Baby is rescued from an SUV submerged in a lake and mother drowns hours after she was labeled a person of interest for a house fire that killed her husband and saw her six other children escape

A fast-acting paramedic was able to save an infant's life after the three-month-old boy was found floating atop a submerged SUV on Thursday.

The infant was one of seven siblings who survived a tragic chain of events that left one person dead in a house fire and second body, identified as the mother, recovered from the lake where the baby was found.

It all began at 5:15 a.m. in Glen Carbon, Illinois, when fire broke out at a home owned by Cristy Lynn Campbell.

An adult male, believed to be the father Justin Campbell, died in the fire but six children, siblings ranging up to age 14, escaped. Glen Carbon is about 30 miles east of St. Louis.

Sheriff John Lakin said the person killed has not been identified, but Campbell's estranged husband and the father of the children, Justin Campbell, has not been accounted for.


I'm shocked that a white woman who married and bred with a nigger is incompetent.

Too bad she didn't kill herself BEFORE shitting out SEVEN mongrels. and "better late than never" doesn't count, because she failed at exterminating a single one.

Yes. The only effect this has on me is prove that coal burners became the way they were because they are seriously mentally or physically damaged.

>inb4 this is made into Get Out 2.

Look at all the mud she shate out of her cunt. Fucking disgusting. You know the dumb bitch didn't wise up. That it was her finding out Tryone was fucking another white trash skank half her age whose pussy wasn't the size of a garbage door.

Who you know was some dumb fucking cuck. Risking your life for a nigger baby haha what a fucking idiot. Let's hope he dies on the job.

Now we get to pay for these little niglets as the state raises them. Probably going to be a, 'gofundme' next week as well from the obese white trash aunt who you know is lurking.

God damn, I'd be impressed if I wasn't disgusted


Reminds of this pic.

2/9, not a game changer

Why do mudbloods look better when they have white fathers?

They don't

Weird they certainly promote it though.

Lmao who the fuck holds a cigar in the middle of their mouth like they're sucking a dick?

Seven motherfucking nigger orphans.

Great. She now produced niglets that are even more mentally unstable and likely to commit major crimes.
Even in their death, coalburners manage to ruin everything.

If you're talking about that mad step-daughter, you need your eyes checked.

Wasn't talking about her but she made me think about it. If that makes sense

I will have these dubs checked.

That poor woman.

Imagine living in a zoo for that long. It would drive anyone insane.

You can see the disappointment in her face. She knew she failed her race and became a traitor. She did the only acceptable thing after that.


Someone who never smoked a cigar.

This is the niglet saver


Coalburners should be encouraged to do this more often.

He look weak…..

See white women are even getting the msg.
They are carrying out their duty.

It was going to happen anyway but we the tax payer just got stuck with another seven nigglets to pay for.

If the welfare end now then there will be many small collective happenings like this. White women cannot handle many wildings.

>nog can somehow support 7 niglets, welfare or not lol no

White man is blessed and cursed with the gift of foresight.

Can someone explain to me why some white women marry niggers? They have these weird ape-like facial features, do they just fall for the big dick meme or is it some kind of self-hatred?

She is a traitor!
She has produced more of the enemy, it's to late for her to be forgiven she has created 7 more of the enemy while it would take 4 modern white families to produce as many.

Her killing of the father is meaningless as well since black people don't have fathers or ever know who their real father is even.

he needs the hair

it's sad that it felt like a fairy tale being somewhere that didn't have niggers and spics everywhere with their kids yelling and screaming in spanish or monkey. thinking about what an entire country like that would be like was enough to make me tear up. whites are too kind for our own good

foresight and altruism

they want to piss off their parents, or are too shitty for a white guy to date so they have to settle for a nigger when they realize they couldn't support themselves on their own. The joke is always on them though because instead of having a husband who can support a family she ends up a single mother with a handful of chimps

This and too many white men are cucky.

Yeah I doubt the one on the far left is the nigress' child definitely from another mother but I bet she's a 1488er or will become one. Maybe she'll be on Holla Forums someday as her "family" will push her away and she'll seek ways to combat what her father did, I hope she doesn't become a degenerate.

If you ever read this post someday know that you can correct the wrongs of your father.

Who's the white girl ?

If this bitch was in charge of the JQ, Germany would be flying the Star of David right now oh wait they already are.

You are one stupid faggot.

My ex girlfriends family. My dads and moms family etc. Maybe be more social and you wouldn't have the narrow perspective.

White women seek strong men but the white men are being emaciated so the white women turn away and become traitorous whores.

Someone in the process of lighting it. Which is what he is doing there.

That father is evil.

and yet another black family without a father

Stop being so weak and blaming them, then. Blaming them is like blaming a kid for wanting to play hockey in the street rather than do it in the driveway. They're also propagandized though so it's not like they are actively choosing to behave in the way of your hyperbolic fantasies where 99% of our girls are fucking niggers.

No mudsharks die happy. They realize racemixing is bad, but always too late. In this case, seven 'kids' too late.


