Reminder that this is what CN will look like on the last week of December
Oh cool, new Steven Jewniverse. Something new we can get angry about
What did he mean by this?
Almost makes you want to bomb CN headquarters huh? Almost makes you want to kidnap the pajeet making these schedules and keep him in your basement for years to come. Almost makes you want to do a lot of things, right? Things like assassinate that bitch CEO they have now. Almost makes you wish you had a casual encounter with her in the streets of New York, then perform a figure 8 to the face. I bet you guys really want to bomb a government building for them letting this happen, huh? I don't want to, I have a job and wife, I'm just asking you fellers, since you seem really in touch with what's going on.
hey Holla Forums
Holy shit, I thought this image was just a joke.
"Can Cartoon Network stop showing Teen Titans Go so much?" Yadda Yadda Yadda.
Look, how are you not sick of talking about Teen Titans Go yet? I know, Cartoon Network keeps showing it over and over again. But whenever I see anyone complain about the schedule, they have nothing new to say. What makes this situation any different?
I honestly can't tell if this show is actually popular or if CN is just trying to shove it down everyone throats to claim it's popular when it isn't.
This is how the regular schedule for Big Bang Theory looks in Germany.
Holla Forums is unable to stop talking about it because they don't have anything else they can hate. This board isn't about liking Holla Forums-related stuff, it's about hating the way things currently are in Holla Forums media. That's why the board can't like things that are even mildly ok, or innoffensive, unless it's so far removed from their normal realm of media that there's no formulated opinion on it. This usually means that everything is Shit unless it's a surprisingly good comic (Gwenpool), a foreign non-jap cartoon altogether, or anything made pre-2007 that wasn't already complete crap.
What in the name of God. Why?
It's probably
>Our shitty reboot is the best ever, if you disagree your fired and blacklisted. Also sheet, we don't have anything else both these two that is culturally enriching but family friendly enough to fill all these spots. It is ever one's fault but our glorious CEO leader. Making new seasons is hard.
got a source?
Hi, Gwenfag. Still shilling?
Holy hell.
I find myself wondering in these threads from time to time why they dont just show some of the many many cartoons of yesteryear that they have the rights to if they are not going to show anything new. Its got to be cheaper to re-air a weekend of something like Dexters Lab than to keep producing shitty new episodes of TTG that they release on these special events.
It would make them look better too. these blocks of constant TTG happen all the time these days, and I cant imagine Kids or parents will watch all that much of it for lack of diversity of content.
It was popular once, but apparently ratings have been dropping hard since season 4 (probably because even the kids who ate this shit up can't ignore fatigue forever).
This everyday, only thing changing is either the movie at 20:15 (8:15 PM), or it's two additional episodes of Simpsons on Tuesday.
Also, in b4 "Hi Holla Forums" by some faggot who's got nothing to contribute. Also, I went to Holla Forums to see what all the fuzz is about and it's a shitboard.
I could give a fuck about TTG, you salty homo.
I just want CN to stop showing it quite literally 24/7. Remember when CN used to have a plethora of ip’s that they used to show in equal measure? Can you blame people for not wanting to be assaulted with a show that has surpassed Johnny Test in the spam factor?
I’m sorry people are less than chipper about CN’s attempt at using Pavlovian conditioning to force toddler titans.
It is a mixture of things getting to parody levels bad, and the fact that the only thing to complain about is TTGO since it is the only show they have at this point.
no need to worry guys. one of these days the legion of 7 year olds with down syndrome and a low attention span who are fueling TTG will get board of this show. after that CN will either go back to having a diverse range of shows or will go bankrupt.
meant to say bored. sorry guys.
Just delete the post and re-submit.
Dammit, Kaz
Does anyone have a graphic for the UK, I think they got off lightly.
I have several questions?
Teen Titans GO in Steven Universe art style
It's a nice change of pace, like having a hard, slightly painful, mildly constipated shit, and then switching over to lactose induced diarrhea.
Hey Holla Forums
We all want CN to be good again, user. I think what he's trying to say is why waste time and energy bitching about it instead of moving on to something that's more worth it?
Eh, I think the fact that there's a DC storytime every week shows that this board doesn't unanimously hate EVERYTHING in the current Holla Forums media. I think people are just understandably jaded.
I want Stuart Snyder back. He was a cool dude.
The fact that it has now gone from 95% of the schedule to 99.5%?
also, your post gives me deja vu. Is it perchance a copypasta?
Please tell me that just fan art and not the new look of the show.
Looks like Dick has been "Robin" the fridge of all its food.