Can someoen give me a racial breakdown of this poll? Second one too for bonus points.
Can you tweet to @TheAltHype to get this done? I don't have a sockpuppet for politics these days.
Can someoen give me a racial breakdown of this poll? Second one too for bonus points.
Can you tweet to @TheAltHype to get this done? I don't have a sockpuppet for politics these days.
Other urls found in this thread:
The antidote to socialism is National Socialism.
who needs state education when you have memes?
Capitalism is shit and these limp-wristed losers would never out-survive Marxism so it's a win-win situation.
Oh God, what the fuck?
Good, more cucks to kill when shit hits the fan.
does the left guy in pic no.3 have a chunk of bread sticking out of his shirt?
Racial is obvious enough that it doesn't warrant an explanation. Psychological, however? That I will provide.
Popularity in capitalism is dying because the difficulty setting of normie life has been cranked up several notches, resulting in many to just drop out of society or work meager jobs that don't require any actual skill. Those who do get "career" jobs, at least those within the millennial generation, will use the rest of their free time on themselves, not in active pursuit of a mate. Why bother, anyway? Spankwire is just a click away.
Secondly, capitalism involves competition. We're not exactly raising a future of people who are apt at competition. Recess is being discouraged, preference towards vidya/internet browsing over learning real-world skills is on the rise, and what happens then? You have a group of people who couldn't care less about competition, simply because they were not taught how to handle it. This is the fault of society, not theirs. We (at least 'we' in regard towards the greater culture) do not teach constructive virtues to the youth any longer, instead, they can just watch Nikki Minaj flail around on state to lyrical gobbledigook.
So where do they stand ideologically? With an ideology that provides for them, of course, as is the case with socialism. You don't need to expend any effort as the state will just give you enough to get by, reducing the need to do much aside from eat, sleep, jack off and work.
As for whether this trend can be reversed? I sincerely doubt it.
Cuckservatives will still deny it without having it spelled out. I want to see them squirm and eat their open borders words.
Maybe Molymeme can get to the bottom of this. Someone should send this to his radio bitch Mike.
Marxist LARPers. Millennials would shrivel up and die without iphones.
Capitalism is a solid system but we're now in a state where it's out of control and fueling globalism at the expense of native population. Remember the real reason they want immigration so badly. Cheap labour and the constant greed for (((infinite growth))).
Japan and South Korea have capitalism without any of the shitskin invasion shit. It works fine.
the normalfags will take what we give them and like it since we'll be the only ones with the ability to keep the lights on and keep food on their tables after the collapse
Millennials like socialism, until they get jobs
It's like asking why people become more right-wing the older they get.
Oh fug, I forgot to break the links. A mod please edit.
Capitalism is fine, so long as you don't have Jews coming in and kiking up and subverting the whole goddamn process with their incessant greed and desire to dominate all life (ib4 Sauron meme).
It takes National Socialism to get rid of a kike-infested capitalist system. Without Jews, there would be no need for the Nat Soc — just as if there were no germs, we wouldn't need an immune system.
Lots of kids are retarded commies and anarchists when they're 13, the difference here is they want to be like swedecuckistan, not the ussr. They don't realize that the US has far more shitskins leeching and less whites working. Their thought process is
because they don't plan on working very hard. Bernouts flocked to that commie kike glassberg because he said mean shit about the banks, without naming the jew of course, and promised lots of free shit that he had no plan to pay for. All the bernouts I talked to pointed to swedecuckistan as to how and why what he was saying would work without understanding what is going on there or why it had been "working".
The youngest millennials are 22 or 23. All of them have jobs or are NEETs, unless they're in grad school. This is bullshit.
I know, that's why I said capitalism is a solid system but that doesn't change the fact that capitalists in our countries like the cucked west support it for that exact reason. Why do you think corporations are so pro immigrant all the damn time then complain about Trump's visa bullshit and how all these workers they don't have to pay fraction wages anymore they no longer have access to in the news? My point is that it's still a major contributing factor of what's fueling the millennials distaste for capitalism.
Parasites will overwhelm and kill the host
Youth unemployment is the greatest it has been in history, is it not? Back in the day, a man in his 20s in America were 99.99% employed and most were even married with stable happy families. Does that exist today? A large chunks of millennial employee are unstable as well, part time.
What you are describing is a kiked-up system using (((Capitalism))) to gain control over the powerful elements of government and other forms of control. Not actual Capitalism. It's literally the JEW MO that's been around for thousands of years. And it's why they've been kicked out of so many countries in the past because they continually do the same fucking shit over and over and over like it's programmed into their DNA. Only this time it's been allowed to go so much further than every before.
