Wikileaks blockchain investigation

What happened to the wikileaks blockchain investigation? Everyone was saying it was a larp… In fact too many people were saying this and it was weird. I found some pockets of intense activity and there were some very strange things that happened. Now nobody talks about it anymore. What happened???

Other urls found in this thread:

Ask endchan for that kind of info

Nobody cares. It's not compelling. If you do find it compelling, you can join my expedition to the sahara desert to search for the holy grail.
Also, we received a tip with rather convincing but totally unverifiable evidence that the entire thing was some kind of CIA run honeypot/sting nonsense.
Sage because I don't know if I'm right

These replies are disturbing. So is Holla Forums as bad as 4chan or something?

Afaik the first investigators went dark a while after it happened. Every chan I check for info about this is light on info. Show us what you've got OP

and I found a lot of really good info on a site called beamstat

I used to have a lot more links but it would take me awhile to gather it up.


Shilling. /polk/ has been at it today with the usual "mods are kikes" spam. As the mods have done right by me, besides space elevator, art, lit, and language threads (which arguably are not Holla Forums), I view it as either nefarious or butthurt banned shitposters.

Space Elevator was never banned from here. That's a shill talking point. Gex wasn't either.

I was on Holla Forums and /tg/ when those were active and only caught a few screens. Guess I took the shills bait, thanks for the heads up.

There has been a lot of strange things happening as of late. The general culture is that of not wanting to know what is really happening. Popular culture and political culture are bizarre and twisted into unrecognizable shapes. People are pushing the russia/hacking narrative. Others laugh and think there is no organized pedophocracy. cultural and political descent is crushed. it is just all fucked up.

and nobody talks about the blockchain investigation.

Op pls die.

Im not saying that pol is dead or anything. I just want to know more info. Whenever a thread is discussing this stuff it gets shut down or shilled with creepy, bizarre things said. what the hell is happening?

So wait. You're going to blame a new board, for the obvious now? K. Reminder these issues were occurring long before that board existed.

I never got a response from this on 4chan and it quickly got shut down. just put a new one up. why cant I get info on current investigation? I am no programmer and so I dont know how it all works. I just want to get updated if anyone has new info. Not trying to shill or spam.

maybe because you're opening Q&A threads like a retard and basically ask ppl to dox wikileaks? get fukt

What's going on with bitcoin and wikileaks?

Want to give us a rundown of what exactly the big deal is?

I am not a programmer, and I am not asking to "dox" wikileaks… I am not even talking about wikileaks as the institution currently exists. I want to know whati s going on right now! and if some people didnt make all of the safeguards so technically complicated to get out to the public, then maybe we would actually have all the info out to the public by now. All this bitcoin blockchain crypto shit just made it easier to cover up.


I used one of the first pictures to pop up on search because you are forced to use a picture to actually post here whcih is mentally retarded.

You guys dont like this beign brought up. That is really strange.

So… instead of goofy attacks on the thread, can somebody actually contribute something to it?

When the internet went out for a few hours on the east coast of america… how do you think that is related to assange being disappeared? Remember the weird rendition aircraft? remember the cameras going out at embassy?

what about the blockchain investigation. rumor has it that it was discovered but people disappeared. I cannot tell you how many times people said it was a larp… and seemed to froth at the mouth saying it was all a lie. I believed some of the anons in what they were saying was actually happening. people disappearing and strange info discoveries.

What about when threads were made I saw slide attacks like I have never witnessed before in my life. "why dont you go to sleep you are tired". "Your family misses you why dont you hang out with your family".

what was up with this stuff?

it's a time sink. that's why nobody is helping and why you're only getting crap for replies.
i have the technical skills and expertise, but lack the time and desire to properly vet their transactions for what might be some encrypted something or other.
it's boring and is only likely to yield results if the person doing the digging has a strong confirmation bias running.
the idea is fundamentally flawed and it's not worth my time to pursue it.
shills aren't trying to stop you, if anything you look more like the shill looking to rekindle this nonsensical time sink.

and if on the off chance you're with wl just fucking tell us what you want us to know.

no I am not with wikileaks… I dont think ill ever get an answer. I remember those threads and I never saw such flagrant attacks on threads in my life… with the weirdest attacks too.

were those flagrant attacks here or cuckchan?

i recall the threads but never revisited after reading the initial pretext of the investigation.


