Whats the best economy?

What is the best economy or monetary system that a country can have? Communism/Socialism is obviously fucking shit. Capitalism is good but it has a lot of flaws. A labor based economy like Hitler did is great but its been refuted many times. We also know the (((central bank))) is nothing but a fucking parasite to any nation.

So whats the best economy and monetary system for a country to have?

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A barter system.

100% white

will ANY economic system work in a society that contains evil?
which one would be the least bad in a society that contains evil?

Bartering what exactly? goods?

Money is a barter system you dumb nigger.

i think he means bartering without money and also without virtual money, such as bitcoin

This. Until we can go to a labor backed system like the one Hitler created, I say we go back to before currency existed and just straight up trade shit.

Then refute it, faggot. Oh wait you can't, because you're paid to stir up trouble and not provide any reasoning

The value imposed upon money is but that's something everyone has to agree upon (for good or for worse). Money faces inflation or deflation but we'll always need food and water to survive.

If there was some kind of way way we could take nationalism,socialism and combine the best parts of the into a functioning system… like social nationalism

Whatever is necessary at the time. One-size-fits-all never works for anything complex. If unrestricted capitalism fits the bill, so be it, if it's communism, that's what then. The economic system should serve the people, not the other way around.

Give a more concrete example like "would X have worked better than Y in Countryland in the 19XXs?" or the thread will be nothing but useless theoretical masturbation where idiots take wild guesses at what untested system would work better for their imaginary societies.

Im not saying I don't like the idea of Hitlers economy. Im simply saying its been refuted by economists many times since ww2.

inb4 economists are all kikes

Well of course, we can't show how Hitler nearly built a utopia.

Well, you said it, not me.

Most of them are. Anyway, keep thinking your options are one of two heads belonging to the same hydra.


relativist retard spotted.


Labor isn't fungible, so you can't use it to back a currency. Hitler just put in a new fiat system and only printed it to pay for labor, not to pay pensions and other government expenses like they did in Weimar. The system required a constant input of gold in order to settle foreign trade (as almost all domestic production was geared up for wartime, not for export of goods). As soon as they ran out of gold, the system would have collapsed. And indeed, the last source of "easily" sourcable gold was held by the Russians, who moved it to inner Siberia, far out of reach of the Germans. They began to collapse immediately after. This might just be coincidence, but I doubt it.

Really, capitalism (with the caveat of no Jews-Jews will fuck up ANY system they infiltrate) is the only system that has been shown to produce real, sustainable growth, bringing people out of poverty and decreasing income inequality. All other systems either tread water or do the opposite.

Capitalism works pretty damn well as long as the government ensures there are no monopolies, and companies are actually competing instead of secretly agreeing to hold the market at a specific price point.

Perfect example is Comcast and Verizon never crossing over into each other's service areas. You get one high speed internet choice and if you don't like it then it sucks to be you.

The only other thing that can ruin it is when you are freely able to move jobs into poor countries so you can make more profit. It works for the company in the short term but in the long term your people suffer unemployment and then there's no one around to buy your cheap Chinese/Mexican shit. Henry Ford was right, your employees need to be able to also be your customers. He also named the Jew.

1. they had 0 gold
2. what was put in must be put back (bank loans 1 RM, 1 RM or more worth of production must be made)

it really is that simple in the long run

Talking about water backed money systems.

They confiscated a great deal of gold, first from foreign interests within Germany, then from the central banks of conquered nations. This is literally the exact reason why the Fed holds everybody's gold for them.

Your second point seems to be implying that they simply outlawed bankruptcy and default. This is not the same thing as a "labor backed currency" that so many natsocs inappropriately cite as the cause of the German miracle.

The Japanese economic miracle after the end of WW2 was entirely run under a Fascist/Socialist management of the economy.

Minister of Finance was holdover from WW2 and even called himself a National Socialist. Only when Japan transitioned towards a capitalist free market approach did it go boom bust in the 80s and has limped along ever since.


Whatever maximizes the countries growth while protecting the workers/nation as a whole and destroys central banking cabals ands usury. Outside of that, go fucking wild with the economy. National Socialisms leaves it up to what is best for the country and times.


Although barter is flawless and would end with every kind of economic problems there are, it becomes more and more inviable the more complex your society gets, with more working specialization.

Web of Debt, by Ellen Brown

And you will discover the History of Money, History of Economy, History of the true American System of Economics and the best thing we have right now to your answer, OP.

