What are your thoughts on multiculturalism? Does it work?

What are your thoughts on multiculturalism? Does it work?

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Revolutionary culture works, neoliberal models don't.

its a spook
only if you keep it to yourself.

cultures are like kids, they're parents think they're beautiful and amazing but everyone else think they're stupid, ugly and smell like piss.
we only say "oww they're cute" to be polite, in reality we could rather beat em up with a shovel.

tl:dr, as long as you keep it to yourself you should be ok

The concept of multiculturalism doesnt holds any value once all borders and states are gone.

And before that its really not important what culture you have as long as you are a communist.


Multiculturalism only means that any real otherness is banalized and integrated into a single hegemonic way of life. It's an instrument for the globalization of capitalism. That image you used is not a bad representation of it, we're all reduced to consumerist cattle.

I prefer that cultures have some political autonomy, otherwise there's no point to them. Ideally there would be different communes or city-states.

It's a garbage idea when you get to a certain point. The home culture should never have to make concessions for foreign culture.

Multiculturalism isn't.

By which I mean forcing a bunch of different cultures together just turns it all into one monocultural blob in one or two generations. Nobody has any culture. Unless it's just two groups and one is way bigger than the other. Then the smaller culture just get's absorbed and erased entirely.

Promote tolerance, not multiculturalism.

How would you feel if I told you I tolerated you?

Any multiculturalism is Western, and the West isn't a culture anymore, it's a system. So there's no "home culture" that "has to make concessions", the system absorbs and integrates cultures according to its capitalist code. Multiculturalism is the inverse colonization: after coming to you to destroy your culture, you escape to us and we destroy your culture.