Ok but what do we to uncuck the white men? Just sayin'.

They're bound to be even more screwed up now

Why is the front page being spammed with random news articles about coalburners? No commentary no nothing. Just copy pasted article plus archive link.

This shit happens every day in the US. Stop sliding

I'm going to do something utterly disgusting to get back at mommy and daddy just doesn't make sense to me, they're the ones doing it.

I make liberal use of the remove button

One of the first things I did was stop with the porn/h and then diverted my new found time and energy to improving myself (as well as questioning myself). You fan whatever flame you choose; success breeds more success and even if you have to crawl, it's better than nothing. Eventually you won't be crawling anymore.

imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him

I don't fap but I can exercise to become /fit/izen.

That really shouldn't be too hard for you to figure out, user.

You know that's not always true. For every creature spawned by De Niro, there's a Halle Berry (before life took its toll) or similar. The (((media))) very rarely casts the ugly ones, though, in order to promote the race-mixing. They'll usually only ever show you the "exotic" looking ones.

I encountered a girl, once, who had completely black features and white skin and hair coloring. Very nice young lady, but physically repulsive. I always felt bad for her. It's not like she chose that for herself.

And that bitter young jewess grew up to be… TINA FEY!


What's up with her ?

Hey I hate blacks as much as the next guy, especially half-nigger scum. But this guy was just doing his job, paramedics earn shit wages as it is.

Yeah, well the Nazis were just doing their job as well

He said White Fathers, not Jewish!

jews are just doing their job destroying the white race

Agreed, it's wasted energy to blame another white man simply because he was over-competent at his job. The real culprit here is the white cunt who not only racemixed to bring SEVEN mongrel niggers into this world but also failed laughably to kill them all. She couldn't even correct her biggest mistake in life.

at least she corrected her mother's


You're not necessarily wrong, but I similarly resent surgeons who save nigger gangbangers whenever they get shot up. The profession of these people is to play god, except unlike god, they do it without any moral judgement. What gives them the right?

That white girl is going to use psychic powers to make these mongrels die, I swear.

What wouldn't you do if the jew gave you schekles for it? Traitorous sellout nigger.

The fuck are you talking about? If a surgeon messes up they get fired, sued etc.

Each surgery is accompanied by a meeting afterwards, he can go in for murder if they find intent, if not, fired.

What does the average Pole think of Pope Francis?

Surgeons should outright refuse to treat criminals.
Little known fact: they don't actually take that. They take other oaths. And oaths don't have any power anyway.

yes, pls.


Holy Kek, that fucking cuck saved the entire petting zoo.

Go to the "questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread. If you're too dumb to find it then fuck off.

enjoy your stds

fucking A for effort, we can't all be SSS

You've got to be one sorry sonofabitch to marry that disgustingly ugly sheboon.

i'd like to see you go to debt school for 6+ years to try and support your family only to refuse someone and lose your income and possibly go to prison.
you can sue your torture/rape slave for escaping and wounding you, what the fuck do you expect?

Lmao, she finally realized that she has been a vessel for the downfall of civilization and snapped.

Non white women dating white men is a step up economically and socially. its the opposite when white women date down and have to accompany Tyrone to his parole hearing on the public bus.
In general race traitors are against tradition and their own people in a material sense, its one thing to be a lib cuck, then to actually put it into action.
Typical woman, couldn't even finish the job

Wrong, that would be slavery.

Don't start what you can't finish lady. I hope the afterlife is nothing for you. Eternal nothingness.

wrong pic title
it should be "when your father is a race traitor.jpg"
not "when your father is a racemixing cuck.jpg"
because nothing says that the niglets aren't from the girl's dad

Isn't that more of an evolutionary consequence though? Blacks would produce a multitude of children in hopes that at least one would survive while Whites had fewer children, knowing they could be supported and raised to contribute to society. Whites didn't have the luxury of a resource-rich environment starting out either, so having 8 little shits running around was like asking to starve to death when all the crops wilted.

You know breeding, as in having a multitude of children, is popular in some places in Africa, and in Jamaica too. The difference in breeding habits between your average White and your average black is quite interesting. I think, though some may be able to afford it, having fewer children is probably just the smarter choice. Whites can recognize that just because you can do something, it doesn't always mean that's what you should do.

Kind of unfair to rag on the guy just for doing his job. We're not at the point where paramedics can just let people die because they're niggers, or in this case, half-breeds

Lost it

Yes, because whites are capable of long-term thinking, they don't squirt out more children than they can afford. With blacks, the state takes care of the kids. The parents don't even have to feed them.

b-but muh white tresh.


Yes, some whites are better than others, but 99.99999..% of niggers are subhuman.

Whites are capable of both having large families AND living large. We've done it for centuries, look up average family size in the last 100 years and so and look how debt slavery drove our numbers down.

Don't believe in the white trash or the fallacy about rich people having fewer children. Buck the trend if you can.

Checked, dubs confirm traitors get the rope

Yes and?