Lurk more faggots you're extremely obvious outsiders.

This whole thing started when there was a wave of concern trolls yelling JULIAN ASSANGE IS DEAD! or WIKILEAKS IS COMPROMISED! and then some people were claiming that because they were investigating the blockchain their computers were hacked by the NSA and they weren't even able to do a simple copy-paste or even take a piece of paper and write the so-called key that unlocks the Wikileaks insurance file and they were asking people to imitate them and spend who knows how many hours looking for the key in the blockchain. It was the gayest bait ever.

Julian Assange is alive. But feel free to waste your time looking in the blockchain for clues that he's dead and it's all just a CGI illusion and the CIA controls everything.


That's because all the old Anons from the OpPayback debacle and worked with wikileaks w/ good tech skills moved coms to In order to see the forums there you have to register with the admin, but it's invite only. You can contact Ryan at [email protected]/* */ Be sure to use OPSEC like a good VPN.

That was one of the threads where I saw the weird trolling. That isnt even the worst. One thread (will try to find it) was almost all bizarre slide trolling.


I know and it is crazy. I am not totally sure but I dont think assange is dead. I dont know what to think with all of it. All I know is that weird stuff happened and nobody likes talking about it. It isnt just like a bad larp that people are pissed about. I mean people get absolutely pissed when it is brought up.

It was all bullshit. Julian Assange wasn't extracted and he's still in the embassy. Don't be a sucker, don't just believe all the shit that's posted on 4chan or Holla Forums because you're excited about the possibility of witnessing something EXCLUSIVE!!! and being among the chosen few who saw it live as it happened.

haha yeah I hung myself there.

I know the chans are full of shit. So full of depravity and stupid crap but they are the closest thing we have to absolute freedom of speech. 4chan generally sucks the worst, but I still visit pol on 4chan because stuff can be interesting there. I still stand by my statement that 4chan sucks. Sometimes things arent so simple as to say something sucks therefore I will not go there. that is stupid.

Mr CIA pls just drop the discord link you want us all to click on and go. If you're truly not shilling, log off and read a book. You and your friend type like retards.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


how can I respond to that? I just want to know is all. who said anything about being special or chosen? Dont you want to know what is going on, and arent you aware of facts that make even the most bizarre things plausible? Look at Iran Contra, or Franklin Scandal, or Dutroux Affair, or the Finders Case.

your detector is broken, faggot. you need to stop using it until you can get that shit fixed.

in case you're reading tones of voice into this i'm not angry. i don't care one way or another whether you pursue this or not. you're looking for a needle in a haystack when the haystack is the size of a mountain and there might not even be a needle.

haha yeah I suck at writing. I have an average IQ and am not a genius. Do you know anything about the blockchain investigation?

kill yourself


huh? I dont understand.

So not writing well really does bother you guys, huh? Still wanting to know what is going on.


so spooks really are on here, then. Otherwise you wouldnt be so bothered.

The truth will come out. People will not stop hunting.

Remember the Dutroux Affair, Remember the Franklin Scandal, Remember The Finders, Remember Iran Contra.

it's just shills sewing division; water off a duck's back.
i've already given you your answer, you just didn't like it.

Alright. Well Ill try someplace else.

You can't so just shut up. Julian Assange is alive and he's still stuck in the embassy and he's fucking Pamela Anderson when she visits him. That's about it.

