Fincher talks turning down Star Wars VII

Fincher talks turning down Star Wars VII

ps fuck your hooktube, I want to embed a video Im gonna do it


Fuck off bitch

they let anyone be a director these days dont they

not clicking tbqh

It wasn't really worth its own thread but he's correct about pretty much everything.

Wow what a cuck! Star Wars is /ourkino/


fucking kys you fucking shit tasting ass

Hooktube would be worth the time if it could be embedded. Until then, fuck Holla Forumstards and their ineffective bullshit. Niggers want to make a change and the best they can do is a half-assed skip around ad revenue. Fucking pathetic.



wrong pic?

No, it accurately portrays my feelings of shock, bewilderment and mild amusement that he is turning down the opportunity of a lifetime and doesn't even know it. You reap what you sow and this guy has a whirlwind heading his way.

Mad much? Daisy is totally on topic. Get over it.

Nobody cares about working with her because she has no talent and it shows great job

Her talent is her mouth kid. You'd know that if you weren't 12.


You're the 12 year old m8 enjoy sloppy STD 500rdths

or, you could just webm it since it is a TWO MINUTE VIDEO$#!@$~!/


Well I'll be. Congratz Maisiefag. You're no longer the biggest faggot on the board.

Never say never. Never!

That's the keyword in your post. I say you are probably a homosexual if you don't want to facefuck Daisy.

Both of those things are true.

