BASED Barron Trump - Gang Gang Edition

BASED Barron Trump - Gang Gang Edition

*Damn the kid is getting big
Some crazy ass growth spurt*

Kek Wills It

nice thread. just kidding


OC thread, not its own thread.

Thread is shit, but I still want to meme Baron into being the next teen hearthrob. If girls idolize Baron, they will grow up redpilled.

Hitler will rise again

How do we redpill Richie?

Back to leftypol with you


Manlets shorter than Barron report in!

can you read fam?

Barron has such a New York gangster look to him. You know he's calling the shots.

*sigh* reporting

yuro here
what's the deal with new balance?

New Balance tweeted congratulations to Trump for stopping TPP. They're made in USA.
Lefties hammered them for it. Burned shoes. Boycotted.
We made them the official athletic shoes of real Americans.

Meant to post this one.

kay thanks
I'll check if they can be found in shops over here

You know your in the best timeline when shoemakers are ripping antifa.

Did they actually fucking post that??

Giving you a (you) for a decent idea tbh.


Is gang gang some kind of nigger meme? Because that's exactly what it sounds like.

Mein Gott

Can… Can someone explain this to me?


Top Kek.He then becomes president and proceeds to demand a giant waifu statue to be made from his favorite anime.

Which anime do you think he would pick?

This was the first thing I saw!


Adidas tracksuit when?


Invest in a quality pair and you'll understand the deal with New Balance. Simply the best.