Yeah that's my point, which is why the "until they get jobs" argument is horse shit.
Are you serious?
Getting pretty tired of the commie-tier kike rationalizing. National Socialism or bust.
I came here to check trips.
Are you new?
In case you didn't understand. That's what I said. If you think I'm kike rationalizing, you're seriously misunderstanding the point of what I'm saying. And that is as long as there are kikes around willing to infest and subvert a system, National Socialism is the answer.
I don't have a problem with NatSoc but he's sort of right. America is more corporatism than capitalist because of all the irregular state and private collusion. Capitalism really is a solid system thanks to its promotion of entrepreneurship but it comes with cost.
Indirect honesty is certainly ironic.
Libertarian tier m8
So, best tier?
Libertarianism is only good when you don't have people trying to subvert and control everyone around them. Because they are powerdrunk fucking madmen. In other words, libertarianism is about as retarded as a system as communism — because literally none of them can exist in the world of human nature.
National Socialism is the way to go since it takes into account the fundamental human condition. Capitalism is "next-best"………but NatSoc is an evolution building upon that foundation. Again, NatSoc is a immune-system level response to the cancer that is kike-infested "Capitalism".
Yeah, no. You don't get to go right back to being good goyim once the kikes are out of the picture. Your system is shit and so are you.
So what comes after Nat Soc? How do you make this transition? How do you retain the better elements of mankind under NatSoc instead of crushing them like communism?
So you are expecting people to peacefully accept annihilation?
National Socialism isn't a temporary effect like white blood cells, it's an expression of natural law through government policy. For you to evolve past National Socialism humanity itself would have to change.
That image completely ignores that complacent normalfags are a recent thing.
Go back 100 years and people would not have put up with this shit.
Oh? You mean like the genetic end of Ashkenazi and other subhuman bloodlines the world over??
Congratulations on coming to the same conclusion I was not-so-subtly alluding to.
So…humanity is dysfunctional and must be ruled by an iron fist…comprised of humans?
Am I tracking your logic?
Libertarianism in the American sense is just Classical Liberalism. It works but only when it is white like we've seen in past centuries.
You mean 1917? Really?
No, you retard, National Socialism works fine in peace time and war time. There's no reason National Socialism wouldn't work once the kikes are gone. It's economic and social models do not require constant growth or constant war. It's not like once the last Jew is killed everyone goes "welp, we better open our borders and start re-pozzing ourselves!"
No you're not. If you weren't a lolbergtarian you'd know National Socialism was the exact opposite of an iron fist on the people. National Socialism was an iron fist against those who went against natural law. Those things being jewish exploitation, worker exploitation, degeneracy and deracination of social norms and familial cohesion. The German people were never forced to do anything by the National Socialists because the National Socialists instituted exactly what the German people wanted. The only ones getting force used against them were the outside manipulators demanding a say how Germans should live their own lives.
Yes, you think 1917 America would put up with this degeneracy?
Again, you uncomprehending untermensch………who the fuck are we going to be pozzed to when the entire world's subhumans have been eliminated?? The aliens once we get around to fulfilling our galactic lebensraum?
And you're also ASSuming that I'm favoring the repeal of NatSoc when that world has become a reality. When in fact I was just stating that the lesser system of Capitalism would be "fine" in the vacuum of non-kike/shitskin globe.
I disagree that the execution of the Nazi consolidation of power did not unjustly harm innocent Germans
Nah, the transparent commie was waaaay worse during the birth of goobergloblin movement.
The anti-male/anti-white/anti-capitalist pozz was everywhere and i was afraid of Jonathan McIntosh becoming USA potus in a sooner future.
Humans are risen beasts, not fallen angels.
Okay, I at least understand you logic, while I may disagree.
Will this not lead to the technocratic societal model designed by the people you hate the most?
In 1917 Americans had already been tricked into a fratricidal war against their European Brothers. In 1942 they fell for it AGAIN and killed millions more. Most people are lemmings, the time period is irrelevant. Whoever is in power dictates what the masses do regardless of where and when the lemmings are.
Nice formatting. And there's more than one race of Aryan. Just because all the kikes and subhumans are gone doesn't mean I want a shitload of Italians coming to Finland, or a shitload of Russians coming to America. You still want to keep your culture and your genetic purity and races have to have their own National Socialist governments for that to happen. If it ain't broke don't fix it. I see no need to reintroduce usury back into society after a great cleansing. Capitalism had it's chance but it's too prone to subversion. National Socialism has enough wiggle room for private industry that it still fuels private/public partnerships to make the best possible product for cheapest whether it's guns or fridges or tires or whatever.
