This is what faggots find attractive


You realize attractive people can make ugly faces intentionally right?

you would know


Looks like Jared Leto's Joker.

She got some nice tittays.


Since when did The Joker grow a beard?


I cant even do that and I'm a 30 year old dude.

can't, or won't?


Faggots don't find women attractive, low IQ brethen

Someone here haven't been close to a woman in her life.

She looks like the missing fucking link this bitch looks like she proves Darwin's theory

me neither

They shot her from all the wrong angles

Every angle is a wrong angle for her

I don't see what faggots have anything to do with a bunch of pictures of her.

That she is ugly

great set, rapidly declining looks, 98% chance she got Wein, Stined and Dined, making her an easy mark.

8/10, would fug, impregnate and abandon.

wew what did she ever do to you OP?