If you're looking for the key to open the Wikileaks insurance file it's supposed to be a sentence written_like_that but long enough that it would take years for computers to find the right sentence and it's likely modified every time there's a new insurance file published. But it's kind of pointless anyway because the insurance file is just supposed to be the raw data of upcoming publications so the content of a specific insurance file will eventually be published on Wikileaks (we're still waiting for John Kerry's e-mails but I presume they will come out later this year). The idea is to share the data to thousands of people in case they try to prevent the publication. Rumors that it contains some Super Secret were probably spread by Wikileaks themselves but I doubt it's actually a life insurance. What probably keeps Julian Assange alive more than anything else is his celebrity status.

I was referring to the snobby insults. There have been a lot of them, too. This last vault 7 leak bothered me. The information seemed just good enough to throw off suspicions concerning wikileaks. The whole thing stinks, and I think there is more to it than some think.

Yet none of Assange's famous window-balcony appearances at the Ecuadorean Embassy in London SINCE the infamous Pamela Anderson (CIA salad poisoning) incident, hmmmm……..

The TRUTH is always better than wishful thinking, or willful ignorance.
Continue grasping at straws while ignoring the obvious. But you can be sure to send Julian a letter or a postcard in care of a certain U.S. Naval Base/Prison in southeastern Cuba. He would definitely appreciate that a LOT, Anons!!!


Wikileaks is now CIA honeypot.

Meanwhile, retards send their hacks to wikileaks. CIA remote controls their vehicle into a wall, leaks disappear, or CIA collects Intel if useful.

welcome to cryptoanarchy

Wikileaks would literally be the perfect gatekeeper if that is the case. It isnt anything new either. During WW2, both axis and allies had all sorts of traps for agents and double agents.

I can not believe I am to say this, but you seem like the nice person :) I would like to take a minute just sit right there and read this, I am in need of the help. I am in my country of home in the west Africa born and raised, where my family ruled as the royalty. Unfortunately, my life got changed, turned upside down. A couple of men, who were down to no good, started making trouble in my kingdom. They set us up the lies. Now, the people of my kingdom have accidentally my family's rule (with violence), and due to the fate, I am the only surviving member family. Looked at my kingdom and realized I must flee…what do?

I currently have the fortune of over €9000 million monies, but it is in a offshore bank account in a Switzerland in the Europes I can not get to. I need to get to the Europes, where I have all the safety and money and riches. If you can help, I need an hero. Please send my 10,000$ so that I can fly to the safety. All my wealth are belong to you in reward, but I am disappoint if you do not halp. A winner is you I am sure, the God blesses you.

Prince Omari Anikulapo-Kuti

Small leak from government vaults:

To protect my identity against stylometry I presented the contents of this post to a person who formulated information provided by me using his/her own words. Typos and bad syntax are intended.

This will be condensed list of statements about government-run cryptography.

1. GOV uses AES and other popular civilian crypto algorithms in their top-secret facilities/systems, but:

- original KSA is never NEVER used because NSA/GCHQ/{your favourite crypto gov agency here} silent "backdoor"
is almost always prepared as some kind of very subtle weakening of KSA intented for civilian use. Developers are forced
to weaken their KSA designs. Compare KSAs with encryption functions - you will notice how crude KSAs are.
- always when applicable, randomly (hardware) generated subkeys are directly loaded to cipher state

2. GOV have means of wireless data transmission without use of any electromagnetic/acoustic/other emission/transfer.
This is some kind of "entanglement on demand" on two sets of specially stabilised particles separated by any distance
(it could be transmission from Earth to Pluton with ZERO delay). Such "entanglement routers" are used only in highest
level secret facilities.

2a. Very bad news: this "entanglement nanocore" is placed in EVERY CPU since early 2000s. So when NSA wants to be
in your computer, it will be, regardless of OS/crypto/airgap/TEMPEST protection you will use.
Additionally Windows "watermarks" CPU activity to make "entanglement tuning" to specified target quick and easy.