Boo Hoo the SS killed some literal faggots when they kneecapped the SA. If they were a threat to National Socialism's consolidation of power they were surely not innocent.
Unless you're sympathizing with the Jews who got rekt by the NSDAP, in which case gas yourself post haste.
Your infographic flow chart covers a lot of thought I've encountered but it still leaves you open to the pit falls of technocratic transhumanism; the logic jump that is most problematic is declaring Earth and corporeal existence purely good or evil
Nice screencap, but check mine.
I do not think that assessment is wrong.
Well shit, that'll do. How about we move onto the place of public/private industry in a National Socialist state? It only ever really existed in wartime so I'd be interested to know how the peacetime industrial process would have been organized.
…if all proposed transitions didn't involve the murdering of our own people, I could agree with this as well
It doesn't stop being funny.
Definitely need "Real Socialism" which has never been tried by the way XD
The possibility for a bloodless transition to a National Socialist state died with George Lincoln Rockwell. You have to wrap your head around the fact that a lot of ZOGbots are going to have to die for us to take power. The conditions for us taking power are first off a massive collapse. This alone will kill way more subhumans but some of our people as well. After that the entire ZOG power structure will start to fall apart as we agitate for the rural people to cut off food, water, electricity, roadways, etc to ZOG power structure (which are essentially all major cities).
After that they're going to try and take resources to perpetuate their hordes of niggers and themselves and they'll try to take them by force. ZOGbots fighting us will have to die, our own people will die fighting, it's not going to bloodless.
Get into traditionalism, niggers. Neither "fallen angel" nor "rising beast" describe the nature of humanity; such ideas are modern, only caused by loss of Tradition, and so is (according to Nietzsche) thinking in terms of man-made morality. Also Christianity is much more complex than that.
They took it for granted, the concept of effort towards goals escapes the liberal "mind".
Browsing Quora is a great way to see how pathetic libshits are. It's basically Ivory Towers: the site.
One of the biggest challenges that (((academics))) claim over the validity of NatSoc and the great German Revival is that they proclaim it is/was 'unsustainable' economic growth based entirely on growing the war machine. Now, ignoring the entire fact that these are the same kike-fucks that insist the Keynesian model is 'fool proof'…….I think there has got to be some overall goal in mind. There must always be an end-state that can never really be fulfilled. The cancer that infects all systems is when it is allowed to carry itself listlessly along without purpose or destination in sight.
So, I would tentatively point to space as the one insurmountable victory to overcome. Occupy/colonize the moon. Then Mars. Then Ganymede. Then etc/etc/etc. Along the way improvements would tangentially be acquired along the way —- just as the intensive space program of the 60s gave us certain advances in our every day lives.
Who are "our people"? My people, specifically, are German and Swedes/Nordic.
Go back to your stirner bodypillows Holla Forums
Yeah I think "growth" in the National Socialist model is sustained by technological advancements. It's like a feedback loop where the technology gives way to new industries as the old ones die off, standard of living continues to improve, the lowest rung of society is continually a better and better place to be relative to previous years, that kind of thing. And yeah I think that the space exploration and colonization aspect of the accelerated technological abilities of National Socialist states would allow fo enough resources to fuel the expansion. It also provides a frontier which is what society is sorely lacking at the moment.
USA via Coastal Northern Europe and British Isles
The way they behave now, it would merely be self defense. I really only have a couple of problems with most of the things proposed here: 1) Any form of historical absolute authoritarian rule has ultimately crushed the spirit and harmed the populations governed 2) I am not 100% sold on race being linked to most definitions of fitness…but I do see precedent for homogeneous societies being more successful
I find myself in a quandary, I want to take the ultimate redpill but can't
As a former ZOGbot, yes some will die —- but most need to simply become aware as to who (((Our Greatest Ally))) is. They are capable, and are getting the idea after the latest "arming the 'moderate' Syrian rebel" turning into ISIS is now mainstream among SOF/SF now.
If the spics/niggers are the latest version of 'zogbots' then it's an inferior model. It's like replacing the T-1000s with T-800s
To borrow a term from some utopian commie fucks, space is the final frontier. Just as the opening of the West allowed an escape from the fetid degeneracy and usurious environment of the big cities — it also allowed for the innovative and adventurous to grow large families and perpetuate their bloodline. I believe Uncle Adolph even spoke of this concept in Mein Kampf regarding his views of how the American West and European peoples dynamically affected one another.