Yeah that's called conditional value.

By raiding the Rothschilds during the war. Not like their economic miracle had anything to do with it. They also secured other fortunes not related to gold by these economic tyrants. Either way they had 0 gold when it counted.

get rid of for-profit banks, implement more credit unions

Also make usury illegal again. One of the best things the government could do is to give citizens interest-free loans so they can buy their way out of debt. The more people capable of participating in the economy without the aid of welfare, the better.

got me there


They get what they deserve. They trusted a Jewish central bank.

What are you trying to say here? You admit that they confiscated gold, but claim that they had no gold when it counted. Are you talking about before the war started? Because the first confiscations occurred within Germany prior to the war. They were also able to get gold loans from abroad, IIRC.

For-profit is fine. You just have to excise the Jew, ie get rid of the central bank. Free banking worked fine.

Yes their economy was not dependent on gold because they had none. It was all robbed during the 20s.

This. People don't seem to get this.
What if your Country has absolutely no gold? Would you give up on building an economy? The fields will stop producing? The arms of men will freeze? The cattle and other herds will suddenly all die?

Of course not, because Gold is no riches. Gold is a piece of stone which was attributed an imaginary value upon due to historical conventions.

People can now, as they did in the past, create an economy completely without gold.
The Gold meme is spread by Gold (and Silver) speculators trough Libertarian channels to brainwash people.

Gold is disinfo and misinfo.

A 100% white communist country is still communism.

When has a communist country only had whites? The 'white' communist countries were always filled to the brim with Jews as far as the government was concerned.
t. Hungarian


tbh the soviets did get to space. Terrible jewish rulers and they still got to space.

Pretty weird for a show with a monarchy that's had an episode (technically 2 part) where enforced equality and communism were both shit on at once. I guess it's probably more about the fact that the guy supporting antifa here is probably a CIA agent more than it works at all.

Doesn't matter, the whole system is broke and anti-human.
Throughout the whole USSR history, it operated on foreign (((banks))) keeping pouring capital there, and even then, stuff there was fucking crap and subsistence level.

Slave labour + stolen technology


Tend to agree with this sentiment. Fascism acknowledges the need for this sort of flexibility by advocating for productive capitalism in general, but direct government intervention or control when necessary. Ideally a nation's government would have near unlimited ability to interfere with markets and industries but in most cases leaves it alone entirely.

You mean like what NASA was founded on?

Make up your fucking mind.


This is also a huge problem. The issue of jewish interest is really fucking things over here in America and in Europe. Its gotten so bad that interest or some form or tax is applied to everything.

Well, money is trying to put value of "bartering stuff" into a symbolic vessel.
The less complexity, the more money is useless as the commodities would be regulated at a low level.
Now, the more complexity you have (like for instance, jobs that aren't farming, herding, building or similar, jobs like, for instance, in the Humanities area) then you'll have a portion of the population with no bartering itens and money becomes a must to exist.
The problem is how to give money the correct value, who should have the monopoly on its creation (of course, the government, best if its delegated to States or Municipalities), etc

Here's the problem with this question. Objectively speaking, any system can be great when it is run by people who legitimately care about the growth of the market and the citizens of the country. "The evils of capitalism" are the same as "the evils of socialism" are the same as the problems America is facing with income inequality right now: power begets money, money begets power, and people who have both are typically greedy fucks who are willing to do anything in their power to obtain more, even at the cost of those who charge them with their protection.

Socialism doesn't work because you run out of other peoples' money to spend, and the people at the top refuse to give up a small portion of their wealth to ensure the system remains healthy. Laissez faire capitalism doesn't work because greedy people at the top cut every corner possible to save a quick buck, resulting in unregulated markets flooded with unsafe and potentially lethal products. Communism doesn't work because not only do the rich people find that they can make themselves immune to the 'problems' of the system by leaving or hiding their assets, but the lower citizenry now must share their wealth, ultimately creating a society where hard work is not rewarded in any aspect and thus generating a completely unmotivated workforce.

All of these are not problems inherent with the system, but with the PEOPLE RUNNING THE SYSTEM. If you have a government run by intelligent and ethically sound minds, then you can overcome a lot of relatively simple hurdles, but a system run by greedy incompetents can create a series of compounded issues that cannot simply be quick-fixed and bandaged into fixing.

