when i ask a self proclaimed jew whether judaism is a religion or a matrilineal race (the both of us knowing it could never be the former because of the habitual rending of doctrine by rabbis at their convenience prevents their "theology" from attaining any measure of truth).

mentioning genetics to them is like whipping their very soul into a demonic frenzy because they are so obviously envious. it is at the core of their hatred for beauty, nature, majesty and truth.

their extinction has to be a matter of survival for the planet itself.

Then can you link me to the post in which it was addressed? I've gone through every one of your posts ITT and I have not seen you address my question at all. If you can then that's great and I'll read it and respond and stop repeating myself. If you can't, then I'll re-state my question for your benefit:
>You said Can't be a branch when it ended the practice. Hebrews don't exist anymore. They either became Christians or jews (talmudists) and I'm taking you you to task on clarifying whether or not Judaism is only a religion and Jews do not and have never existed as an ethnicity or race or whether ethnic Jews ceased being ethnic Jews upon conversion to Christianity.

jej, you can't even keep up the christian pilpul.

It warms my heart to see proof that this board has yet to be totally corrupted by shills; Christianity is THE main arm of jewish subversion of whites;

All Christian moralfags should immediately kill themselves and this latest news concerning the Vatican's sick self-flaggelating bullshittery with this K0ran reading only confirms my sentiment.

I honestly don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me. Essentially any religion created and practiced by niggers ends up revolving around niggers being the Chosen People.

Fuck you, you religion, your shitty people, and your dogma. Get fucked, I hope you're hung in the next crusade.


Holy fuck, we got a live one!

All Muslims, Jews and Christians worship the same god. It's very obvious.
Learn the history and you will be forced to agree.


The Old Gods of Europe must be awakened to help defeat the demon with many names. YHWH, El Elyon, El, El Shaddai, Tetragrammaton, Saturn, Moloch, Yaldabaoth, and Jehovah are all the many faces of the same Semitic demon, which must be destroyed.


you worship a literal jew. How does that not sink in past your thick skull?

Christians in Eastern Europe a seething.


To be technical about what he said: the Hebrews were long dead at that point, the Judeans their supposed descendants (they certainly acted the fucking same), and it was the Romans who ended the Judeans, not anything to do with Christianity. After that the Judeans were exiled to the East, formulated Judaism, became Jews, and then came back to Europeans.

Christcucks get BTFO most of the times they dare to make their love for a foreign religion known, depending on who is online at the time. I imagine there are times of day when not enough of us are around to catch every post those cucks make. Their board is a disgusting place to go if you're ever interested in studying spiritual cuckoldry.


You worship Jesus
Jesus was a jew
Therefore, you worship a jew.

Simplest syllogism I've ever written.


If you're a Christian, you have two choices; fundamentalism or orthodoxy. Pick one.

Hitler dubs confirms Catholicism is in need of destruction.

lol you've repeated that same mantra several times now. You have no argument, and you are intellectually and spiritually bankrupt.

No, what he said was Hebrews don't exist anymore. They either became Christians or jews (talmudists) and what I'm concerned with (and the import of my question) is "became Christians". Is being Jewish (Hebrew) only a religion and therefore ethnic Jews don't real or did the Hebrews stop being ethnically Hebrew upon conversion? Furthermore, what about the other Jews (Judeans)? Are they a belief system or a people, and if the answer is not the same as it it for the Hebrews then why is that the case?

'fuk u demiurge'

Judaism and Islam are the biggest threats at the moment and by infighting on whose religion is better you let Jews and Muslims take advantage of Europe.
Don't fall for the Jew, argue later when they aren't a threat anymore.

The Greeks hated Jews. Socrates was marginalized for his Judaistic dialectical horseshit semantics. He was the prototypical Jewish lawyer, proto Christian, and a deviation from true Greek culture, because he spawned from the Jews in Egypt.

Even the early church fathers said what does Athens have to do with Jerusalem. NOTHING! Persians were nothing special, with their hordes.

Greece was the cradle if the West. Hitler thought as much, which is surprising for you to spout aryanism nonsense and anti-Greek in the same breath.