I have some friends in Special Forces down south. I was talking with them and they actually told me that when they were sent to Syria to train "moderates" they intentionally mistrained them. They knew they were doing a bullshit mission to hurt people so they said "fuck it, we're not training sandniggers so my son can fight them in 15 years". When the collapse happens they'll come to our side, but there'll still be plenty of whites relying on ZOG for some modicum of stability. Having sold their souls the only peace they'll get is from us.
And yeah since Holla Forums and Holla Forums and mirror images of each other there actually some universal truths that even those faggot tranny loving fucks realize. One is which being that we've gotta spread up and out. We need a change of scenery badly, a dangerous change where willpower and ability is tested. The Holla Forums faggots want to go to space so they can poz each other up at relativistic speeds but we recognize the necessity of a release valve for society.
Wrong, fool! It's Dr. Goebbels.
Have friends in SOF/SF (MARSOC specifically) and they said exactly the same thing. The problem is connecting the final two dots between the world situation and the JQ. That was my final Red Pill. And it's the biggest and largest one to take. So what do you do when you have a huge fucking pill to take? You cut it up and swallow it piece by piece.
Most "normalfags" operate like a non-Newtownian fluid. If you go at them hard re: the full explanation of the JQ, they will flat out reject it. You have to go softly and plant the seed, little by little, and eventually…… day……….it will "click". And the rest of the puzzle will fall into place. For me it was the infograph of the Jewish matrix regarding hollywood execs, banking cartels, the frankfurt school et al. It made me realize that the entire time people are bitching about 'shitlibs' and liberals……..they're really speaking about Jews. insert that picture of the jew-elephant and all the people around going "it's the illuminati!" or "it's the bilderbergs!" etc.
If/when shit goes down, the main focus should not be red-pilling the 'normies', but on ensuring the wrong people do NOT get into power. The red pilling can come later, as they would be more open to the JQ if it's coming from people who are feeding them and making sure their little brat has a tummy full of fruit snacks. Then while they are telling you thank you, you start telling them who was really at fault for causing all this. The easiest segue is the banking angle, since that's most likely where it will start…….but then start inserting all the ways they hid it through propaganda…….then reveal who, coincidentally, are the ones in charge of ruining our economy via usury of the central banks, the degeneracy by the Jews in hollywood, the racism anti-white curriculum in Jewish-owned colleges, and go from there.
I usually start with pointing which Senators and Congressmen are Jews, how they all vote for anti-white stuff, and how explicitly anti-white other jews are. From there it's easy to piss off the old school good ole boys by telling them jews think Jesus is burning in a bubble cauldron of cum and shit in hell. At that point Hitler is a hop skip and a jump.
Its a beautiful thing when we get a new recruit in. Always easy to forget how something so fundamental and common sense to our ears is utterly world changing and shocking to normalfags. Bet he thinks shitskinns are human too. Fucked a few empowered women cause hes so progressive and shit too. Oh, the roller coaster this poor poor smug fool is in for.
I still can't swallow the whole JQ pill; I can see that the most dangerous institutions and ideas have been pushed by jews, I can even trace the movement of the embryonic new world order banking cartel back to Palestine in the bronze age but the people who are the problem seem to operate like sub sect of judaism that dont' even like average jews
I am willing to earnestly listen so throw me your best researched red pills
There are entire threads that pop up every now and then that explain it more than I ever could. The Pavlovianly programmed response that people are SUPPOSED to have is that "not all jews are evil! See they even hate each other!".
That statement is a complete non-sequitur. Meaning the logic doesn't follow. The fact that not all Jews are part of ZOG has absolutely no bearing on the fact that without Jews, our entire existence would be leaps and bounds better. No usury. No central banks. No fucking degenerate filth polluting our entire society. No pushing race mixing. No niggers blocking traffic and screaming about killing white babies.
Clean streets. A stable monetary system where the $20 you saved when you were 16 will buy you the same goods as when you're 75. White people proud to be white people. Women not ashamed to be women and raising families and becoming the mothers they are supposed to be.
The counter argument would be that you think drinking out of a stagnant pool of water is okay because not all bacteria is bad and they prey upon each other. That doesn't mean Giardia isn't going to have you shitting your self to an early grave for being stupid.
