The Formal Launch of the Pre-Thought Crime Mechanism Has Happened.
When you go to share an article that their "Fact Checker" team has disputed you will see the warning. Same when you go to view the article.
In the pic related you see an article of the factual Barbary Slave Trade being dis-credited by KikeBook.
FaceBook formally Launches it's Fake News UI
That article is clearly about the slave trade of Irish by the Jews, not the Barbary slave trade.
And it's a day that ends in "y".
I've yet to see a satisfactory explanation for why this site even exists. I can't think of a single reason that anybody would ever use it, even before counting all the shitty things everybody knows they're up to.
Its hugely important to the normalfags. It's not pleasant, user, but it's a powerful platform.
This fake news meme has gone too far. The enemy calls any uncomfortable news """fake""" and people lap it up. I can't believe it's gotten to this level of absurdity.
It's the Wal-Mart of social media.
I'm now convinced that each social media outlet is its own independent cult, much like Scientology, the Moonies, or the People's Temple.
This has to backfire in some way.
Sort of off topic, but I honestly never knew Faceberg had trigger warnings.
Same colors too.
I am so fucking sick of this shitty leftist meme.
new meme
nice digits. how to use though? just slap on fakenews or change the text?
you have to have a psychiatric disorder to willingly upload personal info for perusal by ZOG. I wish I were crooked or a nigger. With all the "status updates," how easy would it be to case and rob a house?
It will teach people not to trust "authoritative" sources even more.
There was a ton of Jew-Naming going on during Trump campaign. We're going to get a very big online Jew backlash. Have no idea how far it will go, but they'll push it as far as they can.
Id expect they'll try to combine it with rise of antisemitism in Europe so they can blame it *all* on white people even though in Europe it's mostly Muslims causing it.
This is good news for us. We're going to have a lot of material to work with as our bluepilled acquaintances try to argue with us over muh 6 gorillion because Kikebook told them they're right.
Not only will we redpill them on real history and real current events, we will also teach them valuable lessons about where their (((trusted information))) comes from.
Bring it, Zuckerberg. We've dealt with your kind before.
WTF? I love turkroaches now.
I still maintain kikebook is the new AOL and within 5 years it falls into a complete shitheap. People are not going to advertise their info for ZOG anymore as they SJW left gets crazier and crazier.
Funny stuff, Satan.
Trump has, in a way, kind of ruined meming since there is now so much shit (good and bad) everywhere that there isn't long enough to meme any one thing. there have probably been thousands of AIDs skrillexes in the past few months but it's just moving too fast to frame it.
I don't use it but people use it to organise tabletop games and shit
seriously user? I…
Its too late for me user
Its too late
don't you need to give a phone number to set up an account? Even if you sign up through a burner..the thought of making that hideous kike a dime makes me cringe.
So much potential.
i saw in another dead thread there was some website where you could sign up for a phone number SMS text number for like 10 minutes or something
I honestly don't know
I think you do for Twitter but as I said I don't use social media, I just know that some people use it to set up game times
you don't for twaater. Even I use that since it can be done over VPN and can make new ones as soon as the Jews ban you. also, the company is losing shekels so I don't feel like I'm helping them.
Twitter is gay so fuck no
You're extra edgy. Do you have a nu-male beard and YOLO shirt too? How do you think propaganda gets out? What do you think the purpose of this place is? It's not a fucking social circle jerk.
This pisses me off so much. These people don't even have the pretense of being journalists. They are literally whos who turned their Usenet posts into a Web 1.0 blog, and somehow this shitty blog is categorized with the AP as the final word on accuracy. Two of the head staff members at Snopes World HQ are actual whores, for God's sake. If they were right-leaning, the media hold them in utter contempt, beneath Breitbart and Drudge.
Sorry if my type of memetic warfare is different than yours
Using Jew Porn are we now
I'll give you a hint, the best way to take down the establishment is to tear it down from within
roger that operator.
That looks like it should be a Pornhub trigger warning, tbh fam. The black and orange makes me think about to see a woman get drilled by an elephant or some other type of aberrant antisocial sexual behavior, tbh fam.
I take that back. I think the hallucinogenic Jew is kicking in, tbh fam.
This is the new meme. Go.
You worship Jews. You're not redpilled, pleb. You're a fucking slave like a nigger
So what you're saying is he's the false messiah, chaim? Keep waiting for your antichrist then.
Kikes - giving themselves hell and blaming 'goyim' since the beginning of time
It's a real kinda streisand effect. The Internet is the golem that will turn on them the harshest.
Meme it as a badge of honor.
(((Multiple Independent Fact-Checkers)))
that sure is a lot of jay peg artifacting for a .png, user.
can someone post a non-fucked copy of this image?
This has potential.
Don't forget the 50% opacity of a black layer.
OC in pic related.
This was fun.
If you're taking hallucinogens then you probably shouldn't spend your trip browsing Holla Forums. Go lay outside and watch the clouds with some nice music or something, cuz you probably shouldn't be driving.
