Will a Porgs cartoon happen?

Will a Porgs cartoon happen?

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No. There's no god, but I have to believe there is some kind of basic goodness in then world.

No, it'll be a Disney Channel Micro-show, each episode the length of a commercial, and it'll be slices of Chewy and Porgs on the Falcon.

Oh, and it'll be done in lineless pasteboard animation, like South Park, except with a "My First Reading Book" aesthetic. Basically like Emoji Zootopia.

Only with 3D calarts potatoface

Somehow doesn’t seem like Kathy would approve


You missed the "when" off the front of your question, OP

Are these the new ewoks? Do they appear before Kylo Ren kills Snoke and Luke?

Shows what you know

Reminder that one of the first things Chewie does when he's hanging out is eat one of Porgs.

But then he gets guilt tripped into not eating them when a bunch show up with puppy dog eyes.

Not really ewoks since they serve no purpose. They infest the millennium falcon after Chewie's act of mercy. They appear every now and then but are there to sell the idea of merchandise. The crystal wolf served more of a purpose than porgs.

I think I can safely say there will be no toys of the 4 tit milk monster that Luke drinks from. You will not see little boy drinking out of sippy cups of they milk monster that is for damn sure.

…Unless you buy it on Etsy.

They had that Jar Jar tongue lolipop, so maybe they'll have green seamonster milk.

No but the next Star Wars cartoon according to sources have said that they dont want to do Clone Wars era cartoons anymore and since the current cartoon is about the Galactic Civil War they wont be doing another cartoon in that era anymore either

The next Star Wars Cartoon is gonna be the new move trilogy era

Will the cartoons be able to redeem ST era like they did for the Prequels?

Now you made me want to both play Battlefront 2 and watch the Clone War saga again.


I doubt it Star Wars Rebels sucks dick

Clone Wars 2008 is god tier though

Considering how much of a control freak Kennedy and Abrams are, no. They won't even get a chance to because the movies must stay on top and they will no doubt go as far as to sabotage all other works to keep it that way.

And by "the movies" I mean their movies of course. The spinoffs/interquels/whatever will always play second fiddle at best.

They are going to get a rude wake up call when they face Darth Lukas's apprentice Darth Filoni.

who is this faggot and why should I care

I want Two Star Wars Cartoons to be released. One for the kids that will turn out to be surprisingly good, and one for an older target audience that gives us more mature themes and elements. Oh, and no Jedi in the latter, maybe force users, but no Jedi.
Preferably something that plays out like the Edge of the Empire RPG, where it's basically smugglers, thugs, bounty hunters, spies, and pilots out doing what they do best in the Outer Rim and similar, lawless areas, skirting under the radar of the Empire/First Order.

What you described is what Rebels could be since 2 of the MCs do not need to be fucking jedis but disney meddles with it alot and their budget is pitiful

Yes, but what if I'm greedy and want it in 2D Animation?

Yeah it will be in 2D animation ANIMATED IN FLASH



Hey Holla Forums

Which is why the supposed purging of the EU didn’t mean jackshit

The new Seth Green

Hey Holla Forums


Hey Holla Forums


Shut up, Holla Forums.

How's that defending him?

I and II got slightly higher AS

So how is it defending him?

you make them sound like the new mynocks


That just sounds like a missed opportunity for him to not bash their heads in and eat a few more while scaring off the rest.

It's real.

In A Galaxy Far Far Away, lollipop tastes YOU!

That book disgusts me.

They're nothing more than Open Season abuse-rabbits. Chewie eats one and proceeds to do a barrel roll and slap his new buddy into a window on the Falcon to another.
By the way, look for fucking "suction-cup Garfield" porgs in the very near future.

Or the Tribbles of Wars

Now I imagine it being put somewhere else than the mouth.

Why are we still discussing Porgs only being a marketing stunt? Considering all headlines told us how awesome and cute they are despite the movie not being out.

It's like damage control. Like us being told Jar Jar Binks is awesome, but when Episode 1 sucks, we still bought the toys.
Thankfully, Porgs weren't close to be annoying and present as I feared.


For as much of a marketing blitz as they put behind the porgs and for all the people absolutely losing their shit over them, they really aren't important at all and only show up for maybe 2 or 3 minutes of actual screentime.

Exactly. But same goes with things which seem to be only in the movie to sell toys during Christmas, like those new AT-AT types who like… walk ONE step and don't do much else.

Those new AT-AT's look retarded atleast the Clone Wars introduced new walkers and by episode 3 you saw how they were turning into their future empire counter parts

You could argue that they changed their design after what happened on Hoth.

Are you too retarded to understand my post?
The marketing was done before the movie was in fucking cinema.

And piss off to Holla Forums and take the spam scum with you.

Are these little faggots really a big deal? Do Americans have porgs shoved in their face recently? I'm sad to find out that the porgs live on a place inspired by Skellig Michael because I didn't get to visit it before it gets swarmed by Star Wars fantards.

"…porgs are cute. You fall into those deep, soulful eyes. I think a lot of people are going to want a porg as a pet."
―Pablo Hidalgo

hey Holla Forums


Hey cocksucker, why don't the mods ban faggots like you. Like, that shitpost is on a ban-filter.

hey Holla Forums

I hope you mean the BF 2005 and not the subpar 2017 entry.

its not just fanboys hating it;;; if you knew how bad thongs are…

#StarWarsHatesSpock because he is a character in a competing science fiction franchise.

Thongs aren't that bad, you just have to wax and moisturize your crevices so it doesn't chafe, and keep a lubed anus so your boyfriend can get at it. Not lubing your anus is a sign of faggotry.

Chewie is smurt.


A good writer and director and arghtist.


the guy who retconned the GOOD clone wars cartoon

There's not enough good Ewoks porn

What about a porgno

Filoni only retconned the second season of 2003.

All the early parts of 2003 ending at the Duel with Anakin Vs.. Ventress happened

The only reason the Porg's exist is because the island they filmed on had tons of puffin birds living on it. No matter how hard they tried they kept getting into every shot, so someone came up with the idea to CG substitute an original alien critter in it's place for every puffin. Then someone (Kennedy?) had the idea to push them for merch long before the movie was even out.
One thing that concerns me about nu-SW is how it feels like there some sort of hidden forced marketing effort to sell/promote things without even know if they are popular or weird stuff like the unexpected rise of prequel memes or even things like Ep VII's Tra8-tor Stormtrooper meme which felt like it was acknowledged very quickly by Lucasfilm.

2010, for the Robot Chicken episode Full-Assed Christmas Special


Are there actually people who think porgs are cute or are they just shills? Those things are objectively hideous.

This looks like a filthy turk. He looks so gipsy it hurts my eyes seeing him and drives me into a subconscious genocidal fit. Must be my russian genes.

I assumed by his last name he's italian.

That was quick.

Maybe that's why he likes cowboy hats

Wasn't the "Traitor" thing admitted to have been Disney shills tapping into the chanterculture by force-memeing it on cuckchan? Wonder why they haven't tried it this time (I should think even the Holla Forumsiest of Holla Forums's think Porgs are cancer). Maybe they realised how lucky they were that a guy in white armour fighting a nigger didn't get instantly Holla Forumsified.

prove it

So how could they care about a detail so small as ambient bird noises in the background of every shot, so they cover it up with their own creature, but fuck up so much of the continuity otherwise? IF you had one Star Wars turbo autist on the script writing and storyboard, you would've only had half the mess that movie was.