What the fuck?
Classic Simpsons thread?
Call him Mr Bont because they don't want to get sued
That was my favourite episode. Scorpio was such a great guy.
No such thing.
He'll sting you with his dreams of power and wealth
Beware of…Scorpio!
Brother from Another Series is still my favorite episode. I know it isn't fantastic but I quote it a lot and Frasier was a big part of my household.
Seasons 1-8.
Music is a whole different fishpot
he's saying "mr. burnt", you autist. he's making a joke about him being burned by the laser.
see, this is the part that hurts
its worse than that. its almost doubly as long at this point
No, he's not.
ok so I went back because I was sure he said burnt but now I'm not so sure
We'll reach a point where good Simpsons episodes are only a very small fraction of the whole thing.
Guys, don't fear. Disney will cancel it….
Yeah but is it? Is it really? To this day?
All I see is Teen Titans Go running in America, and Big Bang Theory around here, so who still gives a fuck about Simpsons?
To be fair, I always watch it when they repeat the first seasons and still laugh.
Also, I'd like to see those future-based episodes as a new Simpsons show to replace the old one.
It would still be shit, but at least fresh.
The stories Lisa and Bart participate in as 8 year olds are friggin ridiculous and just an excuse because they aren't in high school or something. Bart screwed like 20 girls and it feels thats his only plot by now.
It's Bont.
I foresee a rights battle with Universal.
Don't you know about Bart having a crush on each new wacky character voiced by a celebrity?
We've already reached that point.
The ratings are lower than ever. Nobody watches it any more. I know Disney like to do some milking to death of their own, but the prudent thing to do here might be to kill the show and then bring it back as a series of movies, like they did with Star Trek: The Next Generation.
it distinctly sounds like he said "Mr. Bundt"
No, because the last episode I remember watching is one where Homer throws an electric drill on to a baseball field, and I didn't even watch all of that. The last full episode I saw was either the one with the jockey elves or the one where Homer gets raped by a panda.
We literally haven't, good episodes still represent a relatively big chunk of all episodes.
I'm talking about when good episodes become 10% or less of all episodes.
A third is not a big chunk and depending on your opinion, it's probably less than a third at that
Not really. They're more likely to sue you for sampling music without paying for it than they are to sue you for using the name 'Bond'. Especially since Ian Fleming borrowed the name to begin with.
They'll probably release a new movie soon.
Go back
I must've blocked that out like any other traumatic memory because I have no idea what you're talking about. Please tell me you're just being an edgy jokester. Please.
Naaaa it was seasons 16? Homer use a panda costume and to run away from the whacky thing chasing him he hide in a zoo pit where there is a panda. He then get consensual handholding filmed worldwide
Sorry he was being paid to be the monkey of the ebil old hwite rich male and then get abused
Now that we're talking about zombie Simpsons, didn't it turn out that Homer is actually a nigger?
The simpsons are 1/64th black on homer's side.
Which genetically is basically nothing.
Lynch yourself, coalburner.
We've already reached that point.
Hey Holla Forums
One drop rule, faggot.
Yeah, I loved how he was basically the opposite of Mr Burns. Mr Burns is basically an evil supervillain, yet all he does is run an ordinary nuclear power plant. Scorpio, on the other hand, is a really nice guy and yet he's a genuine fucking supervillain
What was his end goal again?
They were doing that on purpose, or what?
Hey Holla Forums
Pretty sure it was conquering the planet.
At very least he got the East Coast.
In which case he succeeded, good for him.
Didn't he make threats to the UN?
Stay woke
t. nigger
Hey Holla Forums
Hey "Hey Holla Forums"
Been there, done that
Reminder that the couch gags have become better than whole episodes.
Also, how can Trump love Fox with all those fucking SJW Lisa episodes?
Surely online there is compilation of all couch gags stocked togheter…I wonder if you can pinpoint the change in quality also there
To be honest, I think the couch gags are the only thing that improved due to guest artists. It's also the only thing that's still fresh…
paul robertson's stuff has stagnated by now
Sadly yes, he was my idol before I realized how annoying pixel work is.
No love for Season 9?
Eh, episodes are either mediocre, or bad. It also contains "The Principal and the Pauper", which can be pinpointed as the moment when show jumped the shark. It even has a clipshow/musical episode (at least previous clipshow mostly consisted of deleted scenes).
I disagree. Yes, 'The Principal and the Pauper' is terrible, and shits all over Principal Skinner, but the rest of the season contains some classic episodes.
Homer got an innocent man killed
He seems nice guy for a evil goal. I wonder what will he do after he conquer the whole world? He knows what he is doing unlike Mr. Burn.
With a bridge that fell on it's own
americans and canadians are descended from brits
I wish Simpsons was as good as this episode again.
Get Woke.
I remember an interview on TV with a flying saucer cult leader who said that the aliens had told her that aliens had mated with gorillas to create black people. The reporter said "Isn't that a bit racist?" and the cultie got a bit defensive and said "That's just what they told me!".
Scorpio is good and all, but nothing tops the Halloween Special that parodies Dracula.
So for the sake of completion, are there any good individual episodes from Season 9 onward? Or if there aren't are there any funny gags or skits that are worth saving?
There's a lot of good episodes in season 9. Simpson Tide for example has to be one of the funniest episodes of the entire show.
I'd say that seasons 10 to 15, while not exactly good overall, are still watchable, with the occasional good episode here and there, at least I have good memories of Fraudcast News and The President Wore Pearls. Season 16 is when things started to get really bad, but there's a couple decent ones. The Monkey Suit was pretty good if memory serves right.
Season 11 ends with "Behind the Laughter". You can still find good episodes in seasons 9 through 11, just don't ever go past that point.
The Scully era was not bad per se. It's just that it became a gag-based cartoon, but it was funny, really funny. Even season 13 has its gems except the screamapillar show. Maybe It's just a case of rose-tinted glasses, I mean, these were the seasons I grew up with.
I also wanna give some props to season 18, before the movie. I remember enjoying this season more then I expected. It is important to remember season 19 is when all that was left of a soul got sucked out of the show. Everything S19 onwards was just cranked out. Honestly, if the show is not gonna get canceled, it's long due we got a new showrunner. Al Jean is good writer, but not good at being in charge, especially for this long.
Also: Julie's voice is fucked, so is Yeardley's. Season 30 might be the last.
It's Curns, stupid!
Yeah, while I think that the quality of season 9-18 is debatable (I still think the show was funny for the most part, even though it wasn't exactly good), everything after the movie was just garbage. I think we can all agree on that.
It'd be great if we could compile a list of good post season 8 episodes to comprise an "After The End" 23 episodes series. Also yeah the neo future episodes are the only somewhat interesting part of nu-simps because at least they have to rework old plots with this not-Futurama setting.