Muke BTFOs alt-right youtubers

Other urls found in this thread:

Every time.


He does specify "and reactionary youtubers in general" tbf.

is sargon apart of the alt-left then?

No. Sargon is a fat MRA alcoholic who loves to see women cry, probably why he is a notorious wife-beater, and doesn't give a shit if children get raped by sand niggers. Someone who was so egotistical that he named himself after someone who founded an entire fucking dynasty and empire, Carl has become the main figurehead with 300k+ subs in a 'New Wave' of parasitic YouTube Ranters who like to circlejerk each other off to videos that disagree with their ideological world view by splicing in their snarky 'rebuttals' bearing their severe autism over a microphone or camera, for their audience to groupthink themselves into self-delusion as 'intellectually superior'.

Don't put him in any category. He is just there to get youtube shekels attacking tumblr feminists and that's it. He's literally cancer at this point, I used to like him but I can't stand him making the same points over and over again.


Wow he suddenly gained the ability to do that?


He's a centrist moron who thinks commies and fascists are literally the exact same thing and thinks socialism means the government owns the means or production.

i like how he is hated by both Holla Forums and Holla Forums
only reddit likes him.

He made a response to lolberts and then reddit turned on him too lmao.
The reactionary snake is eating itself.

Nah, r/badpolitics has hated him from the start.

Drown yourself in bleach

Hahaha, he considers himself a TROT!!! now.
He's such a dumbass that it's easy to convince him about anything.
Damn, I told you guys that he was just going through a phase.

He's gonna become a nazi nutjob like any other bootlicker eventually. He's a liberal brat going through the cycles of authority worship.

Oh, stop it.
it isn't that he's a state socialist. It's that he's so stupid, mediocre and proud


none of those people are alt-right.

but the title of the video (and this thread) said alt-right. the alt-right criticise these same people for the same reason: they're not focusing on the really important issues.

Is the yellow fever, trannie hunter who moans about how the womenz are betraying the aryan race for nigger cock alt-right? Is that the real issue?

the core issues are white identity, ethnonationalism, and the jq.

To be fair he is just as dumb as an Alt-Righter.

Loved the video tbh.

Yeah but all you ever talk about is how those things are under attack, threatened, regular persecution complex. All you do is cry about how the SJ(e)Ws are attacking your precious whiteness with criminal niggers and muslims at the behest of the mighty yid.
It all comes down to "liberals/sjws are hurting my feelings"

did you learn "debating" tactics from sargon? bringing attention to problems isn't crying about hurt feelings, and your statement is especially ridiculous considering the alt-right is known for making use of comedy and trolling. we're a mirthful bunch of fascists.


oh, pls. i guess you guys are just crybabies as well. two can play this game: "are the capitalist attacking your precious liberty by exploiting the working class? did the big bad capitalists hurt your wittle feewings? boo hoo."

Okay? Enjoy your LARPing.

Stop tripfagging you fat fuck

likewise. your revolution is over. my condolences, the bums lost. the bums will always lose. do you hear me? the bums will always lose.

stop meme-ing, Muke.

You are delirious.

But i thouht Holla Forums were upper middle class?

or did you just not get the reference?

probably. most commies seem to be these days. they have no understanding of the issues the working class are concerned with, often have a condensing (or even openly hostile) attitude towards them, and then wonder why these people don't support them.

Except, most the working class at least in my country think they are concerned with class, not nationalist. (t england). And I don't really care what they happen to think they are concerned with, though I do know having grown up working class, I care about what they are actually concerned with. The material relations concern them more than some stupid national identity, dumb windmillposter

In fact even your precious nation only matters to the working class in so far as they are poor and are told by right wing media to blame it on immigrants and reforms. Haven't you even read "The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists"? It's like a bible for the working class.

And the very fact that you are agreeing to a class system by calling them the working class mean you've already agreed that material relations are more important than identity actually. So you're a hypocrite.

Didn't Sargon state that he sees himself to be Marxist?

no, he's said he doesn't on multiple occasions. But he's not alt-right.

No, Sargon doesn't approve of the state ownership of manufacturing :^)


that may have been true of a lot of them in the past. cultural marxists have been working hard to to break down national identity, and most of them were living in monocultural societies anyway. but with the ongoing islamic invasion, people are forced to ask themselves some important questions about who we really are, and the identitarian movement is growing.


the very fact that you are agreeing to a national identity mean you've already agreed that identity is more important than material relations actually. so you're a hypocrite.