Not taht user. But I am going to tell you to shove it. You want proofs and logical explanations and are not some kike and or lazy bluepilled faggot, take a trip over to one of our pdf boards or the archive. The amassed collection of information there will take you weeks, even months to fully explore. Maybe someone will take pity and toss a few scraps to you, but we as a group are far beyond the point of giving the most basic and easily seen information to fools. Halfchan was the redpilling machine that did that once upon a time, we were stuck endlessly rehashing the same arguments and proofs for years. Nothing wrong with it over all, brining in new blood on an industrial scale. But we have kinda moved on from that point, we are the organizers and distribution hub of this odd media war we are waging beyond this sites posts. If you don't understand how jews infest this world, you are less than a babe in swaddling clothes compared to us.
So either go to our collection of red pills and figure it out, try half chan, or lurk moar till you get gud and understand what is really going on without having someone else hand hold your ass. That was your problem to begin with anyway, believing others and expecting easy answers to very large and complex issues. Time to grow up, you walk among giants here and are less than a child. You may take offense but this isn't meant to discourage, just point out you really are that much of a faggot if you don't get even the jews and are here.
If you don't like it and get pissy. Well, we do have a word for those like you. Cucks. People whom just refuse to see what is in front of them and forever lie to themselves.
Luckily for you my man we have entire threads on the subject in the >>>/polarchive/
Jews in the United States government >>>/polarchive/245
Jews involvement in fomenting WW1 >>>/polarchive/298
Break the conditioning like said. Judaism at it's core level is the literal antithesis to the values Aryan peoples hold dear. They are for all intents and purposes a different species from human beings. Their life cycle is completely different.
Once upon a time I'd say to send him to cuckchan, but now >>>/polarchive/ and >>>/pdfs/ has the information centralized.
Not all humans are equal, some are better fit for leading a society. As a libertarian you should be well aware of this.
When was the last time National Review was right about anything. That rag is for RINOs, cuckservatives, and flimsy lolbertarians.
capitalism involves competition.
crony / favorite / chosen 'capitalism' involves competition.
recess involves competition.
non-recess involves competition.
almost all systems / games have competition, on the competitive mechanic of the game's inherent nature. recess will exhibit competition one way, but non-recess will still exhibit competition, just another way (eg social, cuck, and muh-dick chosen/invert/pseudo-alpha).
to say incorrectly that competition is not present, and then skip to a correct observation of vidya existence, and then use that to incorrectly extend to conclude not-learning-real-world skills [competition], is crazy word soup. to say that we are raising people to not be competitive ignores the primary means of competition in the sjw games, ignores the primary accelerated/expanded decay of the last 8yrs, ignores the similar decay building up before that.
there is absolutely competition. separately, vidya exists. this, however, remains no matter what (eg vidya relatively constant), so to bring it into significance is retarded post-hoc-ergo-propter-hoc or similar kike schizophrenia.
separately from the details, but related to the larger picture, you either choose defeatist cuck cannibalism, or mightful deus vult. we know how both of them end; we've been here before. but i digress. in any of these systems, the game is, and it is competitive. you might as well be saying that racism isn't present when black people, or cuck isn't a competitive strategy.
The people born a hundred years ago were even more depraved than they are now, instead of doing nothing they fought, killed, and died for the jews.
if a valid leader and govt is present, then anything can work. however, since 100% validity typically comes and goes, space programs when white are leading their own country must prepare for 'space programs' when they're not. that is, directed govt interference of capital is by definition a resource misallocation - ie crazy and corruption injecting currency in their hands first, to the exclusion of others, for the purpose of parasitically shunting mens' production. this isn't necessarily bad, but it can lead to say, medicare, medicaid, obamacare, the failure that was nasa after 1969, the miserable sjw paradise daycare failure that was nasa space shuttle, and the ongoing international kikestation failure that never ends.
the NSDAP of the State and of the Party had near unanimous agreement from german men to pay for them. likewise, the armament programs that kept productive wealth for the nation -and- by the nature of exchange, rebooted currency by backing that wealth in mens' hands to something they agreed with, was thus the way out. because it's always the way period; all other ways of currency exchange fail.
the usa space programs of the 1960's capitalized on jfk martyrdom socially to fund all manner of kike manipulations, all to hide the prior kike misallocation craziness coming due to default even back then, all blowing a larger bubble. it also capitalized socially (that is, used the excuse thereof) via a half-real half-confabulated red scare, etc. this space program was allocated to be a cuck space program, and soon after its success in saturn v / appollo, stalled and went through systematic population replacement justice 'therapy'.