Hello, I'm the one who posted this pic. I think I got the pic somewhere on FB. I want to say this girl was from a white mother who later fucked a nigger and had those other two kids. I think the black woman in this photo is actually the grandmother on the black side. This is all roughly from memory so it may not be completely accurate.

Looks like a Paris Jackson-type situation.

I maybe dislike niggers, but that's just not fair. I guess coal burner women are just drama junkies who marry blacks because they know they will leave them as single mothers so they can play the poor victims and can get attention. Should the rare case occur that the nigger isn't a useless bum, they just create their drama in such a way we read here right now. Or maybe they are just that stupid and crazy. I don't know anymore. Life was a mistake.

don't have sympathy chances are the nigger dad was sexually abusing one of the kids

US doctors still take the Hippocratic oath.
European doctors take the Geneva oath.
Both are deeply indoctrinated into a set of humanitarian ethics regardless.
When presented with a patient, most doctors will do thier utmost regardless of how they feel about the person. By the time they graduate medical school it's a conditioned reflex.

Did you know the Hippocratic contains the clause "I will not cut for stone"? This means doctors in the US swear to not operate on kidney stones. They do anyway because it doesn't carry the extreme risk that it did in Hippocrates' time.

You mean, financially? Are you saying that one of the consequences of Feminism is that by doubling the size of the work force and cheapening labour (thus rendering it impossible/more difficult for a single worker to support a family) is that white women on the lower end of the ladder are forced to settle for black men?

almost like (((someone))) planned it

When one has 7 kids, you know as a fact she has a deep hatred and jealousy of whites. The groid concluded, as all groids conclude, as long as he can get away with it will breed as many as he can. He considered every pound into her as a punch to whitey's face. They all do. And he knows as long as white people are running the big show, everyone will be well fed regardless of everything else, because not feeding them would be racist.

And what exactly is there to stop single white women from grouping together and forming communes of sorts? Or is it simply that single women at that age are single for a reason and would most likely destroy their own community?

Sage because I think this thread has worn out its welcome.

HA! Not for long, the freeride is ending soon. Mass deportation or war will be their choice.


that paramedic could have left the shit die, he'd still get paid.
a doctor could have let patient nigganeedsthirdkidney die, he'd still get paid.
those ethics courses never tech ethics, and no one cares about their lies anyway.

come to think of it, i've never once read anything about responsibility to consequence in any of the 'ethics' courses i was compelled to take. lots of talk about humanitarianism to flies, to the abstract everything-is-a-personhood, to looking after the state's property ; nothing on accountability towards production and expense.


Fixed that for you. Female empowerment was key to western subversion.

Most guys used to be reasonably happy family men up to the 1950s but female empowerment ruined everything.

Now average men trip over themselves to get a whiff of any pussy and all women want to be in the harem of a wealthy good looking alpha guy.

you couldn't pay me enough to step foot in that water even after all the nigs have cleared it.

Poor girl doesn't have a mother to look up to. Shes probably going to grow up redpilled.

Saddling society with their devil spawn? NO.

Then WW2 happened and kike golems destroyed the immune system of the west and installed the holohoax+israel, the fulcrum which kikes have been used to upheave western civ ever since.

Not womens suffrage killed the west.
Not atheism killed the west.
The former allies killed the west.

You know this is the case. I am so fed up with these smug fucking niggers parading around like conquerors.Cannot wait until the day of the rope.

this is a true human tragedy

did you pull that info out your ass.

Oh man, in ten years I want to see how these kids are doing.

Thanks for the partial story, it's even worse then I suspected if that was even remotely accurate. I had hoped maybe the kids were just over for a party or some shit. Remember rope, stakes and bogs work.

I actually have to disagree even though we didn't know the entire story then the image brings up notions that the father is taking an active role in raising the niggers. So he is cucking by raising his competition, this includes being a traitor to his race as well.

stupid mudshark can't even kill her own family properly


Holy shit, it's a live SJW fedora white knight!

Gas yourself cuck.

I am genuinely curius as to what caused her to snap. Would be nice if we could trigger it.

This is only even newsworthy because of the dog-bites-man aspect of the white girl being the violent nutjob. The Nog was probably just being a Nog and cheating on her constantly.

This cunt has singlehandedly caused more damage to the White race than 7 men who die childless.
Those mud spawns will ceach have multiple children, in 50 years her solo effort will have expanded to around 50 new muds, by a century the figure will be hundreds.
Women control access to reproduction, ONLY women have the final say on what enters and leaves the uterus.
These cunts need to be remembered in infamy, like Pol Pot or Mao.

Only because cucks are in charge now.


in jail or dead, but that won't stop them from breeding first

I can, unfortunately.

I don't feel so much angry about this aspect as I do a patronizing sort of sadness because I have never seen a white women who wasn't obese, ugly, or be extremely self loathing/ mentally ill with a black guy. The part that makes me the most upset is all the mongrels they shit out.

Why do you think of sucking dick when you see someone holding a cigar in their mouth?