This should be amusing.

You can't even define what cultural marxism is for me? This sounds like nothing more than a cop out. Where is the proofs billy?

proofs, billy

And most people are realising that they are nothing but themselves. they still need to realise that class relations are holding them down, and they need to grow out of it. See: the rise of existential philosophy.

I've already told you, people in the working class don't care about national identity. They care about what they can gain. I do know this, I lived in a working class home in a working class family in a working class area for 18 years. People still hold up the ragged trousered philanthropists as *the* definitive manifesto of the working class, one need only look at the grassroots growth of Corbyn. Sure, there are some identitarians in UKIP and Conservatives that result from disillusionment and blaming things on immigration, but most people still recognise that it is class which is the main problem.

I didn't agree to a national identity, dummy.

As I say, I don't agree to a national identity: we live in nothing but a language and laws, cultural and genetic difference is not great enough to call it a national identity. This is a delusion you have created, don't foist it upon me. You accepted the existence of the class system.

How does that follow?

You know everytime he goes after these groups now they can just point to that shitshow of a debate and laugh at him?

Are you sure about this? If you truly think like this, would you like to live in a Middle Eastern Muslim country then? How about African countries?

I'm never surprised to find out that a nazi ends up being a moral relativist.

As I've said, people don't generally hold nationality to be more important to class (you can't substantiate this at all, by the way), but even *if* they did I've already said it doesn't matter what they *think*, it matters what is ACTUALLY true.And you focusing on "muh feelings" is not going to find that out any time soon.

I'm white, I was a minority in my school of 600, I was about one of 5 white people. People made racist jokes to me all the time, I made racist jokes back. Racism as jest breaks down cultural barriers.

What you forget is that those other countries also have much worse class issues, and much worse bureaucracy. Not very comparable.

Generation identity is a minority within it's generation tough…

It's a mirror to Rebel's post i guess? And the fact he mentionned how things are in HIS country. This is irrefutable proof he adhere as a spook and not the lowly materialistic explanation he's telling people about what he sees where he lives.

Where are you from btw?
Also I don't think you realize how differently people in MENA and Africa think about life. They bring those ideas with them if they come to Europe or America in uncontrolable numbers, this is why open border don't work. You don't want them to turn your place into Africa or ME. You want them to become like you. That's what assimilation is supposed to do as much as it can. Too bad current refugee crisis is a mess and it doesn't do that.

My anecdotes are a response to contrary anecdotes, I don't expect anyone to change their mind based on what I personally see.

I can point to the Corbyn-Owen debate if you want, where BOTH agreed that RTP was still the most important book to their party. And most working-class do vote labour.

Pretending as if I'm claiming anecdotes are proof is a lowly way to argue, Meletus.

windows 10

Ideas which spawn, of course partially from genetics and culture, but mostly from imperialism, material relations, bureaucratic monopoly etc.

Have you ever met a second generation immigrant in your life tho. They don't carry on their parents' ideas because they live in the actual society all their lives.

who the fuck wants open borders under the current system? I sure don't, idk what you're talking about. Only a muppet would. No dude, this is a stupid dichotomy, between nationalism and open borders. It doesn't exist. I just wanna respect peoples' autonomy and think about the actual efficiency of the problem.

Okay, fair enough. But I think the problem is that liberals think closing borders is racist and only helps nationalists. This is how MSM is guilt-tripping people into accepting forgieners and strangers in their communities who they don't trust.
But yeah you're right, we need to peer-preassure new immigrants into adopting host people's traits. Hopefully not too hard tho, we don't want it to backfire.

"Closing borders"
Can you define what it means to close one's borders? Sounds to me like you don't let anyone in. I can imagine even nationalists would accept say, another country's scientists or writers or musicians, unless they were really hardcore.

We don't need to think about what liberals think. I'm interested in what you think.

Not necessarily, it can go either way. One needs to be pragmatic about it. Pressure works for some, genuine niceness and friendliness works for others. We only really want people to not kill each other over culture, apart from that I don't really care what people wanna do with themselves

the long march through the institutions.

lol. you got me. i can't prove it. "refugee" crisis is made up.

maybe. for now. people are deracinated and atomized. but like i said, the movement is growing.

confirmed for not actually being working class.

keep being condescending little shits tho, telling the working class what should be important to them. it's really working for you. communist revolution any day now.

it doesn't, i was mocking him. "you acknowledge the existence of classes, therefore you acknowledge that class is the most important thing in the world."


