So no Anons actually thinks the souls games are hard, right?

So no Anons actually thinks the souls games are hard, right?

I enjoy these games as the 3d version of the nes style castlevania meets the n64 era zeldas. Its chocolate in my peanut butter and i love it.

But i see some people literally weeping online about how its 'too hard' and they cant beat it.
I assume its just the modern adhd mainstream casuals used to no game over screens ever in their walk and talk interactive movie games stepping out of their comfort zone and being unable to adapt.
But every now and then i see it on Holla Forums. Shit even when DS1 came out on PC there were a few anons talking about having to cheat engine their way past Taurus demon.

Its just roll, backstabs and parrying. Does anyone find this hard? my 13 year old sister has beaten all of these games and died in DS3 once to a thrall spam ambush and didnt rage or cry once. So why do grown ass men do it online?

pleases tell me you never do anons.

I don't think the souls games are hard, they just don't hold the hand of the player compared to contemporary games.

Why did you make this thread just to bait retarded soulsfags?

Thats not really 'hard' though. Death does not remove items, relock doors or in anyway undo progression, and if you get back your souls the killing needed to get to them means you profit in the long run, and any souls lost instead of spent were not anything worth crying over anyway.
There isnt even an actual game over, you cant fail in dark souls, you just get better over time.

It's really not, and DS3 was just lazy. Tons of enemies hiding behind walls and fast movesets can make a game apparently "hard"

The reputation of souls games being hard is a carry over from DeS when no one knew what the fuck he was doing.
Unfamiliarity with the systems and mechanics made it hard.

Repeat for DaS, as it reached a new audience and then the pcucks wondering "hurrr whut's dis?".

It's the same exact reason why some people found Ni-Oh insanely hard and whined to the devs to make it easier, some people couldn't even make it to the second checkpoint.

It's all about understanding and adapting to new systems one is at first unfamiliar with.

could you leave

I think of the Souls games as like a tightrope that is suspended only four feet above the ground. It's easy to fall off, but it's not a big deal if you do, you can just try again until you get it right, even if you fall off a hundred times.

Demon's Souls you started over the entire level unless you unlocked the one shortcut. Dark Souls had campfire checkpoints.

It's only hard on your first try. Then once you get used to the way the game works it becomes fun.

I'm pretty tired of the "Souls games aren't hard" meme, it's just an edgy counter-reaction to the reputation the Souls series got after its spike in popularity with the release of the Prepare to Die edition and the marketing it got.
The difficulty of Souls games is definitely overstated, but I wouldn't say they're not hard. The games require you to observe the patterns of enemies and punish you for fucking up instead of giving you an instant heal or exit option like most other games. Mechanically they're not overly complicated, you just can't afford to make too many mistakes. It all boils down to learning patterns, timing dodges and conserving your stamina.
This obviously becomes easy after you've dumped hundreds if not thousands of hours into the series.

I'd really like to know what games people like OP would consider "hard", especially games without modal difficulty.

It's hard until you learn where all the upgrade materials are, where to farm them, and how to cheese to get them. Then it becomes piss-easy.

But if I say I don't like the souls games I get the "git gud xddd" remark

Because u suck lmao XDDDDDD
Don't go to reddit dumbass

They're cheap, not really hard.

Difficulty is hard to define though. Souls games are generous as you have infinite retries and keep all your items. The talk of difficulty comes from them being brutal compared to games of today. Even a lot of us grew complacent with modern games so Souls came along, slapped our shit and made us remember what games used to be like.

That is a big reason why they grew so much in popularity, a modern game, but made with an older generation of gaming in mind. Little hand holding, throw players in the deep end, give them the tools to make do, but rely on player skill to succeed. It was very refreshing.

They aren't hard, they are just not braindead and the game actually punishes you for your fuck ups.
They are a decent challenge, whereas everything else that's come out recently has been piss easy.

Challenging is a far more accurate word to use, really.
The only difficult thing about the game comes from how passive the players combat has to be compared to other action rpgs. I've seen people playing it for the first time do nothing but spam r1 relentlessly and wonder why the enemies are even allowed the chance to hit them back.

yeah, buddy! (checked)

This, the ole "enemy is hidding behind door or above arch" gimmick will only get you a few times, after that its just memorization, and being good at timing Rolls and Parrys, thats it, Souls games are not hard, faggots are legitimately bad at the game

I don't feel the need to justify it, but yes I do think that Dark Souls 3 is fucking brutally difficult. With enemies having armor piercing and enemies being able to stun the player due to a lack of poise protection, the game has become pretty damn hard in comparison to say Dark Souls 1. Even Demon's Souls wasn't quite as punishing.

Does the penalty for dying ever get more severe farther into the game? On a scale from Planescape to permadeath it wasn't much above Planescape as far as I could tell so I lost interest. I like nasty penalties for failure, it makes me think harder before going into an engagement and makes each one more intense.

