Do you participate in St Patricks Day?

Do you participate in St Patricks Day?

Is it degenerate and drinking the liquid jew and dividing white people?

Sage for shit thread.

There is nothing wrong with celebrating St. Patty's day. There isn't even an argument to be had.

I thought these kind of threads were banned

Cuckchan is the other way.

Alcohol has been of european culture for thousands of years.
Recognizing that there are different european peoples and cultures is not dividing them. The whole idea of being white instead of being part of a specific european people is american.
Sage for low effort thread.


babby's first ban

Alcohol is as european as blonde hair and blue eyes, the fucking NSDAP took its early meetings in beerhalls for fuck's sake

Like others have pointed out this is just a HAY P0L WHAT ABOUT X
I like the idea of reigning in the degeneracy surrounding white holidays and kicking out foreign influence looking at you kikes

Oven yourself.

Always remember that we celebrate this day to commemorate when St. Patrick expelled all the jews from the emerald isle.

I don't drink, myself, but there's nothing wrong with it in moderation.

Corned beef and cabbage is fucking delicious you filthy kike.

Irishman here. It's only recently that we had these major scale St Patrick's day events. I remember growing up without them. The USA has really blown it out of proportion.

Citation? I thought this could be the case, but if so, he's rolling in his grave

basically whenever the niggers go "you have no culture whitey" just go back to showing them Patrick day

I'll celebrate but with tea and not with alcohol. :^)

How is St. Patrick's Day a "white pride rally"? It's not like all whites are Irish. By that logic, no white country should ever have a day of celebration or be happy that they exist - oh wait, I get it now.

Alcohol is not degenerate just like sexuality isn't, it's how we use these things that determine degeneracy. If you're a drunkard then you're a degenerate, if you're a chronic masturbator then you're a degenerate, etc.; if you drink for occasion or simply never to the point of drunkenness then it's not really a problem unless you do it often enough to impair your body.


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who pissed in her gefilte fish?
even the FOB asians around here wear green, eat corned beef and get shit faced off of 2 sips of beer today

I hypothesize alcohol is so much a part of Northern European cultures because it helps break through the autism and/or reticence.

Ireland is not the drunkest?
I don't know what to feel.

I did not. Fuck Ireland. You know what? Saint Patrick's day used to be great.

You know what ol' Patrick was known for? HE KILLED THE SNAKES. He just up and purged all the snakes from the entirety of the Ireland. You know what snakes are Holla Forums, don't ya? Who the 'brood of vipers' refers to?

Saint Patrick's day is meant to be about ridding your nation of the kike parasites who so frequently try to coil themselves around us. Its not about getting drunk. Its about killing jews. Honour Patrick's memory right you pathetic potato niggers.

I want to believe but, I'll need a source on that one user.

from jewiki:
Patrick banishes all snakes from Ireland

The absence of snakes in Ireland gave rise to the legend that they had all been banished by St. Patrick[77] chasing them into the sea after they attacked him during a 40-day fast he was undertaking on top of a hill.[78] This hagiographic theme draws on the Biblical account of the staff of the prophet Moses. In Exodus 7:8–7:13, Moses and Aaron use their staffs in their struggle with Pharaoh's sorcerers, the staffs of each side morphing into snakes. Aaron's snake-staff prevails by consuming the other snakes.[79]
Image of St. Patrick banishing the snakes

However, all evidence suggests that post-glacial Ireland never had snakes.[80] "At no time has there ever been any suggestion of snakes in Ireland, so [there was] nothing for St. Patrick to banish", says naturalist Nigel Monaghan, keeper of natural history at the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin, who has searched extensively through Irish fossil collections and records.

St Patricks day for me yesterday was the first time I heard mostly Irish, Scottish and English accents talking on the train and on the street in contrast to the usual chink, pajeet and shitskin gabbling

it could also be about the Christianization of Ireland
since St Patrick was a Romano-British Celt who traveled to Ireland
I think he was originally taken as a slave by an Irish raiding party
and he ended up converting some of the Irish kings

Holla Forums is always right

No because it undergoes the same subversion that every western ho!iday does. "Everyone is irish" makes it devoid of meaning and it has turned into an excuse to get drunk like christmas has turned into celebrating consumerism

huge and valid point
America turned it into a commercial holiday where everyone just drinks too much and wears green
then America exports it around the globe as this consumerist holiday like they did with Christmas and Halloween
and thats how it is today

More rage material.

Retarded question, alcohol is not liquid jew. Liquid Jew refers to soda. Alcohol is a European drink.

