Leftist Militia Thread


I need a fucking gun.

You should not only focus on guns also tools and useful skills.

The Zapatistas have such a good aesthetic look going on

Shit forgot meh pic

I just picked up a second SKS today.


Don't forget to train properly.

also take care of those pretty tools you got there.

Shit m8 is this a guide for ants?


post qt islamig gommunist gurlz

Militia would get rekt very quicly. Its lone wolf terrorism where its at. Also this.


I respect her a bit more now. It kind of irked me that everyone gobbled up her story like she was the second coming of jesus.


welp, she's a trotskist though

How many guns do you have?

Would you know any comrades to link up with near you.

Enjoy the van outside your door.

We need jpgs telling us basic first aid and shit like that

Postin not shit resolution.

If you particularly enjoy suicide or being tortured at gitmo.

Do not join any group, club, or society that is connected to communism. It will not go well for you. Do not put your identity out there. If you contact anyone at all, it should be in secret, and you should always assume someone is a fed. Do not, and I repeat, do not make a website or facebook page for this group.

make a .onion

Name one bad thing about Trotsky that isn't "h-he was against Stalin-senpai ;_;"

This is much better, cheers OP.

You're talking to a tankie retard

How does one get into guns if you live in a liberal state and everyone else you know was no real interest in guns?

Starting a militia is a fucking horrible idea. It will

1. Be awful PR
2. Invite repression
3. Alienate common people
4. Lead to hardcore role-playing

Instead, create regular left-wing organizations and instill on them the necessity of preparation, discipline and familiarization with military affairs.

Teach them about the history of violent repression of civil rights activists, unionists and socialists, and how these were all done with the consent of the traditional forces of security, and they will become open to the idea of learning how to defend themselves. If every leftie has enough sense of self-preservation to own a gun, learn how to shoot, get in shape, learn some martial arts and the very basic about their legal rights, all the Militia shit will be superfluous.

He betrayed the Ukrainian Free Territory, his former allies.

I don't see what the problem is. In my country (USA) lots of militias already exist and no one gives a shit.

But they're not pinko militia! Nevar forget 1000 gazillon deaths!

1) buy guns
2) enjoy said guns

there are already lefty militias though

Could you name them? Are any of them in the United States?



I was proud of her until I saw Trotsky.


2nd pic is a great way to get called a fed and thrown out of the group. Or possibly have the feds called on you.