To use the earlier analogy I like games where the rope is so far above the ground I can't even see it. The stress is fun.


I don't find them terribly difficult, Though the second boss in Bloodborne just spent the better part of the night kicking my ass into oblivion. I just find them tedious. It became especially egregious tonight when I was forced to march back to the bossfight area a hundred times, waiting for a long ass elevator, slogging through an enemy encounter every time, etc.

That's just fucking boring. When I get iced by a boss I want to jump back in, forcing me to trudge through a bunch of shit for ten minutes beforehand is gay.

Whoa you're pretty cool OP.
Can I be you're friend?

This, I get bored out of my mind trying to play souls games

It was sorta hard when DeS was new and phantom invasions were actually a threat because they were on roughly equal footing. These days Souls is piss easy, part because I've done it before and part because FS got lazy on the bosses. Anyone who has legitimate trouble in a Souls' game needs to be put on the official 'bad at games' list.

They are boring as fuck, i have to force myself to put up with the shitty hitboxes and scripted enemies changing moves midway execution while playing without the lock on just to feel any challenge in those games

Severence BoD did everything these games done but better. No one can convince me that some chinck didnt get a hold of that game and made this series after figuring out how to dumb it down for consoles, its a crystal clear rip off.

Probably invisible tetris

It depends what you mean by hard. I would say the difficulty is generally tough but fair. Though all of the games have ways that you can trivialise any challenge, if you're a coward.


AAA marketing and accidentally exposed an actual game to normalfags instead of a sterile commercial product. The youtube personalities, the hysteria over it's "difficulty" are the ongoing living proof that humanity at large doesn't deserve anything good.

its inversely propotionally difficult to the amount of lvling you are willing to do. boss too hard? grind a bit, or keep running at him until you have mastered his timing.

Dark souls 1 is the only good souls game, perhaps with the exception of demon souls as a runner up. Not going into why that is the case, let me explain something about Dark Souls 1's design that is different from the latter two games.

It was never about being difficult for difficulty's sake.

Souls games are hard to learn and adapt to, not to play through.
But once you become proficient, you can breeze them like they were Mario games.

They are hard if you play as a pure sorcerer (low health, no armor, no shield9. But as a heavy warrior they are pretty fucking easy. So far the forge demon of DS2 is the only one that proved to be a challenge because of the fire damage that goes through the shield.

Capra Demon, Bed of Chaos, and Four Kings are difficult, but the rest of the game is easy.

Yeah, no. Learn to separate the memes and personal from actual judgement. Otherwise you're just knuckledrugging a la console war.

I grew up in arcades, where gameovers meant losing money and getting kicked out in a few mins. Who the fuck cares what degree of nintendo hard a game is..

I've never played any of them, but I have heard this from a lot of people. And just some of the gameplay i've seen, it makes sense.

As someone who only played DS1, they're not hard but they're punishing.

These games were cried hard because when they came out, people were used to Call of Duty, run down a corridor, shoot things and move on. People applied that lesson to dark souls and got destroyed because you have to learn, watch and prepare for what's coming ahead. Yes, once you learned everything, you could just run through hallways and shit but that's after you learned all you needed to know to do such things.

People told me when I got to sens fortress that I would prepare for death and despair.

I got through it my first time in 2 deaths, one was a stupid mistake on my part, the other was after I hit the bonfire at the top.

Treat any of these games like an old fashion, trap riddled game of DnD and you'll be fine. Yeah, get good with attack patterns and preparation, but otherwise just take it slow. The game will wait for you.

Nobody gives a fuck what you like, faggot.

Pretty much.

Back when Demons Souls came out i was intimidated to buy it because MUH HARD and im shit at twitchy action games (although i do like them, im just shit at them).

When i did i just found out it was actually just a game that worked well with my natural playstyle of going slow and steady while observing enemy patterns, didn't really punish deaths as long as you could play consistently unless you were going for 100% Completion (and only then because World Tendency, a entirely ignorable mechanic) and was a breeze.

It's not hard, the games just don't really teach you how to play them. So a lot of cunts try them for half an hour and then give up.

Also the idea of learning by mistakes seems foreign to most modern gamers, if they watch a youtube video of a guy dying a few times then they assume it means the game is really hard and frustrating. You can thank modern AAA games for that.

Yeah that happened, user.

The problem with the Souls games is that every design flaw concerning the gameplay is at least twice as bad because of the unforgiving and punishing nature of the games.
There are some bullshit things in Dark Souls, you can't deny that.

Demon's Souls is the easiest game in the series though. It's only remotely difficult if you managed to get pure black world tendency.

Also you niggers need to learn to spot incredibly obvious halfchan tier bait like OP's.