Rhetoric. This is not an answer, sophist.

People who agree the refugee crisis is equal to a mass invasion by muslims on the national level: 1 (you)

No, they are not atomi"z"ed. They are in a state of realising the falsity of nonsense identities, such as nation.

In second and third world countries. That's about it.

I just said I was working class, you fool.

But that's exactly what you're doing. And if it's true that the working class didn't think class was important, there's no reason to listen to the working class right so why would you care?


Is a doctor condescending for telling a patient what is good for them? An economist condescending for telling a leader what is best for their country? No. So why is it any different, if someone thinks they know what is best for another person and can show the merits of it?

But again, you still haven't proven any
1. objective merits of your system
2. that working class people care abut national identity

You're just blowing hot air.

What, so we should comfort people in their dellusions becuse otherwise their feelings might be hurt? How are you differents from Liberals again?

this is probably the best way to phrase it actually, good work user

yeah, it is. marxist have taken over the institutions, like academia and the media, and are pushing political correctness and fun stuff, while condemning traditional values. this is cultural marxism.

sure they are. that's why nationalism is on the rise and the leftists in the media are freaking out.

pic related. also, you may have heard of a little thing called the alt-right. it's what this thread was actually about, and they've been causing quite a stir lately.

you said you lived in a working class home as a child. are you still a child? what is your occupation?

no. i'm talking about what i think is important. i don't pretend to represent the working class. but i am working class, and from personal experience, i'd say mass immigration is a much greater concern to most of us than class struggle.

lol. niggers.


and they're still freaking out about it. just wait until we really get going. that overton window is shifting.

And this has what to do with marxism?

classical values are not traditional values. Nobody trashes classical values. I have classical values. Tradition is a waste of time.

None of your business. Do you not know how class works? I said I *was* working class. Whether I am or not, you will use as a polemic point so I'm not going to explain my position in society. I'm not in control of the means of production, that's for sure.

Has nothing to do with pic related, stop trying to take credit for something you had nothing to do with, internet LARPer.

Don't care.

aww, are your feelings more important than my facts? Sorry, I'll just listen and believe.

i will add that promoting "fun stuff" has been part of 🍀🍀🍀their🍀🍀🍀 plan for a long time. to quote willi munzenberg: "We must organize the intellectuals and use them TO MAKE WESTERN CIVILIZATION STINK! Only then, after they have CORRUPTED ALL ITS VALUES AND MADE LIFE IMPOSSIBLE, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat."


so cuckolding and things like this are fun to you?

the point


Every God hecking time. If you'd actually taken any econ class in the West you'd see how blatant an untruth this is.

are you ignorant, or just pretending? are you familiar with rudi dutschke? antonio gramsci?

in other words, you've never had a real job.

i didn't say it did, but they are both examples of what i'm talking about.

what were those facts again? wanna talk about communist support among the working class? i haven't seen it anywhere, but fuck my feelings right? you must have the numbers, so let's see them.

but dont you know SJW idpol entrenched liberals are literally the same as Marxists?

that's your faggy board's word filter, you idiot. i was talking about d-generacy.

Fake quote made by Ralph de Toledano tbh. Not surprised fascists are so slimy when they use people who already agree with them as proof and who lie about the records of people for an argument.

lol. i've seen your fetish thread. you guys sure are into all kinds of sick "fun stuff".

"fun stuff" has been the projected hatred of the moralistic religious institutions and "proper citizens" of the past in Europe for centuries. There's no agenda being pushed. There is a commentary about how capitalism commodifies everything (including sexuality), but that's got little to do with this, that whole frothing at the mouth hatred towards the sexual behavior of someone else by someone who is obviously into it themselves is as old as sin itself. It's strange to see such a basic psychological observation being ignored by so many (at least online), today.

As for making western civilization stink, well… the good things about "western civilization" (universal, somewhat, rights; democracy, legal defenses, one form of a modern welfare state (as in giving a shit about people, at all)) are what many on the 'right' are against… as for the rest?

Europe before some notion or form of social democracy, including Scandi… you're poor or not part of the upper class? You're fucked. Go to the poor house.

The people had nothing. The poor (the majority), had nothing. They were treated as playthings for the rich.

