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hai siktir

ce pacat ca memri e un post jidanesc

La gunoi

hai să facem România Mare din nou

Brap brap dili dili dac

sa va fut in gura ca aiciea pot sa fac braaap post brfpfpfpfbrapppsssscccrffffffff

1989 was a mistake.


Burger here, just how niggery are gypsies?

They'll steal your shit but they're conscious enough to attempt not getting caught.

Western yuropoor, are you? By the way, how's the terrorist attacks going? We have none. Thank our 'secret police' for that.

Romanians are a young ethnicity and a generaly live-and-let live people. We need an authoritarian leader or else we descend into complacence.

Things got from bad to worse when the kikes removed Ceausescu after he just finished paying off the external debt. Tough it was only because based Antonescu was betrayed by the king that the commies got hold in the first place.

What's needed now is transparency. And some heads on pikes . Just like the old days.

Don't have any experience with niggers, but see for yourself:

Gypsies are a mongrelised race originating in the Indian subcontinent. They're like jews if jews were dumb.

they're niggers just like you

Gypsies consider themselves superior to all non-gypsies. How can this be you ask? They are borderline retarded little inbred goblins, and when they look in the mirror they see that.

They know exactly how shit and worthless they are at making a contribution to society. However their value system is that of a simple computer algorithm. They get things done with minimal effort. This is what they are proud of. While others achieve a lot and do great things, they do so at the cost of their free time and their lives.

To the gypsy this is foolish. To work hard to have things is anathema to his soul. The gypsy lives to get things easily. He lives in a mudhut that stinks of shit because cleaning it would be too much work, besides, he got it for free from the government.

The gypsy earns his money by pickpocketing, pan hanlding, selling flowers stolen from graveyards to tourists on the street corner. Anything that is easy. By surviving with minimal effort the gypsy soul swells with pride. They maximize results and minimize input. How low their standard of living is is completely irrelevant to them, what matters is they got their with very little effort.

The gypsy is a raw survival automaton.

This is what they are proud of. That they get stuff for free and live easy. This makes them superior to others in their own minds.


rusii au lasat deliberat zona aia plina dw unguri. probabil va fi un soi de transnistrie.
nu inteleg dw ce nu au fost mutati romani in zona aia in ultimii 50 ani.
ungaria deja a castigat. daca primesc arme usoare si munitie atunci romanasii vor fi aruncati dincolo de carpati.


Nu-mi par chiar toti tigani. Sa-mi bag p**la. Ori s-o hibrdizat astia de nu mai pot sa-i recunosc, ori exista romani de-ai nostrii care fac tampenii de astea, Si la ce clasa politica avem, nici a doua nu pare imposibila.

Ambele variante ma-ngrijoreaza.

Daniel Roxin e /omul nostru/ sfs

If the Germans sopposedly genocided gypsies during the war, why are there still so many gypsies?

The germans didn't genocide anyone in romania. Jews and gypsies were concentrated and (allegedly) killed by the romanian government. And there weren't that many gypsies in 1948, but they have lots of children, it's the only thing they'r good at.
census 1948 - 53,425 gypsies
census 2011 - 621,573 gypsies
That's more almost a twelvefold increase in 60 years.

tbh that's not just gypsies. Brazil is almost completely made of people just like that. Anyone can see how well that works.

So they breed just like any other shitskins.

What doesn't factor is that a lot of them won't call themselves gypsy when in a census. So there's probably even more than that.


bun, bun

Is your country still run completely by freemasons?

Cati daci isi fac veacul p-aci?

they want to build a Masonic temple in Bucharest.
should i be worried?

Your dubs seem to speak truth. :))

I don't know about masons myself.
But what worries me most is the ginormous mosque. Those attract shitskins like flies. Vlad rolling in his grave.


the deal was that the Moslems start building it within 2 years after they get the land or else they lose it.
2 years past or nearly have passed.
they got the land just when the first boats started coming.
then there was the whole refugee circus and the quotas.
one romanian girl had a conversation with molyneux,lol.

cam putini evident

Basarabia e Romania!

basarabia e o regiune populata de rusofili si rusi care nu da doi cacati plouati pe romania.
de ce plm cauta niste autisti atentie de la o regiune in care 70% dintre femei au recunoscut ca s-au prostituat cel putin o data in viata ma depaseste.

Daca luam atitudinea asta de kkt apai nici in R(r)omania (nume dat de (((scoala ardeleana))) ,make Dacia great again!) n-o sa mai avem ce cauta in 20 de ani.

"Ioi, tara e de kkt."
*hai sa plecam in strainatate*

"Ioi, tara e si mai de kkt."
*hai sa plecam in strainatate*

Asta e atitudinea obisnuita si a moldovenilor, si a noastra.
Daca nu-si pune nimeni coaiele in joc sa lupte pentru schimbarea in bine, ne ducem toti de rapa.

fi fara grija.
nicusor dan si ong-urile departamentului de stat American vor face Romania un colt de eden.
in 20 vom fi imbogatiti cultural.
de fapt suntem imbogatiti deja.
sunt zone in bucuresti in care ai impresia ca esti in bagdad.
la modul realist cel as prefera o balkanizare a romaniei. o parte fiind incorporata de rusia.
macar ma scuteste de terorismul ideologic asa cum il vezi in sua cu tot felul de bolnavi psihic care vor sa-ti dai palme pt ca stra bunicul tau a folosit niste ciori pe post de unelte agricole.

stai vere sa vezi vere cand or sa vina lipovenii (aka excavatoare cu barba) sa faca ca ciorilea alea

Au incercat si tiganii sa ceara o zi libera, ca pentru ziua lor nationala. N-au primit-o, deci nici bozgorii nu o vor primii.

Hungarian. Clay.

Cry. Baby.

S-o mutat multi jidani din Rusia in Sua. Mai ales dupa ce-o venit Putin. De fapt in Sua o inceput chestia de la scoala Frankfurt. Cand o fost dati afara din Germania s-o mutat la New York. (1935) .

Anyway, vorbesc din experienta si din cine cunosc cand zic ca cei mai destepti oameni fug de-aici.

Comunismul ne-a distrus agricultura si dupa 89 s-a distrus si industria. Cand n-or sa mai aiba resurse de extras si moluri si catedrale de construit or sa pice economia de tot si ramane praful.

wonder who's behind this post

They are shitskins
They hail from Northern India


we wuz romans an sheeeit


luati negri goyim

Actually we were barbarians colonized by the Romans

Are all Romanians this cool?

Eh we're pretty hit and miss. A healthy amount of not giving a fuck/not being politically correct.