We have to ensure that the right people are in charge. It doesn't matter what system of government is, it simply matters who runs it.

very true

Checked and agreed
Uncounterfeitable money is just as good if not even better than gold because (((external forces))) can't meddle with it in any way other than by destroying it, but it can always be re-printed

Geniocracy when?

A free market system + a good basic social net (public hospitals and roads and shit like that) + reasonably low taxes for everyone (individuals & companies) + no taxes for the poorest.

(I left schools out of it because schools are now places where kids are conditioned to experience political correctness instead of learning the maximum they can learn which should be the goal of schools. A lot students are wasting a lot of time and energy in these places. The school system needs to be completely re-evaluated.)

is it really that simple?

The only inherent flaws with a system are those loopholes which allow greedy faggots to take advantage of the system to increase their personal wealth and power at the expense of everyone else.

In a white country, yes. The only thing missing is a little bit of protectionism so Chinese ant people willing to live in cages and eat garbage don't undercut your domestic industries employing people in reasonable conditions.

All economies were dependent on gold. As I stated, they used it for international trade settlement. They had internal money that was pure fiat, and external money that was gold backed. The US had much the same system until 1971.

You sell goods abroad to get gold that you can use to buy foreign goods. In the case of Germany, they confiscated gold to settle foreign trade while retooling their internal economy for war. This should not be a controversial statement.

When you use fiat currency to settle international trade, the issuer of that currency gains an undo advantage in that they can simply print and print and print. Gold trade settlement prevents this. This is why gold has been used in this manner for the vast majority of history.

They had no gold. Guess what metal they used instead… I give you a tip, what metal is being devalued in our times?

Iron or Steel?

Don't discount the practical intrinsic applications of gold and silver though. Sure you can't eat it per se but it may still save your life.


My mom likes to say "what does gold help you if there is no land to grow food on?"

If nothing else, even in a low tech tribal setting, it has energetic properties and can be used for healing.

t. Druid

Here we go… this is such a stupid argument. Do you really think that gold, silver, etc. is useless? You should absolutely research how precious metals are used in this day and age, e.g. in eletronics, mirrors, medicine, solar panels, etc. Not to mention military tech.

No shit. Both America and Russia were and are talentless hacks.

A rope based economy.
Rope is the physical good most similar to Hitler's labor vased currency.
It has endless practical applications, is durable but wears out when used, stores well but not so well as to have endless inflation.
Add in its traitor removal aspects and it's the perfect currency.
acquire rope

You realize economics departments are like 99% Jewish. Just saying…..

very good statement. there's no perfect system, every system is corruptible.

Old football saying that proves true in most situations.

Only constant vigilance can save us from getting jewed.

Tell me how you would solve the double coincidence of wants?

Transaction in a barter system is greatly fascilitated through precious metal coins. Gold is being controlled by the enemy, hence we sidestep it by using silver coins. Now we can barter goods for coins, and coins for goods, which is of course also barter, because precious metals, in this case silver, have an intrinsic value or a better way to say it, they stores energy.

The argument that there is no intrinsic value available is idiotic, because it is used widely for specific reasons which are always valuable. It is no coincidence that Weimar Germany was pushed onto fiat currency while it had to pay its debt in gold.

The one that doesn't allow jews to make billions by gambling on failure.

Good post. (((Economists))) love to preach how valuable gold is because it is item which is easily controlled. In reality, gold is just a piece of metal that doesn't do jack shit for the economy.

Real economic growth comes for physical labor, natural resources/land and technology application.

The gold/Federal Reserve system is just a way to enslave the entire economy in debt to the private owners of the central banks.

This is also worth a read:


Her point is that you can't eat any of that stuff.

No fucking wonder.

You should look up colloidal silver some time, it's literally a way to eat silver as an immune system invigorizing agent.

Gold has to enter the economic system via coins. Of course a gold standard that merely exists in (((their))) bank vaults is nonsense. The first thing they do is amass gold, store it away and print fiat money. We can't break their gold monopoly, but we can switch to silver, which is worth even more in our technological age if you think about it (+ they find less and less silver nowadays). This is why they're shorting the silver market and artificially lowering the silver value by reverse psychology, i.e. why should I buy silver, it's not worth as much as gold…

If you look back in history, you may find out that silver was always the foundation and gold was measured in dependence on it. Look up the original meaning of what a dollar is. It goes way back, it's based on the German Thaler.