Philippines' Duterte likens himself to Hitler, wants to kill millions of drug users


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Are these people fucking insane? He's planning to kill millions of people and they are triggered that he's using Nazi rhetoric? No shit?

Yeah, the problem here is you getting compared to drug users, because they, unlike you, have not right to life. Fuck off.

What the fuck is it with the Jews recently? Every article I read they manage to shoehorn themselves in some way.

Why exactly does the communist party like this dude?

anti-imperialism, bro.

Why was the article even about this? Who reports on some old Jews getting PTSD instead of the mass slaughter about to happen?

But apparently the Commies are aiding him attacking drug users, or at least aided him for a while

This is all fucked up. Sad thing is, I completely see some horseshit like this taking place in Brazil.

Funnily enough Jason Unruhe was rather angry about it.



Greaves still has his back though

Although to be fair, Greaves is not wrong. I always thought that the sudden concern for the Philippines in the mainstream media was suspicious, particularly because they tend to be OK with the same attitude towards drug users in countries that are US allies or puppet states.

I assume he wants to nationalize something, and in my most tinfoil hat-y moments I think there's US involvement in the drug trade of the region.

Here's the vid

The lowkey Holocaust denialism is fantastic

I can give you ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€six clues๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€


The impression I've been getting lately is that Duterte hasn't been playing nice with the US, threatening to kick the American military out, calling Obama a son of a bitch, shit like that.

Considering Duterte seems to be another hard-right/likely cryptofascist installation by the Americans, I imagine the helped him get in because they thought he'd be another compliant lackey in their quest to encircle China, but it turns out he's even crazier than they thought and now they're desperately trying to reel him back in/shame him into compliance.

Faith 'n' begorrah, tis another potato famine!

Truely a man of the masses. It's about time the left had a modern role model to look up to. I for one am glad that he is purging the degenerates and standing up against U.S imperialism.

Meanwhile the cuckold liberal left of the west is promoting identity politics which equates to getting bum fucked by faggots and niggers.

As for the kikes complaining, that's nothing new. The sooner we ignore their whining see them for the subversive, decadent robber barons that they are, the better. They can go back to camps if you ask me.

See? This is the good shit. Back in my day, people used to put effort into their bait like this. Good on ya.

Glad someone likes my Aus posting.

Doesn't Hotwheels live in the philippines? Will all this unrest affect the website?

Run, Shady Businessman, run!

They've been doing that for decades, it's not the Jews in general but all these supporters of Israel. It's an emotional blackmail of sorts.
According to Anti-Defamation League Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein are self-hating Jews. I think they also call the BDS movement to be an anti-semitic movement.
Whenever there's an "anti-semitic" scandal, there's a good chance it has to do something with Israel, I'm not joking.

Don't forget that the all of the news about what's going on in the Philippines is being received by the West from sources controlled by Delima and her circle.

He got a standing ovation at ASEAN, so it looks like other leaders share his anti-imperialist sentiment. When the inevitable Spratly Islands blows over, the US will have to help the Philippines whether they like it or not.

how dare jews get mad when someone compares themselves to hitler.

Isn't ASEAN another bunch of conservative/reactionary governments?

But it has nothing to do with Jews. And people who get mad themselves aren't Jews but narcissistic Zionists who try to make it seem like every case of fascism is somehow about them.
They are the eternal victims of everybody who isn't allied with the US and Israel. Why do they love to play victims? Because in this day and age being a victim somehow makes you innocent and moral. We see this same shit with terrorist attacks and the glorification of apolitical and passive citizens. Somehow being a victim of such attacks makes you absolutely Good, retroactively as well, and everybody else who dare challenge your hegemony absolutely Evil.

B-but muh human rights. Nah fuck dat Philippines is already aligning with China which means CIA coup is coming soon.

fucking wot m8

What are the conditions in the Philippines that provide an environment for a guy like this to thrive in the first place?

Read the news fagot.

He's planning on breaking their alliance with the US and joining China.

Have you heard of the South China Sea bro


Decades of economic stagnation, environmental destruction outside (mostly) the tourist areas, endemic Muslim/separatist extremism in the south, and unending political corruption.

The Philippines are dogshit and the US didn't exactly help matters by supporting the Marcos regime. There is widespread popular Fillipino dissatisfaction with the Philippine-US relationship. Duterte is simply appealing to his electorate.

Check out the brass balls on him, though.


The CIA doesn't support coups anymore user :^)

Now, a colour revolution on the other handโ€ฆ

You'll come to our side one day Nazi scum

well im an antsemite now, just cause the jews wont stop milking the holocuast

Because them being compared to worthless druggies and Duturtes Hitler-like "tone" is much much worse than the mass killing of these worthless druggies.

See non-state participants in

He literally said 'hitler killed 3 milion jews (incorrect figure) and i'll kill 3 million drug addicts. You're an idiot.

Antisemitism loosely veiled as antizionism is the cancer of the left

I never implied that. The tinfoil hat anti-"""zionists""" in this thread are actually mad that jews got pissed at Duterte for comparing himself to Hitler. I agree that the media articles are downplaying how insane it is that he wants to kill drug users.

