That kike Drudge just can't control himself - makes stupid headline about Google and hate videos

Download all the videos you can, because they're about to get memory holed.

It goes to say have copies of TGSNT, Hellstorm, and other propaganda videos on your hard drive. Also, what is the best alternative to Youtube that isn't run by kikes?

Other urls found in this thread:

So youtube is really going to fall? I wonder how far they'll go. Will it only affect things like TGSNT or will they go after the aut-right or even the scöptic community?
Didn't we use to have a massive video archive on mega(?)? What happened to that?

It's one thing not to have freedom of speech across europe, but this is beyond Orwellian.

England is long overdue for liberation. Country is run by pedophile networks and Molochites, at least since 1066.

I'm assuming they're going to go further than TGSNT-style videos and start shutting down vloggers and ecelebs as well.

They had a little attempt to get ecelebs to sign up to candid, there is currently youtube drama over this. Candid is staffed and funded by "ex-google" employees. Normie e-celebs are becoming red-pilled. Some will sell the fuck out for shekels in a second, some wont.

sounds like youtube's death knoll. people have been unhappy since google bought it out and now they have a good reason to leave. just need a good alternative

You really thinks this is only contained to England?

You get thrown in jail for doing well research on the holocaust in several european countries.

People said the same thing about facebook ten years ago when the site went from college kids only to anyone with an email and five years ago when the site went public.

It's never going to happen.

let these anime signaling twats go without an answer.

Well, to be fair from personal experience I can tell that normies nowadays use facebook less and less, because there's more alternatives like twitter and whatsapp. Then again I'm a yuropoor, so maybe it's different in the states.

Fuck off, goon.

myspace would like a word with you. patience is the key. sit back, get comfy, enjoy the shitshow

Myspace was pre-smartphones. These people have been conditioned to be addicted to these sites.

Noticing the same thing, most people stopped giving a fuck about facebook a long time ago, perhaps that normalfags actually started to realise that the idea of sharing your entire life online is retarded and that they're now merely on social media to talk to others?

Everything collapses eventually, can't happen for Youtube soon enough.

I don't know how Google can be killed though, it's a fucking hydra at this point, tentacles everywhere and only getting bigger.

Google has so much fucking money it can afford to lose youtube if it has to. They also gets checks from the UN, so it's not even going to impact the number of kikes and shitskins they hire.

Why? What do they get paid for?


To hire mudfolk and push propaganda.

b-but I thought Matt Drudge was one of those "good" jewish sodomites?!

As said, to hire shitskins, fund feminist/communist/zionist thinktanks and build censoring bots.

Like I said, it's never going to happen. There were alternatives ten years ago, but the internet has been wholly consolidated at this point.

Google will never die at this point, they've melted into the DOD mold and aren't going anywhere unless something more horrific comes about to replace it.

Just look at this shit;

Since early 2009, the Google executives’ firm has purchased 2.3 million gallons of Pentagon jet fuel, at prices generally more than $1.00 per gallon lower than commercial rates.

This was ten years ago. Now they're sucking up every mathematician in the country for their data centers all across America.

Drudge is the last kike I will level criticism at. I'm hopeful he's just twisting the knife in Alphabet instead of taking issue with free speech.

If it's proven otherwise, he can get the lampshade treatment for all I care.

He's trying to get antisemitism banned on youtube you fuckwit. He isn't pushing for more free speech but pointing out the gaps in youtubes censorship policies on people he disagrees with to make it "even".
Fucking kill yourself you gullible moron.

pretty typical

you're inferring a lot from a guy who just links headlines, and he's still done more for the "Right" than you ever will

The aut kike everyone.

Daily reminder that this kike is one of the "people" who pushed Jonestein into the mainstream.

Fucking whack

Once smartphones became a thing and both teenagers and their parents started spending equal amounts of time online, there was a noticeable trend of teenagers migrating from facebook in an effort to have more "privacy" from their parents, teachers, etc who were likely on facebook as well. I put privacy in quotes because what the younger generations seek in terms of privacy is very different from what most anons consider to be online privacy.

The fact that this is the big headline on Drudge is a very good thing. Every instance of kvetching about anti-semitism will open more eyes to the double standards and hypocrisy of the enemy.

Interesting side note: this comment form just autocorrected my typing of "anti-semitism" to "anti-Semitism." I shit you not.

