Holla Forums approved defintion of degeneracy

Since it's overdue and I assume most people here just look bewildered when asked what they mean by "degenerate".


Theory of Degeneracy

Indispensable presupposition

A fully functional sense for delayed gratification in connection with the economic concept "time preference" is the basis for this theory:

High time preference (pleasure doesn't last long): degenerate

Low time preference (future-oriented): civilised

Short definition

Degeneracy means humanity is declining. Theoretically, anything that makes children worse than their parents is degenerate and "bad". When you have not learned from the mistakes your parents or grandparents have made (such as for instance beating you or engaging in a self-destructive behaviour such as drugs; alcohol, smoking) and you rather use them as an instruction manual (check out "emotional contagion" and "learned helplessness"), you are degenerate. It's scientifically proven that humans have developed; they are developing themselves and the alpha-area, the "basic frequencies" of the cerebral processes. Their ideological consciousness and cultural attainments develop continuously along with the times. If you oppose that development, you are degenerate. Smoking, for example, harms your fitness and health and costs money; you can provide less for your children. Furthermore it takes workforce to make cigarettes, workforce which instead could be used to help and improve future generations.

Paradigm (in the style of Thomas Mann)

Anything, whether intentionally or unintentionally, contributing to anti-intellectualism, dysgenics, devolution, the abrasion of the Flynn effect, decay of society and traditional virtues, things that harm oneself; addictions; overuse of social network, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, eating (or just buying) fast food, sweets or heavily chemically-synthesise products, being too lazy to read long texts, being very unathletic, not being able to value nature, not possessing basic skills such as being able to read a map, drive, make a fire, apply first aid, repair diverse types of slight damage (car, bicycle, house), devoting oneself to extreme body modification like an excess of tattoos or piercings which are scientifically linked to violence and "slut culture", behaviour patterns sustaining syndromes or complexes like SH, a father complex, Electra complex or Madonna–whore complex, being ignorant and uninformed about history, politics and economy to an alarming extent but still participating in respective arguments and trying to influence people even less informed, indulging in SNS, consciously choosing to get leveled ("hard data nexus theory"), preaching anything of what was mentioned above among like-minded, non-criticising people for self-affirmation and making yourself feel better about your behaviour while, at the same time, making others feel better about their equally degenerate behaviour (for instance posting "Shit, I wish I had a cold energy drink now" or "Haha, masturbating, alcohol and playing video games is all I do, so awesome" on Twitter) which, by definition, is adjacent to "crimes against humanity" and worse than just being degenerate yourself.

It's a meme.



Degeneracy is having his dick pic saved at your PC.
And now we wait.

That which strays from virtue and harms society and its ability to stay strong through generations

If you really need it defined you probably are one.

Sounds like some sheboon stripper name

something like this
anything that sickens the soul and invites feelings of disgust

So, Anime?

Most hentai, yes.

thats subjective
not everyones disgusted by anime
the overwhelming majority is though by used tampon and menstruation art

> 2: a lowering of effective power, vitality, or essential quality to an enfeebled and worsened kind or state

> 3: intellectual, moral, or artistic decline

>> a : progressive deterioration of physical characters from a level representing the norm of earlier generations or forms
>> b : deterioration of a tissue or an organ in which its function is diminished or its structure is impaired


>> a : having declined or become less specialized (as in nature, character, structure, or function) from an ancestral or former state
>> b : having sunk to a condition below that which is normal to a type; especially: having sunk to a lower and usually corrupt and vicious state

See also

Everything I don't like.


I think you're missing the point of this atheistic concept of sin. We need to go wider, broader, and yet more specific all at the same time. Until our definition is indistinguishable from

Why post that autistic socialist sophist faggot? he "debated" Jim, Martin Shrekli, and recently Sargon, and by god he's a fucking faggot, and it's pretty fucking funny to know he managed to be a useful idiot in making JonTron spill his spaghetti on that "debete" leftardpol masturbated furiously for a couple of days.

And pretty much every single type of degeneracy in this century alone came from (((Them)))

Intentionally spreading or engaging in disorder for the purpose of self gratification, with no long term change in behavior.

You're partway there user, but future-oriented hedonism is still hedonism. One can only go so far justified on the basis of utility and consumption.
The first stage of degeneracy is the shift from judging the right course of action on the basis of merit, to judging on the basis either purely of a universal human dignity, or else of a desired outcome.
The work of destroying human civilization is not the work of a day, or of a month, or of a year, or even of a generation. But it's the height of degeneracy.

Degeneracy: What happens to self-replicating systems when deprived of pressure.

At the individual level it shows as atrophy of the neglected "organs", physical or otherwise. Transgenerationally, as "devolution" or evolution that selects for stupid shit. Technologies including social ones, institutions etc. are also subject to this.

High-time/Low-time preference creates a divergence in populations. Those festering degeneracy and profiting from it are not degenerates themselves, quite the opposite.

Busy day in Tel Aviv.

Degeneracy is whining about it and accusing people of it like autistic children on the internet. I'm sure anons get smiles out of it knowing they could knock a faggots teeth out spouting shit like that irl.


You're not knocking anyone's teeth out with your hand rubbing your dick every day. Your body cares in how your chronic habit saps your mettle by depriving you of your will to find a girl and nutrition that is less common.

Just take a fucking zinc supplement, you stupid faggot.

Is there a reason mods bumplock it? Discussion was pretty nice so far.

Because I needed the fitting picture.

You're retarded.

You too, degenerate.