3. The real cryptographic strength of Blowfish is UP TO 56 bits, regardless of size of key used. This is how it was designed in NSA,
and spread under the trademark of NSa frontman and disinformant, "Bruce Schneier".

3a. Kahn's "Codebreakers" and Schneier's "Applied cryptography" were published as part of plan to influence the whole cryptology
of the future. This plan was successful, almost all cryptology academia is reduced to mental kindergarten without dissidents of cryptology.

3b. Read "" before its author is alive. Download it, protect copy. That poor guy was close to truth.

4. DES has at least a dozen of trapdoors in its S-Boxes.

5. AES is still not crackable by NSA. But please do remember about weak KSA!

6. Twofish and Serpent are not crackable by NSA. But please do remember about weak KSA!
Serpent's KSA is especially weak and should be avoided.

6a. RSA is breakable by NSA regardless of key size. DO NOT USE RSA!

6b. ECC is breakable by NSA for all key sizes smaller than 512 bits.

6c. P=NP. Proof is known in NSA since early 90s. Author of proof still works for NSA.

7. The guy of "algebraic defectoscopy" fame was framed to suppress his cryptanalytical methods.
Find his website on, save it, keep this copy safe.

8. NSA is very VERY afraid of polymorphic encryption. But most public algorithms going under that name are shit. Search deeper
for crypto that makes NSA shitting their pants. Hint: word "QUASI".

9. This is SHA256 commitment of secret I will use in my next posts to prove my identity. DO NOT trust similar fake "next" posts,
if they don't contain a string with SHA256 of b10bcb6556a928ce90415690a5cecaff5474d733a664330afd24fcd27091e401

Crypto Fun
The following seem to be commonly listed as "best practices" for doing crypto things…

No SSL version should be used ( SSLv1 has been known to be insecure, SSLv2 had problems, and SSLv3 had public issues like POODLE), use TLS instead
TLS v1.2 is the most current, and accepted practice is to use this.
Disable the ability to downgrade the protocol (e.g., wanted TLSv1.2, but didn't have it available, do the protocol auto-downgrades to SSLv2 for example)
Disable TLS compression (see public vulns like CRIME, BEAST, …)
(Perfect) Forward Secrecy is a great thing. Ephemeral Keying/Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman.
Use of RC4 is a no-no
AES w/ GCM mode is commonly accepted as the go-to right now
Certificate Pinning is also a best practice.
SHA1 is a no-no
HTTP Compression can cause problems (see vulns TIME & BREACH)
Beware/Disable Session ID/Session Tickets (i.e., SSL/TLS Session Resumption) caching of key material can be bad….
Disabling session renegotiation is likely a good thing.
Diffie-Hellman parameters should be greater than RSA key size
For ephemeral DH (e.g., Perfect Forward Secrecy), the normal way TLS does it is that DH parameters are generated ahead of time and "belong" to the server
The above implies that for a "communication pair" (composed of keys and certs for a clientlistener combo), one should probably generate new parameters along with keys & certs?
Elliptic Curves are considered preferred, but not necessarily widespread.
Finding out about elliptic curve selection (e.g., specifying a curve to use) is a PITA. ECC has a "bit rating" which is equivalent to some (greater) amount of RSA-bits.
NIST has preferred/specified curves (e.g., P-384, P-521) which made it into a FIPS standard (186-3)
Standards for Efficient Cryptography (SECG) also has recommended curves (SEC-2 Recommended Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters) (e.g., secp256r1, secp521r1)
ANSI also has standards (e.g., X9.62, X9.63)
in general, one selects a 'generic' "key strength" in units of bits, then determines an equivalent key strength for elliptic curve, then selects a provided, "standard" curve (e.g., P-384)
So, for teh ultimateZ in fun:

TLS v1.2, AES-256, GCM, SHA2+, EC bits >= 256, DH Params >= 2048
AES-256, EC512, SHA512
Some useful links/references:

Standards for Efficient Cryptography ( (Version 2 was current as of this writing)
Applied Crypto Hardening,
Security/Server Side TLS,
SSL/TLS Deployment Best Practices,
NIST Cryptographic Toolkit,
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Cipher Suites for Transport Layer Security, rfc4492, (shows comparison for key lengths)
ECRYPT II, (check out the yearly reports on algorithms and key lengths)

Read "" before its author is alive. Download it, protect copy. That poor guy was close to truth.