So when Christianity is stamped out?

christcucks are jews.

fuk u demiurge

The very point of Holla Forums is to be a non-stop hurtbox where every sacred cow gets gored and the truth; the whole truth; and nothing but the truth gets sussed out.. We challenge norms. We question consensus reality and we don't allow our views to be dictated to us by social proof. I'd let a white christian watch my back in a firefight, but don't for one second think I'm going to put with it on Holla Forums. If you shill for your jewy religion, I'm going to call you out on it.

I'm not trying to speak in his place, merely correct what he said so it's historically accurate. He implied that Hebrews were destroyed with the emergence of Christianity and either became Christians or Talmudists, which is simply not true. I just thought this needed to be pointed out.

Obviously changing religion didn't change their genetics, just as having their religion destroyed didn't stop the descendants of the Judeans, the Jews, from behaving exactly the same way.


Reported for intl.

Of course it's true. No one said anything about their genetics.

Semites are only a threat to us because of the treasons of those who worship a Semite. There would be no Semitic hegemony over European nations if not for Christcucks placing Semites into positions of power. All Semites and all Semitic ideologies must be eradicated, and this means that all Christcucks are race traitors (if not Semites themselves).

Only by throwing off the shackles of foreign ideologies can our peoples free themselves of the presence of foreigners within our nations.

Anyone shilling for religions on Holla Forums needs to GTFO. This isn't a place for preaching or evangelizing. If you want to do that, go to your local college campus.


I need to ask this out of curiosity: Do you really believe that if Europeans just adopted the "right religion" they'd be completely safe from Jews and nonwhites? If so, you are a retard.

Trips tells the truth

Reported for intl.

On a scale from 0 to Rachel Maddow, how buttfrustrated are you right now?

0. Reported for intl.

The "right religion" includes the knowledge that Semites are evil incarnate and must be eradicated, so that eliminates the kikes as a threat. As for the other subhumans, the biggest threat they pose to us is by pollution of the environment such as from China. Once Semites no longer exist to complicate relations between races, we can easily dictate the proper ways of living to the Chinks as we did at the dawn of their civilization.

This entire planet can be put back on course only through the elimination of Semites and Semitic ideologies. It is for this reason that Cucktianity must be erased as well.

You sure seem it.

Reported for intl.

Thanks for admitting it, kikelover.

So are Jews a religion, an ethnicity or both? In the former case you admit that ethnic Jewry doesn't exist and in the latter two cases do (1) ethnic Jews cease being ethnic Jews upon conversion or (2) are they still as reprehensible as ever? In the case of (1) what is the mechanism of change and in the case of (2) what is the justification for allowing such dangerous and disgusting parasites into your spiritual home? Reminder: You agreed earlier in the thread that "there are no good Jews" so this question is multiple choice, not open-ended.

>jew worshiper calls me a kikelover

That's a political doctrine, not a religion. We need to keep politics out of our religions.

Christianity is a religion. Religions are not ideologies. They're different things. Ideologies are a set of ideas dictating things, and can therefore be a collection of bad ideas (e.g. communism). Religions are bodies of people; they can only be what the people practicing them are. If you have cucked people you get a cucked religion; noncucked people, noncucked religion. Religions get subverted (or unsubverted), but they aren't inherently good or bad on their own. They're molded to whatever the people practicing them are.

You need to change the people. Unpozz Europeans.

Why do you ask questions to which you already know the answers?



Religions are not subjective things. Cucktianity is inherently bad because it revolves around the worship of a Semite and a Semitic deity. This corrupts the soul of a man to be as a Semite, and the act of accepting a foreign tradition at such a deep level prepares the way for accepting foreigners at the material level. This is why Semites gained power over Christendom, because it is the absolute and only outcome of Cucktianity. Even were we to eliminate every bloodline Semite, the worship of a Semite would allow the corrupt spirit of that race to manifest once more.

One can only think of ideologies, politics, and religions as separate if he is an atheist. For those with knowledge of the truth, reality is defined by blood and spirit together. If you want an uncucked people, you must have an uncucked spirit. The only way to change the people, to unpozz Europeans, is to remove foreign influences at all levels. Politics stem from ideologies, ideologies are determined by spirituality, spirituality is defined by religion. It is impossible to keep politics out of religions or vice versa.