See no problems with this.

Large sections of the world would be better off if they were never introduced to meth, heroin and crack.


they're angry that they're not getting pissed at him for his mass murders, just for likening it to hitler, implying they'd not raise a finger to stop it otherwise.

There are no jews in the Philippines, him getting the holocaust death toll wrong is hardly surprising, as the holocaust does not have the same cultural and historical significance outside of the west. And he didn't really liken himself to Hitler. It was a classic Duterte style "joke" aimed at his critics comparing him to Hitler, then mangled by sensationalist media and a language barrier. Tasteless yes, but hardly an issue compared to him wanting to murder 3% of the Philippine population.

they would also be better off if they weren't introduced to hurricanes and earthquakes, shooting disaster victims isn't an ideal solution either

Wow, didn't know there were this many crypto-fascists on Holla Forums. Please fuck off back to
>>>Holla Forums

From what I have read, the people they are killing the ones who have refused to 'give up'. They are the career criminal types involved in large scale gang drug dealing.

You are free to turn yourself in a sign a pledge to not deal. They are even setting up rehab clinics.

Hello my friend, it seems that something on Holla Forums has made you upset. This is sadly going to happen to fairly often on this board, as our moderation is really lax. However, I've got a solution just for you: Reddit! It has some great left-wing communities like /r/socialism, /r/communism or /r/anarchism and, most importantly, /r/FULLCOMMUNISM. Those subreddits have a high-quality moderation that will bravely protect you from seeing dissenting and offending opinions, you really should check them out!

Well it's hard to tell exactly who are being killed. Duterte has legalized murder as long as the victims are drug users or sellers, police and the public are free and even encouraged, to kill anyone associated with drugs. They have killed about a thousand by their own count, with another 1500 homicides under investigation as possible legal killings. At this point it could be contained to mostly be "bad people", who knows, but when the deaths start reaching tens or hundreds of thousands, real investigation will be impossible by the sheer number of murder cases, and the public acceptance for murder will rise as extra judicial killing becomes normalized. This shit is going to get out of control.



One of the biggest problems is that there is no oversight. Without that, there's no way to ensure that the only people who get fucking murdered are the ones who continue to do something the state doesn't like after being told nicely to stop. This means that people on the ground can effectively kill anyone they like so long as they can make even the slightest argument that they were on drugs or selling drugs.

I've read one account of policemen just using this as a way to kill people who fail to pay them on time or just get rid of their enemies or whatever. It's not like once you take away the laws against murder people are going to kill everyone they see because they're edgy anime characters, instead you see shit like this where the already-powerful use it as a tool to maintain their positions.

And what about the people who depend on selling drugs to even survive in a depressed capitalist economy? If the choice is dying by starvation on one hand and dying by bullets on the other, how the fuck do they have any options?

kill yourself nigger, the only person who can't handle dissenting opinions here is you since you obviously want anyone who disagrees with you to leave so this can be your pseudo-lefty safe space.

In Singapore they give the death penalty to drug addicts. Guess what, it works.

In Singapore drug addicts get the death sentence. Guess what, it works.

In Iran homos get the death sentence. Guess what, it works.

Drug addicts weren't "born this way."

every time I read a post about how leftypol is, always has been, and always will be shitty pseudo leftist memespouting, I wonder to myself, "why does this poster come here"?


Holla Forums go home

Need more room in gulag

You're still spooked, "muh UMAN RITES" are a social construct that do not exist outside of human societies.

Fuck off, pollyp

It's just the dichotomy many people think of when they consider SEA nations. US, or China.

I do think this is causing the US to furrow it's brow though. The former phillipino government brought the suit against China regarding the spratlay reefs to the ICC and won right before the Duterte won, and the US had considered that decision an excellent oppertunity and made strong pivots towards using that victory as leverage to change it's defacto position regarding the diaoyu/senkaku island dispute in addition to building the case that China is a power that must be "contained" making inroads into other China neighbors such as arms deals to vietnam and building a military installation in south korea. I think they were expecting the phillipines to go with them easy with just the SCS issue which has fallen to the wayside recently and instead Duterte has been souring relations with the US and trying to kick em out.

sorry I'm drunk but I think you get the idea.

Man I remember the days when Holla Forums didn't even have memes. How far we've come.

Duterte like many filipinos will speak in half Tagalog and half English. Tagalog many of the words do not have direct English translations but rather are a concept or notion which changes the context of what was said when translated to proper English.

What Duterte said was if he had to be like Hitler and kill millions of addicts to save his country he would. Not that he wants to be Hitler or wants to kill every addict.

When he was mayor of Davo he built a drug rehab center which paid anyone while attending it and completed it a payment equal to slightly above average monthly pay.

"Whoso is full of sacred (religious, moral, humane) love loves only the spook, the โ€œtrue man,โ€ and persecutes with dull mercilessness the individual, the real man." The Ego and Its Own, p.383
Looks like human rights are spooks after all.

Can't believe jews

So much vitimism



President Duterte visits synagogue to apologize for Hitler remark to the Jewish Community


It's an oddity that the logic of something like a general consensus on the respect in both social and legal interactions between individuals in a greater societal structure, is seen as something which is "invalid" unless argued for objectively outside the realms of nature - and the society that man creates, and dictated by god or natural algorithms down to cell division.