Don't forget One Third of The Holocaust and David Cole's documentary where he has a kike admitting Auschwitz is bullshit.

nice id
The whole western world will wash itself in the blood of kikes and other assorted cretins
Or drown in it's own shit.

not with that attitude it wont. someone has to start it. the internet needs a alt for jewtube. one founded on free speech. people sick of youtube ignoring fair use and letting companies take down media they dont even own would be a huge hit to them.

Things cost money man
I know a lot of people here probably think any video ten minutes long takes no more than ten minutes to produce, regardless of content, but it's not true.
Just a platform isn't enough, an entire structure of patronage outside of their grasp is required.
Patronage is a concept that has been totally corrupted by Das Juden and could be a huge step forward to making society better if addressed

Color me surprised.

I've heard of a few peer-to-peer video sites. A while back, Torrentfreak had an article about one that would even work for normalfags (no plugins/configuration required).
Then Torrentfreak started kvetching about Literally Hitler being in control of America's nukes and I dropped them like a hot rock.

Youtube won't fall necessarily, they'll just start auto-banning any anti-kike content and any users that upload it. The only way Youtube will fall is if something else replaces it that isn't complete shit and everyone moves to it.

Daily reminder that Drudge is also a irl faggot


He removed it from the main headline now.

isnt this case about mudshit videos though?
he's using "anti semitism" to attack muslims so why should we go on alert or call him names?
Drudge has done alright by us so far.

Well do something there limey

Yea and he is just reporting what these kikes in england are saying.

It still exists at >>>/eternalarchive/827

It's very hard for youtube to "fall", normies are largerly unaware of what's going on (((behind the curtains))), they just want to see their stupid videos for low-IQ sewage like them and they're happy.
YT is basically electronic bread and games, and we all know how hard it is to redpill normies on that.

Did you read his headline? He obviously against them "profiting from hate".

Once again, your "based jew" turned out to be just like the rest.

But this is in the context of islam. He's using anti-semitism to attack islam. We know youtube removes actual "anti semitic" vids from whites so quit freaking out and calling to burn drudge down.

No it isn't.

Dems r the real antisemites

Google is literally a subsidiary of the CIA. They have unlimited money and can do whatever they want.

Warned you about Kike Drudge.

Remember to backup everything.

hello Google Internet Defense Force

And it's the british parliament making a big deal out of this so I presume it's on the front pages of all british newspapers right now. Youtube relies on (((volunteers))) to flag 'bad' videos and they eventually remove many of them. If Youtube was smart they would simply demonetize "controversial" videos and tell people they believe in freedom of speech but I think it's better if everyone realizes Google doesn't believe in freedom of speech because it's the truth.

I color you as a nigger and filtered, D&C faggot

That's the future. Something that looks like a cross between the PirateBay + Youtube

Who's he trying to divide us from? Based kikes?

Kill yourself, Rabbi

LOL WUT? Torrentfreak is just basically one and a half guy anyway.

Why do all of the shittiest posts use TRS lingo/memes?

They're already doing it dumbass. It's better if they openly tell the whole world they're actively doing it instead of trying to subtle and pretending they're in favor of freedom of speech, which is false.


the website that Holla Forums draws 80% of its OPs from
consider yourself filtered too, faggot


"Based kikes", got it.

I repeat, kill yourself

it was a linked headline. he didn't author the articles. you're inferring shit that wasn't there, and now you're trying to do it to my replies.
join your fuck buddies, filtered you fucking dullard

This is the first time I've ever seen Drudge complain about "muh antisemitism."

mad cuz bad

Your grandmother is on Facebook sharing recipes. If Suckerberg doesn't diversify and only relies on advertising that bubble is going to pop one day. I've never clicked on an ad voluntarily and I've never seen anyone actually click on ads, no matter where they are on the internet. And now there are good ad blockers like uBlock so I don't even see the ads I could technically click on. The advertising companies are wasting their money.

I thought this was obvious when I saw it this morning. The Drudge Report is now more popular – in terms of page views – than and 99% of his readers are direct connections. He doesn't care about Facebook referrals, Google's search results, etc. because he simply doesn't need them. And they also hate him because he was supporting Donald Trump while Eric Schmidt was part of Hillary Clinton's campaign (remember 'The Groundwork' ?)