Good luck telling the shills form intl and leftypol to stop shilling.


What does this have to do with what I posted?

Religions can't be inherently bad because they don't exist outside of worshipers. "Foreign deities" is also a silly concept that has never held traction anywhere.

The fact that you cannot separate these things and believe that matters above man can be somehow "foreign" proves that trying to have a meaningful discussion is futile. One might just as sensibly believe that we shouldn't wash our hands or use gunpowder because these things came from foreigners.

At its root, religion deals with the nature of reality, and is therefore above the subjective views of man. "The Earth goes around the Sun" doesn't become any less true if a Jew tells you it.

Reported for intl.

As distressing as this is, it has to get worse before it gets better.

It has to get much much worse before it gets better.

wrong. the deities exist outside of mere worship. a religion is bad based upon the character of the deity it worships, the christcuck deity is a bloodsucking kike monster in sheeps clothing, one which has had many faces throughout many subversions of different religions.
you mean except in most motherfucking cultures until jews came along and subverted all the stupid cuck goyim into worshiping their kike demon?


Because no victory is complete without an admission of defeat.


You sound halfway to the point of incoherent rage. By your criteria most religions practiced by Europeans should be sent packing. Have you bothered reading any Greek myths? By your logic worship of the gods should have been purged.

lel, retard. "Foreign deities" wasn't a thing to pagans at all. To pagans the gods were as real as the sky, and so if the tribe across the way believed in a god they could describe he was as real as their "native" gods. The Romans didn't seem to have any problem worshiping the "foreign" gods of the Greeks; they didn't even seem to have a notion that the gods could be foreign.

"Foreign deities" is a concept that has only come about because of anti-Christian posters on Holla Forums such as yourself.

The Orthodox Church in Bulgaria literally said we don't need any refugees because they'd destroy our culture. What are you talking about user?

I saw some thread with "Vatican" in the title in the catalog but lost it when I refreshed the page. I should have known it would be christcuck bullshit.

I've never actually seen someone get banned "for intl" despite that whinging being the only thing on which you Christcucks can rely after being revealed as race traitors.

Just stop posting about these topics, you aren't ready. The subjective views of men are reflections of the objective reality described by religion. If you cannot see how "devoting oneself spiritually to a foreigner" is different from "using an item designed by a foreigner," you are in no position to discuss higher matters. Devoting oneself to something, accepting things into your spirit; such things have actual impact on one's person. Not just in psychological or ideological terms, those are reflections of an objective change in a being's composition. When you worship a Semite, you bring yourself closer to being a Semite. Have fun with that next incarnation. "Foreign" is not just a human concept, it is a reflection of the true reality. The other races are different from us, blood and spirit.

I hope you know that any ancient European would have laughed at you for believing in the concept of "spiritually devoting yourself to a foreigner." I wish a Roman was alive so you could call him a cuck for worshiping "foreign," Greek gods.

theres nothing incoherent about anything i said. you trying to claim that religions arent political or ideological on the other hand was very incoherent.
kronos was the very same kike demon, by the way. also most surviving accounts of pre-christcuck europian religions would obviously be of questionable origin since kikes have a habit of revising history thats inconvenient to them.
only slaves grovel and sacrifice to entities they see as above themselves. most forms of worship are nothing except mere cuckoldry.
yes, pagans never fought wars based on religion, how wise of you.
thats because they worshiped the same gods, and were both subverted by the same kike demon of saturn/kronos.
keep worshiping a kike demon, you retarded slave.

It's almost as if the Greeks and Romans shared in an even older tradition which can be traced back to a precursor civilization which originated in Europe prior to the Younger Dryas and seeded all known civilizations through post-flood migrants. It's almost as if part of the reason why the Abrahamic religions are so shit tier is that the false tradition arose as a rejection of that older tradition by Semitic tribes after the recession of Europoid dominance in the region. As if every noble truth of the higher reality had been corrupted by an evil race and then spread like a plague bringing about a complete upheaval of the balance of power in the world such that Semites now dominate and the Europoid peoples who adopted their poisonous tradition stand at the brink of extinction.

The reason my country still exists is the church and they even begun the nationalism and eventually revolutionary movements.

It's time to stop posting user, you are making yourself look like an obsessive Jesus freak- oh, right… AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!