said another way, at the end of world war 2, a massive free-gibs program of GI BILL was passed. this required, and provided cover for, the massive migration of new jews into the state institutional govt/college/grad programs from during and after the war (the so-called 'german' phds, similar to the 'germanic' 'and russian' academics during ww1). what this did was set into motion a sort of clock that ticked away, guaranteeing the professions and trades men populations to be even further replaced systematically by similar self-congradulatory jewish entitlements and chosen award graduates. the old guard that made up lockheed, boeing, the initial nasa, armed core, and other industries were replaced by these trained substandard 'graduate' subversives. the benefits to the nation as a whole from the space program and other participating sectors came mostly from a different initial population involved, and only lesser from the 'alt' new accrediteds that followed, and still lesser from each new batch of degenerative genetics and 'education' iterations. incidentally, this same sequence also demonstrates the same problem of the space program in academics: keynesian models of inject the currency corruption of actual economics, yielding the opposite of natsoc.
The ability to make decisions on incomplete information is a sign of intelligence. All of which are assumptions. This ass joke is retarded, and so are you.
Good post tbh. Burns my ass about how Lockheed went from having Ike strangle them with oversight into their black budget projects to force them to do it by the book to making kiked up cruise missiles for the IDF to use to bomb hospitals.
The X37B probably could've been made in the early 1980's no problem if Lockheed and Boeing weren't full of fucking mongrels and kikes.
The millennials have a negative bet worth after student loans and no inheritance from the boomers. What do you expect?
Even Alfred Rosenberg said in his memoirs "the Germans might as well become communists now that they're all proles."
Capitalism isn't fun when you have no capital and no capacity to do anything but survive. Thise are the conditions of a lot of Americans. Look at the statistics of how many working Americans are on food stamps.
It's no wonder Elon Musk talking about basic income is making waves.
The reason NS called capitalism and communism two sides of a Jew coin is simple: they both put money before race. They both end up with a cabal of fat cats, Jewish bean counters who are parasites, owning everything, scheming, immigrating, globalizing, outsourcing, etc, all to drive down the worker to a slave existence.
It's the same reason capitalist and communist places were all for women's lob and women entering the workforce, because it decimated the labor market. Now two parents need to support a home. It was all a Jew trick.
NS called that all out.
Kikes ruin anything. Hell before kikes got there would look like heaven.
I'd say that the "great revival" was unsustainable and would have tappered off within as little as three years because it's cause was the ending of extreme malinvestment under the kike run Wiemar government. Much like the Don slashing libarts bullshit and public broadcasting which exists only to spew leftist propaganda Hilter's government cut all the bullshit in the previous budget and reallocated funds to places were it could actually support the economy. However much of the heavy infrastructure development was paid for by loans, there is only so much that infrastructure can do not only do you eventually suffer diminishing returns as only so much infrastructure can be utilized but the efficiency of each new project drops as the best land and resources are developed. There are only so many places to put large hydroelectric damns for instance. And taking loans is never a good way to encourage long term growth, you have to stop it at some point.
I am actually highly skeptical of national socialism and I've been here since /new/ in 2009. To my eye local investment which is tied to the land and emulates feudalism is the most efficient form of investment and the one which is most comparable with nationalism in a large empire like the USA. If the elite's wealth and interests are tied to the land and local population they are forced to be invested in them. You can see this trend in manufacturing, farming, and resource extraction in the US today, the owners often do care about their now mostly rural white workers because spics and niggers are too stupid and liberals too weak to ever do the labor. 93% of those employed in those positions are white males. Rural America is not hurting for money and whites who live in the countryside have more disposable income than urbanite whites.
Hell most of the Natsoc politics are just the politics of Imperial Germany with a fresh coat of paint and jew-wise. Look at the relationship between the german government, Krupp, and his workers. That has natsoc written all over it as far back as 1880. Hilter didn't create some revolutionary new political ideology he simply adapted what had worked to the realities of kike run communist activity.
Remember that Natsoc was made for Germany, a state which had been created by the Pan-Germanism of Bismark and which through the shared experience of WW1 and the commie kike takeover became fully united whereas even in 1900 provincialism had been prominent in the politics. "Better Prussian rule than ignominy" had been the opinion of most of the other German states of the time. I don't think Natsoc can work in the US, rural Americans are too insular and taciturn to ever accept it. And their mentality is all wrong for the German style, rural Americans are morbid and filled with hate by their nature, the triumphalism of German culture tastes saccharin to them.
