Twitter Censoring anti-pedowood tweets as hate speech

Why is twitter trying desperate hard to protect Hollywood and Kevin spacey like they are trying to hide something?

Spacey himself is openly admiting and being compliant with it all. I have no idea why they would protect him, didn't protect Big Harv.

Twitter will run interference for just about anyone who pays them, at least if they're leftists or corporations. I heard that they even did it for Kadokawa (a publishing conglomerate) when they got put on blast recently.

Twitter is shit

Tweeter is a red boot sitting on to of your head, when you think wrong, they increase the pressure. Now, now, watch yourself, comrade.

truly these are the end times

lmao, retards.

It's called freedom of speech.

Twitter is basically tumblr: they're both great for porn

I only preach love speech so I don't give a shit.

Love that spreads aids is more harmful than hate could ever be.

I can't decide if you're a serious leftypol faggot or just pretending to be retarded, either way, kill yourself.

This is true

Twitter makes zero money, so it will suck the nastiest disease infested dick for shekels

>having an account with a (((social media))) platform
>implying the entirety of (((social media))) isn't full of bullshit

why are right wing SJWs so hypocritical?

That image is not representative of anything I've ever heard from the alt-right or anything resembling the alt-right.

Back to r/mylittlepony, faggot

Fags like him have been popping up regularly on several boards for the last month or so. I wouldn't be surprised if this is due to the falling of neogaf.

Aren't you culturally appropriating alt right symbology in that image? Or are you just being ironic? You know "gas the jews" is irony too since Holla Forumsacks in particuliar know jews weren't actually gassed during ww2, right? No you don't huh. Maybe because you're a humorless cable news worshipping pseudo-intellectual marxist faggot who can't spread his asshole wide enough for the thought police? Just sayin.

Stopped reading there.

Lefties can't meme.




Jack Dorsey is a homosexual.

Twitter is a nigger homosexual platform.

Corey Feldman named his rapist and it's some nobody actor, Jon Grissom.

I knew that thin-lipped kike would fuck it up.


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