Get Out

So… this is supposed to be a masterpiece or what?

For >americans

You mean americucks?

You mean amerifats?

Yessah masta

Can a non-American who doesn't give a shit about muh race/BLM enjoy this flick?

Masterpiece? I don't know. Educational? Sure. Teaches the common negro to be afraid of the white man.

Its sole purpose is to make you sympathize for the negro.
You don't miss anything if you don't watch him.

t. alt reich

Honestly, it's a really shit film but I give it credit for being contemporary. When films and series like Stranger Things, Thor Ragnarok, Nu-Ghostbusters etc. are are sold on their 80's nostalgia it's refreshing to see a film that openly wants to be about the here and now.

Politically, I didn't understand it's motivations or how it made money though. It clearly had big ideas about BLM and obama era race politics but in America liberals are the ones who like black people right? Why would you purposefully make a film to alienate your base of support and tell them they are racist weirdos who are jealous of you?

Liberals are ethnomasochists. They'll take this with a smile and politely ask for more.

Its not even a 4/10 movie, the faggots praising it already went in knowing the plot and just wanted to jerk each other off

At least it scared off some niggers from dating white women. Anybody still got the twitter screencaps which confirm this?

this nigger wishes that white people would ever be negrophiles….kek.

Harry Potter is ten million times more kino than this

Your perspective is probably why it was made. To bring up the issue that liberals aren't the friend to black people that they claim to be.

Look at the last 60 years of progressivism and how it's ruined the black family and increased racial tensions and impoversihed minorities with no real benefit to them (we wuz prezidents). Then look at the 120 years prior to that, with even heroes like Abraham Lincoln being racist by any metric of the word, and all the improvements to black people and race relations that happened over that time.

Pro tip: What leftists are doing to black people is demonstrably worse than what racists did to them.

rofl what

This is insane, people usually sympathize with the underdog, niggers are everything but underdogs, how can you feel bad about someone who belongs to a race of super tall, super strong and super fast ape-men?

The only disturbing moments in the film is seeing the gorilla kissing his "girlfriend".

If niggers are so super-strong and super-fast why are so many of them in jail?

They aren't super fast, they are super resistant (can run at mid-speed for long times), at least comparatively to other species.

Guns? also on jail nigger eats nigger, the biggest of the blackest fuck plenty of white and latino boy pussy, the whole pedohunt in USA is to provide "wives" for the Negroes in prison.


Its fast for a human, but nothing compared to gazelles and other hunt. Africans hunted them by being able to chase for longer without getting tired, so they would catch up to the prey after they got tired.

for reddit


It was a mediocre horror movie that had one decent scene of CGI but was otherwise marred by things that mark it as period piece ("I'd vote Obama for a third term if I could"), predictable twists, and constant switches between serious and comedic, from the fat best friend who's constantly giving meta commentary on horror cliches, to members of the family ranging from insidious evil (the mother) to cartoonish villains (the brother and the sister).

I don't think it's a bad movie, but everyone sucks its dick because it's some kind of leftist masochistic self-flagellation of "white liberals are racist too!" and "Fuck Dfrumph!"

it was actually pretty meh

You mean Ameri just got out immigration cut down to 1970s levels before reagan amnesty WINNERS, motherfuckers.
Drown in the brown.


You are already trapped inside a cage with millions of niggers while being controlled by chinese investors and jews
It's just a matter of inflicting your AIDS to the world or to yourself
It is you who is going to drown in the brown, Houdini-style