It doesn't take much to make what is considered 'western civilization' (when you exclude all the things that the right sees as 'bad', as in - the things that made life livable, at all, for most people) 'stink'.

No more, or less, than it takes to make any feudal or raw capitalist society stink.

Just couldn't help yourself, eh? Had to look at all that "horrible sick stuff people are into", to then make a comment about how 'degenerate' they are?

Instead of the reasonable approach, if you're not into it. Glance at it, don't give a fuck. Ignore it. Funny how that shit works.

Feels good actually.

So Marxist no.1 says political correctness is cool therefore all political correctness is marxist? You idiot.

False, but okay feel free to turn me into object A if you like, *sniff*

Yes, you did

You have refused to make any argument for nationalism, what on earth are you talking about. We've been discussing past 10 minutes how irrelevant popular opinion is, you fool.

source on that?

lol. i wasn't the one to bring up sick fetishes.

"Cultural Bolshevism is when conductor [Otto] Klemperer takes tempi different from his colleague [Wilhelm] Furtwängler; when a painter sweeps a color into his sunset not seen in Lower Pomerania; when one favors birth control; when one builds a house with a flat roof; when a Caesarean birth is shown on the screen; when one admires the performance of [Charlie] Chaplin and the mathematical wizardry of [Albert] Einstein. This is called cultural Bolshevism and a personal favor rendered to Herr Stalin. It is also the democratic mentality of the brothers [Heinrich and Thomas] Mann, a piece of music by [Paul] Hindemith or [Kurt] Weill, and is to be identified with the hysterical insistence of a madman for a law giving him permission to marry his own grandmother."

right wing lives in fucking lala land


It's from his totally not biased book "The Frankfurt School," like 5 pages in.

i'm saying there has been a concerted effort by marxists to undermine western civilization, in order to spread their ideology, so it's no wonder that people call it cultural marxism.

wtf are you talking about? i'm saying right wing "extremism" is on the rise in first world countries. these parties and the alt-right are examples of this.

i was never asked to make an argument for nationalism. we've been talking about how communism is dead in the water while identitarianism is moving full steam ahead.

yeah, i mean evidence that it's fake.

Sargon is a leftist who wants to see white countries flooded with niggers.

Not how it works. Toledano made a claim. What do he have to back it up?

You can't find the quote anywhere else but there and people who agree with him already.

read marx, you're pulling your shitposts right out of your ass, faggot

i've read quite a bit. former an-com. what, specifically, are you referring to?

Nice 🍀🍀🍀try🍀🍀🍀 mickey, but you're not fooling anyone.

yeah, i can tell by the bullshit you're making up instead of knowing anything about marxism, faggot

some books i had on my shelf from those days. i have a bunch more stored in boxes.

nice collection fam

i haven't commented on marxism, i'm talking about cultural marxism, i.e. the attempt to destroy the pillars of western civilization.

(ideally) Legal rights and protections for all? Equality, Liberty and Fraternity amongst all peoples? Freedom from serfdom and oppression? Freedom from religious theocratic rule? Solidarity amongst peoples?

If not those, what pillars of "western civilization", exactly? Define, your pillars. Try to make them not sound like Saudi Arabia.


by marxists
which 1. they're not and 2. isn't a thing either way
it has jack shit to do with marxism and you're just hunting lizard people, faggot

Either you're a pseud and didn't read, or you're very scrimping and more conscientious about how the packaging looks than the content therein.

I've gotta say, as far as fantastical history goes, it's with a sad expression on my face that I see you repeating the idea that the notion of "Atlantis" and all the storytelling surrounding it is solely in the hands of racial supremacists.

The original tales of Atlantis, were not at all related to anything of a sort. It was just a fancy myth. Nazis and fascists, just as capitalists - make all of history revolve around them and their 'return to original supremacy'.

The fascinating stories of 'atlantis', were not originally tied to Nazits, the aryan race, or anything of a sort… they were myths surrounding the stories - from tidbits of trade and interaction - of an island that at some point existed, which had (in the stories) developed locally a some idea of mechanization, basic and very rudimentary automation. (to be as mundane as possible about it)

Nothing to do with what that little .webm is saying, and nothing to do (far predating, for that matter) nazism.

are you severely retarded? did you have a lobotomy?