Now a goverment which focuses almost entirely on protectionism, mercantilism, imperialism, and exterminating all leftist scum in the country so they never rise to power again is probably a better option for America as it emulates what worked in the past and doesn't interfere with local investment
an example of natsoc subverted would be the french maginot line. at the end of ww1, french population was similarly destroyed, and their currency was similarly destroyed, as the germans' was. armament programs to rebuild national spirit, party, and currency were advocated for and eventually agreed to. however, this is where things diverge.
the french men were not in unanimous agreement. in fact, as maginot's funding drive carried on, it was clear that the most mightful and productive men reversed position and pulled back, whereas the cucks moved forward and the state and bankers got giddy (the opposite of germany's path). behind this, the french inheritance (ie culture, genetics, and resource passed on to sons) was of less productive capacity, making the french –more– prone to the disastrous effects of any misallocation of their production (that is, less surplus per man, less capacity left over after a state project, less reserves to build wealth internally just in case). some time near the middle maginot died, and his project became a rallying drive by all the (((french))) newspapers and media. soon afterwards, the maginot line was built, years of nationwide manhours poured into it, and the 'hopes' of the 'french people' praised its 'achievement' throughout the french media sphere.
meanwhile, french men in secret conversations knew it was shit, and pulled away from servicing the contracts as time went on. the initial builds had enthusiasm and impressive skill, the later additions and maintenance much less so and done by different (((companies))) with new rounds of (((funding))). it got worse, etc. behind all this process going on, the french lost decades of manpower to rebuild families, to rebuild their actual economy, and to rebuild their spirit.
beyond the demographic difference, which absolutely comes first in rank, the french 'did everything right' and yet still 'did nothing right'. this is the problem with misallocation. this problem never really occurs without invalid leaders and govt, so the two are a bit like drawing a line between sex and gender - not a thing.
if trump were to go all space-out, he'd need to replace the employees of nasa at large, impale the impostor musk on a 20ft pole encased alive with molten copper displayed on 1600 pennsylvania ave, and insist that degrees and/or non-second+ generation natives and/or non-white men not be hired (no matter how painfully). otherwise, space kike will not be avoided, and all efforts will not yield owned systematic exchanged improvements and wealth.
Are you not history?
elites, who are kike, will not tie themselves to anything not jew and jewry.
those that have always cared are still present, with survivors fighting on. the kike 'industrialists' have significantly run out of others' prior wealth to confabulate and parasite away (while simultaneously making more kikes, and importing more shitskins to the tune of 50m). what you are misinterpreting is an old signal now visible due to less noise, and psyop company lies meant to virtue signal/dupe you. no body, who newly declared they would do something, has done anything, other than put-nigs-spics-snackbars-kikes-to-work programs, and at that mostly promises and/or diversity dont-give-a-shit compulsory hires (by their own nepotistic plants within major companies inviting more shits through the doors no less).
any lessons learned, and the ability to fight on, are hindered by the endless currency charades and stat rigging.
Are you fucking retarded? What kind question are you asking on a National Socialist board?
No he isn't right at all. Capitalism was invented by Jews, it has always been controlled by Jews. There has literally never existed a time and place with Capitalism run by White men.
Yes that's why I said it was the duty of the National Government to systematically murder them all. We need to kill every kike, every leftist, every nigger, every spic, every shitskin, every saracen, and everybody who doesn't agree with the basic principle.
I'm fully on board with extermination of all the filth. I'm that guy that came up with this
I took the total elimination of all non-whites in the Empire as a given, where do you think we are?
Precisely, the weak are dying. They are killing themselves off. Most of those corporations who are going with the progressive bullshit are hemoraging money and only surviving because kikes in the government are supporting them. We slaughter the kikes and those corporations collapse even before we can kill every libtard in them. Liberals, kikes, niggers, spics, and even mudslimes can't maintain above replacement birthrates in an industiral society. The ones born here are destoryed by bread and circuses. But the rural whites have zero interest in liberalism, modernity, and the things that come with it. That's why they have 2.7 kids and all the young people I meet hate the shitskins and kikes.
So long as the federal government is refounded on principle of "kill all fucking kikes and liberals" and it is set in stone so it can never be altered we will be in decent shape. Fascistic law, which is pretty much what it started out as in this country, ruling over disparate states is the only way to stably govern a large empire. Natsoc just doesn't appeal to the white Americans who are the major support for the right and it isn't as efficient in terms of investment especially since the US has so much infrastructure as it stands.