He also did more to put Donald Trump in the White House than you ever did. Instead of whining why don't you start your own news website and maybe in 10 years you'll be the most influential news website in the country

They're already doing it you stupid fuck so the more people know about their actions the better because they will now know Google are a bunch of hypocrites who don't support freedom of speech. And it's not like you can do something about it anyway except build an alternative to Youtube that's technologically different and will cost less

Anti-trust legislation.

i hope you're wrong OP, but i'll dl anyway.

We do apparently have PewDiePie on our side so if we do ever have a viable replacement then he can lead the charge to move over.

Honestly at this point Felix might be our most useful asset by far.

Really think about the implications of that.

I've been saying for a while, there was way too much Jew-Naming going on during the past year for the big jews not to notice and not to have a plan to start pushing. There's going to be an assault on the internet like nothing you've ever seen. Even Ann Coulter was basically Naming the Jew. Anything on the internet you really love, esp videos (see: "Attack On The Whites Nations") you better get a big Seagate external drive (or whatever brand you use) and take a weekend and save all you can.

Censorship is bad when lefties do it.

But it's good… when (((we))) do it.

Silly goyim.

The latest story he has up. or rather just a title for one that's coming, is about how the UK police are going to have, 'drone armies' in the skies 24/7 haha. The cameras everything isn't enough. Eventually one in your home.

Drudge is semen swallowing, poop dick as well as a Jew if you guys didn't know.

go back to 4chan nigger

Unless you have very good opsec–and even the, just by sharing data– the kike sells everything you type in to be analyzed by the Jews to make shekels. It does raise the question of how they failed with clinton and this is what has the Jews worried. Of course, they are now relying on Adelson and just playing the other side but the failure in judendata has been noted by the big kikes, you can be sure of that.

You sound exactly like the pro-TRS/cuckvalion shills. Stay mad.


Face of a Dying Nation, a channel with 20,000 subs showing migrant violence in Europe was shut down this week without warning or prior strikes. Currently running on a backup channel the owner had been maintaining.

They do region-blocking on other content, so let it be region-flagged.

Then they can increase vpn subs even more.

Actually, pro-whites make websites all the time, and "our" people often do not help them enough. I have seen it too many time. The issue with that is that more of us have to step up and support them.

YouTube is run by those evil globalist nazis like George Soros!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah you're right, I mean it's not like his website has more monthly page views than, he's an irrelevant nobody

What a timeline.

kikes shilling against Drudge… top kek most folks know (((you))) lot want free media erased so (((your))) message is dominant. and calling Drudge an e-celeb ala trs shows how out of touch you are here, Drudge has moar clout and has done moar for Trump than the shitty kike OP can ever hope. If you hate Drudge just like the marxists do then gas yourself.

Break the fucking archive link you fucking kike

someone should be positioned to replace both youtube and twitch because they're both beginning to believe the SJW bullshit and turn into the video/stream equivalent of twitter. this is the perfect time for it.

celebrity is celebrity. you are either in the public eye, or you are not. "tv celebrities" and "movie celebrities" are just called celebrities, and both of those media are fucking dying to the internet. none of the tv ones would ever dare call the movie ones "just a movie celebrity" or vice versa. they show solidarity for the jew, who does not yet have any control whatsoever over celebrity making/breaking on the internet.
using this bullshit term, ever, immediately outs you as a shill.

While Felix "Aryan knowledge" has it in him to be a fine Führer, I think that for him, it's still more a meme than a reality. JonTron (Jonathan Aryan) however is probably fully on our side, and certainly browses this board.

Interesting trend on YT now is that they don't region block videos, but channels. I saw that on two channels. I wonder why.

He used "/ourguy/" in his Q&A video, I'd bet money he's amongst us

JonTron? I haven't seen that video, but you can hear by the way he speaks when talking politics, that he's one of us, even though he felt compelled to walk some of it back a bit when the leftists yell "JonTron is a nazi" I don't think they know how right they are

I know thats you jafari

Isn't he Iranian? They have a huge boner for Hitler.

Yeah and they love kids with blue eyes. Crazy about them.

There's a part in the Q&A where he says "good guy" and the words "good goy" flash on the screen for half a second.

Don't get too excited. Holla Forums jargon leaked long ago.


Don't worry user youtube is slowly implementing filtering. You won't even notice.

That pic of jontron and the shit pewdiepie was saying blew my mind. I had to double check I was awake and not dreaming that shit

This isn't just about the "marxists", you altistic-right faggot, we're at war with the jews.

Link please

We should really formally thank Google for helping in the war on anti-semitism, Jewish privilege, and Holocaust exaggeration. :——————————D