We can all walk into a room set for discourse and start throwing punches. All you're reinforcing is might makes right mentality - which yes, holds true in nature, but is not in any way a constructive or sustainable way (nor comfortable, would you want to live in such a society?) to map society on.

Of course they're illusionary, in the modern sense - but the consensus for them is there, even if they're not properly maintained. To discount it for that reason (if that's what you're doing), is doing the exact same thing as those who's quest it is to make it useless, by propping up the simile of it and dishonestly praising its coat.

Am I the only one not seeing an issue with him doing this? I mean, yeah, wanton slaughter of millions of people is bad, but I bet the Philippine drug trade will be pretty damn small if there's a high probability you get shot based on felony possession charges.

Essentially legalizing (we're not talking about lawlessness here, but legalizing and justifying) murder in civilian society, under regular societal conditions, is not a bad thing?

Aside from the 'mere' issue of thousands being killed, the ramnifications will include (as it always does) people who never did anything to anyone being killed, by whoever has the most guns, with the idea that it's just going to be against 'bad drug sellers' being used as nothing but an excuse.

The drug trade has always been risky, and outside the law (and usually with ties to the law in the murkier areas). Normalizing outright murder as long as you say the right lies about the person (how are they going to investigate the legitimacy of this?) and the dead guy has no one to speak for them, going as far as promoting it - is insane.

I have no idea how anyone can support this.

for a board that loves to larp about revolutionary terror expressing the true will of the people, you all sure did expose your true colors once those mean men with guns actually starting hurting people :^(

A revolutionary militant setting would involve a people's army fighting against the tyrannical hold of those who would rise up to defend the capitalist rule over the masses - usually clinging to (at this point) a weakened (no mandate, nor even illusion of a mandate) capitalist-state and its institutions, who have solely turned into the feudal dictatorship they once 'revolted' against.

This is not revolutionary terror expressing the will of the people. This is what in any other context would be considered a right-wing fascist milita uprising with the state apperatus behind their back, 'purging' the deviant, the unclean and the 'scum off the streets'.

it's not? seems to be a fairly popular policy from what I can tell.

are drug lords not bourgs?

- to add:

Why, instead of this, didn't Duterte say immediately focus on cleaning out capitalist sellouts from the government? Focus on massive aid packages and support programs for the poor (and there are plenty, some of those who are now probably going to be 'purged' - that you are apparently in support if) and the slums, and start building up infrastructure programs - housing, etc. working to support local coops and focusing primarily on food, housing/shelter, and proving energy and efficient transportation to everyone?

If there are massive drug smuggling rings, that do have a large effect - and are hard to deal with (i.e they control whole areas, like a mafia state), why not specifically go after them and deal with them using the tools and laws already available to them?

In what possible scenario is the step he's taking here, in any way logical and not just a complete scapegoat and a sleigh of hand to get people riled up about open murder being made "A-OK", to not have them focus on the material and very not-killing-people related issues that they're all struggling, with?

Just because it's "popular" doesn't mean it's the will of the people.

Duterte is a reactionary and his death squads are the epitome of reactionary terror that does nothing to solve the underlying contradictions that created those circumstances in the first place.

ps kys

Populist side tracking from utter poverty, where the solution is to increase the state enforcement apparatus against individuals and their lives, usually amongst the poor, instead of addressing the issues of inequal distribution and access to goods and services?

"Drug Lords" are not the only ones that will or are being killed by such a ridiculous decree, and even if they were - who are the majority of people related or tangentially related to the drug markets?

The poor. The common people.

whatever you say dummy.

just another white boy from the suburbs that can't conceive how horrible it is to live in a third world slum where every other person is a meth addict and predatory scumfuck drug lords run the show.

remember u guize revolutionary terror is only acceptable against white collar capitalists drug dealers are cool and edgy and are to be lauded cause they're like outside the system man!


I'm not sure this makes him like Hitler at all because Hitler's Germany had a fairly liberal drug policy, and many Nazis were meth addicts.

And what people living in the slums need is food, shelter, electricity, transportation, healthcare, etc. and a state or an organization that will act in their interests. Not make the slum an even more dangerous place to live, where murder is legally accepted on the hint of the accusation that poor sob #235 who happened to try and grasp at any straw they could (because no other means were available to them) to survive, engaged or ended up in the 'criminal underworld'; which always is present or exists in some form where people are essentially left to rot in poverty.

I'm not sure why you're pushing this obviously indefensible stance, or/and trying to make it seem like what is probably every true believing upper-class capitalists' wet dream (hey, poor neighborhoods? Kill people, solved.) - into a 'leftist' stance. Not to mention then go on the offensive on people not being in support of it, claiming they're 'scared of real revolution' (pretty much doing the Holla Forums thing there, attempting to verbally push people into thinking they're weak unless they're pro-murder for any reason), if they don't support right-wing thuggery policies.


Still not getting what "muh spooks" mean

They how am I wrong? Stirner's own writing seems to support me.