What would you even DO with your life without Capitalism to oppose and combat?
I feel like all of you would feel hollow and stay hollow if you got the victory you want.
What would you even DO with your life without Capitalism to oppose and combat?
I feel like all of you would feel hollow and stay hollow if you got the victory you want.
only one way to know for sure…
I would jack off a lot and draw a lot of fucked up porn.
Learn, explore, and not be compelled to work for someone else's gain
1. I'd go back again to reading art instead of only theory.
2. Probably start playing my instrument again.
3. Probably start writing literature again.
4. Feel completely useless and eagerly await death.
5. Cook on a regular basis.
6. I'd probably still avoid people when I can.
7. Try to fall in love again.
8. Sit by my river at nights like I used to as a teenager.
But then again, true political work only starts after the revolution…
kill kulaks
Free Love Communist Orgies
All day
Bake bread.
Drink tea.
Practice medicine.
I can go to space, nigga.
Spend my life teaching Hegel and science since hierarchies will disappear and no university can claim to be authority on learns and teaching. I shall be like Alan Watts, but with Hegel. Soulless people will flock to.me in despair thinking I shall reveal secrets to end their mystery, but all they will.find is the cold despair of dialectics.
Alex pls
I would either do this or run for councillor of the state, focusing on establishing an educated public and implementing laws that are conducive to freedom and progress. I would spend my evenings watching cinema, reading, listening to music, writing poetry, perhaps learning to paint or speak other languages.
So you are aspiring to be a guru? How disgusting.
I would keep on writing, try to make a tv show or something.
Hey, if people want to give me power over them and willingly throw themselves at me offering me things and favors i didn't ask for, that's their problem.
I want to become a book. They can tan my pelt to bind the cover.
why not become sand paper. that way any book placed next to you will be destroyed. assert your literary dominance
pic related
Thanks for sharing user. Your emotions are very valuable and important to the world and should be heard.
I feel you with that post have completed the purpose the universe created your for, and that your next action should be to kill yourself. You will feel much better afterwards.
No Capitalism?
FUCK user.. I had let this dream sleep…
If the revolution was ever successful I would immediately become a counter revolutionary and get ready for the next revolution.
The same thing, research in the biology fields. The problem is that capitalism poses an imminent threat to my profession.
I'd now spend my life full time in the irrationalism vs rationalism shitstorm.
ontic > ontological
What couldn't I do? So many possibilities as there would just be so much work to do after we got rid of capitalism as a entire new civilization would have to be built on the ashes of capitalism.
Will expand on
also this
The Left will always morph any boogeyman into capitalism.
Id spend my time writing and directing and having rough sex with brown grills.
I'd probably be a normie and marry my two gfs then study whatever I want and find my creative spark
I wish I had one. All the stacies i get could never compete with how great it is to have a gf.
Do more of my hobbies of course. R8 my NSX
Holy fuck my new phone camera sucks
fuck off abdhul
Being with my two loves is heaven tbh
I'll find an other subject to shitpost about on the Internet.
Gee fam.
I dunno lol.
I just want someone like my ex, someone I can have conversations with about books and watch films with. All I get now is maybe a couple of hours with a liberal or lolbert who I fuck and leave.
Get a house with decent property. Get myself a woodworking workshop. Order apple trees and rootstock tree from England. Plant. Get another huge and cheap rural property. Expand orchard. Brew cider and perry. Build greenhouse, tropical. Experiment with tropical fruits, cocoa, coffee, and others here in northern Europe, small scale only as some will need hand pollination. Experiment with compost heating. Build other greenhouses, not tropical. Get grape vines from Croatia, Hungary, France, and Germany, and get proper rootstocks. Make wine. Sow relatively small fields of wheat, barley, rye, oats, and corn and experiment with roasting and brewing beers. Move to rural property. Get and keep goats, rabbits, chickens, and pigs for food. Keep and breed tropical freshwater and saltwater fish, propagate corals. Expand orchard to contain all kinds of rare apple, and pear varieties, and good rootstock trees for the climate. Also expand orchard with plums and cherries. Keep bees. Use honey for food and brewing. Use wax for candles and whatnot. Let local people dump biodegradables for free. Experiment with pumping co2 rich air from brewhouse and warm humid air from fish room into greenhouses. Collect rainwater and shit. Get a small pond for amphibians and other small water dwelling critters. Create nice habitat for bats, birds, insects, and small mammals by building bat boxes, bird houses, bumblebeeboxes, hedgehog boxes and so on. Plant a shitload of different trees and plants (as long as they're not invasive) nearby to serve as habitat for animals and windbreak for orchard. Make sure there are some wildflower meadows nearby. Expand orchard to redcurrants, blackcurrants, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries (european), crowberries, lingon berries, birches to collect sap from. Probably do more stuff. Probably wouldn't have time for it all. Hunt small game and big game, and overpopulated predatory game such as Red Foxes (they have barely any natural enemies left where I live).
Regret giving in to pressure and enter academics instead of woodworking/carpentry or agriculture.
Share excess.
Once I'm done with education I'll start doing just that. See how far I'll come before it's too expensive and too much. Now under capitalism I'll have to sell products to sustain myself and my hobbies. I'm loath to hire people. Will get tough.
Thats some killer hobbies you go there
Well, I'll probably kill myself in despair before I even get to the apple trees.
Don't be like that user.
I'm not really. Just frustrated and a little bummed out.
Ah, same here, same here.