There IS a data transmission method that IS NOT your basic Hertzian radio-transmission method, think Scalar EM. Do a little research, Hal Puthoff has a patent on this very thing!

Dr. Hal Puthoff's U.S. Patent for a Potential-Based Communication System.

Communication method and apparatus with signals comprising scalar and vector potentials without electromagnetic fields
US 5845220 A

Bullshit, remote quantum entanglement/quantum teleportation is extremely unstable and has only been achieved over distances of a few hundred km at most. D-Wave's prototype for a quantum based computer operates at close to absolute zero, it is not possible to fit a room-sized refrigerator in a CPU and the heat from the CPU and motherboard would completely ruin any attempt at stable quantum states even if it was possible. Also, merely entangling a pair of particles in a CPU does not give access to the computers processes, unless the CPU itself is a quantum computer running off of qubits/superpositions instead of traditional binary transistors. You are completely full of shit about the "quantum nanocore" thing and have no understanding of quantum mechanics. I don't doubt that quantum entanglement is used by governments to communicate though, especially since China already launched a satellite with that technology. Consumer electronics are simply too warm and noisy to facilitate any quantum communications.

This is one of those threads I'd normally request to delete, but really should be left up as a monument.

As someone that was involved in the Blockchain search FROM THE BEGINNING, I'd like to give my 2c here…

However, in my opinion, Assange is alive and seemingly well. The explanation that I find most plausible is that WikiLeaks were spreading disinfo themselves in order to sow confusion among the Alphabets pending rumors of his arrest (raiding an empty embassy would be a foreign relations nightmare and there would be no payoff).

He may have escaped. He may still be in the embassy. He may have reached a deal. I do not know. But, I do think he is fine.

I have seen no evidence of the FULL keys to the insurance files having been released. No one has provided any docs which these insurance files allegedly contain, despite repeated claims of "Holding Groups" possessing them.

I still encourage people to search the Blockchain themselves, if only because this is the most ideal place for a DMS and it is likely where it will trigger to in future. Knowing how to extract data from it will be a useful skill.

It is worth remembering that because the "Streisand Effect" gives a predictable outcome, there is also the "Exploitation of the Streisand Effect". I.e. You can censor something with the direct intention of having it propagate further. This may have been the reason for the attacks on BitMessage, Endchan, etc, with the ultimate intent to seed distrust in WikiLeaks.

For anyone who wants to investigate this further (and for themselves), I recommend finding the .png that contains a hidden zip files containing archives of old threads. A good place to request or start looking for this is on BitMessage. Beware of LARPs.

Well that is actually a kind of answer I was hoping for. For someone who is totally out of the loop and not gifted with the kinds of talents some of you guys have, it helps to get this kind of info. Not sure what to believe as it is all extremely complicated. Thanks for taking my request seriously. It means a lot.

4chan is nearly unbearable, it's almost as cancerous as T_D. the only redeeming quality of cuckchan is the volume of people.

I find it compelling that Wikileaks (iirc) has precedent of distributing files hidden in the blockchain. This–along with the curious coded Podesta spam emails–is the most credible lead and has been constantly shilled and undermined. It's at least worth an open discussion.

Assange is probably alive, but I think hes not in the embassy. There is no reason at all anymore to not show yourself in the window for a second. Absolutely none. Also not even that but he made lots of balcony/window appearances before October 2016.

Perhaps on April 2, the day of round 2 of the Ecuador elections, we will know more.