I haven't seen this level of paranoia from anyone besides actual Jews.

So your distinctions between "foreign" and "native" are completely arbitrary. Good to know. Romans worshiping Greek gods isn't foreign deity worship, but Romans worshiping a Near East god is. Makes sense.

Your post is the perfect fuel for Eurofags to post "Amerimongrel" memes.

It must be limiting to be forced to reinterpret history as a religious myth instead of actually examining it and appreciating its nuances. Then again, as I said before, continuing this conversation is futile because you're a zealot, not someone actually open to the possibility you might be wrong. This isn't a matter of political discussion or anything else, just simply a matter of your own religious faith chafing against having to coexist amongst competing faiths. There's no reason here, only fanatical religious drive to prove that all the "other" religions are false, wrong, bad, meanies, and literally the work of Totally-Not-Satan-Because-Christians-Are-Cucks.

The fact of the matter is that you and posters like you will be inconsequential to the saving of Europeans, because you don't offer real solutions. You offer magic thinking like "believe in my gods otherwise you'll be slaves of the Jews forever." There is nothing more substantial in your rhetoric than any other religion. I can just as easily believe a Christian who says that Europe is collapsing because Europeans have turned away from Christ. It has just as much validity as what you post.

This is exactly why religion can't be reasonably discussed anymore. Things where fine when you zealots were confined to your containment boards like /christian/, /asatru/, /fringe/, and the like.

so now you are defending and denying jewish saturn worship? im shocked that a christcuck would cuck himself for jews, such a rare occurrence.

So are you an atheist by any chance? How do you feel about Kek?

I am not a christian or following any religion, more like agnostic. I view abrahamic religions hostile towards my hellenic background and viewpoint. But there will come a time where we must choose sides, islam or crusaders, who will you choose? I know who I am going to.

Nice narrative they want to push.

I say we choose neither. Egypt gave us Kek, and Islam committed crimes against Egypt. I say we spill invader blood in the name of the Ogdoad.

Reminder to sage this thread and all like it.

Reminder to desist your kvetching and get a tampon to staunch your rectal bleeding.

No, I'm not an atheist, I'm just pissed off that religious discussion on Holla Forums has gone from being things actually relevant to politics to being evangelizing between religious retards each saying that the other's religion is the work of Not-Satan, is completely unEuropean, is a Jewish plot, or whatever else, with literally no original discussion, nor any discussion worthwhile, for that matter.

It's literally one of the most common shill tactics and people still take the bait every time. Every fucking thread is derailed, and nothing ever comes from it because we just end up with shitposting.

I'd say it was because of newfags, but this shit has been going on for so long it can't possibly be newfaggotry anymore.

Praise Kek.

Shouldn't you goys be praying on your knees to Allah instead of shitposting?

bane. and there will be no survivors.

Cry some more, kabbalist.


I thought it was quite clear that I made "foreign" equivalent to a racialist conception of separation between the Europoids and subhumans.

You'll want to note that the Romans didn't worship the Greek gods, they had their own local variations of the same system, as can be found underlying the links between all of the religious traditions which emerged after the Younger Dryas. In fact, part of the agenda of the Aryans in their conquests was to purposefully keep the folk religions of the native peoples alive, only swept under the hierarchy of their noble religion in parallel to the cultural domination enacted through caste based systems. Again, the concept of foreign applies to something beyond geography. It is both blood and spirit.

You might want to deny what I'm saying, but this is the truth of this world. This is the truth which the Germans were punished for uncovering. "Aryanism" is not itself the complete picture, because there were multiple Europoid groups, but the narrative of the master race is the same. When the lesser races speak of foreign gods who came to engineer their existence as vassals for their continued greatness, they speak of the Europoids fleeing the ravages of the flood. This is the story told in the most ancient stones as well as what bones remain. From before this time we know little, because of cataclysms such as the mile high waves which scourged the American heartland or the rapid rise of sea level which submerged the most habitable zones.

Didn't the Pope already do this years ago? Or am I living in an alternative reality?

Last reply. It's nice to see that you guys are still adhering to the "everything is religion meme." Again, it must be so limiting to be forced to interpret history through so warped a lens. But no, I'm sure Germans being punished for being pagan in WW2 makes perfect historical sense and isn't a myth at all.