Well what else does your little clip, suggest? It's not the first time I see you post it, and I don't see you ever posting a followup talking about how Nazis pervert historical oddities… so the conflation, and attribution of one myth to those that coopt it, become its own little package.

You sure as fuck overreact on my fairly benign observation of this.

you are retarded, nvm, just go kill yourself, no hope for you

How about this, are you severely retarded and have suffered a lobotomy to post something which falls into a narrative tying certain opinions and views - without nuanced commentary alongside it to dispel the myth - to one political affiliation? Yes. I do believe you are.


And where did you clarify your position, on it? Nowhere. It conflates an historical oddity, with the revision of Nazi fantasy, and you play right into it… instead of say, posting the historical references (storytelling, as they were) and showing how it had zero to do with their supremacist ideology. How does that not play right into the very same paradigm established by those you are criticizing? What are the sides being drawn… what is the image being painted?

If you have an interest in this historical story, you must be a nazi, and think of it this way (that's the nazi side of it); what does your mainstream little clip show? A mockery, of that, with no nuance. What do you post alongside it? Nothing.

Which sides, are being reinforced here, my dear obviously never studied marketing before retard?

there is no need for clarification
you make shit out of something that isn't remotely there

you just talk straight out of your ass you full blown retarded faggot

you're either "trolling", shitposting or really need to kill yourself since you're hardly able to take a shit by yourself, that's how fucking retarded of a cunt you are

You do not understand modern media, marketing, nor propaganda mechanics.

Good game.

also you switching off your flag is hardly convincing, your blatantly obvious attempt to shitpost over the fact that you got btfo is nothing short of pathetic

again, >>>/kys/

that's what nazi-fag actually believes

I have never posted on this board with a flag. I think maybe a year ago I posted under a pirate flag, that was it.

You seem to be severely confused about who I am, and I'm starting to think you think you're replying to someone I'm not…

just after that post you "show up" continuously whining without any basis, nazi-flag shitposter goes silent

yeah, coincidence

Here; these are my posts in this thread:

I'm the one who challenged the nazi shitposter you idiot.

everyone outside of your nazi circlejerk knows that all your antisemite faggotry is projection

you are liars, try to smear others without having any grounds, divert from topics, you use false flag and pretend to have others backing you

you're the original schlomo, faggot

Now I'm starting to think you truly are the nazishitposter. Would make sense, tripfagging as you are.

now your lies are just getting desperate
got you good, huh?

Well, flag-shitposting, not tripfagging. Same shit in my book, pretty sure we've butted heads in many threads. But no, I'm not the nazi.

Not really. That list of posts I made in this thread at

Is complete. Anything beyond this is you phishing for me to 'prove myself' to you.
BO or any mod could easily dispel any myths you have about my posts (and here's my 'consent' for that, if they give a fuck to even bother)

cool it with the islamophobic remarks.

like i've said already, on of the things they've done is to attack the traditional family unit, and promoted "fun stuff". thanks to feminism, women are too focused on their career to bother with children, so birthrates are declining, and then 🍀🍀🍀they🍀🍀🍀 tell us we need to take in third world immigrants to compensate. this is a recipe for disaster. we are on track to becoming minorities in our own countries, and these muslims certainly don't give a fuck about western values. you can dream about utopian societies, but the conditions have to be right for them. the islamic question is where i first started breaking away from the left. pic somewhat related.

sure, that's why you're saging it and jumped in, right after nazi-fag got btfo for being a LARP faggot believing in ancient aliens
while complaining with absurd claims about things never even implied which you got told off in the first reply which you continously ignore and shitpost the thread to gloss over it, covering for the "nazi fag" - which is you

I'm saging it because this adds nothing to the thread.

Being anti Saudi Arabia is not islamophobic. Saudi Arabia is a feudal, repressive, monarchy.

yeah, i admit it. it was me.

if that were the case you wouldn't have started posting without flag in the first place :^)

it was a joke.

let's amuse the idea that you're not the nazi-fag for one second

should give you something to think about that you get confused with him so easily with your retarded whining over nothing


Again, last time I posted with a flag was a year ago or more. Whatever.
Go hang out with your fellow flag shitposter (the nazi), because this point it's fairly obvious it's more likely you, than I.

Why don't you,

And you,

Both suck my phallic symbol of fertility and drown in a bucket of cum.

and you're wondering how one could get the idea that you're the projecting antisemite liar

You realize we've already established an identifier for posters here? Me, sage posting, you and the nazishitposter… not so much.

