Sweden institutes mandatory military service for men and women

Really feels like things are heating up.


How close are we to the next big war?

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Thank god

universal army soon comrades


Well, Sweden used to have a decent sized army and was able to mobilize around 800,000 men through conscription in the 1980's. After the cold war ended, the army was incrementally cut down and scrapped. The idea was to do away with conscription completely and make the army a solely professional one. Unfortunately, the government wasn't willing to pay decent wages to the soldiers, with the natural consequence that very few people became soldiers. This "professional" army is now only able to mobilize around 20,000 men, with an additional 30,000 who are still left in the voluntary home guard. The home guard is slowly going away too, as the people there are mostly men in their 40's and 50's, with few replacements coming in.

Today the politicians have been slowly and slowly getting more scared about Russia. A few years ago on easter, Russia sent nuclear bombers escorted by fighter aircrafts against the Swedish east coast in a simulated attack, but no Swedish fighter planes could be sent to intercept them, because the pilots were all sent home on easter. It all turned into a great scandal. A few years later, we had the submarine story of supposedly Russian submarines in the archipelago outside Stockholm, but no evidence came out that supported it. Since the Russian annexation of Crimea, there has been a lot of fear, justified or not, that Putin will try to take back the former Soviet satellites around the Baltic sea. Part of the plan is said to include taking the Swedish island of Gotland, a strategically important point in the baltic sea. If Russia got hold of it, they could place anti-aircraft systems on the island and prevent NATO support to members in the region. Since 2005 however, the army has completely left Gotland, which now only had the local home guard left.

Now, just a few weeks ago, Russia mobilized heavily on the Latvian border, as if they were about to invade. This scared the heck out of the politicians and the military command, who quickly dispatched 150 (!) men from the army to the island, as protection.

This is where we are now. The politicians realized that maybe we are not living in the era of eternal peace which was supposed to have followed the end of the cold war, but are still not willing to pay soldiers enough to voluntarily draw people into the profession, so they now want to just force people to do it anyway. The proposal for renewed conscription would only cover a few thousand people per year, or enough to fill in the gap left in the professional army. This is scheduled to start in 2019 at the best, and would still take a decade or more to build up again.

Whether the threats are real or not, Sweden is completely screwed militarily and will have to rely on NATO for a long time to come.

the fuck?

shit taste fam

Yes, now woman can kill brown people in imperialist wars too!


Women in the military will never be used in an actual war and everyone knows it.


Can you be more specific?

Well im fucked

You're a fucking idiot if you support any sort of conscription in a country that isn't threatened with a big war.

And starting next year, holy shit. I'm the only generation who didn't have to.

Here in Sweden you don't need to partake in foreign wars unless you sign up for it professionally; as for women, we've had them in the army for quite a while now. I actually support conscription, since it will hopefully whip the left into shape, now proles actually knows how to defend themselves.

Related song: youtube.com/watch?v=4VVyKVcxtdI

They are literally fighting in Afghanistan right now though. Never mind the YPJ.

So you're factually wrong.


Chodemonkey fix the fucking php popups you fucktard

You would prefer a professional army versus a helpless population?

Logistics? But i doubt they'll go as far as putting them on the frontline like they do in Rojava.

Conscription is much better than governments paying mercenaries to their wars for them. Otherwise government's own people are apathetic to their own wars, or at least have no power of resistance.

That's propaganda for whenever there is a western journalist around. Show me one video where these women are used in actual combat, and not tasks such as guarding objects, manning artillery or doing logistics.

Det är en riktigt bra känsla faktiskt, utan att för den delen vara skadeglad mot någon som nu har oturen att eventuellt hamna i köttkvarnen om det vill sig illa.

Yes, exactly. They will do jobs where there is almost no risk of them dying, and not be sent as cannon fodder to the front lines.

Considering they die on the front, I'd generally say they count as "used in an actual war". It feels like you're just moving the goalpost to fit some kind of narrative of what a "true war" looks like.

In any case, an actual revolution will need every hand it can get, irregulars don't usually have the luxury of caring about marginal efficiency.

Tror du och jag kommer hamna i köttkvarnen i vilket fall som helst om det faktiskt blir jävligt jobbigt. Militären brukar inte bry sig om 30 år och ölmage när fienden knackar på dörren, tyvärr.

btw, vill inte låta som jävla SÄPO, men får man fråga om du är aktiv i något?

AåA Uppsala här, om än en jävla newbie.

No, read this: warisboring.com/the-kurds-wont-let-their-women-soldiers-anywhere-near-the-front-line-76abb2603eb9

Yes, I expressed myself imprecisely with "actual war". What I meant was being used on the front lines just like men, which I haven't found any evidence for so far. I would like to see any statistics for female casualties if you have them. Are we talking one woman killed for every hundred men?

Even the IDF, which has mandatory conscription for both genders, places women predominately in the civil defense, and other non-combative roles. To my knowledge, the only combat battalion for women in the IDF is a mixed one: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caracal_Battalion
The US army also has women deployed in places like Afghanistan, but women are still banned from combat. You could say this is an advantage, as women in these positions "free up" men to do "actual war", i.e shooting and killing people.

Problemet är att de då måste träna oss först, vilket inte gärna kan göras i fredstid av uppenbara ekonomiska skäl. Om det blev krig och de behövde oss skulle någon månads träning i vapenhantering och stridsteknik nog vara i det lägsta laget innan de skulle kunna skicka ut oss, men då skulle det hela också troligtvis vara över. Den förre ÖB fick ju sparken efter att ha mer eller mindre erkännt att försvaret bara dög för att skydda landet i en vecka.

Peshmerga is not the YPJ tho, but I'm very happy to find this site.

Peshmerga aren't the YPG/J. You obviously don't know what you're talking about and just grabbed whatever link popped up in a Google search.

>Related song: youtube.com/watch?v=4VVyKVcxtdI

That or they bug out to other countries to avoid dying for spooks.

I wonder if they'll allow joing and sign a contract for a period of time, French Legion style.

you to join*

YPG or Peshmerga, whatever. What about the other things I said? Where are the casualty reports? Where is the proof of them being used at the front?



>>who quickly dispatched 150 men
what the fuck good is that suposed to do.

For what purpose?

Anti-Russia hysteria?

The militaries of powerful nations need the absolute best people on the front lines that they can find, and even the majority of men in general probably wouldn't qualify for this duty. Most military personnel don't see combat.

Besides, drones and soldier enhancements will eventually make natural limits to strength a moot point, even for the lightly disabled.

The pictures of dead women? The fact that the YPG women themselves claim they fight on the front? I mean, you're the one whose denying this narrative so it feels like the burden is on you man..

Well the fact of the matter is that most victims of imperialism, currently, are nonwhite

do it, borkrades