Today we make history gentlemon.
oh right, oops.
How have they justified their new position to final judge and jury when it comes to authenticating all facts?
This is a website that debunked urban rumors; this is a relatively simple investigative task for the most part. It doesn’t take much to for example verify that Bill Gates hasn’t been emailing millions of people and offering them free shares in Microsoft. When it comes to authenticating or debunking serious matters I can’t see that Snopes has any real ability. Often times these are matters that learned scholars that have dedicated their entire lives to musing have a hard time making concrete conclusions on, other times they are matters that simply can’t be verified with the information publicly available.
Have Snopes taken on a humongous a facility of senior academics, have they been given unrestricted access to the Government files from every nation on earth. Are they oracles?
You make a good point. Trumps strategy has been to outpace the media so they can't keep up with all of the actions he is taking. It could be impacting our meme wars too.
that's a damned good analogy.
Change the label, the news is not always fake, sometimes they just don't tell details.
Call it Lying Press (Lügenpresse).
Push for this change
I can do this. Let's rev this machine up. Give me screenshots, I can pump these out quick.
No, for Faceberg you only need an email address and a name. I use several fake accounts to join private groups and fuck with the libtards, or to collect ridiculous content that they mean for no outsiders to see, and then post it here for everyone's entertainment.
Reported for intl.
Such as…
Finding discussions like this is the reason I use faceberg. When they think they are in hidden, protected groups, their guards are down.
TTRPG's and war games are an an entirely White developed and dominated field with fullt noble roots, history and content.?However, playing ANYTHING released after AD&D 1e/BECMI (1984) is fucking cancer. OD&D and Traveller are inspired works of art.
This has ridiculously fuck-huge potential. Maybe not as big as turning the "fake news" meme around, but this avenue of attack should definitely be used to make fun of the MSM and kike controlled social media.
The kikes will always deny their part in any slave trade despite possibly the most extensive documentation in the history of slavery, by their own jewish documents! Even more than Arabs and their slave trade was the largest in history.
I can make a template, but ms paint doesn't do transparancy. what a piece of shit.
If you have good image software, just put this ontop, I sized it big so it should work with most images.
Use gimp
That was a warning to others, can't use that template in paint. Can't do transparancy in paint in general. so cant meme in paint, template or not.
But I know, gimp is how I made the template.
Don't understand. I was hoping
that the semi transparent
background would make it easier
for others. just save and drag
and drop on any picture.
maybe im just being an idiot
it still has those extra grey pixels on the left hand side of the box tho
Literally financed by George Soros which defacto makes it not independent. Facebook needs to fact check their statements.
Nigger chaos is our realm of play. People with ulterior motives need time to digest, organize and spruce up information for the public. We go full bore 110% 24/7. Not everything sticks, doesn't have to. We are still going to cover them in an tsunami of memes and lulz.
The democrat Ministry of Truth.
Might as well have thrown in PolitiFact in there as well.
One can only hope.
But I've it one time to oftehn that kikebook is loseing users en masse and will shut down within the next 12 months, and yet 5 years later they're still going strong.
At best it will drive away the last couple goyim that are somewhat able to think for themselves, but still remained on it for some reason or another.
Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't.
t. made a parody Russian Hackerman account
bump for a great countermeasure.
I understand your autism
Hope this is better.
The original had some redish gradient over it, which was shit, so i tried to remove it.
I hiked there just last weekend, user. God damn I love living in Arizona.
Those posts gave me chest cancer
the war on fakenews is fakenews itself
Very likely Jewish run subversion.
No wonder (((they))) are trying to close out facebook from our reach, so that normies will be led to their degeneracy. DISGUSTING.
Nah. Many people don't buy into this unless they are liberal retards. Also lolsnopes and lolap
Yes soon we whites will have full control from the money changers with our 3D printers we will print out a TTRPG game so complex and so difficult to learn that no non-white will ever have the hope of getting involved in it.
Do you have any tips for using facebook for redpilling, especially for users whose real personas are completely excluded from the platform? Especially how to even get an account to use.
what about the moortuguese's role in the slave trade?
Are they fucking serious?
This is fun.
It's like they're helping us create OC after their "fake news" narrative was co-opted.
there were irish slaves. oliver cromwell sent all the captured irish rebels to the caribbean to be worked to death as slaves
start calling facebook fakebook.
Watch some online tutorial to do it, it's very easy. Takes 2 minutes to learn forever.
This is what I came here for.
this is going to cause a weird loop where people post these doctored images on facebook and they get slapped with the fake news label and then we make a doctored version of that showing their fake news label about our doctored photos is fake news. Fractal Fake News
People need to centre their box in the centre of the image because this is an ios meme and no some windows device that can have the box go anywhere but the centre
goood, goooood, weaponize that autism
It's like they can't fathom that men also do that (though often gay since it pays more).
Isn't the stuff about breast cancer just trolling though? I mean they can't be serious about it right…. right? Oh god….. That aside a little bit less than 1% of all breast cancer cases are men.