BernieBros BTFO
Hillary: Bernie supporters are "living in their parents’ basement"
How the fuck did she get him to comply after all of this bullshit?
i live upstairs hilary u fcuking iddiot
That line wasn't the one that bothered me. The one where she so condescendingly and haughtily talks down his ideas and shit-talks his policy positions is what got to me.
It was acquiesce due to trepidation.
This was leaked just now you moron.
Probably because millenials cant afford to move out of home Hillary
This bitch says that ethnic nationalism and xenophobia is somehow same as having free healthcare.
Is anyone really that surprised? Her entire campaign has been that she's the "reasonable", centre-of-centre, don't-rock-the-boat candidate.
She's probably worried that "free healthcare and free education" will alienate muh moderates, muh independents, muh on-the-fence Republicans
I wish she would show her true colours more, as it may lead to S█████ supporters moving away from the democratic party.
Bernie has been a chickenshit afraid of spoilers ever since 1988 when he lost a three-way race. He was always destined to kowtow to her.
except that shit actually wins over independents. she's afraid it will scare off her donors.
tbh her congressional record isn't THAT bad
she's literally the purest product of the ruling ideology
Hillary's one of those that put them there
Shrillery: Grapes are sour
I think it's more like she's shitting on the electorate because she knows she can win through voter fraud
Is she gonna do anything except laugh at them or are burgers stuck with Greenspan's legacy?
Partly this.
Partly because the people that made themselves wealthy at the expense of everyone and everything else love to rationalize how none of the awful shit going on is there fault.
this is it
I am going to vote for Trump, just to spite this bitch.
I really wish it hadn't come to this point
go home pol shill
I am surprised. She shouldn't be insulting her own base. She has already lost the blue collar vote so she needs progressives more than ever, otherwise states like Oregon, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania will easily flip Republican. Surely, she would understand this? All she had to do was not insult us. She could have even gone a step further and said our concerns were valid. But she didn't. She seriously thinks that peddling "lower rate college loans" will actually get us voting for her.
It's mental rot. She, her staff, and her entire campaign are proving to be as alienated and inept as everyone expected them to be.
What do you expect, she sits in her ivory tower with her advisers thus has become disconnected to the commoners.
All joking aside, I actually did expect her to run a better campaign. She has all the money in the world, all the data she could ever need. Even the dumbest marketer knows that she shouldn't be saying comments like this. I mean, she wants to get elected and you'd think she would be professional and serious about it.
I reckon I was wrong.
At least Greenspan's scripts were fiduciary and 1337.
She's not going to be winning anything. Even if she does somehow win the Presidency, Congress already has enough dirt to send her to jail or otherwise have carte blanche to not work with her.
No, because any progressive vote she looses is being out weighed by the moderates and small r republicans who are voting for her because they are afraid of Trump. The amount of "bernie bros" not voting for her pales in comparison to those voting out of fear of electing the next literally hitler. It's absolutely amazing how many I've talked to who didn't vote for B████ because "he probably won't win anyways" but suddenly have a fire lit under their ass when Trump was officially nominated.
The fact that many republicans like HR Bush are voting for her and that the former republican FBI Chief Comey openly admitted to not wanting to prosecute Hillary despite wrong doing kind of prove that she's untouchable. Republicans spent decades fucking with the Clintons, spent 8 years fucking with Obama and now they've shot themselves in the foot. Anything Clinton does is now a shady conspiracy by republicans to throw her out of power. Fuck, legitimate issues like her health/age or email server are quickly brushed aside as right wing propaganda now. At this point I think the Clinton foundation could be found to fund concentration camps in North Korea and people would make excuses for her.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, she's a fucking android. Those seizures? Mechanical malfunctions.
Why are liberals so mean? They keep insulting literally everyone, constantly, even those whose support they are trying to obtain.
Bullshit. The former are hugely important in several states (Oregon, Minnesota, Wisconsin) meanwhile light Republicans vacated the party in the 90s; this is how the Democrats managed to commandeer California entirely (by supporting Prop 13).
Those people overwhelmingly live in blue, cosmopolitan states and not swing states. See how this works?
Jeb! couldn't even get a single delegate, while both McCain and Romney lost their bids. Neoconservatism is dead. And Congress, which will remain fully Republican, smells blood in the water.
As for the FBI, things will be different if she's President as Congress can skip them entirely. In which case, it doesn't matter if she is Impeached or not, Congress can just say No until she leaves office.
I have a theory that things like this are to see what the people really in charge can get away with and let us know where we stand. Expect it to get worse as time goes on.
That or she got really triggered by some of the shit we've talked.
Which is exactly why they're supporting B████, Shillary.
"Moderates" don't exist anymore, they haven't for a long time which is why shit is so fucked. Obama was the last candidate who managed to appeal across party lines, and look at how he threw it away. Hilary is not Obama, and will not be able to net so many "moderate" votes.
Centricism is dead. It's a compromise platform that offends everyone but appeals to no one. The Democrats thought they had a universal turnkey to win elections (neoliberalism), but in reality progressives won't vote while Republicans eat up disenfranchised blue collar types. Hilary can't win on this basis, as the entire Rust Belt will swing Republican out of frustration.
just cooked up this fresh little OC to go with the news
"the nutshack except every 'nutshack' is the clinton leaked audio"
anyone wants to webm it and share it without crediting me, feel free
intellectual property is sboog
fuck forgot flag
ah well it wasn't needed anyway but whatever
I think it is more the rule class has grown senile becoming less class conscious.
Berniebros should have taken advice from vid related, then they wouldn't have been mocked by Hillary
he was the best option of the four but he would still be a shit president tbqfh
I wonder if this bullshit remark will finally wake up B████ supporters that are going to vote Hillary into finally voting for Jill Stein.
It always shocks me how dumb proles can be disrespected and abused in material ways but as soon as anyone articulates it AWW HELL NO! IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG!
Saw this happen with the Rush Limbaugh / Sandra Fluke scandal. Motherfucker had been spouting and supporting anti-women rhetoric for YEARS, but call one white woman a hoe was what ultimately made the left finally do something and organize a huge boycott of his sponsors.
Presidential temperament
BTW she wasn't screaming when she said that
Hillary FTW!!!