It's funny that you try to talk about ancient religions when we don't have records about them. If I wasn't so used to retardation I might be angry about your complete disregard for history as a subject beyond religious myths. Feel free to keep talking about how literally mythical Aryans preserved the religions they came across but which we have no evidence for; just make sure you write all of this down so it can turn into the next Bible.

This is from 2014, apparently, which makes me half-think this was yet another ruse thread specificly to start religious shitposting going.

Jews created the church, user.

The pope must be crucified.

Yeah, I knew it. The newfags fell for the religious bait shit again.


You call it a warped lens while clinging to materialist lies which have been propagated by Semites specifically in order to keep people from returning to the truths of our native religion. You also make it sound as if we do not have month-long threads discussing these very topics including the physical trace evidence which remains of this history. If you actually lurked here for any amount of time, you wouldn't be disputing basic historical facts and trying to dismiss the truths of Aryan spirituality as mere religion. You probably have a low opinion of esoteric Hitlerism as well.

The catholic institution post Vatican II, yes. Not before.

Odin drank other men's semen, intl.

Mate, it was started by a Jew, for the sake of worshipping a Jew.


Mate, your kike bullshit doesn't work on us. Go back to 4chan.

can it, Shlomo. Your D&C tactics won't work here. This is probably some diversionary tactic meant to virtue-signal to the entire world about how benevolent the christians are. Anyway, the vatican's been subverted by satanist pedos and nobody really doubts that anymore.

Lol, mongoloids are subhuman scum with no empathy for others. They would kill whites for no reason if they thought they could get away it. You'll know once these slant-eyed fucks get more powerful.

For paki and afghan cryptokikes, maybe.

Cuckpope strikes again.

This is just not true. In Hellenic and Roman states there was always a connection between religion and state. In Hellas, the religious leaders were the oracles of Dodone and Delphi later. These oracles(the temples and priests) also issued holy wars against barbarians and sometimes against other Greeks as well as instructing cities on the foundation of colonies, they told them where to go. Leaders were "favoured by the Gods" by following a religious procedure. War was even looked upon without contempt, war was holy, you served your country and God Ares. Religion was also used as a tool for pure political purposes such as banishment of political enemies from cities or even execution, keep in mind Socrates, Pausania, Plutarch.. and countless more names, really. Same thing happened with Rome too, religion was not seperate from the state or the leaders. While the Gods didn't exactly set laws, they were the base for the ethos, the ethics, the way of life and unwritten laws of ancient Greece and ancient Rome. If you want me to explain you this, then I will dissapoint you, I don't have the time, you better start studying Plato and Aristotle, for starters. I don't know where you got that whole "religion didn't play a political role" thing in ancient times.

Not an argument.


Being forced to reinterpret history to fit your religious mythology is a warped lens. Stop deluding yourself.

Actual last reply.

you mean (((christianity)))?

I'm starting to see that you're not from around here


more relevant.
". The entire substance of the priesthood and of the whole of Christianity is, I am firmly convinced, an erotic union of men (Männerbund) for the erection and maintenance of this 2000-year old Bolshevism. I reach that conclusion because I know very well the history of Christianity in Rome. I am of the conviction that the Roman emperors, who eradicated (ausrotteten) the first Christians, did exactly the same thing that we are doing with the communists. These Christians were then the worst yeast which the great city contained, the worst Jewish people, the worst Bolsheviks that there were.
The Bolshevism of that time had now the power to become great on the carcass of the dying Rome. The priesthood of the Christian church which later subjugated the Aryan church in unending conflicts goes on, since the 4th or 5th Century, to long for the celibacy of priests. It relies on Paul and the very first apostles who derogate the woman as something sinful and permit or recommend marriage as merely a legal way out of prostitution – that is in the Bible – and derogate the procreation of children as a necessary evil. This priesthood continues along in this way for several centuries until in 1139 the celibacy of priests is fully implemented.
I am furthermore convinced that the way out for the few who do not want to yield to this homosexuality, especially for the country parsons, the majority of whom – more than 50 % – I estimate not to be gay, is to procure for themselves in confession the necessary married and single women; I assume that in the monasteries the homosexuality ranges from 90 or 95 to100%.
If today the trials that concern homosexuality among priests went on again and if we would treat the priests as [we do] any citizen in Germany, then I would undertake to guarantee for the next three to four years 200 or more such trials. The realization of the trials fails to take place not because there is a lack of cases, but because we just do not have as many officials and judges as we would need to employ. Within the next four years very conclusive evidence will be produced – I hope – that the Church organization in its leadership, its priesthood, is for the most part a homosexual erotic men-union (Männerbund) that on this basis has been terrorizing humanity for the past 1800 years, demands from it the greatest blood sacrifice, and has been sadistically perverse in its utterances in the past. I need only to recall the witch and heretic trials." - Himmler speech about homosexuality to the SS group leaders on 18/02/1937.