I'm a geologist, I work with all sorts of blue collar guys, was one myself for years, and deal with local manufactures. The kikes and liberals destroyed urban industry and as a result have driven it to the countryside where all the work is now done. I've visited 30 powdered metal manufacturers over the last 4 years, I haven't seen a single non-white employed at any of them. Non-whites don't work. And if you look at who owns manufacturing or resource extraction you'll find that kikes seem almost allergic to it.
Other than killing kikes, shitskins, and all lefty whites what exactly will the Natsoc system do that any other hard right system wouldn't?
Well firstly I have to ask is there such a thing as "capitalism", it wasn't like there was a philosophy or system created by somebody it's just a descriptive term. Also I'd say the US between 1800 and 1890, when the only major kike industry was Standard OIl(a merchant shipping company rather than an oil producer) would be an example of a capitalistic system run by white men. Also even today kikes really just do financial and media work, needing to produce actual material goods is hard because products need to actually fulfill a material function. Too much accountablity for a kike's taste. The kike doesn't own the factory, the kike gives loans, the kike gets invited to the board of Walmart which is a service rather than industrial corporation. Services, media, and financial systems need to be gutted and inhibited by any future government which takes power.
great cap
Thanks for the links! The sheer magnitude of some of this beggars the imagination…call me a fool, but some days it would be easier to find out that alien parasites controlled a portion of the population than realizing that seemingly functional human beings would do this to each other
I get that, but most historical precedents lead one to believe that consolidation of power -> tyranny -> dysfunctional society -> human suffering
Look, I am just a simple 'lolbergtarian' who is struggling to mesh my understanding of the global banking cartel with the idea of the JQ
As stated by other posters above, I've got some serious reading to do
Remember: Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same coin.
And so are whites & muds, amirite Chaim?
Where do you think you are?
That is the conditioning you are not supposed to break. You have been literally programmed to reject any thoughts that get you close to connecting the dots. Orwell called it "Crimestop". And it's the last bridge to be crossed before you finally get that puzzle piece that ties all the other seemingly separate and isolated 'coincidences' together.
When (((marxists))) control your academic system what do you expect?
Basically. That said, the Old West had capitalism, run by White men.
Fuck off faggot. The oldest a millenial can be is 20.
Reread the post you retard. I said Jews tricked the Americans into fighting the Europeans.
Its two separate polls, for one.
For two, it doesn't give any data for the only one which is of import, which is the Harvard study - the other was by some Christcuck institute.
But why are you posting a year old link? Because some Semitic Christcuck over at Israeli National Review started kvetching about 'muh capitalism'?
That seems an accurate description, it is like I can see all the leads going into a mysterious black box and all the evil spewing out of it…but I can't accurately name or define the thing. I want to name it Satanism - it might even be more accurate to refer to it as Demi-urge devotion - a movement to unmake humanity and remake them as some sort of fleshy automaton
All of the modern mystery cults which tie into some angle of the control structure are based on some form of judaism, and I know all about the Rothschilds (et. al), but I still feel like I am missing key pieces…
Are most of the modern Royal families crypto semitic? I know a lot of them have loose connections with the Venetian Black Nobility…
I keep hitting roadblocks that make me think something along this line: there is a sect of jews which work as banking and propaganda middlemen for unseen forces which manipulate our world
Thinking about the black box analogy and I found this pic
Undeniably, Orthodox Judaism includes many Saturnian Cult symbols and practices…I think this comes from the Babylonian influences and that is where I will continue my research
Don't forget that the Christian Cross is also a Black Cube. The connection between Abrahamism lies in the Cube, for it is the symbol of the Semite demon Yaldabaoth.
Meant to sage for off-topic.
On the subject of thread, I've found that Socialists are open to Libertarian ideas, and this has allowed me to help a Bernie voter get redpilled.
Yes! The hypercube/tesseract is a symbol found in both Judaism and Satanism
Yeah sure, it was the romans who invented that cross. get real bitch
Well put user. Capped for posterity.
Jews are not really human beings the way you think they are. They are a crude parody. A group of broken creatures that posses an endless neurotic obsession with destroying beauty and inverting right and wrong in any way they can, and who are obsessed with scatological functions and base desires. Jews don't behave the way they do because they choose to. They do it because they are hard wired to. They are vile at the core. You will learn in time. Lurk more and read everything.
Hi Jew! Just because you draw it a certain way, doesn't mean that's how it's supposed to be drawn. Your retarded cube shit is completely wrong. The correct proportions of a cross do not conform to your cube.
Interesting. I've seen evangelicucks say the tesseract is a 4-D cross.
Salvador Dali painted "Christ" on the tesseract, over a masonic floor. While he wasn't Jewish (to my knowledge), his art was.