Why is this pretentious piece of shit on every "best of the year" list?
Why is this pretentious piece of shit on every "best of the year" list?
Damn what an ugly bitch
< muh pop culture
< muh 6 12 trillion
< muh 1960's civil rights
How much you want to bet she crammed immigrants, class, and LGBTQZXLMNOP in there too? They're like fucking clockwork puppets man. Just a fucking list of shit to check off. Like trying a get a high score in a video game.
Probably because it's the kind of "graphic novel" that appeals to critics and the graphic novel in-crowd. Being published by Fantagraphics, the patrician GN publisher, helps too.
It's the use of pink, blue and purple on the cover. SJWs buy anything with those colours, it's a Pavlovian response.
Look closely at the nose young padawan and see the answer
Daughter of professional artists from Chicago, so the odds of jewish and literal commie connections is about 99.9%. She also has the sort of backstory people love: contracted West Nile Virus, became paralyzed in her hand and from the waist down, regained ability to draw, created a cliche comic about social tensions in 60's Chicago.
It is the exact sort of work they would praise and so they do and for no other reason.
I want to make a comic – I mean graphic novel – called Everything is Nazis. It would chronicle the experiences of a non-gender-binary preteen in the 1980s up through zir adulthood in the 21st century, as ze learns that literally everything in life somehow connects to The Holocaust, as seen through the protagonist's love of pop ephemera.
I'll hire retarded kids to draw, paint, and collage the art.
I would legitimately buy that, if it were a well written satire and didn't just fall into Poe's Law
It's also overly wordy. I tried reading through, but some pages read like a bad illustrated novel. Imagine a murder mystery that constantly goes on irrelevant tangents, and you have this book. It just feels like a bunch of separate, but barely cobbled together stories, written according to a checklist that guarantees critical success.
Art is all over the place. Some of it is really good, but then there are just as many lousy drawings, there are also some obviously traced photographs, and the author falls apart when she has to use perspective. Layout is an absolute mess, and it's clear that author has little to no experience with comics.
I've been thinking of story-timing it, but it's 400 pages long.
As said, it could be great satire if done competently. Especially since it is needed at this point. For some reason, art and lefty circles are rarely parodied well if at all. Only semi-decent recent examples of that are probably Portlandia and few episodes of Californication, but none of them are comics.
Why? Easy:
The more of these your story has, the better, but first ten alone guarantee an instant success. Bonus point for author being a victim, having difficulties publishing the book, or being someone well-off pretending to be poor and writing about poor people.
So? You can uplad multiple images here. Wait a minute… you didn't know that?
Sounds like a SmackJeeves comic… In fact, let's see what happens when Nazi is put in as a search term on there…
I'm back, with Nothing amazing. a couple of U.S. Marine historical fictions, a gonzo school comedy with a Nazi Mad Scientist as a teacher, and a Gag comic entitled "The Nazi and the Stoner." Only one Sonic comic, which is less than I expected, and it was only because the author included the term "grammar nazi" in the description.(To be fair, the Archie Sonic is its own best Nazi crossover with Echidnas being an allegory for Jews.
Storytiming a 400 page comic would be tedious as fuck. Storytiming a 40-page comic is tedious.
It is still at least 80 posts. Book is broken into 15 to 25 page long "chapters," so it would not be that bad.
Let's give this I shot. I am going to put up the first chapter for today.
Why it wouldn't? Gotta push that agenda goy
That's it for tonight. I will put up more tomorrow evening.
Wow that was fucking trash.
Thanks for sharing.
That sounds hilarious.
I like this art well enough, but doing the whole thing in ballpoint on notebook paper is an eyesore.
Please, no.
Thanks. It's not terrible, though it's way too self-esteem/tolerance/diversity.