Denying spiritual truths which are supported by evidence and align with history in order to fit your materialist indoctrination is THE warped lens. Stop letting yourself be deluded. No one comes to Aryanism by fitting history to religion; we live in the era where one must come to it by studying the history which has been suppressed in order to understand that truth resides in religion, the noble traditions of our ancestors.

And then the spiritual center of the Reich was made in the image of the Aryan religion after investigators were sent to study the remnants to be found in the most isolated Vedic traditions.

Only an egotistical arab will believe that.

Afghan and paki trash.

The muslim prophecies often speak of them losing constantinople but gaining rome in the process.

==The gospels are fake news== Cultural Marxism is christianity 2.0. It has all the same ideological foundations and is the reason why Europe is shit.

Yeah thats not correct. Hitler hated cuckstianity

“It is permissible for the mujahid [jihadi] to enjoy young boys in the absence of women.”

The purported fatwa then justifies this position by quoting Koran 52:24:

“There will circulate among them [servant] boys [especially] for them, as if they were pearls well-protected.”

A similar verses (76:19) reads: “There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. When you see them, you would think them [as beautiful as] scattered pearls.”

Admit it hijra your choad load has never touched punani.

What he's criticizing there is the type of person who would emulate the costuming of the ancestors rather than embodying their ideals. Thus why he gathered together those prepared to enact those ideals and then sent experts to further study the Aryan tradition.

Daily Reminder

The word "racism" was invented by Orthodox christcucks in the 1872 synod.

This is the largest form of corruption in the history of man. A "2000" year old organization has finally, been invaded. Finally.

Fuck off t*rkoman


you're a crybaby that just can't stop worshipping jews, to the point that you think yourself to be more jewish than jews!

Stop listening to shit about vanga. She was wrong half the time when alive. Now bulgarians don't even know where the new prophecies come from because she is dead. Meanwhile russian media is making shit up on the go.

That's all well and true, but it's coming from the perspective of an 'outside observer' . Which you are not.

To put it simply, it does not exempt you from the responsibility of making value judgments. Clearing, figuring and fighting for what YOU see true, what is the religion that will advance you and your race's spiritual development.

"It wins because it's true" is God's side of the equation. It's only true in eternity and in the end.

We're pawns and players in the great equation.
"It's true because it wins" is all we can settle for. The truth of time. All things struggle intrinsically for dominion. Religions, ideas, and you.

I didn't expect this thread to get more than 400 replies. Anyway, christcucks worship a kike and are as much responsible as the kikes themselves for the slow destruction of Europe.

anti-christian is anti-white
Don't fall for kike lies


So i guess that last pope prophecy is going to be true huh, fuck this antichrist communist faggot


Didn't happen, shlomo.

Reported for paid shilling.

So would calling them hypocrites, traitors, slayers of prophets and seed of the devil suffice?

It did. It's the first recorded instance of the word racism.

They didn't follow rabbi yeshu's particular brand of messianic Judaism, but that doesn't make Yeshu's brand somehow good. Mohammad killed a bunch of kikes, so does that mean we should all start fucking goats and worshiping a rock in the desert? It's still all Judaism.

No, because that includes the spread of false information such as the existence of Semitic holymen or a devil from which Semites were spawned.

Say it with me Proddies:


I like this user's idea to hold a mass in Mecca. Thanks, user.




Why do you believe Jewish lies about Babylon? It's like believing the holohoax.