What will nudism be like under communism?
What will nudism be like under communism?
common, see GDR
nude beaches everywhere, no fucks given
By the consent of the local population.
Isn't that what ALL of law comes down to?
only allowed if you produce 12 shitthreads per day
Funny that.
Your statement isn't all that meaningful, then.
The meaning is 'these fucking topics are pointless'.
I'm pretty sure someone made a containment thread for will there be X under communism.
look at those weak muscles
my penis is so confused rn.
it has the body of a hot chick and the face of a basement dwelling nerd.
what magic is this ?!
hello newfriend
get as nude as you want, no one cares
just stop this b8
I know that feel bruv
Old, wrinkled and tired.
People will have more time and energy to take care of their bodies.
Communists are low-energy
ur mom's low energy
porkies are even lower energy
What is it that's shown on the left monitor?
lukes like a terminal ftp program
And what is a terminal ftp program?
You're kidding
There are nudist communities though.
file transfer protocol
she's probably using it to pirate software
Not good enough.
Are you gay?
What are you, weak?
can we get more of this
You mean like this? NSFW obviously
Actually can we get less of this please.
Is this you?
Look at the filenames. I got these here.
You have been added to the ADL's list of notorious anti-Semites for displaying that hateful symbol.
(You have also been added to the sexual predator list for wanting a post-clothes society.)
Oh no
i'm 100% ok with this.
my dick is literally the only thing attractive i have.
i'm not handsome, fit, rich, or particularly smart but i'm happy to have a thick 8 inch shlong that always make bitches droll on omegle.
nudism would help me score with chicks
Communist fashion will be avant-garde af
Hopefully, much of the blind, mass popularity of the mediocre will evanescence after the fall of liberalism.