Slipped past you 'both', didn't it?

It's pretty stupid and idealist of you to attribute declining birth rates to the influence of the superstructure and not the material base. Birth rates are falling in all modern 1st-world countries because the way society is structured materially disincentivizes rapid reproduction in an economic sense. Poor brown people are often from countries where they still have a strong connection to agriculture, and thus having many children is actually a strategy that is likely to provide an economic benefit. As conditions change, so will their birthrates.

Whatever """values""" people might hold are irrelevant, compared to whether society is structured in such a way as to allow one group to arbitrarily impose their values upon others, ie parents upon children, men upon women, dominant ethnicities upon minorities, and so on.

My beef with nazism and reactionary thought isn't that there's people who spread it, it is with the material base which fosters it and the societal structures that can be used to put it into practice. As with islamofascism, it can be effectively neutered by eliminating the structures that allow it to be put into practice. You are retarded.

Also way to not answer the question, dumb stormfag.

it's both. i know many people who think they're doing the world a favour by not having children. denmark ran a campaign a while back, encouraging people to have more children, and it lead to a small baby boom. italy had a similar thing, which was attacked for being racist. the ads only had italians having babies with other italians. we can't have that. gotta promote irrelevant shiting at every opportunity.

our traditional family values is the most important one.

this board is run by idiots. mixing of the races is what i meant to say.

Traditional family values?

What… 12 kids, a third of them surviving at your local family farm, one of them being sent off to 'education' amongst the elite, if you're lucky enough, the rest being shipped off to the mines, poverty houses, and your 'traditional wife' dying in childbirth for the 13th child?

You traditionalists are fucking hilarious. You don't even know your past.

Meh, forgot my sage posting.

= Me.

To shut this faggot up:

Who's probably the person I'm replying to, anyway.

it's only because the fucktard politicians call em that, they're actually semi-authoritarian center-left to be exact, like social-democrats on steroids that want to nationalize tons of industy


Idpol breed idpol? What's new? If the institutions got the actual anti racist message JUDGE ON WHAT THEY DO NOT WHAT THEY ARE. There wouldn't be any problem.

You're just as much cancer as the liberals. Kill yourself. Or better yet, let me help you.


Often giving the girl a mobile telephone as a "gift", the pimp is then able to track her every move by calls and texting, which eventually will be used by him to send instructions as to details of arrangements with punters. The men sell the girls on to contacts for around £200 a time or as currency for a business deal. "I was always asked why I kept going back to my pimp," says Sophie, "but they flatter you and make you think you are really loved. I thought he was my boyfriend until it was too late to get away." Another tactic of the pimp is getting the girl to despise and mistrust her own parents in order that he can achieve total control over her. The pimps routinely tell their victims that their parents are racist towards Asian people and that they disapprove of the relationships because the men are of Pakistani Muslim heritage, not because they are older. Some of the parents I met were racist, and some had developed almost a phobia against Asian men, fuelled by the misinformation and bigotry trotted out by racist groups in response to the pimping gangs.

The Leeds-based Coalition for the Removal of Pimping (Crop) supports the families of children caught up in sexual exploitation networks. Crop is understandably reticent about commenting on any issues concerning the race or religion of child abusers and pimps. As far as it is concerned, we should not focus on one particular ethnic group because the problem is about men's abuse of children. Its research earlier this decade found that the vast majority of the children groomed are white and the majority of perpetrators of Asian origin. "Society seeks to condemn female sexual activity, and culturally within the statutory sector and community the victims are seen as asking for it," says Crop's Rachel Loise. "The perpetrators are the last to be condemned. Prosecutions are rare, and sentencing is not severe enough."

Unfortunately, the reluctance of the various anti-child abuse campaigns and charities to engage openly with the fact that, in the north of England, the majority of men involved in child-grooming criminal gangs are Pakistani Muslim means that racist organisations such as the BNP hijack the issue.

"The fact that these particular gangs are made up of Pakistani men is significant but not in the way racists would have us believe," says one child protection expert who asked not to be named. "While the BNP would have us believe that abusing white girls is an endemic part of these men's culture — which it absolutely is not

seeing Dr Axel memes makes me happy

RIP in Peas

the girls ranged from ages 13-16

I will never understand why people think like this. Yes, I get that not all of them are bad.