This isn't 4chan you idiot

It has all the hallmarks of a twitter troll account.

those hippy cunts are dancing on a tomb
all these drunk twats partying on a sacred site there is a mass grave beneath those stones
i thought it was illegal for people to come to those stones these days


That's the point

The problem is that their not real hippies at all, just commercial grade hippies only there for the attention and the weed and "free lure maaaaan" rather than reducing their impact of nature and helping things grow.

The black guy has NO ancestral routes there and is only there because of non-white denial, I am actually disgusted by it.

whats that?
i assume the niggers there to fuck white wimminz and get high like the rest of those scum
instead of bongo drums id like to see those stoned motherfuckers play an instrument actually associated with the people that used those monuments ceremonially

I went to a traditional Latin Mass.

Yes, but let us bring race into all of this, shall we Amnesty international? You don't care about white people, white people can never be persecuted or in need of refuge, not even from actual genocidal governments like in South Africa.

But, every two-dollar whore's son from the shittiest of shitholes in the Middle-east and Africa has according to your organisation the right to our land? Our resources and whatnot?

I hope the day comes these hypocrites are dragged through the streets of every white city. Treated like the pigs that they are.

Immigrant my arse, St Patrick was a slave transported from Wales to Ireland.

technically Northumbria in Northern England but I digress

My understanding was that the snakes were supposed to represent pagans, and St. Patrick drove them out by bringing Christianity to Ireland.

Fuck yeah I did. Went to a party where I managed to talk to a couple of hotties into making out with eachother.

Degenerate? You're goddamned right.

yeah something like that
less driving out snakes and more converting pagans without the sword

You have to go back.

Can't. The party ended around 5:30ish this morning.

jej. I have gotten incredibly positive results so far at bars claiming to be a Nazi. People are out-and-out fascinated by it, apparently, no one gets angry at all, they're interested about why someone would follow such a """discredited""" ideology. I'm confused, Holla Forums

The party never ends where you need to go, comrade. 72 lesbians await your martyrdom.

Well it's a white tradition that isn't derided so I'm down with it.

I acknowledge your jealousy. You can't see it right now, but I'm offering my regards with a tilt of my morning after beer in your general direction.


you need those too?
its not easy having a beer for breakfast, three for lunch and i cant remember for dinner

Hair of the dog. Works every time, though it helps to maintain control during the night of drinking and cut yourself off a few hours before you crash. Chugging some Gatorade an hour before going to bed helps too.

You're goddamn right. Beer cuts through autism like the bullet from a Sturmgewehr 44 cuts through a kike.

Non-participation is for the r-selected


It's a Mardi Gras here. A Spring Break (that sometimes coincides with spring break). It's a cathartic holiday, not a profound one here. Most people don't even know who Saint Patrick was.

It was probably done for marketing reasons, like Valentine's Day.

I've actually had the same result from telling a girl to her face that I'm a "benevolent chauvinist."


Nope, burger.

Account is clearly a joke… Uses the word goy, references The Rebel as Israeli propaganda.

I was too busy to celebrate it on friday so I'm celebrating it tomorrow with several cases of beer.

No, but I do celebrate Black History Month by buying fried chicken with food stamps and abandoning my kids.


I'm going to finish those cases off over the next month or two.

Well, if we ignore the fact that Patrick was originally a slave when he went to Ireland the first time, we can point out that the second time he went to Ireland, he was very aggressive about destroying the old Irish/Pagan culture and making the Irish/Pagan people accept HIS culture (Romano-British Christian).

#nobannowall guys, we should let these immigrants in so they can completely destroy our identity and enforce a new one on us.

I call it a "balance beer".

Also take b12 before drinking, slam some water with aspirin before passing out. In the morning 2 parts sports drink, 1 part red bull with alka seltzer when you wake up with a brothy soup. Pho is God tier for this. This is how I survived my mid twenties.

Of course you shouldn't drink to the point of hangovers, but you might as well bounce back if you do.

t. drunk

Underrated post.

Fuck me if the Irish are not a lucky people

I spent the day hearing IRA music.

I'm only 1/8th Irish but on St Patricks Day I'm still only 1/8th Irish, thank christ!


nice Holla Forums meme

I was out of my normal east coast city on a weekend trip to an appalachian small town to look for jerbs and move out there.

So no, I was too busy to drink

I didn't because I'm an autist with no friends and I refuse to voluntarily ingest neurotoxins.

Drinking is degenerate, it makes you act like an idiot. It being part of white cultures for centuries doesn't make it good. That being said, I don't have a problem with St Patricks day.
